Knightocoris carlosleitei P. Ferreira & L. Ferreira, 2024

Ferreira, Paulo Sérgio Fiuza, Martins, David Dos Santos, Ferreira, Luciano Santana Fiuza & Fornazier, Maurício José, 2024, Synopsis of Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Atlantic Forest Dominion, Espírito Santo State, Brazil: keys, diagnoses, new species, plant associations, and geographic distribution. Part I: Bryocorinae, Cylapinae and Deraeocorinae., Zootaxa 5468 (2), pp. 201-254 : 221-222

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Plazi (2024-06-12 09:40:53, last updated 2024-11-25 23:20:25)

scientific name

Knightocoris carlosleitei P. Ferreira & L. Ferreira

sp. nov.

Knightocoris carlosleitei P. Ferreira & L. Ferreira , new species ( Figs. 6-J, K View FIGURE 6 )

Diagnosis. Body with a yellow background, membrane of hemelytron hyaline, and legs with median and hind tibiae black.

Description. Male (Holotype) measurement in Table 2 View TABLE 2 . Body oval, with a yellow background and black areas; length less than 3 x (2.4 x) width; vestiture formed by short simple recumbent golden setae; Head declivent, apex extending beyond base of antennae, uniformly yellow (except eyes and antennae, black), shiny, smooth, and glabrous; front highly convex and with spurious striations; clypeus convex and delimited posteriorly; eyes separated from anterior margin of pronotum by distance approximately equal to width of antennal segment I; antennal fossa located above mandibular-maxillary plate suture; labium pale yellow, slightly darker toward apex, extending to apex of anterior coxae; antennae cylindrical, black except for extreme base of segment I, pale; segment I segments pilosity with setae shorter than segment width, length shorter than distance between eyes; segment II twice or slightly longer than segment I; relative lengths of antennal segment in ascending order: IV> I> III> II. Pronotum trapeziform, yellow, shiny, less than twice (1.5x) wider than long; dorsal surface slightly punctate with short golden decumbent setae; collar well defined by posterior groove, located at same level as anterior margin of pronotum; calli convex, shiny, and smooth; lateral margin rounded; posterior margin convex; humeral angle not differentiated from disc. Mesoscutum covered by posterior margin of pronotum. Scutellum flat, triangular, yellow, without pilosity and smooth surface. Hemelytron convex laterally, opaque with yellow background color, shiny, surface fully covered with fine roughness, and short, golden adpressed setae; cuneus yellowish, as long as wide; membrane hyaline, with yellowish vein. Ventral surface uniformly yellow. Legs with coxae and femora yellow; anterior tibiae with longitudinal black line on dorsal and ventral surfaces; median and hind tibiae black with pale preapical ring; apex of pretarsus darker; abdomen uniformly yellow with long golden setae on membranous margins of abdominal segments.

Genitalia. The male genitalia of the unique holotype were not dissected. The new species can be readily distinguished from K. villosus based on external morphology.

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. We name this species in honor of Dr. Carlos Antonio Moreira Leite, Full Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG , Brazil. His vast experience and impact as a researcher and professor stand out on a national and worldwide scale. He focuses on the areas of Rural Economy, Agrarian economies, and Natural Resources, working mainly on the following subjects: coffee, soy, the futures market, subsistence agriculture, and the global market.

Plant Associations. Unknown.

Distribution. Brazil: Espírito Santo *.

Type material. Holotype ♂ BR, ES, Sta. Maria de Jetibá , 01/04/2014. Coelho, L.A. & Zanuncio Jr., J.S. Alto de Santa Maria. Propriedade Selene Hammer Tesch.

Remarks. Knightocoris carlosleitei It is a single male specimen representative of the genus found in South America, Brazil, state of Espírito Santo, municipality of Santa Maria de Jetibá.

Distribution. Brazil: Espírito Santo *.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 6. Tribe Eccritotarsini, A—Cyrtocapsus rostratus, B—Eccritotarsus brotaensis, C—Eccritotarsus carioca, D— Eccritotarsus emboabanus (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes, 1971A, with permission), E—Eccritotarsus hyalinus, F— Eccritotarsus nigrocruciatus, G—Eurychilella discoidalis, H, I—Eurychilella incaperanus n. sp.; J, K—Knightocoris carlosleitei n. sp.; L—Neela lutescens, M—Neofurius capichabensis (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes 1971B, with permission), N— Pachymeroceroides bromeliae (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes 1971C, with permission), O—Pycnoderes cataguasensis, P— Pycnoderes quadrimaculatus, Q—Sinervus baerensprungi, R—Sinervus hyalipedes; S, T—Sinervus vendanovensis n. sp.; U, V— Sinervus venturai n. sp.; W—Spartacus albatus, X—Sysinas pallidipes, Y—Tenthecoris nanus, Z—Tenthecoris orchidearum.


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