Nanna obscuripes ( Becker, 1915 )

Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G., 2015, A review of the genera Cleigastra Macquart, Gonarcticus Becker, Gonatherus Rondani, Hexamitocera Becker, Nanna Strobl, Orthacheta Becker and Spathephilus Becker (Diptera, Scathophagidae) of Russia, Zootaxa 4012 (2), pp. 201-258 : 240

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Plazi (2016-04-21 12:03:11, last updated 2024-11-26 03:31:21)

scientific name

Nanna obscuripes ( Becker, 1915 )


Nanna obscuripes ( Becker, 1915)

Figs 140–145 View FIGURES 140 – 145 .

obscuripes Becker, 1915: 64 (Acerocnema) . Type-locality: “Tundra des Fl. Kara” [Valley of the River Nyarma-Yaga [Nyarmayakha], 80 m (about 68°36′N, 65°57′E, see Sorokina & Pont, 2014)] ( Russia: Tumen' Oblast).

indotatum Engelmark, 1999: 163 (Nanna) View in CoL . Type-locality: Ayon Island (69.7833N 168.5666E), Chukotka ( Russia).

Remarks. Reported by Becker (1915: 64, 65) from Tumen' Oblast and by Engelmark (1999: 163, 164) from Chukotka.

Material examined. Chukotka: Kolyuchin Island (67.4647N 174.6178W) (1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, ZISP); Krasnoyarsk Kray: River Nizhnyaya Agapa about 40 km lower of springhead (~ 70.0972N 86.6883E), 12–14.VII.1973, V. Zherikhin and I. Sukacheva (2 ♂♂, ZMUM).

Diagnostic description. Body-length about 4 mm. Head. Frons black, only lower quarter always yellow, grey dusted. 3 orbital setae present. Antenna black. Postpedicel with acutely angled upper apical corner, approximately 2–2.5 times as long as wide. Thorax black, extensively grey dusted. Proepisternum with hairs in central part. Katepisternum with 2–3 strong (anterior katepisternal may be absent) pale setae. Legs. All coxae blackish; femora black, but narrowly yellow apically; tibiae yellow, usually mid and hind tibiae darkened on apical half; tarsi darkened. Fore femur without anteroventral setae ( Fig. 140 View FIGURES 140 – 145 ). Hind tibia without apical posteroventral seta. Wing clear. Abdomen black, greyish dusted. Male sternite 4 rectangular, slightly longer than wide ( Fig. 144 View FIGURES 140 – 145 ). Male sternite 5 with black lobes, as in Fig. 141 View FIGURES 140 – 145 . Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 142, 143 View FIGURES 140 – 145 .

Female unknown.

Distribution. Russia ( Fig. 145 View FIGURES 140 – 145 ): Chukotka, Krasnoyarsk Kray, Tyumen' Oblast.

Becker, T. (1915) Cyclorrhapha schizophora. Holometopa. In: Becker, Th., Dziedzicki, H., Schnabl, J. & Villeneuve, J. P. (Eds.), Resultats scientifiques de l'Expedition des freres Kuznecov (Kouznetzov) a l'Oural Arctique en 1909, sous la direction de H. Baklund. Livr. 7. Diptera. Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Classe Physico-Mathematique, Serie 8, 28 (7), pp. 63 - 67.

Engelmark, R. (1999) Dungflies (Diptera: Scathophagidae) collected by the Swedish-Russian tundra ecology expedition ' 94, with the description of two new species; Nanna indotatum and Cochliarium sibiricum. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 120 (4), 157 - 167.

Sorokina, V. S. & Pont, A. C. (2014) The localities of Arctic Diptera (Insecta) collected by the Russian Kara Expedition of 1909. Journal of Natural History, 49 (25 - 26), pp. 1585 - 1598.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 140 – 145. Nanna obscuripes (Becker): 140 — fore femur, anterior view; 141 — male sternite 5; 142 — epandrium, cerci and surstyli, lateral view; 143 — same, dorsal view; 144 — male sternite 4; 145 — distribution map.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy











