Yoyetta electrica, Emery & Emery & Popple, 2019

Emery, David L., Emery, Nathan J. & Popple, Lindsay W., 2019, A Revision of the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) Species Group of Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae), Introducing Eight New Species, Records of the Australian Museum 71 (7), pp. 277-347 : 338-340

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Felipe (2021-03-31 19:55:37, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 04:14:43)

scientific name

Yoyetta electrica

sp. nov.

Yoyetta electrica View in CoL sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/NomenclaturalActs/ D441F85C-B655-4261-998E-0E4A4D5253FD

Figs 2K View Figure 2 , 3I View Figure 3 , 41 View Figure 41 , 48–50 View Figure 48 View Figure 49 View Figure 50 , 53C View Figure 53

Holotype ♂, Arrawarra, New South Wales North Coast, 7.xii.1962, C. W. Frazier, at light, Uni. Of New England Coll. , donated 1983, ANIC database no. 20 005385, BOLD proc. ID: ANICY740-11 ( ANIC) . Paratypes NEW SOUTH WALES: 1♂ same data as holotype, ANIC Database No. 20 005386, BOLD Proc. ID ANICY741-11 ( ANIC) ; 1♀, Lorikeet Tourist Park, Arrawarra , 30°2'32"S 153°11'22"E, 7.xii.2015, at light, L. Popple & A. McKinnon, 694-0003 ( QM) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ same data, 694-0001 (genitalia prep) (DE) GoogleMaps , 1♂ 1♀, same data 694-0002, 694-0004 ( LWP) GoogleMaps .

Additional locations with song recordings. NEW SOUTH WALES: Tabbymobil Creek, Mororo , NSW, 29°18'09"S 153°12'49"E, 17.x.2013, L. W. Popple GoogleMaps .

Distribution, habitat and seasonality. Known from coastal northern New South Wales within a small area south of Lismore and north of Woolgoolga ( Fig. 41 View Figure 41 ). Adults are active in the middle to upper canopy of eucalypt forest. They are present from November to January.


Male ( Figs 2K View Figure 2 , 3I View Figure 3 , 48A,B View Figure 48 ). Head approximately as wide as to slightly wider than mesonotum; dorsally mainly black, with a small, tear-shaped, brown marking posterior to ocelli, reducing anteriorly; ocelli pink; dorsal postclypeus dark brown to black with ochraceous triangular median marking, apex directed anteriorly; ventral postclypeus black, ochraceous laterally with black transverse grooves; frons black; anteclypeus black; rostrum brown at base, black posteriorly, apex reaching middle of hind coxae; lora dull black; eyes ochraceous; antennae black, supra-antennal plates black, with brown spot on anterior margin above pedicel.

Thorax predominantly black. Pronotum black with ochraceous stripe on anterior half of midline, ridges between lateral and paramedian fissures variably black-brown, lateral margins brown; pronotal collar brown, anterior margin black. Mesonotum mainly black, browner between submedian and lateral sigilla; cruciform elevation with anterior arms brown, posterior arms black, lateral depressions pale yellow; metanotum black at midline, adjacent area brown, becoming black laterally.

Legs. Coxae mainly brown, black anteriorly; coxal membranes orange-red; meracantha small, narrow, white, black at base, pointed, minimally overlapping opercula; trochanters brown, black ventrally; fore femora black medially, ochraceous laterally with black and red longitudinal stripe, ochraceous at joints; femoral spines erect, brown at base, black at tips; mid and hind femora black medially, brown laterally; fore tibiae dark brown, black centrally, with spines variably dull ochraceous and black at tips; mid and hind tibiae pale brown; fore and mid tarsi dark brown, black at claws; hind tarsi ochraceous; claws brown, black at tips.

Wings with fore wing costal veins yellow at base, tending orange-brown with dark brown margins; pterostigma mottled brown; basal cell transparent; basal membranes orange; vein CuP+1A yellow; other veins mainly brown to intermodal line, black posteriorly; with eight apical cells; hind wing plagas white over entire anal cell 3 and vein 3A except distal extremity, with thin coverage of length of vein 2A, with six apical cells.

Opercula ( Fig. 3I View Figure 3 ) small, spatulate, following body axis ventrolaterally, depressed centrally; black at base, contrastingly cream-white to pale red across remainder, with black mottling; clearly separated.

Timbals ( Fig. 2K View Figure 2 ) with five distinct long ribs; long ribs 1–4 extending across surrounding membrane and fused dorsally along basal spur; long rib 4 narrowing over ventral third, long rib 5 independent of basal spur, comparatively shorter, extending ventrally across half of membrane; large ridged dome on posterior timbal plate extending across two-thirds of timbal; apodeme pit oval-shaped and conspicuous.

Abdomen. Tergite 1 black, with brown margins over timbal cavity; tergite 2 black; tergites 3–7 black anteriorly with posterior margins bright orange, extending over lateral margins to epipleurites, increasingly brown over middle third; tergite 8 black along midline and posterior margin, brown laterally with black spot. Epipleurites 3–6 orange with diffuse black shading, slightly expanding posteriorly. Sternites I and II black; sternites III–VI orange-yellow with grey mottling over lateral halves; sternite VII pale orange with black spot on posterior midline; sternite VIII black, dark brown at apex, with yellowish pubescence.

Genitalia ( Fig. 49 View Figure 49 ). Pygofer mainly black; dorsal beak black, brown at tip, anal styles pale brown; upper lobe mainly black, pale brown at tip; basal lobe black with ochraceous margins. Uncus brown; in lateral view beak-like and stumpy; lobes in ventral view bulbous, with rounded lateral termination; claspers clearly divided, cylindrical, with apices gradually curved and tapering laterally. Aedeagus with pseudoparameres not extending half the length of theca; theca recurved ventrally at 300° towards apex, with transparent flange along outer margin of recurvature, edges broadly smooth along proximal half, prominently serrated with dorsal ornamentation from distal half to termination adjacent to apex of the theca; broadening to> 2× width of theca ventrally; apex short, sclerotized, transparent, spinelike, with 4–6 cornuti, directed ventrally.

Female ( Fig. 48C,D View Figure 48 ). Head, thorax, legs and wings matches description given for male.

Abdomen. Tergite 1 black, tergite 2 mainly black with dark orange-brown posterior margins on dorsolateral sides; tergites 3–7 black with dark orange-brown posterior margins, increasing posteriorly; tergite 8 mainly orange-brown, black along anterior margin and medially; epipleurites mainly orange-brown, with diffuse black interiorly; sternite II black with orange black posterior margins ventrolaterally; sternites III–VI orange-brown with diffuse, dark brown to black midline; sternite VII orange-brown with small, diffuse, black spots at anterior edge on either side of midline; abdominal segment 9 pale brown with a longitudinal black stripe dorsolaterally on each side of midline, and extending ventrally on anterior margin. Dorsal beak black; ovipositor sheath barely extending beyond apex of abdominal segment 9. Anal styles pale brown.

Measurements (in mm; range with mean in parentheses: 4 males, 2 females).

Body length: male 15.8–17.4 (16.4), female 17.1–17.8 (17.4). Fore wing length: male 20.0–21.0 (20.5); female 23.5–24.3 (23.9). Head width: male 4.7–5.0 (4.8); female 5.2–5.5 (5.4). Pronotum width: male 4.4–4.8 (4.7); female 4.8–5.2 (5.0). Abdomen width: male 3.9–4.5 (4.2); female 4.4–5.2 (4.8).

Etymology. Refers to calling songs of this species, which, when multiple males are calling in the canopy, resembles the sounds created by high voltage power transmission lines.

Distinguishing features. Yoyetta electrica sp. nov. is readily distinguished from all of members of the Y. abdominalis species group, apart from Y. aaede , by its small size (BL <18 mm). It can be distinguished from Y. aaede by

(a) viewed laterally from the left; (b) viewed ventrally; (c) aedeagus; and (d) apex of

theca. Characters as depicted in Fig. 4 View Figure 4 . Specimen from Arrawarra (30°02'S 153°11'E).

Scale bars = 5 mm.

the colouration of the anterior lateral tergites, which is predominantly dark brown to black (cf. orange).

Calling song ( Figs 50 View Figure 50 , 53C View Figure 53 ). Males of Y. electrica sp. nov. produce a bout of>25–100 syllables, each successively higher in amplitude and followed by a period of silence ( Fig. 50 View Figure 50 ; n = 8). Each syllable is between 0.008 and 0.015 s duration, with a brief interval between syllables ranging from 0.03– 0.04 s duration. The syllables form a “ratchet”- like component that ranges between 1.2 and 1.6 s duration in captivity and as long as 4.1 s duration in the field. The song is produced while males are stationary and the same song is also produced conspicuously in flight. It is unlike the call of any other species in the genus, although singing behaviour is reminiscent of Y. denisoni . The highest amplitude frequency plateau ranges from 6.5–9.0 kHz, with a dominant frequency around 8.5 kHz and a prominent harmonic plateau from>14.0 kHz.

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Figure 2. Photos of male left timbals, with dorsal edge at left and posterior margin at bottom: (A) Yoyetta timothyi sp. nov., Gordon (33°76'S 152°15'E); (B) Y. denisoni (Distant), O’Connor (35°16'S 145°06'E); (C) Y. regalis sp. nov., Blackheath (33°35'S 150°50'E); (D) Y. spectabilis sp. nov., Barren Grounds (34°41'S 150°44'E); (E) Y. subalpina sp. nov., Cooma (36°20'S 148°14'E); (F) Y. verrens sp. nov., Torrington (25°15'S 153°11'E); (G) Y. abdominalis (Distant), Hobart (42°52'S 147°19'E); (H) Y. kershawi (Goding & Froggatt) stat. rev., comb. nov., Toolangi, (37°32'S 145°28'E); (I) Y. serrata sp. nov., Nimmitabel (36°31'S 149°14'E); (J) Y. aaede (Walker), Mt Lofty (34°59'S 138°43'E); (K) Y. electrica sp. nov., Arrawarra (30°02'S 153° 11'E); (L) Y. grandis sp. nov., Forrest (38°31'S 143°43'E). Scale bars = 200 µm; J= 500 µm.

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Figure 3. Photos of male left opercula, with dorsal edge at left and posterior margin at bottom: (A) Yoyetta timothyi sp. nov., Gordon (33°76'S 152°15'E); (B) Y. denisoni (Distant), O’Connor (35°16'S 145°06'E); (C) Y. regalis sp. nov., Blackheath (33°35'S 150°50'E); (D) Y. spectabilis sp. nov., Barren Ground (34°41'S 150°44'E); (E) Y. subalpina sp. nov., Cooma (36°20'S 148°14'E); (F) Y. verrens sp. nov., Torrington (29°15'S 151°42'E); (G) Y. abdominalis (Distant), Hobart (42°52'S 147°19'E); (H) Y. serrata sp. nov., Nimmitabel (36°31'S 149°14'E); (I) Y.electrica sp. nov.,Arrawarra (30°2'S 153°11'E); (J) Y. grandis sp. nov., Forrest (38°31'S 143°43'E); (K) Y. aaede (Walker), Mt Lofty (34°59'S 138°43'E); (L) Y. kershawi (Goding & Froggatt) stat. rev., comb. nov., Toolangi, (37°32'S 145°28'E). Scale bars; A–J =200 µm; K=500 µm.

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Figure 4. Yoyetta denisoni (Distant):illustration of male pygofer and internal genitalia;

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Figure 41. Map of southeastern Australia showing the geographical distribution of Yoyetta aaede (Walker) (open circles), Y. verrens sp. nov. (open triangles) and Y. electrica sp. nov. (closed squares).

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Figure 48. Yoyetta electrica sp. nov., (A) male, Arrawarra (30°02'S 153° 11'E) dorsal habitus; (B) male, Arrawarra, ventral habitus; (C) female, Arrawarra, dorsal habitus; (D), female, Arrawarra, ventral habitus. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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Figure 49. Yoyetta electrica sp. nov., illustration of male pygofer and internal genitalia;

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Figure 50. Typical male calling song structure of Yoyetta electrica sp. nov., illustrated in waveform plots, including (A) a bout of repeated syllables; (B) expanded section (from A) showing a single phrase with an echeme followed by a macrosyllable. The final subfigure (C) is a spectrogram displaying song frequency. The lower plot is expanded from the one above, to illustrate finer temporal structure. The spectrogram at the bottom of the figure displays song frequency.The specimen was recorded in captivity at Arrawarra (30°02'S 153°11'E) by LWP using RS2 (see Methods and terminology).

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Figure 53. A comparative sample of wave plots illustrating the temporal song structure of cicadas in the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) species group (for species where song recordings were available). These include (A) Y. denisoni (Distant), recorded in the field at Canberra (35°16'S 149°07'E) by LWP using RS2; (B) Y.timothyi sp. nov., recorded in the field at Glen Elgin (29°39'S 152°03'E) by LWPusing RS3; (C) Y.electrica sp. nov., recorded in captivity atArrawarra (30°02'S 153°11'E) by LWP using RS2; (D) Y.hunterorum (Moulds), recorded in the field at Garie Beach (34°11'S 151°04'E) by B. Smith using RS5; (E) Y. grandis sp. nov., recorded in the field at Brindabella Range (35°20'S 148°50'E) by LWP using RS2; (F) Y. verrens sp. nov., recorded in captivity at Torrington (25°15'S 151°44'E) by LWP using RS3; (G) Y. subalpina sp. nov., recorded in the field at Talleganda (35°37'S 149°30'E) by LWP using RS2; (H) Y. aaede (Walker), specimen captured in Adelaide (34°56'S 138°39'E) and recorded in captivity by NJE using RS6; (I) Y. abdominalis, recorded in the field at Nimmitabel (36°31'S 149°14'E) by LWP using RS2; (J) Y.serrata sp. nov., recorded in the field at Brown Mountain (36°36'S 149°23'E) by LWP using RS2; (K) Y. spectabilis sp. nov., recorded in the field at Kanangra Boyd National Park (33°53'S 150°03'E) by LWP using RS2; and (L) Y. regalis sp. nov., recorded at Wises Track,Audley (34°08'S 151°03'E) by LWP using RS1.An explanation of recording systems (RS1–6) is provided in Methods and terminology.


Australian National Insect Collection


Queensland Museum











