Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991

Ochoa, José A., Rojas-Runjaic, Fernando J. M., Pinto-da-Rocha, Ricardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2013, Systematic Revision Of The Neotropical Scorpion Genus Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912 (Chactoidea: Chactidae), With Descriptions Of Two New Genera And Four New Species, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 (378), pp. 1-121 : 78-83

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Felipe (2021-08-30 15:50:09, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 01:42:06)

scientific name

Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991


Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991 View in CoL

Figures 1 View Fig , 11C, D View Fig , 14B, C View Fig , 17A View Fig , 19C View Fig , 20C View Fig ,

21F View Fig , 23C, D View Fig , 42 View Fig , 43 View Fig , 44 View Fig

Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991: 32–

37, 58–59, figs. 28–34, map 1; 1996: 111, 116, figs.

260–263; Sissom, 2000: 312; Soleglad and Sissom,

2001: 92; González-Sponga, 2001: 29, 41, 49, map

5; Lourenço, 2002b: 435; Rojas-Runjaic and de

Sousa, 2007: 299; Botero-Trujillo, 2008: 34.

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ³ [not ♀]

( MAGS 4615), paratype ³ ( MAGS 4613),

paratype ♀ ( MAGS 4614 ), 1 subad. ³ paratype ( MAGS 4706 ) ; 1 ³, 1 ♀ paratypes ( USNM), VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Municipio Rio Negro: Rio Mawarinuma [Baria River], base of tepui La Neblina , 00 ° 559N 66 ° 109W, ca. 140 m, 3.vii.1984, 18.ii.1985, P. Anduze, A. Paolillo, C. Brewer Carías, and R. Faitoute .

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Municipio Rio Negro: base camp on Río Mawarinuma [Baria River], base of tepui La Neblina, 00 ° 559N 66 ° 109W, ca. 140 m, 3.ii–5.iii.1984, R.G. Zweifel, 1 ♀ ( AMNH).

DIAGNOSIS: Chactopsis siapaensis appears to be most closely related to C. insignis and C. chullachaqui , n. sp., based on similarities in hemispermatophore morphology (figs. 8, 41, 44): flagellum short and curved; apex with ental fold situated proximally on ental margin; lamina with conspicuous, elongated pedicel, reaching dorsal apophysis; lobe region without additional concave fold; median lobe well developed, densely papillose; dorsal apophysis sclerotized, forming horn-shaped projection, slightly curved api- cally. The hemispermatophores of C. amazonica , C. barajuri , and C. curupira , n. sp. (figs. 26, 29, 38), differ from those of C. siapaensis , C. chullachaqui , n. sp., and C. insignis as follows (figs. 8, 41, 44): flagellum straight; apex with ental fold situated subproximally; pedicel of lamina short, not reaching dorsal lobe; lobe region with additional concave fold; median lobe mostly apapillose, except with fine papillae distal and dorsally; dorsal lobe forming crestshaped projection.

Chactopsis siapaensis may be distinguished from C. chullachaqui , n. sp., and C. insignis as follows (figs. 34, 40, 43): pedipalp chelal Est trichobothrium situated closer to V 3 than to Et 1 in C. siapaensis and C. insignis , but equidistant between V 3 and Et 1 in C. chullachaqui , n. sp.; patellar trichobothrium esb 2 situated distal to esb 3 in C. siapaensis and C. insignis , but situated slightly proximal to esb 3 in C. chullachaqui , n. sp.; chela with two porous areas at base of fixed finger, between DMA and DI carinae, and without porous areas at position of DI carina, in C. siapaensis and C. chullachaqui , n. sp., but with three porous areas between DMA and DI carinae, and two additional porous areas in position of DI carina, in C. insignis ; pectinal tooth count (³), 8/ 8 in C. siapaensis and C. chullachaqui , n. sp., compared with 9–10/ 10 in C. insignis ; telson (³), lateral and ventral surfaces granular in C. siapaensis and C. chullachaqui , n. sp., but lateral surfaces mostly smooth, ventral surfaces with few weak granules in C. insignis . The three species also differ in hemispermatophore morphology: the lamina is longer than the trunk, with a more slender apex in C. siapaensis and C. chullachaqui , n. sp., but approximately the same length as the trunk, with a broader apex in C. insignis ; the dorsal apophysis is less pronounced in C. siapaensis than in C. insignis and C. chullachaqui , n. sp.; the median trough is weakly developed and the median lobe entirely papillose on the ental surface in C. siapaensis , whereas the median trough is well developed and the median lobe densely papillose, except along the median trough, in C. insignis and C. chullachaqui , n. sp.; the median lobe is considerably extended ventrally, with the distal margin less folded toward the ventral surface in C. siapaensis and C. insignis , but moderately extended, with the distal margin markedly folded toward the ventral surface in C. chullachaqui , n. sp.; the pedicel of the lamina is approximately the same length as the ental fold in C. siapaensis , but longer than the ental fold in C. chullachaqui , n. sp.

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION: The following supplements González-Sponga’s (1991) original description.

Trichobothria: Femur with three trichobothria (fig. 42A). Patella with 33 trichobothria (fig. 42B–D): two dorsal, seven ventral, 23 external, one internal; trichobothrium v 6 situated slightly closer to v 5 than to v 7; est 5 situated on VE margin, slightly distal to or in same axis as est 4; est 2 situated proximal to est 3 and est 4; em 2 situated slightly distal to em 1 and em 3, em 1 situated in same axis as em 3; esb 2 situated slightly distal to esb 3. Chela with 26 trichobothria (fig. 43): 10 situated on manus, three ventral, seven external (et 2 absent on one female chela; fig. 42C); 16 situated on fixed finger, seven external, six dorsal, three internal (it, isb, ib); ist absent; it situated in same axis as est; Est situated closer to V 3 than to Et 1; Et 1 and Et 2 situated approximately in same axis; eb situated proximal to base of fixed finger; db situated in same axis as esb; dm 1 situated in same axis as et 3.

Hemispermatophore: Lamina narrow and elongated (fig. 44A–C); apex slightly wider proximally, curved, and progressively tapering distally; flagellum short, curved; ental margin with short proximal fold; articular flexure present, well developed; pedicel moderately broadened, approximately same length as ental fold. Trunk slightly tortuous medially; sheathshaped part unknown (probably broken when dissected), ental concavity well developed; foot unknown. Lobe region well developed with two lobes; ental lobe moderately developed, sclerotized, forming projection toward ental surface; median lobe well developed, extending ventrally, ventral and ental surfaces densely papillose, distal margin moderately folded, median trough weakly developed; dorsal apophysis strongly sclerotized, forming hornshaped projection, slightly curved apically.

REMARKS: The sex of the holotype (³) was misidentified in the original description as ♀.

DISTRIBUTION: This species is known only from the state of Amazonas, Venezuela, near the border with Brazil (fig. 1).

HABITAT: The known locality of this species falls within primary rainforest at the base of tepui La Neblina.

Gonzalez-Sponga, M. A. 1991. Aracnidos de Venezuela. Escorpiones del Tepui '' La Neblina, '' Territorio Federal Amazonas. (Scorpionida: Chactidae: Buthidae). Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Fisicas, Matematicas y Naturales de Venezuela 50 (163, 164): 11 - 62.

Gonzalez-Sponga, M. A. 2001. Aracnidos de Venezuela. Escorpiones y distribucion geografica. Aula y Ambiente 1: 27 - 60.

Gonzalez-Sponga, M. A. 2004. Aracnidos de Venezuela. Descripcion de tres nuevas especies de escorpiones de los generos Tityus (Buthidae), Chactopsis y Broteochactas (Chactidae). Acta Biologica Venezolana 24 (1): 1 - 12.

Lourenco, W. R. 2002 b. Scorpiones. In J. Adis (editor), Amazonian Arachnida and Myriapoda, 399 - 438. Sofia: Pensoft Publishers.

Rojas-Runjaic, F. J. M., and L. de Sousa. 2007. Catalogo de los escorpiones de Venezuela (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa 40: 281 - 307.

Sissom, W. D. 2000. Family Chactidae Pocock, 1893. In V. Fet, V., W. D. Sissom, G. Lowe, and M. E. Braunwalder, Catalog of the scorpions of the world (1758 - 1998), 287 - 322. New York: New York Entomological Society.

Soleglad, M. E., and W. D. Sissom. 2001. Phylogeny of the family Euscorpiidae Laurie, 1896: a major revision. In V. Fet and P. A. Selden (editors), Scorpions 2001. In memoriam Gary A. Polis, 25 - 111. Burnham Beeches, Bucks, UK: British Arachnological Society.

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Fig. 1. Distribution of Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, plotting known locality records in Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela. Chactopsis amazonica Lourenço and Francke, 1986, open circles; Chactopsis barajuri González- Sponga, 1982, solid triangle; Chactopsis buhrnheimi Lourenço, 2003, open star; Chactopsis curupira, n. sp., open triangle; Chactopsis chullachaqui, n. sp., open diamond; Chactopsis insignis Kraepelin, 1912, solid squares; Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991, open square; Chactopsis sujirima González-Sponga, 1982, solid circles; undetermined Chactopsis species, solid stars. Box indicates area mapped in figure 2.

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Fig. 11. Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, carapace, dorsal aspect. A, B. Chactopsis insignis Kraepelin, 1912. A. ³ (MHNC). B. ♀ (MHNC). C, D. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991. C. Holotype ³ (MAGS). D. ♀ (AMNH). Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 14. Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, sternum and pectines, ventral aspect. A. Chactopsis insignis Kraepelin, 1912. ³ (MHNC). B, C. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991. B. Holotype ³ (MAGS). C. ♀ (AMNH). Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 17. Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, metasomal segments III–V, lateral aspect. A. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991, holotype ³ (MAGS). B. Chactopsis sujirima González-Sponga, 1982, holotype ♀ (MAGS). Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 19. Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, metasomal segments I–IV, ventral aspect. A. Chactopsis curupira, n. sp., paratype ³ (MZSP). B. Chactopsis insignis Kraepelin, 1912, ³ (MHNC). C. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991, holotype ³ (MAGS). Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 20. Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, metasomal segment V, lateral aspect. A. Chactopsis amazonica Lourenço and Francke, 1986, ♀ (MZSP). B. Chactopsis insignis Kraepelin, 1912, ♀ (MHNC). C. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991, ♀ (AMNH). Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 21. Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, metasomal segment V, ventral aspect. A. Chactopsis amazonica Lourenço and Francke, 1986, ♀ (MZSP). B. Chactopsis barajuri González-Sponga, 1982, holotype ³ (MAGS). C. Chactopsis chullachaqui, n. sp., holotype ³ (MHNC). D. Chactopsis curupira, n. sp., paratype ³ (MZSP). E. Chactopsis insignis Kraepelin, 1912, ³ (MHNC). F. Chactopsis siapaensis González- Sponga, 1991, holotype ³ (MAGS). Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 23. Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912, telson, lateral aspect. A, B. Chactopsis insignis Kraepelin, 1912. A. ³ (MHNC). B. ♀ (MHNC). C, D. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991. C. holotype ³ (MAGS). D. ♀ (AMNH). E. Chactopsis sujirima González-Sponga, 1982, holotype ♀ (MAGS). Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 42. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991, ♀ (AMNH), dextral pedipalp segments. A. Femur. B–D. Patella. A, B. Dorsal aspect. C. External aspect. D. Ventral aspect. Scale bar 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 43. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991, dextral pedipalp chela. A. Holotype ³ (MAGS). B–E. ♀ (AMNH). A, C. External aspect. B. Dorsal aspect. D. Ventral aspect. E. Internal aspect. Scale bars 5 1 mm.

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Fig. 44. Chactopsis siapaensis González-Sponga, 1991, holotype ³ (MAGS), sinistral hemispermatophore. A. Ental aspect. B. Dorsal aspect. C. Ectal aspect. Scale bar 5 1 mm.


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