Haploops longiseta, Kaim-Malka, 2010

Kaim-Malka, R. A., 2010, Haploops longiseta, a new species from the Atlantic Ocean (Crustacea, Gammaridea, Ampeliscidae) [Contribution to the knowledge of the Haploops genus. 6.], Zootaxa 2356 (1), pp. 57-68 : 58-65

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Felipe (2021-08-22 19:13:00, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 09:44:56)

scientific name

Haploops longiseta

sp. nov.

Haploops longiseta View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs. 1–4 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 )

Type materia l. HOLOTYPE. Adult female, with oostegites not completely developed, 12.8 mm. Collected in the North eastern Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay) on 24 August 2002. Cruise VITAL on R / V "L'Atalante" ( IFREMER). Meriadzek Terrace. Depth: 1460 m, 47° 36' N; 8° 25' W GoogleMaps . Holotype is deposited in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle N°: MNHN-Am 7549.

Male unknown

Etymology. The name species refers to the long seta on the mandibular palp, and the long dorsal setae on the pereon, pleon, and telson.

Diagnosis. Body with long dorsal setae on the Pereon (Pereonite 5, 6, 7) and Pleon, less longer on Urosome. Very long seta on the extremity of the mandibular palp. Urosome with small carena and lateral processes. Inferior pair of corneal lenses present. Coxa 4 square and posterior corner stout hook shaped. Basis of Pereopod 7 broad, with plumose setae on the inner side. Epimeral plates 2 and 3 with postero-distal corner acute. Telson with a very long apical seta on each lobe.

Description. HOLOTYPE. Adult female, 12.8 mm ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Body with long dorsal setae on the pereon, pleon and telson.

Head: without rostrum, a little longer than the first two segments of pereon. The inferior pair of corneal lenses is present in the middle of the lateral lobe, the superior one is absent. Anterior margin straight, slightly oblique ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ).

Antenna 1: longer than peduncle of A2. Peduncle of A1 with article 3 <article 1 <article 2 (= 7/ 10/ 21), flagellum with 30 articles.

Antenna 2: slightly longer than A1. On the antero-inferior margin of peduncle segment 3, two teeth are present ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Peduncle segment 4 shorter than 5 (19 / 21). Flagellum with 24 articles.

The Antenna1 and Antenna 2 are densely setose on the peduncle, and with two long setae on each segment of the flagellum. They are longer than half body (2/3 of the body), but shorter than body.

Mandible ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ): The mandibular palp is very long. The segment 2 is shorter than the segment 3. The apical part of the segment 3 bears a very long seta, as long as 1.5 the length of the segment 3, well visible on the entire animal.

Maxilla 1 ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ): Two plumose setae are present on the inner plate, one apical seta, and a sub apical one. The inner margin is fringed with small hairs.

Pereon. One or two long setae are present on the postero-dorsal margin of Pereon 5, 6, 7 ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Gnathopod 1 ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ): The coxa 1 is slightly expanded at the distal part, and fringed with long setae. The merus, carpus and propodus bear very long setae. The propodus is oval. The dactylus is curved, with short setae on the interior margin ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ).

Gnathopod 2 ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ). The coxa 2 is roughtly rectangular, the distal margin rounded, fringed with very short setae. Basis with some long setae, basis = carpus + propodus. Carpus longer than propodus (29/17). Propodus oval. Carpus and propodus fringed with long setae. The dactylus is slightly curved, with short setae on the interior margin ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ).

Pereopod 3 ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ). The coxa is roughly rectangular, the distal margin rounded with very short setae. Basis = Ischium + merus + carpus. Merus, carpus and propodus with sparsely long setae. Dactylus slightly curved, as long as carpus + propodus.

Pereopod 4 ( Fig. 3G View FIGURE 3 ). The coxa is square, with round angles. The anterior margin is slightly concave. The posterior corner is a round hook. The pereopod 4 is long, basis = merus + carpus. The dactylus is slightly curved, as long as carpus + propodus.

Pereopod 5 ( Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 ). The basis is oval, the distal part of the anterior margin is fringed with 5 long setae. The merus has a short anterior and posterior lobe. A row of spines and setae is present on the distal lobe margin of the carpus. The propodus is narrow (1/2 carpus), with long spines on the anterior margin. The dactylus is strong and curved.

Pereopod 6 ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ). The structure is the same that pereopod 5, but the lobe of the basis is only fringed anteriorly by very small setae.

Pereopod 7 ( Fig. 4C, D View FIGURE 4 ). The basis is very broad, (length without lobe / width = 37 / 27), with very numerous plumose setae on the inner side. The external side is glabrous. The lobe is round, exceeding the ischium distal edge. The anterior margin is slightly concave, the posterior margin is straight. The merus has a very small antero-distal lobe. The carpus is oval, without lobe, but with 3 spines on each margin (propodus / carpus = 9/14; propodus + dactylus / carpus = 16/14). The propodus is narrow (1/2 carpus width), with one spine on each margin and on the distal one. The dactylus is narrow, long, with a little apical seta (dactylus / propodus = 7/10).

Pleon ( Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 ): Each segment of the pleon bears 2 to 4 long setae on the postero-dorsal part.

Epimeral plate 1 ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ), the inferior margin is rounded.

Epimeral plate 2 and 3 ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ). The inferior and posterior margins are slightly curved. The posterodistal angle is ended with a little tooth.

Urosome ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ). The urosome segment 1 present a small posterior carena bearing two small setae. The urosome segment 2–3 present a small anterior carena, two dorso-lateral processes, and posteriorly two small setae. The uropod 1 ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ) is long, the external ramus is longer than the internal one (int/ext = 37/47). The rami are shorter than the peduncle. The peduncle and the rami are ornemented with spines. The uropod 2 rami ( Fig. 4F View FIGURE 4 ) are of equal length, shorter than the peduncle (rami/peduncle = 33 / 52). Spines are present on peduncle and rami. The uropod 3 peduncle is short and strong ( Fig. 4G View FIGURE 4 ). The rami are foliaceous and of equal length, longer than the peduncle (rami/peduncle = 36 / 26), bearing numerous long simple setae. Two spines are present on the internal margin of the internal ramus.

The Telson ( Fig. 4H, J View FIGURE 4 ) is triangular rounded, as long as wide (41/40), cleft on 3/4 of the length. On the apical part of each lobe, there are one short seta, one seta longer sligthly plumose, and one very long seta (length longest seta/length telson = 40/41).

Male unknown

Distribution. The bottom of the Meriadzek Terrace, where the engin PROSPER was left, is characterized by soft sediments ( Trenkel et al. 2002) and characterized as sandy bottoms ( Trenkel et al. 2004). The amphipods species collected by this trap were considered as scavengers species. The main species presents in large number in the samples was Euonyx biscayensis Chevreux 1908 (Kaïm-Malka determination).

H. longiseta


Kaïm-Malka (present work) Superior corneal lenses (absent-present) absent

Infero-anterior corneal lenses (absent-present) present

Head rostrum (absent-present) absent

A1/ped A2 A1> ped A2

A1 art 1 with dorsal tuft (number) ―

A1 art1/art2/art3 3<1<2

A1 number of articles of flagellum 30

A2/body A2<body

A2 seg4/seg5 4<5

A2 number of articles of flagellum 24

Antennea setae (sparsely-densely) densely

Antennea setae (short-long) long

Lobe of Mx1 with setae 2 setae

Coxal 1/head length Cx1>head

Coxal 1 distal part (expanded-narrow) expanded

Coxal 1 ventral margin (smooth-serrulate) smooth

Gn 1 shape of propodus (fusiform-oval) fusiform

Gn 2 shape of propodus (rectangular-oval) fusiform

Coxal 4 posterior corner strong

Coxal 4 number of long setea on ventral margin 1

P4 dactylus/propodus dact>propod 16/13

P4 setea on anterior margin of merus (densely- sparsely- setose) dense- not setose

P5 anterior lobe of carpus (present-absent) absent

P5 number of spines row of anterior margin carpus ―

P7 lenght of basal without lobe/width 37/27

P7 outer surface of basal (densely-sparsely) glabrous

P7 lobe shape of basal (deflected or not) not

P7 hind margin of basal (convex-right-concave) slightly concave

P7 lobe of basal (round-quadrate) ± round

P7 number of margin plumose setae on the basal excepted lobe ―

P7 number of setea on postero-distal margin lobe

P7 relative lenght of posterior lobe of basal/rest of the length of P7 12/85

P7 ischium number of antero- distal spines 1

P7 merus anterior lobe (present-absent) present?

P7 merus posterior lobe (present-absent) absent

P7 merus width/length 12/10

P7 merus number of posterior margin setea 9

continued next page Only one specimen of Haploops longiseta was collected by this trap, and in these conditions, it was difficult to give some valuable data on the biology, ecology, ethology, distribution, of the species. The mouthpart of H. longiseta is characteristic of the genus Haploops which are essentially filter feeders. However, it seems that H. longiseta was attracted by a bait. Thus, it is possible that the tropism of this species may be enlarged in such cases.

Chevreux, E. (1908) Diagnoses d'Amphipodes nouveaux provenant des Campagnes de la Princesse-Alice dans l'Atlantique nord. Bulletin de L'Institut Oceanographique 117, 1 - 13.

Trenkel, V. M., Bailly N., Berthele O., Brosseau O., Causse R., Corbiere F. de, Dugornay O., Ferrant A., Gordon J. D. M., Latrouite D., Le Piver D., Kergoat B., Lorance P., Mahevas S., Mesnil B., Poulard J. C., Rochet M. J., Tracey D., Vacherot J. P., Veron G., Zibrowius H. (2002) First results of a quantitative study of deep-sea fish on the continental slope of the Bay of Biscay: visual observations and trawling. ICES CM 2001 / L, 18, 15 p. (International council for the Exploration of the Sea).

Trenkel, V. M., Lorance, P., Mahevas, S. (2004) Do visual transects provide true population density estimates for deepwater fish? ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61, 1050 - 1056.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Haploops longiseta n. sp., holotype female. Scale 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. H. longiseta n. sp., holotype female. A: Head; B: the peduncle segment 3 of the antenna 2 with the two teeth (arrows); C: Maxilla 1; D: Maxilla 2; E: maxilliped; F: the urosome; G: the epimeral plates, 1 to 3 from right to left. Scales: A, B, F, G: 0.5 mm; C, D, E: 0.2 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. H. longiseta n. sp., holotype female. A: Mandible with the enlargement of a tooth; B: Gnathopod 1 and an enlargement of the inferior margin; C: enlargement of the dactylus of gnathopod 1, note the short setae on the inner margin; D: Gnathopod 2 and an enlargement of the inferior margin; E: enlargement of the dactylus of gnathopod 2; F: The pereopod 3; G: the pereopod 4. Note the oostegites present on Gnathopod 2 and pereopod 3 and 4, but not completely developed. Scales: A, B, D, F, G: 0.5 mm; C, E: 0.1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 4. H. longiseta n. sp., holotype female. A: pereopod 5 with the oostegite not completely developed; B: pereopod 6; C: pereopod 7, the basis is broad; D: enlargement of the propodus and dactylus of the pereopod 7; E: the uropod 1; F: the uropod 2; G: the uropod 3; H: the telson with the long apical setae; J:enlargement of the apical part of a telson lobe with the insertion of the three setae. Scales: A, B, C, G: 0.5 mm; D, E, F: 0.2 mm; H, J: 0.1 mm.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Institut Francais pour l'Etude de la Mer











