Sinovipera sichuanensis, Guo, Peng & Wang, Yuezhao, 2011

Guo, Peng & Wang, Yuezhao, 2011, A new genus and species of cryptic Asian green pitviper (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae) from southwest China, Zootaxa 2918, pp. 1-14 : 9-12

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.203545


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scientific name

Sinovipera sichuanensis

sp. nov.

Sinovipera sichuanensis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 3–7 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7

Trimeresurus stejnegeri (non Trimeresurus stejnegeri Schmidt, 1925 ).—Zhao et al. (2002: 233). Trimeresurus albolabris (non Trimeresurus albolabris Gray, 1842 ).— Zhao (2006: 140).

Holotype. YBU 071077, an adult female ( Figs. 3–4 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 ) from Hejiang County, Sichuan Province, China. It was collected near a small river in the forest by a local farmer at an elevation of 1000 m above sea level in August 2007. The specimen is deposited in Yibin University.

Paratype. YBU 030116, an adult female ( Figs. 5–6 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 ). Collected in July 2003, from the same locality, and by the same farmer, as that of the holotype. The specimen is deposited in Yibin University.

Diagnosis. As for the generic diagnosis.

Description of the holotype. Adult female. Nearly uniformly green, lacking postorbital and ventrolateral stripe. Body elongated, cylindrical, and stout; head distinctly triangular and elongated, distinct from the neck; snout elongated and pointed. SVL 900 mm, TL 180 mm, ratio TL / Total length 0.167. HL 44.20 mm, HW 27.84 mm. Third supralabial = 5.06 mm high, 6.58 mm wide. Supraocular has a maximum length of 4.93 mm, maximum width of 2.57 mm. The eye is deep red in life, diameter 4.97 mm. The pupil is vertical. The distance between the rear edge of the nasal to the front edge of the eye is 17.77 mm. The tail is distinctly prehensile, with about 1/3 of the TL is rusty red dorsally ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Rostral rapeziform, invisible from above. Pit present between nostril and eye, surrounded by three scales ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ).

Ten supralabials on both sides; the first separated from nasal by a distinct suture; the second the highest, forming the anterior border of the pit cavity, and separated from the nasal by two small scales that are vertically arranged; the third is the largest, separated from the eye by an elongated subocular; the fourth supralabial separated from eye by three scales, of which the upper two are in line. Nasals separated by three scales, and internasals do not touch the rostral. There are 14 cephalic scales in a line between the supraoculars. Two elongated scales are present between the eye and nostril. The temporal region and rear head scales are smooth. Body scales feebly keeled except outer four to five rows. Three preoculars, elongated, the middle and lower ones forming the border of the pit cavity. Two postoculars; one subocular, elongated. Supraoculars bordered by nine/eight scales (excluding the postoculars and preoculars). Infralabials 13/13, the first pair separated by the first pair of chin shields, and in contact with two pairs of chin shields. The second and third pair of infralabials touching the second chin shields. Six scales in a line between the first preventral and the posterior chin shields.

Ventrals 172, plus 2 preventrals. Anal entire. Body scales 21-21-15. Scale reduction formula at the rear of the body as given below:

104(5 + 6) 115(4 + 5) 125(4 + 5)

21-------------------------- 19-------------------------- 17-------------------------- 15 104(4 + 5) 113(4 + 5) 127(4 + 5) Subcaudals 68 pairs. Scale reduction formula in tail as given below:

10(3 + 4) 33(2 + 3) 8----------------------- 6----------------------- 4 11(3 + 4) 33(2 + 3)

Description of the paratype ( Figs 5–6 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 ). Adult female with SVL 1010 mm, TL 210 mm, ratio TL / Total length 0.172. HL 48.08 mm, HW 30.98 mm. Supralabials 10 on left and 12 on right. Infralabials 14/13, the first pair fused with first pair of chin shields. Six scales in a line between the preventral and the posterior chin shields. Ventrals 171 plus 3 preventrals. Body scales 21-21-15. Scale reduction formula at rear of body as below: 110(5 + 6) 115(3 + 4) 138(4 + 5)

21-------------------------- 19-------------------------- 17-------------------------- 15 108(4 + 5) 115(4 + 5) 134(4 + 5)

Subcaudals 68 pairs. Scale reduction formula of tail as below:

13(3 + 4) 38(2 + 3) 8----------------------- 6----------------------- 4 10(3 + 4) 40(2 + 3)

All other morphological characters, including the body coloration, are consistent with those of the holotype. Etymology. The specific nomen is based on the Chinese province of Sichuan, which includes the type locality of the new species. We suggest that the common name of this new species be “Sichuan pitviper” or “Sichuan Chinese pitviper” in English.

Distribution. This species is currently known only from the type locality ( Figs.1 View FIGURE 1 & 7 View FIGURE 7 ), where it is sympatric with Viridovipera stejnegeri . It is likely that the new species species also occurs in Chongqing and Guizhou. No other data on its feeding and reproduction are available.














Sinovipera sichuanensis

Guo, Peng & Wang, Yuezhao 2011

Trimeresurus stejnegeri

Zhao 2006: 140
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