Athetis furcatula Han & Kononenko, 2011

Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2011, Twelve new species of Athetis Hübner, [1821] 1816 from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Zootaxa 3068 (1), pp. 49-68 : 67

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3068.1.2


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scientific name

Athetis furcatula Han & Kononenko

sp. nov.

Athetis furcatula Han & Kononenko , sp. n.

( Figs. 15, 16 View FIGURES 9–16 , 29 View FIGURES 25–29 , 40, 41 View FIGURES 35–41 )

Type material. Holotype: CHINA: male, [Prov. Yunnan], "A-tun-tse (Nord Yunnan) Obere Hohe 4500 m ", 8. VII 1936 (H. Höne), genit. prep. ZFMK 1725 About ZFMK . Paratypes: 6 males, 5 females, same locality, 3000–4500m, 12, 24, 25.v, 22.iv, 3, 5, 6, 9.vii, 23.vii.1936; [Prov. Yunnan], "Likiang ca. 2000 m, Prov. Nord Yunnan ", 10.v.1935 (H. Höne), genit. prep. ZFMK 1724m, 1739m, 1737f, 1738f (coll. ZFMK) . 20 males, 8 females, Prov. Yunnan, Deqin , 7– (H.L. Han) ; 13 males, 3 females, Xianggelila , (H.L. Han) (coll. NEFU) ; 1 male, 2 females, Prov. Yunnan, Diqing Tibetan Aut. pref., 8 km NEE of Shangri La et Nairi village , 3300 m, 14. vi.2009, leg. B. Benedek, genit. prep, male 2685GyP ( PG) ; 1 female, Prov. Yunnan, 20 km W of Deqin, 3000 m.,, leg. V . Major ( PG) ; 4 males, 1 female, Prov. Sichuan, 100 km W of Maniganggo, 3400 m,, leg. M. Kopp, genit. prep. male 2686GyP ( PG) ; 1 female, Prov. Sichuan, 80 km SW of Danea, 3700 – 4200 m,–4.vii. 2010, leg. M. Kopp ( PG) ; 1 male, Prov. Sichuan, Dao- Cheng , 4000 m, 16–17.vii.2010, leg. M. Kopp ( PG). The holotype and 11 paratypes are deposited in the collection of ZFMK , 45 paratypes are deposited in the collection NEFU , 10 paratypes are deposited in the collection PG.

Diagnosis. The new taxon is similar to A. divisa (Moore, 1882) , but differs by having three longitudinal triangular streaks in terminal field. It differs from other species of Athetis by the smaller habitus, smaller expanse of the wings and grey-brown coloration of forewing. In the male genitalia it differs by the characteristic bifurcate forked harpe, relatively short valva and structure of vesica.

Description. External appearance ( Figs. 15, 16 View FIGURES 9–16 ). Wingspan 25–27 mm. Antennae of male filiform; palps pressed, greyish brown; 3rd short, about half length of 2nd; eyes surrounded with dark lashes; head and thorax covered with greyish brown hair-like scales. Ground color of forewing grey brown; basal line thin, expressed in costal part; subbasal line thin, dark, curved outward, with pale suffusion inside; medial field somewhat lighter than subbasal and terminal ones; orbicular and reniform small, somewhat darker than background, surrounded with pale line; postmedial line pale grey, suffused inside and outside with blackish; subterminal field with three triangular longitudinal streaks; subterminal line pale, yellowish grey; cilia brownish grey with pale borderline. Hind wing brown grey; cilia whitish grey. Male genitalia. ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 25–29 ). Abdominal hair brushes missing. Uncus missing, tegumen high with wide lobes, sclerotised, vinculum U-shaped; juxta plate-like; valva rather short, basally somewhat wide, medially narrower, extended and curved dorsally in distal third; cucullus rounded, covered by dense hairs; harpe situated at distal third of valva, high, strong, forked in apical part with acute apices, dorsal apex somewhat longer than ventral one; costa with wide plate like digitus, situated under valva. Aedeagus equal to valva in length narrowed and curved distally, carina with two sclerotised bands; vesica tubular, with wide subbasal diverticula bearing large single spine-like cornutus and with weak cornutifield in apical part forming by small scarce cornuti. Female genitalia. ( Fig. 40, 41 View FIGURES 35–41 ). Ovipositor long, distally tapering, papillae anales relatively short, apophyses posteriores and anteriores very long, slender, almost equal in length; ostium bursa split-like; antrum shallow, cup-like, sclerotised, its apical margin shallowly cuted in middle; ductus bursa relatively long, sclerotised, flattened, with fold in middle; cervix bursa rather large, membranous; corpus bursae elongate, membranous in caudal part, stronger and finely scobinated in bottom two third.

Etymology. The name furcatula is indicative of the bifurcated shape of the harpe.

Distribution. South West China (Northwest of Prov. Yunnan). The moths fly in June and July.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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