Paralysianopsis pomona, Lowry & Kilgallen, 2014

Lowry, J. K. & Kilgallen, N. M., 2014, New tryphosine amphipods from Australian waters (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Lysianassoidea, Lysianassidae, Tryphosinae), Zootaxa 3844 (1), pp. 1-64 : 33-37

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3844.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paralysianopsis pomona

sp. nov.

Paralysianopsis pomona View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 24–26 View FIGURE 24 View FIGURE 25 View FIGURE 26 )

Types. Holotype, female, 5.2mm, NMV J67540 View Materials , South of Point Hicks , Victoria, Australia (38°17.70'S 149°11.30'E), 400 m, coarse sand, gravel, mud, many sponges, WHOI epibenthic sled, 24 July 1986, M.F. Gomon et al., RV Franklin SLOPE stn 40 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 female 5.1 mm, NMV J67543 View Materials ; 1 male, 3.1 mm, NMV J67541 View Materials ; 12 specimens, 1.6–5.6 mm, NMV J67542 View Materials , all with same collection details as holotype.

Additional material examined. New South Wales. 3 specimens, NMV J14770 View Materials , Off Eden (37°0.60'S 150°20.70'E), 363 m, coarse shell, WHOI epibenthic sled, 21 July 1986, G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin, SLOPE stn 22 GoogleMaps ; 2 specimens, NMV J67544 View Materials , 44 About NMV km east of Nowra (34°55.79'S 151°08.06'E), 429 m, muddy coarse shell, WHOI epibenthic sled, 22 October 1988, G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin, SLOPE stn 56 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, AM P.50753, north-east of Coffs Harbour (30°14.83’S 153°27.56’E), 200 m, baited trap, 8 September 1994 – 09 September 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Carrie Ann stn NSW-987 GoogleMaps ; 775 specimens, AM P.44281, east of Wollongong (34°28’S 151°02’E), 100 m, baited trap, 28 March 1994 – 29 March 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Robin E stn NSW-961 GoogleMaps ; 4 specimens, AM P.47028, off Wollongong (34°32.08’S 151°12.56’E), 200 m, baited trap, 7 May 1993 – 08 May 1993, P. Freewater & party, MV Robin E stn NSW-797 GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, AM P.50739, off Wollongong (34°32.02’S 151°13.0’E), 200 m, baited trap, 06 May 1993 – 07 May 1993, P. Freewater & party, MV Robin E stn NSW-781 GoogleMaps ; 2 specimens, AM P.50738, off Wollongong (34°32.02’S 151°13.0’E), 200 m, baited trap, 06 May 1993 – 07 May 1993, P. Freewater & party, MV Robin E stn NSW-780 GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, AM P.43494, off Wollongong (34°31.48’S 151°13.22’E), 200 m, baited trap, 27 March 1994 – 28 March 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Robin E stn NSW-945 GoogleMaps ; 3 specimens, AM P.51127, due east of Coffs Harbour (30°17.48’S 153°13.9’E), 45.4 m, baited trap, 11 August 1993 – 12 August 1993, P.B. Berents, R. T. Springthorpe & W. Vader, MV Cheryl Lee stn NSW-875 GoogleMaps ; 3 specimens, AM P.44301, off Wollongong (34°26.53’S 150°57.98’E), 50 m, baited trap, 27 March 1994 – 28 March 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Robin E stn NSW-939; GoogleMaps 1003 specimens, AM P.50740, off Wollongong (34°28.22’S 151°02.28’E), 100 m, baited trap, 7 May 1993 – 08 May 1993, P. Freewater & party, MV Robin E stn NSW-795 GoogleMaps ; 318 specimens, AM P.50736, off Wollongong (34°28.15’S 151°02.37’E), 100 m, baited trap, 06 May 1993 – 07 May 1993, P. Freewater & party, MV Robin E stn NSW-778 GoogleMaps ; 94 specimens, AM P.50735, off Wollongong (34°28.15’S 151°02.37’E), 100 m, baited trap, 06 May 1993 – 07 May 1993, P. Freewater & party, MV Robin E stn NSW-776 GoogleMaps ; 816 specimens, AM P.50741, off Wollongong (34°28.22’S 151°02.28’E), 100 m, baited trap, 7 May 1993 – 08 May 1993, P. Freewater & party, MV Robin E stn NSW-796 GoogleMaps .

Queensland. 1 specimen, AM P.47912, due east of Mooloolaba (26º39.12’S 153º18.87’E), 50 m, baited trap, 3 April 1994 – 4 April 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Capricorn I, SEAS stn QLD-1142 GoogleMaps .

Tasmania. 4 specimens, NMV J67545 View Materials , off Freycinet Peninsula (42°2.20'S 148°38.70'E), 800 m, coarse shelly sand, WHOI epibenthic sled, 27 July 1986, M.F. Gomon et al., RV Franklin, SLOPE stn 45 GoogleMaps ; 13 specimens, NMV J67546 View Materials , off Freycinet Peninsula (42°0.20'S 148°37.70'E), 720 m, coarse shelly sand, WHOI epibenthic sled, 27 July 1986, M.F. Gomon et al., RV Franklin, SLOPE stn 46 GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, NMV J67547 View Materials , off Freycinet Peninsula (41°57.50'S 148°37.90'E), 400 m, coarse shell, WHOI epibenthic sled, 27 July 1986, M.F. Gomon et al., RV Franklin SLOPE stn 48; GoogleMaps 1? female, AM P.69634, mouth of Fortescue Bay (43°07.77’S 147°59.47’E), 50 m, baited trap, 8–9 April 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Martrudan stn TAS-386 GoogleMaps ; 15 specimens, AM P.51106, mouth of Fortescue Bay (43°07.77’S 147°59.47’E), 50 m, baited trap, 8–9 April 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Martrudan stn TAS-386 GoogleMaps ; 16 specimens, AM P.51089, mouth of Fortescue Bay (43°07.77’S 147°59.47’E), 50 m, baited trap, 8–9 April 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Martrudan stn TAS-387 GoogleMaps ; 25 specimens, AM P.58332, mouth of Fortescue Bay (43°07.77’S 147°59.47’E), 50 m, baited trap, 9 April 1994 – 10 April 1994, J.K. Lowry & K. Dempsey, MV Martrudan stn TAS-406 GoogleMaps .

Victoria. Many specimens, NMV J67548 View Materials , south of Point Hicks (38°21.90'S 149°20.00'E), 1000 m, WHOI epibenthic sled, 23 July 1986, G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin SLOPE stn 32 GoogleMaps ; 2 specimens, NMV J67549 View Materials , south of Point Hicks (38°14.80'S 149°9.30'E), 200 m, coarse sand, gravel, WHOI epibenthic sled, 24 July 1986, M.F. Gomon et al., RV Franklin, SLOPE stn 41 GoogleMaps .

Bass Strait. 7 specimens, NMV J67550 View Materials , eastern Bass Strait , 63 km east of North Point , Flinders Island (39º44.8’S 148º40.6’E), 124 m, muddy sand, WHOI epibenthic sled, 14 November 1981, R. Wilson, RV Tangaroa stn BSS-167S GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, NMV J67551 View Materials , eastern Bass Strait , 85 km north-east of North Point , Flinders Island (39º02.4’S 148º30.6’E), 120 m, muddy sand, 15 November 1981, R. Wilson, RV Tangaroa stn BSS-169 GoogleMaps ; 2 specimens, NMV J67552 View Materials , eastern Bass Strait , 100 km north-east of North Point , Flinders Island (38º51.8’S 148º26.5’E), 130 m, fine sand, WHOI epibenthic sled, 15 November 1981, R. Wilson, RV Tangaroa stn BSS-170S GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, NMV J67554 View Materials , western Bass Strait , 54 km west of Stokes Point , King Island (40º06.0’S 143º17.0’E), 158 m, medium sand, Smith-McIntyre Grab, 11 October 1980, G.C.B. Poore, HMAS Kimbla stn BSS-100G GoogleMaps ; 10 specimens, NMV J67553 View Materials , Western Bass Strait , 36 km SSW of Stokes Point, King Island (40º26.7’S 143º41.4’E), 85 m, medium sand, 22 November 1981, R. Wilson, RV Tangaroa stn BSS-198 GoogleMaps ;

Type locality. South of Point Hicks , Victoria, Australia (38°17.70'S 149°11.30'E), 400 m depth GoogleMaps .

Etymology. Named for the sailing vessel Pomona, blown ashore between Lake Tyers and the mouth of the Snowy River in 1866; used as a noun in apposition.

Description. Based on holotype, female, 5.2 mm, NMV J67540 View Materials . Head lateral cephalic lobe apically rounded; eyes oval. Antenna 1 accessory flagellum not forming operculum; primary flagellum with weak 2-field callynophore, robust setae absent from proximal articles; calceoli absent. Antenna 2 peduncular article 3 short; articles 3 to 5 not enlarged, brush setae absent; flagellum short, calceoli absent. Labrum, epistome and upper lip separate; epistome not produced, concave; upper lip not produced. Mandible molar setose with a vestigial triturating surface. Maxilla 1 outer plate setal-tooth 7 present, left and right symmetrical, cuspidate distally; palp with robust setae along half of the distal margin, serrate along other half. Maxilliped outer plate apical robust setae absent.

Pereonites 1–7 dorsally smooth. Gnathopod 1 weakly subchelate, appearing simple; coxa large, about as long as coxa 2, subrectangular with straight anterior margin; basis sparsely setose along anterior margin; ischium short; carpus short, subequal in length to propodus, without posterior lobe; propodus small, sparsely setose along posterior margin, palm extremely acute, entire, straight. Gnathopod 2 propodus palm transverse, with minutely serrate pad on posterior corner. Pereopod 5 basis about as long as broad, not posteroproximally excavate, posterior margin not serrate. Pereopod 7 basis posterodistally produced, not reaching merus.

Pleonite 3 without mid-dorsal carina, not produced dorsodistally, posterodorsal margin not produced. Epimeron 3 posterior margin smooth, posteroventral corner produced, narrowly rounded. Urosomite 1 with slight notch dorsally. Uropod 2 inner ramus with moderate constriction. Uropod 3 inner and outer rami well developed, outer ramus article 2 long, without plumose setae on rami. Telson entire , slightly longer than wide, truncated with 2 subapical robust setae.

Sexually dimorphic characters. Based on paratype, male, 3.1 mm, NMV J67541 View Materials . Head lateral cephalic lobe subacute, slightly downward-pointing. Upper lip produced slightly in front of epistome. Antenna 1 primary flagellum with strong 2-field callynophore.

Remarks. Paralysianopsis pomona sp. nov. is most similar to P. cf. jebbi . However, the upper lip of P. cf. jebbi is more produced and rounded than that of P. pomona ; the maxilla 1 palp of P. cf. jebbi lacks any robust setae (robust setae are present in P. pomona ); and the pereopod 5 basis is longer than broad in P. cf. jebbi compared with P. pomona where it is as long as broad.

Depth range. 50– 800 m.

Distribution. Australia. Eastern coasts from Mooloolaba, Queensland, to the Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania, and the Bass Strait.


Museum Victoria


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Collection of Leptospira Strains


Australian Museum


University of Montana Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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