Athetis tridentata Han & Kononenko, 2011

Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2011, Twelve new species of Athetis Hübner, [1821] 1816 from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Zootaxa 3068 (1), pp. 49-68 : 54-55

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3068.1.2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Athetis tridentata Han & Kononenko

sp. nov.

Athetis tridentata Han & Kononenko , sp. n.

( Figs. 7 View FIGURES 1–8 , 22 View FIGURES 21–24 )

Type material. Holotype: China: male, [Prov. Yunnan], " Likiang ( China), Provinz Nord-Yuennan " 16.ix.1934 (H. Höne), genit. prep. ZFMK 1795 About ZFMK . Paratypes: 5 males, same locality, 31.viii, 9, 11, 21.ix. 18.x.1934 (H. Höne) . 1 male, [Prov. Sichuan] “ Siaolu / 9/57ex coll. R. Oberthur”, genit. prep. ZFMK 1749 About ZFMK . The holotype and paratypes are deposited in the collection of ZFMK .

Diagnosis. A. tridentata externally resembles representatives of A. lineosa group, but by structure of genitalia they are close to the A. cinerascens group. It differs from other species by somewhat smaller size, yellowish-brown coloration of the forewing and the wing pattern being well expressed elements. The shape of the reniform resembles those of Eupsilia spp. (Xylenini) , veins in medial and subterminal fields with dark suffusion. In the male genitalia it differs by having bifurcate harpe with additional acute extensions at the base. The vesica is armed by single moderate spine-like cornutus and a few small cornuti, forming a small field in the apical part.

Description. External appearance ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Wingspan 24–26 mm. Antennae of male filiform; palps brownish, 3rd segment at half length of 2nd; eyes surrounded with dark lashes; head and thorax covered with pale yellowishbrown hair-like scales; ground color of forewing uniform yellowish brown; basal line thin, distinct, subbasal line thin, straigth, oblique; orbicular small; medial shade thin, distinct, slightly diffused; orbicular as small, yellow spot surrounded with 2 white dots from upper and under sides; veins in medial and subterminal fields with thin dark suffusion; postmedial line thin; subterminal line distinct, straigth, bordered with indistinct yellow line outside; terminal line thin, dark; cilia brownish with pale borderline. Hindwing brown grey with discal spot traceable; cilia greyish. Male genitalia. ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 21–24 ). Abdominal hair brushes missing. Uncus completely lacking, tegumen high with wide lobes, weakly sclerotised, vinculum stronger, U-shaped; juxta plate-like, with long handle; valva elongated, with almost parallel margins, in distal third curved dorsally; cucullus rounded, covered by dense hairs; harpe situated at distal third of valva, strong, bearing short acute extension basally, bifurcate apically. Aedeagus curved, shorter than valva, distally more sclerotised, carina with two sclerotised bands; vesica tubular, relatively short, medially curved, bearing one subbasal spine-like cornutus and few minute medially cornuti, with field of small cornuti and scobination on apical part. Female unknown.

Etymology. The species name “ tridentata ” refers to characteristic structure of harpe with three acute extensions.

Distribution. South West China (North of Prov. Yunnan, Prov. Sichuan). The moths were collected from late August to October.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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