Peltopsilopa anisotomoides (Karsch), 2016
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Plazi (2017-11-16 05:59:48, last updated 2024-11-27 07:56:09) |
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Peltopsilopa anisotomoides (Karsch) |
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comb. nov. |
Peltopsilopa anisotomoides (Karsch) View in CoL NEW COMBINATION
( Figs. 4‒6 View FIGURES 1 ‒ 6 , 11, 14 View FIGURES 10 ‒ 14 , 30‒44 View FIGURES 30 ‒ 33 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 , 46 View FIGURES 45 ‒ 46 , 48, 51 View FIGURES 47 ‒ 51 , 52 View FIGURE 52 )
Celyphus anisotomoides Karsch 1884: 173 View in CoL [“Bengal” (see below); HT ♀, ZMHU].─ Tenorio 1972: 378 [identified as an Ephydridae View in CoL , not a Celyphidae View in CoL ].
Peltopsilopa aspistes Hendel 1914: 158 View in CoL [Colombia. Magdalena: Aracataca (10°46.3'N, 74°09.2'W); HT ♂, HNHM].─ Malloch 1941: 126 [review].─ Cresson 1946: 158 [list, Trinidad].─ Wirth 1968: 12 [Neotropical catalog].─ Mathis & Zatwarnicki 1995: 37 [world catalog]. NEW SYNONYM
Diagnosis. ─This species is distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: Body generally shiny, polished, navy blue to dark brown; small to moderately small shore flies, body length 1.95–2.80 mm ( Figs. 5‒6 View FIGURES 1 ‒ 6 ). Head: Frons shiny, polished with metallic luster; ocelli arranged in isosceles triangle, distance between posterior ocelli greater than between either posterior ocellus and anteromedial ocellus; vertex acutely angled, creased. Antenna yellow to brownish yellow; arista with 7‒9 dorsal rays. Face shallowly arched, shiny, polished, similar to frons, bearing an inclinate seta at lateral margin at midheight; facial ratio 0.61; ventral facial emargination conspicuously arched ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 ‒ 6 ). Gena-to-eye ratio 0.16. Maxillary irregularly spatulate, blackish brown. Thorax: Almost entirely blackish blue, shiny, microsculptured. Mesonotal length 1.55 mm; acrostichal setae in 2 regular rows on each side, presutural pair slightly enlarged, displaced laterally; scutellum greatly enlarged, longer than scutum, shiny, microsculptured, appearing wrinkled, scutellar length 1.20 mm, almost as wide as long, scutellar length-to-width ratio 0.87, shape in lateral view shallowly dome-like, posterior margin bluntly rounded with corners broadly rounded, with basal and apical setae, these small, with a few addition setulae laterally and on dorsal surface, but these not conspicuous, ventral scutellar surface shallowly concave; scutellar base lacking a dentate, sharp, short projection laterally; anepisternum with few small light setulae, except for 2 thicker black setae on posterior margin; katepisternum with a strong dorsal seta. Wing ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 45 ‒ 46 ) mostly hyaline, whitish, basal fourth, including crossvein r-m, darkened; length 1.45 mm; costal vein ratio 0.94‒1.00; M vein ratio 0.73‒0.88. Femora blackish brown except for yellowish apices; tibiae yellow; basitarsomere of foreleg brownish medially, apices yellow, tarsi of mid- and hindlegs yellow to whitish yellow. Abdomen: Tergites blackish brown, shiny; tergites much wider than long; length of tergites 3 and 4 subequal; tergite 5 of male partially telescoped into tergite 4, length slightly more than half of tergite 4; sternite 1 greatly reduced, a narrow, transverse, partial band; sternite 2 transversely elongate, oblong, slender, width over 3X length; sternites 3 and 4 similar shaped, trapezoidal, narrower anteriorly, width about twice length, both anterior and posterior margin truncate; sternite 5 robustly U-shaped with anterior margin truncate, anterior 1/4 robust, thick, slightly tapered arms extended posteriorly, posterior margin deeply emarginate ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10 ‒ 14 ). Male terminalia: Epandrium in posterior view ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 30 ‒ 33 ) as an inverted U, dorsal arch thinner than extended, lateral arms, arms straight, parallel, widest subventrally, in lateral view ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 30 ‒ 33 ) pointed dorsally, thereafter ventrally tapered, ventral 1/3 subquadrate; cercus in posterior view ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 30 ‒ 33 ) elongate, narrowly hemispherical, almost rod-like, pointed dorsomedially, medial margin shallowly sinuous to nearly straight, setulose along lateral margin, in lateral view ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 30 ‒ 33 ) half of an ellipse; presurstylus in posterior view ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 30 ‒ 33 ) elongate, narrow, wider at base, thereafter nearly parallel sided, very shallowly arched, base incised, base bearing 3 setulae medially, apex with pointed, oriented medially, in lateral view ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 30 ‒ 33 ) elongate, narrow, rod-like, apex drawn to anteroventral point; postsurstylus in lateral view ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) more or less Lshaped with narrow, shallowly excavate base, extended process much wider than base, parallel sided, apex very shallowly arched, in ventral view ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) L-shaped with short, digitiform process at base, thereafter with basal half wide, then narrowed before equally wide, spatulate apical half, apex rounded, bearing 2 basolateral setulae and several setulae on apical half; pregonite in ventral view ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) almost as wide as long, bearing 3 apical setulae, in lateral view ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) wider basally, short, broadly rounded; aedeagus in ventral view ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) with basal 1/3 roundly subquadrate, thereafter apically gradually tapered to digitiform process, parallel sided, apex pointedly rounded and with slight, subapical lateral expansions, these shallowly angulate, in lateral view ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) elongate, slightly wider basally, shallowly pedunculate, apex rounded; phallapodeme in lateral view ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) with base rectangular, keel somewhat triangular, in ventral view ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) hour-glass shaped, more robustly developed basally, apical, crossbar pointed laterally; subepandrial plate in lateral view ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) comma-like, in ventral view ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) transversely band-like, shallowly arched, slightly enlarged laterally, more deeply emarginate posteriorly; hypandrium in lateral view ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) elongate, moderately narrow, pocket-like, in ventral view ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 34 ‒ 44 ) U-shaped, anterior margin bluntly arched with thin, lateral extension, posterior extended arms somewhat parallel to each other, posterior margin deeply emarginate, emargination V-shaped.
Type material. The lectotype female of Celyphus anisotomoides Karsch , designated herein, is labeled “ Ceylon [,] Nietner S./2742/ Type [red]/ anisotomoides J. Karsch * [yellow; handwritten]/Zool. Mus. Berlin / LECTOTYPE ♀ Celyphus anisotomoides Karsch , des. by Savaris, et al. 2016 [red].” The lectotype is double mounted (glued to a paper triangle), is in poor condition (wings missing), and is deposited in ZMHU.
The holotype male of Peltopsilopa aspistes Hendel is labeled “Aracataca 1912.II.[Feb 1912]/Columbia Ujhelyi/ Peltopsilopa aspistes H. typus [red ink] Det. Hendel [“ Peltopsilopa aspistes H. typus” handwritten]/typus [red border, letters red].” The holotype is double mounted (minuten pin), is in moderately good condition (head and left wing missing), and is deposited in HNHM.
Type locality. Several problems are apparent concerning the provenance and type locality of this species. In Karsch’s original publication (1884: 173), he listed “Bengal” as the country of origin. The only available specimen ( ZMHU), however, bears the label “ Ceylon.” Moreover, both “Bengal” and “ Ceylon ” are almost certainly errors, probably from mislabeling, as there is no species of Peltopsilopa known from the Old World.
The collector, according to Karsch’s publication, was Johannes [John] Werner Theodor Nietner, a farmer/ naturalist living in “Bengal.” He was born on 19 May 1828 in Potsdam, near Berlin, and died in 1874 in Bengal or Sri Lanka (Colombo). The provenance of this specimen, thus, remains a complete mystery, although we suggest that it is undoubtedly from the New World tropics and was mislabeled. Karsch (1884: 173), without further elaboration, wrote a summary sentence on species included in Celyphus toward the end of his brief treatment of this genus and noted “Amerika” as a locality. We suggest that perhaps Karsch had a specimen from the New World, probably the Neotropics, and that someone inadvertently mislabeled it. Thus, the lectotype has “ Ceylon ” on its label, Karsch listed “Bengal” for this specimen in his publication, and as here suggested, the specimen is undoubtedly from the New World tropics!
Other specimens examined. Neotropical. BRAZIL. Maranhão: Mirador, Parque Estadual do Mirador , Base da Geraldina (06°37.4'S, 45°52.1'W; sweep net and Malaise trap; 120 m), 15 May‒18 Aug 2006, 2012, 2014, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, J. S. Pinto Júnior, D. W. A. Marques, L. L. M. Santos, L. S. Santos (1♂ 3♀; CZMA) GoogleMaps . Pernambuco: Camaragibe , Condomínio dos Cedros (07°58.6'S, 35°0.3'W; 120 m), 8 May 2014, P. Grossi (2♂; CERPE) GoogleMaps .
ECUADOR. Guayas: Isla Puná (02°51.3'S, 80°08.6'W), 22 Mar 1988, M. Huybensz (1♂; USNM) GoogleMaps . Sucumbios: Santa Cecilia (00°03'S, 76°57.9'W), 25-31 Mar 1969, P. and P. Spangler (1♀; USNM) GoogleMaps .
VENEZUELA. Carabobo: San Estaban (10°25.5'N, 68°0.8'W), 1‒6 Jan-27 Dec, 1939 1940, P. Anduze (4♀; USNM) GoogleMaps ; Valle Seco (10°26.9'N, 68°0.3'W), Jan 1940, P. Anduze (1♂; USNM) GoogleMaps .
Distribution. Neotropical: Brazil (Maranhão, Pernambuco), Colombia (Magdalena), Ecuador (Guayas, Sucumbiois), Venezuela (Carabobo) ( Fig. 52 View FIGURE 52 ).
Remarks. Only a few males of this species were available for dissection. Structures of the male terminalia of those dissected were essentially identical and are the primary bases for our determination that these specimens represent a single species.
Initially, we had the impression that there was variation in scutellar setation ( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 1 ‒ 6 , 11 View FIGURES 10 ‒ 14 , 48 View FIGURES 47 ‒ 51 ). Close and detailed observations, however, including use of scanning electron micrographs, revealed that specimens that appeared to have a mostly bare scutellum actually represent a scutellum with broken and missing setulae. The setal sockets, often without a setula, were quite evident in the micrographs ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 47 ‒ 51 ).
Cresson, E. T. Jr. (1946) A systematic annotated arrangement of the genera and species of the Neotropical Ephydridae (Diptera) I. The subfamily Psilopinae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 71, 129 - 163.
Hendel, F. (1914) Neue amerikanische Dipteren. 2. Beitrag. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1914, 151 - 176.
Karsch, F. (1884) Dipterologische Aphorismen. Berliner Entomologischen Zeitschrift, 28 (1), 171 - 174.
Malloch, J. R. (1941) Venezuelan Diptera. I. Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, 7 (48), 123 - 131.
Mathis, W. N. & Zatwarnicki, T. (1995) A world catalog of the shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae). Memoirs on Entomology International, 4, i - vi + 1 - 423.
Tenorio, J. M. (1972) A revision of the Celyphidae (Diptera) of the Oriental Region. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 123 (4), 359 - 453. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1972. tb 00847. x
Wirth, W. W. (1968) 77. Family Ephydridae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, Sao Paulo, pp. 1 - 43.
FIGURE 52. Distribution map for Peltopsilopa. Peltopsilopa acuta n. sp. (●); P. anisotomoides (Karsch) (■). P. schwarzi Cresson (▲).
FIGURES 1 ‒ 6. Adult of Peltopsilopa Hendel. (1 ‒ 3) P. acuta n. sp. (Peru. Loreto: Varillal (03 ° 53.3 ' S, 73 ° 21.1 ' W; 130 m )). (1) Head, frontal view. (2) Body, dorsal view. (3) Same, lateral view. (4 ‒ 6) P. anisotomoides (Karsch) (Brazil. Pernambuco: Camaragibe, Condomínio dos Cedros (07 ° 58.6 ' S, 35 ° 0.3 ' W; 120 m )). (4) Head, frontal view. (5) Body, dorsal view. (6) Same, lateral view. (7 ‒ 9) P. schwarzi Cresson (Cuba. Cienfuegos: Cayamas (22 ° 14 ' N, 80 ° 48 ' W; 26 m )). (7) Head, frontal view. (8) Body, dorsal view. (9) Same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 10 ‒ 14. (10 ‒ 12) Mesonotal setation, dorsal view. (10) Peltopsilopa acuta n. sp. (Peru. Loreto: Varillal (03 ° 53.3 ' S, 73 ° 21.1 ' W; 130 m )). (11) P. anisotomoides (Karsch) (Brazil. Pernambuco: Camaragibe, Condomínio dos Cedros (07 ° 58.6 ' S, 35 ° 0.3 ' W; 120 m )). (12) P. schwarzi Cresson (Cuba. Cienfuegos: Cayamas (22 ° 14 ' N, 80 ° 48 ' W; 26 m )). Scale bar = 0.5 mm. (13 ‒ 14) Sternites 1 – 5, ventral view. (13) P. acuta n. sp. (Peru. Loreto: Varillal (03 ° 53.3 ' S, 73 ° 21.1 ' W; 130 m )). (14) P. anisotomoides (Karsch) (Brazil. Pernambuco: Camaragibe, Condomínio dos Cedros (07 ° 58.6 ' S, 35 ° 0.3 ' W; 120 m )). Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
FIGURES 30 ‒ 33. Structures of the male terminalia of Peltopsilopa anisotomoides (Karsch) (Brazil. Pernambuco: Camaragibe, Condomínio dos Cedros (07 ° 58.6 ' S, 35 ° 0.3 ' W; 120 m )). (30) Epandrium, cerci, and presurstylus, posterior view. (31) Same, lateral view. (32) Aedeagus, phallapodeme, postsurstylus, pregonite, hypandrium, and subepandrial plate, ventral view. (33) Same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
FIGURES 34 ‒ 44. Structures of the male terminalia of Peltopsilopa anisotomoides (Karsch) (Brazil. Pernambuco: Camaragibe, Condomínio dos Cedros (07 ° 58.6 ' S, 35 ° 0.3 ' W; 120 m )). (34) Aedeagus, ventral view. (35) Phallapodeme, ventral view. (36) Aedeagus and phallapodeme, lateral view. (37) Hypandrium, ventral view. (38) Same, lateral view. (39) Postsurstylus, ventral view. (40) Same, lateral view. (41) Subepandrial plate, ventral view. (42) Pregonite, ventral view. (43) Subepandrial plate, lateral view. (44) Pregonite, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
FIGURES 45 ‒ 46. Wings. (45) Peltopsilopa acuta n. sp. (Costa Rica. Intercepted in Los Angeles Airport). (46) Peltopsilopa anisotomoides (Karsch) (Brazil. Pernambuco: Camaragibe, Condomínio dos Cedros (07 ° 58.6 ' S, 35 ° 0.3 ' W; 120 m )). Scale bar = 1 mm.
FIGURES 47 ‒ 51. Scanning Electron Microscope. (47) Peltopsilopa acuta n. sp. (Peru. Loreto: Varillal (03 ° 53.3 ' S, 73 ° 21.1 ' W; 130 m )). (48) P. anisotomoides (Karsch) (Brazil. Pernambuco: Camaragibe, Condomínio dos Cedros (07 ° 58.6 ' S, 35 ° 0.3 ' W; 120 m )). (49) P. schwarzi Cresson (Cuba. Cienfuegos: Cayamas (22 ° 14 ' N, 80 ° 48 ' W; 26 m )). Scale bar = 1 mm. (50) Normal setulae. Scale bar = 100 um. (51) Broken setulae. Scale bar = 200 um.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Tribe |
Psilopini |
Genus |
Peltopsilopa anisotomoides (Karsch)
Savaris, Marcoandre, Marinoni, Luciane & Mathis, Wayne N. 2016 |
Peltopsilopa aspistes
Mathis 1995: 37 |
Wirth 1968: 12 |
Cresson 1946: 158 |
Malloch 1941: 126 |
Hendel 1914: 158 |
Celyphus anisotomoides Karsch 1884 : 173
Tenorio 1972: 378 |
Karsch 1884: 173 |
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