Messatoporus copiosus Santos, 2013

Santos, Bernardo F. & Aguiar, Alexandre P., 2013, <strong> Phylogeny and revision of <em> Messatoporus </ em> Cushman (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with descriptions of sixty five new species </ strong>, Zootaxa 3634 (1), pp. 1-284 : 99-102

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Felipe (2021-08-25 00:16:44, last updated by Plazi 2023-12-08 23:53:26)

scientific name

Messatoporus copiosus Santos

sp. nov.

Messatoporus copiosus Santos , sp. nov.

( Figs 6 View FIGURES 6–9 , 83 View FIGURES 81–85 , 125 View FIGURES 124–129 , 154 View FIGURES 153–161 , 205 View FIGURES 198–206 , 250, 258 View FIGURES 242–259 , 316 View FIGURES 313–320 )

Female. Fore wing 6.6 mm. HEAD: Mandible densely covered with long hairs; MLW 2.42; MWW 0.46; dorsal tooth in front view projected upwards, much longer than ventral tooth; ventral tooth triangular. MSM 0.19. Clypeus almost entirely flattened, centrally straight; CHW 2.32; CWW 1.57; apical area medially concave, laterally with distinct triangular lobes, its margin very sharp, raised or regular, not raised. Antenna with 20 flagellomeres; flagellum uniform; apex of apical flagellomere much narrower than base, distinctly tapered. Supra-antennal area shiny, impunctate, not striate near antennal sockets, ventrally very weakly concave, without median line. Occipital carina uniformly curved, fading out at distance about as long as basal width of mandible from the hypostomal carina. Temple and gena narrow, gena regular (as in Fig. 260 View FIGURES 260–271. 260–261 ).

THORAX: Pronotum glabrous, shiny, impunctate, not distinctly wrinkled; epomia weak, complete, short, ending far from dorsal margin of pronotum, after diverging from pronotal collar approximately straight. Mesoscutum strongly and uniformly convex, ovoid, 1.42 × as long as wide, sparsely pilose, shiny, impunctate; notaulus reaching about 0.6 of mesoscutum length, moderately impressed, surface over notaulus not wrinkled; scuto-scutellar groove moderately deep, without wrinkles. Subalar ridge moderately projected; epicnemial carina reaching about 0.7 of distance to subalar ridge, distinctly sinuous; sternaulus complete but weak, strongly sinuous, smooth; scrobe very shallow; mesopleural suture ventrally with strong longitudinal wrinkles, wrinkles dorsally weak. Mesosternum medially with short transverse wrinkles; median portion of posterior transverse carina of the mesothoracic venter short and almost indistinct, straight. Transverse sulcus at base of propodeum very wide, about 0.74 × as long as anterior area of propodeum, very weakly rugulose; metapleuron with very fine and moderately dense punctures, without transverse wrinkles, sparsely pilose; juxtacoxal carina absent. Fore tibia distinctly swollen. Mesal lobe of t4 with a distinct cluster of stout bristles. Hind coxa punctate-coriarious.

PROPODEUM: 1.28 × as long as wide, shiny, sparsely pilose; anterior area scarcely punctate; spiracle elongate, SWL 3.5; anterior transverse carina medially straight. Propodeal wrinkles moderately strong, very closely spaced, anteriorly complete, posteriorly mostly incomplete and overlapped, mostly slightly curved or somewhat sinuous; posterior transverse carina entirely absent.

WINGS: Fore wing vein 1-Rs+M very weakly sinuous, with bulla placed on basal 0.25; crossvein 1m-cu more or less uniformly curved, totally continuous with 1-Rs+M; vein 1M+Rs anteriorly straight, posteriorly weakly curved; fore wing crossvein 1 cu-a basad of 1M+Rs by 0.23 of its own length; vein 2Cua 0.47 × as long as crossvein 2cu-a; bulla of crossvein 2m-cu placed on midlength; cell 1+2Rs small, APH 0.48, pentagonal, about as high as wide, AWH 0.97; crossvein 3r-m absent; vein 3-M about as long as 2-M; 4-Rs irregular, apically not upcurved; 4-M semi-spectral, straight. Hind wing vein 1-M forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua; vein 2- Rs tubular, apically spectral, reaching wing margin; HW1C 0.91; vein Cub distinctly convex on posterior half, forming straight angle with Cua; vein 2-1A reaching 0.83 of distance to posterior wing margin.

METASOMA: First tergite moderately long, about 0.37 × as long as T2–8, strongly depressed, ventrolaterally rounded, dorsally glabrate, laterally sparsely pilose; T1LW 3.68; T1WW 1.78; spiracle on 0.46 of its length, distinctly prominent; median depression absent; lateral and median posterior depressions absent; ventrolateral carina absent. T2LW 1.6; T2WW 1.98; thyridium longer than wide, without small circular depression just behind it; T2–8 covered with small, shallow foveae, densely and uniformly pilose. OST 0.94; ovipositor moderately stout, straight, basally cylindric, apically distinctly depressed; dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges; ventral valve apex with 10 teeth, apical teeth progressively more closely spaced; surface anterior to first tooth rugulose.

Color. Head black and whitish, meso and metasoma black, whitish and bright orange. Head: black; clypeus, mandible except apex, mouthparts, malar space, supra-clypeal area, scape and pedicel ventrally and complete orbital band, whitish (235,219,178); scape and pedicel dorsally and flagellum, dark brown, flagellum darker towards apex; f10–14 entirely white, f15 partially white. Mesosoma: mostly whitish; mesoscutum, except subcircular spot, scuto-scutellar groove, scutellar carina, both axillary through, area of mesopleuron just ventral to subalar ridge, spot at transverse sulcus, apical area and anterior 0.3 of posterior area of propodeum, bright orange (219,139,065); posterior ventral spot on pronotum, scutellum posteriorly, axillar carinae medially, postscutellum, ventral 0.6 of epicnemium, ventral margin of mesopleuron, ventral 0.6 of mesepimeron, anterior 0.8 of lateral borders of propodeum, area over anterior transverde carina and apical somewhat “lotus-shaped” (with three connected triangles) mark on propodeum, blackish; fore and mid legs mostly whitish, darker apically; mid first trochanter dorsally and ventrally brown; second fore and mid trochanters with ventral brown spot; fore and mid femora dorsally pale orange with blackish stripes; fore and mid tibiae with ventral brown stripes on basal 0.8; mid tarsus dark brown; hind tibia whitish with large, somewhat S-shaped longitudinal mark; hind trochanters sparsely marked with whitish, blackish and pale orange; hind femur bright orange, except very base and apex; basal 0.25 of hind tibia, apical 0.6 of t1 and t2–4, whitish; apical 0.75 of hind tibia bright orange, except sub-basal and apical dark brown marks; tibial spurs, basal 0.4 of t1 and t5, dark brown. Metasoma: dark brown, whitish and bright orange; anterior 0.4 and posterior 0.2 of T1 whitish, median 0.4 dark brown, brown area laterally extended; T2–3 dark brown at anterior 0.6, medially and over thyridium bright orange and posteriorly whitish; T4 anteriorly dark brown, gradually changing to bright orange, apically with white mark restricted to lateral portion; T5–8 bright orange, T7–8 with posterior whitish marks; S1–7 whitish, S3 basally light brown, S4–5 laterally light brown.

Male. Fore wing 5.02–5.69 mm long. Generally similar to female, except for the following: antenna with 23–29 flagellomeres; pronotum entirely and ventral 0.5 of epicnemium, whitish; transverse sulcus medially, anterior area and anterior 0.5 of posterior area of propodeum, blackish; T2–7 dark brown with apical whitish stripe.

Variation. Fore wing 4.55–5.82 mm long. Vertex just posterior to ocelli sometimes with brownish orange mark; black mark on pronotum sometimes reduced or entirely absent; central portion of each lobe at mesoscutum sometimes brownish; scutellum posteriorly, axillar carinae medially and postscutellum sometimes bright orange; epicnemium sometimes almost entirely orange; area over sternaulus sometimes orange at anterior 0.3; orange area on mesopleuron covering 0.05–0.30 of its surface; propodeum over anterior transverse carina sometimes medially with distinct subcircular black spot; orange area on propodeum sometimes extending medially, meeting black posterior mark, sometimes restricted to center of anterior area, marks that are orange in other specimens sometimes blackish; posterior blackish mark on propodeum sometimes triangular or bell-shaped; dark brown areas at all trochanters and fore and mid femora sometimes reduced; T1 laterally sometimes dark brown until its base; T2–3 sometimes without median bright orange area, sometimes partially or entirely light brown. All orange tones varying from very light orange (227,164,074) to brownish orange (190,099,049); whitish tones varying from almost white (240,230,209) to buff (220,179,105).

Comments. More similar to M. ellipsicavus sp. nov.: these are the only species with orange mesoscutum in which the rest of the mesosoma is not entirely orange or almost so. Both species can be isolated by many features, mainly by M. copiosus having orbital band complete (vs. widely interrupted at gena); mesopleuron and mesoscutum almost entirely whitish (vs. almost entirely bright orange); metapleuron entirely whitish (vs. orange in 0.6 of its area); epomia complete (vs. distinct only after diverging from collar); hind wing vein Cub distinctly convex on posterior half, otherwise straight (vs. almost straight, very slightly convex); and ovipositor dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges (vs. four). The males of both species are also very similar, particularly because males of M. ellipsicavus have mesosternum, mesopleuron and metapleuron extensively whitish; males of both species tend to have whitish mark on propodeum medially interrupted, forming two subcircular lateral spots; and also because the epomia in males of both species is so reduced it is difficult to distinguish whether it is complete or not. Thus, males of M. copiosus can be recognized by the orbital band complete; hind wing vein Cub distinctly concave; and transverse sulcus of propodeum whitish (vs. orange or brown).

Also similar to M. fulvator , from which it can be differentiated mainly by having mandible mostly whitish (vs. entirely blackish or dark brown); T2–4 basally dark brown, medially orange and posteriorly whitish (vs. T2–4 bright orange except posterior whitish stripe at T2); metasomal sternites whitish (vs. bright orange); and propodeum marked with black, whitish and orange (vs. bright orange with small whitish marks).

Biology. Unknown.

Etymology. From the Latin copiosus , meaning “abundant”; in reference to the large number of specimens collected in most occurrence records, particularly at Parque Estadual do Rio Doce.

Material examined. 67 ♀, 189 ♂♂. Holotype ♀ from BRAZIL, Espírito Santo, Alfredo Chaves, Pt. 5, 714 m, Picadão , 8–15.X.2007, Malaise trap, COAzevedo et al. ( UFES). Mounted on triangle point. Left hind t5 missing; otherwise in good shape.

Paratypes: 1 ♀ 1 ♂ from BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Norte, Mossoró , Fazenda Santa Júlia, Pt. 1, 14.IV.2008 , Malaise trap, Fernandes et al.; 2 ♂♂, same data except Patu, Serra do Lima , Pt. 1, IX.2008 ; 3 ♀, same data except X.2008 ; 1 ♂, same data except XI.2008 ; 5 ♀ 12 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 2, X.2008 ( IBRP) . 1 ♀ 3 ♂ from BRAZIL, Pernambuco, Caruaru, 900 m, IV.1972 , MAlvarenga. 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Alagoas, Murici, V.1984 , FMOliveira. 4 ♂♂ from BRAZIL, Bahia, Encruzilhada , 980 m, XI.1874 , MAlvarenga ( AEIC). 2 ♀, same data except Dario Meira, Fazenda Maria Bonita , Pt. 2, 10.VI.2003 , Malaise trap, JCardoso & JMaia; 1 ♂, same data except Firmino Alves , Fazenda Santo Antônio, 9.IV.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 5, 24.XI.2002 ; 1 ♀, same data except Ibicuí, Fazenda Maravilha , Pt. 7, 10.IV.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Fazenda Afegan , pt. 6, 21.XI.2002 ; 1 ♀, same data except Iguaí, Fazenda Futurosa , Pt. 5, 29.XI.2002 ; 1 ♀, same data except Ilhéus CEPLAC/ Esomi , Pt. 2, 8.VIII.2001 , “borda”; 1 ♂, same data except Ipiaú, Fazenda Petrolina , Sítio Casca, 31.I.2007 , “oeste”; 1 ♂, same data except 15.II.2007 ; 1 ♂, same data except Itajuípe, Fazenda Trindade , Pt. 4, 14.XII.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Ituberá, Fazenda Vale da Juliana , 26.I.2007 , “leste”; 1 ♀, same data except 15.III.2007 ; 1 ♂, same data except Itacaré, Fazenda Miramar , Pt. 3, 8.XII.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Itororó, Fazenda Bela Vista , Pt. 5, 13.IV.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 8, 13.IV.2004 ; 1 ♂, same data except Fazenda Santa Cruz , 24.XI.2002 ; 1 ♀, same data except Ubaitaba, Fazenda Fortaleza , Pt. 7, 16.VIII.2002 . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Goiás, Alto paraíso de Goiás, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Pt. 26, 12–24.IX.2005 , Malaise trap, APAguiar et al. ( UFES) . 1♀ from BRAZIL, Espírito Santo, Linhares, IX.1972 , Malvarenga ( AEIC) . 1 ♀, same data except Alfredo Chaves , 714 m, Picadão, 8–15.X.2007 , Malaise trap, COAzevedo et al.; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 7 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 2 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except Atílio Vivacqua, Serra das Torres , Pt. 6, 14–19.IV.2007 , CWaichert et al.; 1 ♀, same data except Santa Leopoldina, Alto Rio das Farinhas, 14–24.VI.2008 , Cwaichert & Furieri; 1 ♀, same data except Cariacica, Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas , Pau Amarelo, pt. 11, 21–30.X.2005 , APAguiar et al.; 1 ♂, same data except Domingos Martins, Pico do Eldorado , Pt. B3, 26.XI–3.XII.2004 , MTTavares et al.; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. B 2 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. B 4 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. B 5 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. B 6 ; 1 ♂, same data except Santa Maria de Jetibá , Fazenda Clarindo Kruger, Pt. T 7, 29.XI–6.XII.2002 ; 1 ♂, same data except Fazenda Paulo Seick, Área 1, Pt. B 3 ; 1 ♂, same data except Linhares , INCAP-ES, Pt. 3, 1–3.VII.2001 , “borda”; 3 ♂♂, same data except Pancas, Fazenda Juliberto Stur , Ärea 1, 24–31.I.2003 , MTTavares, COAzevedo et al.; 2 ♂♂, same data except Área 2, Pt. B 7 ; 1 ♂, same data except 31.I–7.II.2003 ; 1 ♀, same data except Santa Leopoldina , Suíca, Pt. 2, 5–12.XI.2007 , COAzevedo et al.; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 5 . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Dionísio, Fazenda Morro do Gavião , primary forest, 5–12.X.2005 Malaise trap, JCRFontenelle; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 1, 22.X.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except 5–12.XI.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 22.X.2004 ; 1 ♂, same data except 22.X.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 5–12.XI.2005 ; 2 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except Ipaba , Fazenda Macedônia, Pt. 3 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 29.X–5.XI.2005 ; 1 ♀, same data except 31.VII–7.VIII.2005 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pingo D’água, Fazenda Sacramento , Pt. 1, 5–12.XI.2005 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 2, 29.X–5.XI.2005 ; 4 ♂♂, same data except 5–12.XI.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except 29.X–5.XI.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Área da Tereza , primary forest, Pt. 2, 2–9.XI.2000 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 17–24.VII.2002 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 1, 24–31.X.2002 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 7.XI.2002 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 1–8.VII.2003 ; 1 ♀, same data except 10–17.VI.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 19–26.X.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except 2–9.XI.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 1, 26.X–2.XI.2003 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 1, 27.X–2.XI.2004 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 1, 15–22.X.2005 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except 7–11.XI.2005 ; 1 ♀, same data except 26.X–2.XI.2006 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 18–25.XI.2007 ; 1 ♀, same data except 4–11.XI.2007 ; 1 ♂, same data except Campolina , primary forest with helicons, Pt. 1, 23.XI.2003 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 2, 3–10.VIII.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 17–24.II.2005 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except Porto Capim , secondary forest with helicons, 24.XI.2003 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 17–24.XI.2004 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 1 ; 3 ♂♂, same data except Trilha da Lagoa do Gambá , low secondary forest, Pt. 3, 13–20.X.2000 ; 1 ♀ 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 2, 16.XI.2000 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 2–9.XI.2000 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 20–26.X.2000 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 2, 19–26.X.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 1, 22–29.X.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 4–11.XI.2007 ; 1 ♂, same data except Trilha do Vinhático , high secondary forest, Pt. 2, 16.XI.2000 ; 1 ♂, same data except 19–26.VII.2000 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except 2–9.XI.2000 ; 1 ♂, same data except 2.XI.2000 ; 4 ♂♂, same data except 10–17.VII.2001 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 1, 17–24.VII.2001 ; 1♂, same data except 18–25.X.2001 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except 24–31.VII.2001 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 2, 25.X–1.XI.2001 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2 ; 1 ♂, same data except 31.VII–7.VIII.2001 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2 ; 1 ♂, same data except, 10–17.VII.2002 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 1, 14.XI.2002 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2 ; 4 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 1, 24–31.X.2002 ; 8 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 2 ; 8 ♂♂, same data except 24.X.2002 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 1, 7.XI.2002 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 19–26.X.2003 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 3, 2–9.XI.2003 ; 2 ♂, same data except Pt. 1, 26.X–2.XI.2003 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 2, 9.XI.2003 ; 3 ♂, same data except 10–17.XI.2004 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 1, 17–24.XI.2004 ; 1 ♂, same data except 26.X–3.XI.2004 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 27.X–3.XI ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3, 3–10.X.2004 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 1 ; 1 ♂, same data except 12–19.XI.2004 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except Pt. 3, 12–19.XI.2005 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 1, 15–22.XI.2005 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except 22–29.X.2005 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 3 ; 1 ♂, same data except 5–12.XI.2005 ; 1 ♂, same data except 22–29.X.2005 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 2, 2–9.XI.2006 ; 1 ♂, same data except pt. 1, 9–16.XI.2006 ; 1 ♂, same data except 11–18.XI.2007 ; 1 ♀ 2 ♂, same data except Pt. 2 ; 1 ♂, same data except pt. 3 ; 1 ♂, same data except 18–25.X.2007 ; 3 ♂♂, same data except 18–25.XI.2007 ; 1 ♀ 3 ♂, same data except 28.X–4.XI.2007 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 3 ; 1 ♀, same data except 31.VII–7.VIII.2007 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 4–11.XI.2007 ( UFES) . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça , I.1970 , FMOliveira. 3 ♂♂ from BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Represa Rio Grande , III.1970 , MAlvarenga; 2 ♂♂, same data except XII.1969 ; 1 ♀ 1 ♂, same data except I.1967 ; 1 ♀, same data except III.1969 ; 1 ♀, same data except I.1968 ; 1 ♀ 2 ♂♂, same data except IX. 1969 ; 1 ♀, same data except XII.1967 ; 1 ♂, same data except II.1968 ; 1 ♀; 1 ♂, same data except Conceição de Macabu , IX.1978 , MAlvarenga. 1 ♂ from BRAZIL, São Paulo, Águas Vermelhas, 800 m, XII.1983 , MAlvarenga ( AEIC); 1 ♀, same data except Palestina, fazenda Boa Vista , 116 ha fragment, pt. 1, 23.VI.2009 , Malaise trap, BIOTA-FAPESP ( UJMF) ; 1 ♂, same data except Botucatu, Fazenda Jaciobá , 4–7.III.2005 , Malaise trap, EFSantos & CPSCott-Santos ( UFES) . 2 ♀ from BRAZIL, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia , 300–500 m, I.1968 , FPlaumann ( AEIC). 1 ♂ from BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Sul, Arroio Grande, 31.X.2003 , Malaise trap, RFKruger ( UFES) . 1 ♂ from PARAGUAY, Pirapó , XII.1971 , LPeña. 1 ♂ from ARGENTINA, Salta, Pocitos, I.1972 , MFritz ( AEIC).

Distribution. Widely distributed from northwestern Argentina and southern Brazil to northeastern Brazil, including also areas of Cerrado in central Brazil ( Fig. 316 View FIGURES 313–320 ). Messatoporus copiosus seems to have wide ecological flexibility, and was the most common species of Messatoporus in all sites which were sampled in detail. It was not recorded from northern South America, even after extensive collecting trips at Amazon Basin (Pará and Amazonas), Colombia and Panama. That may indicate that the Brazilian Cerrado and the semi-arid in northeastern Brazil can be the northern limits of its distribution.

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FIGURES 6–9. Terms for structures used in the present work. 6, Messatoporus copiosus, dorsal view; teg, tegula; msc, mesoscutum; msl, mesoscutum length; msw, mesoscutum width; nl, notaulus; scc, scutellar carina; ssg, scuto-scutellar groove; sct, scutellum; axc1, first axillar carina; axc2, second axillar carina; psct, postscutellum. 7, M. orientalis, first metasomal tergite; tas, tergite length anterior to spiracle; tps, tergite length posterior to spiracle; dlc, dorsolateral carina. 8, M. nigriscutus, T1, dorsal view; t1l, length of T1; t1mw, minimum width of T1; t1xw, maximum width of T1. 9, M. amazonensis, T2, dorsal view; same codes of T1.

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FIGURES 81–85. Lateral view. 81, M. atlanticus*. 82, M. caxiuanensis*. 83, M. copiosus*. 84, M. ellipsicavus. 85, M. fulvator.

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FIGURES 124–129. Male specimens, lateral view. 124, M. jalapa. 125, M. copiosus. 126, M. ellipsicavus. 127, M. propodeator. 128, M. euryoikos. 129, M. semiaurantigaster.

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FIGURES 153–161. Mesoscutum, dorsal view. 153, M. lissonotus. 154, M. copiosus*. 155, M. pallidus*. 156, M. semialbiventris*. 157, M. nigriangulatus*. 158, M. orientalis*. 159, M. opacus*. 160, M. bimaculatus*. 161, M. jalapa.

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FIGURES 198–206. Propodeum, dorsal view. 198, M. maculipes. 199, M. caxiuanensis*. 200, M. amazonensis. 201, M. variegatus. 202, M. atrifoveus*. 203, M. dissidens*. 204, M. complexifemur. 205, M. copiosus. 206, M. ellipsicavus*.

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FIGURES 242–259. Wings. 242–253, Fore wing. 242, M. convexus. 243, M. teutonicus. 244, M. anepomius*. 245, M. andinus. 246, M. apertus. 247, M. paraguayensis. 248, M. jalapa. 249, M. euryoikos. 250, M. copiosus. 251, M. lissonotus. 252, M. unidentatus. 253, M. transversostriatus. 254–259, Hind wing. 254, M. amplithorax. 255, M. andinus. 256, M. teutonicus. 257, M. euryoikos. 258, M. copiosus. 259, M. ellipsicavus.

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FIGURES 313–320. Distribution maps for species of Messatoporus. 313, M. compressicornis. 314, M. concavivenus. 315, M. convexus. 316, M. copiosus. 317, M. covarrubiasi. 318, M. depressifrons. 319, M. dialeipsis. 320, M. discoidalis.

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FIGURES 260–271. 260–261, Gena, lateral. 260, M. longicaudis*. 261, M. compressicornis. 262–264, Antenna. 262, M. tibiator. 263, M. compresscornis. 264, M. antennator, male. 265–266, Hind t4. 265, M. paeneater*. 266, M. nigriscutus*. 267–271, Metasoma and ovipositor. 267, M. opacus*. 268, M. discoidalis. 269, M. longicaudis*. 270, M. convexus. 271, M. townesi.


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo


Institute for Breeding Research, Tokyo University of Agriculture


American Entomological Institute