Polygonum palaeosibiricum Doweld, 2017

Doweld, Alexander B., 2017, New names in Fallopia, Persicarioipollis, Polygonum and Reynoutria (Polygonaceae), living and fossil, Phytotaxa 308 (1), pp. 66-79 : 73

publication ID


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Felipe (2024-09-04 21:00:29, last updated 2024-09-04 21:11:39)

scientific name

Polygonum palaeosibiricum Doweld

nom. nov.

15. Polygonum palaeosibiricum Doweld , nom. nov. pro Polygonum reticulatum Dorofeev (in Arbuzova, 2006: 24),

non Koch (1849: 200) nec de Bruyn (in Miquel, 1854: 309), nom. illeg. (Art. 53.1).

Type:— RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Tomsk region, Belyj Yar, Kompasskij bor, right bank of Tym river, Western Siberia (holotype BIN 36/1- K 519 (holotype LE), figured by Arbuzova 2006: pl. 104: 11).

–“ Polygonum reticulatum ” in Dorofeev (1963: 167), nom. inval. (Art. 40.1).

Eponymy:— From the name of ancient palaeocontinent Palaeosiberia, locus classicus.

Stratigraphy:— Oligocene.

Status:— Fruits.

IFPNI registration lsid:— A3325DB9-C6AD-4090-8C0A-63843BE792C0

Note:— Dorofeev (1963: 167) in describing the new fossil fruit from Western Siberian sediments of the Oligocene as a distinct species Polygonum reticulatum , failed to indicate the holotype, making the name as not validly published (Art. 40.1) (see IFPNI: http://fossilplants.info/names/ 8CE3CE9F-C952-44D8-A4A4-B6A9FADA6144). Arbuzova (2006: 24) later validated the species (see IFPNI: http://fossilplants.info/names/ 145745A3-77A8-42DF-BD89- D0511F61E3E8), but overlooked that P. reticulatum is a later homonym of two previously and validly published extant names by Koch (1849: 200) and de Bruyn (in Miquel 1854: 309) (the Koch’s name has nomenclatural priority). A replacement name for fossil P. reticulatum is therefore here proposed.

Dorofeev, P. I. [Doрoфiiv, P. I.] (1963) Tрiticныi фЛoры Zapadнoй Сibiрi [Tertiary floras of Western Siberia]. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow & Leningrad, 346 pp. [in Russian] Available from: http: // books. google. com / books / about? id = nZxjBQAAQBAJ (accessed 1 June 2017)

Koch, K. (1849) Beitrage zur einer Flora des Orientes. Linnaea 22: 177 - 338. Available from: http: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 125714 (accessed 1 June 2017)

Miquel, F. A. W. (1854) Plantae Junghuhnianae. Enumeratio plantarum, quas, in insulis Java et Sumatra, detexit Fr. Junghuhn, Part 3. A. W. Sythoff, Lugduni-Batavorum [Leiden] & J. B. Bailliere, Paris, pp. 271 - 394. http: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 388


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