Protula cf. palliata ( Willey, 1905 )

Ben-Eliahu, M. Nechama & Ten Hove, Harry A., 2011, Serpulidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Suez Canal- From a Lessepsian Migration Perspective (a Monograph) 2848, Zootaxa 2848 (1), pp. 1-147 : 49

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Felipe (2021-08-23 12:03:19, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2021-08-27 07:28:11)

scientific name

Protula cf. palliata ( Willey, 1905 )


Protula cf. palliata ( Willey, 1905)

Figs 17–22, Table 2

Records from the Red Sea proper-Indo-West-Pacific that (most probably) can be attributed to the nominal taxon Protula palliata are:

Protulopsis palliata Willey, 1905: 316 , pl. 7, figs 183–185 [Type locality: Indian Ocean, Sri-Lanka, Galle, 29–55 m depth].

Protula palliata: Fauvel 1911: 433–434 [Persian (Arabian) Gulf, Sri Lanka]; Wesenberg-Lund 1949: 361 [specimen without tube; northern Persian (Arabian) Gulf; Sri Lanka, Australia]; Dew 1959: 50–52 [Western Australia: Shark Bay, Rottnest Island, Ceylon, Persian Gulf]; Pillai 1960: 5–7, text-fig. 2 a, b [ Sri Lanka, ~ 18–22 m)].

? Protula palliata: Fauvel 1918: 342 [specimen lacking branchial crown and tube, det. by chaetae; Persian Gulf]; Fauvel 1919: 465–466 [lacking branchial crown and tube; Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka, Australia]. Question mark for both these identifications is that of Fauvel.

Protula (Protula) palliata: Uchida 1978: 37 [no distribution data].

Protula tubularia most probably not ( Montagu, 1803) but sensu auct.: Fauvel 1927: 382–383 [Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean]; Mesnil & Fauvel 1939: 35 [ Indonesia, Ternate; Atlantic, Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Malaysia, Japan, Australia]; Fauvel 1953: 472 [ Ceylon, Japan, Australia, Malay Archipelago, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea]; Day 1967: 820 [unlikely distribution: Atlantic from Greenland, Scotland, south to English Channel, the Gulf of Mexico, Morocco, Senegal, Mediterranean, Indian Ocean, New Caledonia, Japan]; Amoureux et al. 1978: 151 [Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba, 70–80 m (in 2005, specimen not located)]; Uchida 1978: 37–39 [unlikely designation as cosmopolitan and see below]; Vine & Bailey-Brock 1984: 147 [unlikely distribution from Amoureux et al. 1978: Europe, Red Sea, Australia]; Smith 1985: 83–87 [ Australia]; Wehe & Fiege 2002: 130 [compiled list of references, considered as questionable in Red Sea, quoting H.A. ten Hove, pers. comm.].

Amoureux, L., Rullier, F. & Fishelson, L. (1978) Systematique et ecologie d'annelides polychetes de la presqu'ile du Sinai. Israel Journal of Zoology, 27, 57 - 163.

Day, J. H. (1967) A monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. Part II. Sedentaria. British Museum (Natural History), London, pp. 459 - 878.

Dew, B. (1959) Serpulidae (Polychaeta) from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum, 25 (2), 19 - 56.

Fauvel, P. (1911) Annelides Polychetes du Golfe Persique recueilles par M. N. Bogoyawlensky. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale, (5) 4 (11), 353 - 439.

Fauvel, P. (1918) Annelides Polychetes des cotes d'Arabie recoltees par M. Ch. Perez. Bulletin de la Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 24 (5), 329 - 344.

Fauvel, P. (1919) Annelides Polychetes des iles Gambier et Touamotou. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 25 (5), 336 - 343.

Fauvel, P. (1927) Polychetes Sedentaires. Addenda aux Errantes, Archiannelides, Myzostomaires. Faune de France, 16, 1 - 494.

Fauvel, P. (1953) Annelida Polychaeta. The Fauna of India, including Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma and Malaya. The Indian Press, Ltd., Allahabad, 507 pp.

Mesnil, F. & Fauvel, P. (1939) Polychetes sedentaires de l'Expedition du Siboga . Maldanidae, Cirratulidae, Capitellidae, Sabellidae et Serpulidae. Siboga Expeditie, 24 (2) 1 - 42.

Montagu, G. (1803) Testacea Brittanica, or, Natural history of British Shells, marine, land- and fresh-water, including the most minute: Systematically arranged and embellished with figures. Part II, J. S. Hollis, London, pp. 293 - 606.

Pillai, T. G. (1960) Some marine and brackish-water Serpulid Polychaeta from Ceylon, including new genera and species. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Science), 3, 1, 1 - 40.

Smith, R. S. (1985) Photoreceptors of Serpulid Polychaetes. Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 3 vols, 539 pp.

Uchida, H. (1978) Serpulid tube worms (Polychaeta, Sedentaria) from Japan with the systematic review of the group. Bulletin of the Marine Park Research Station, 2, 1 - 98.

Vine, P. J. & Bailey-Brock, J. H. (1984) Taxonomy and ecology of coral reef tube worms (Serpulidae, Spirorbidae) in the Sudanese Red Sea. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 80, 135 - 156.

Wehe, T. & Fiege, D. (2002) Annotated checklist of the polychaete species of the seas surrounding the Arabian Peninsula: Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Gulf. Fauna of Arabia, 19, 7 - 238.

Wesenberg-Lund, E. (1949) Polychaetes of the Iranian Gulf. Danish Scientific Investigations in Iran, 4, 247 - 400.

Willey, A. (1905) Report on the Polychaeta collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. In: Herdman, W. A. (Ed.). Report to the government of Ceylon on the pearl oyster fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. London, Royal Society, 4, Supplementary Reports, 30, 243 - 342.











