Sinervus vendanovensis P. Ferreira & Martins, 2024

Ferreira, Paulo Sérgio Fiuza, Martins, David Dos Santos, Ferreira, Luciano Santana Fiuza & Fornazier, Maurício José, 2024, Synopsis of Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Atlantic Forest Dominion, Espírito Santo State, Brazil: keys, diagnoses, new species, plant associations, and geographic distribution. Part I: Bryocorinae, Cylapinae and Deraeocorinae., Zootaxa 5468 (2), pp. 201-254 : 226-227

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Plazi (2024-06-12 09:40:53, last updated 2024-11-25 23:20:25)

scientific name

Sinervus vendanovensis P. Ferreira & Martins

sp. nov.

Sinervus vendanovensis P. Ferreira & Martins , new species ( Figs. 6-S, T View FIGURE 6 )

Diagnosis. Pronotum disc uniformly black; hemelytra with a little transverse dark band not reaching the embolium; innermost part of the cuneus base and margins, clearly black.

Description. Male (Holotype) measurement in Table 2 View TABLE 2 . Body elongate, subparallel-sided, yellowish with fuscous and black areas; hemelytron hyaline, with black and fuscous areas. Length 3.0 times or slightly longer than width; dorsal vestiture apparently glabrous. Head with eyes strongly stalked, not extending beyond antenniferous tubercles, nearly glabrous and shiny; vertex yellowish with central region fuscous, deeply concave with deep median suture; antennal fossa located above mandibular-maxillary plate suture near inner margin of eye; buccula yellowish, not reaching antennal fossa; clypeus convex and delimited posteriorly; labium yellowish extending to base of posterior coxae. Antennal segment I length longer than width interocular distance and less than width of head; apical half thickened and smoky, thinnest apical region darkened; segment II uniformly black, with recumbent setae subequal to or less than segment width; length of segment II less than twice length of segment I; other segments missing. Labium pale yellowish, extending to posterior coxae. Pronotum conical, nearly glabrous, mostly pale yellowish, constricted in apical third, forming two lobes; anterior lobe limited by dorsal transverse suture including collar and callus area; posterior lobe strongly swollen, higher than previous one, formed by pronotum disc; anterior lobe with collar black and deeply punctate, weakly defined posteriorly; calli not well defined by longitudinal groove; calli pale yellowish, smooth, swollen, shiny, enlarged to lateral margins; posterior lobe deeply punctate, uniformly black; humeral region protruding; pronotum lateral margin rounded; posterior margin concave. Mesoscutum covered by posterior margin of pronotum. Scutellum black, triangular, flat, and rugose. Hemelytron hyaline, shiny, impunctate, apparently glabrous, and weakly widening towards the apex; cuneus 6 x longer than wide, close to but not reaching apex of membrane; clavus with narrow black stripe that runs through claval commissure to oval fuscous spot in middle of endocorium; inner margin of corium close to membrane black; inner base and margins of cuneus black; vein dark. Ventral surface greenish, pilosity short and scattered; propleura black; xyphus of prosternum pale; mesepisternum, mesepimerum, metepisternum, blackish; Legs uniformly pale yellowish, with pre-tarsi dark brown; femora and tibiae with numerous short, recumbent setae shorter than width of respective segments. Male genitalia as figure 11-N.

Female. slightly bigger than the male and similar in morphology and color.

Etymology. The specific name refers to the location in the state of Espírito Santo, in the municipality of Venda Nova do Imigrante, where the species was collected.

Plant Associations. Unknown.

Distribution. Brazil: Espírito Santo *.

Type material. Holotype ♂ Venda Nova do I. ES, BR. 17/10/2018 —varredura—INCAPER—Faz. Exper. David, Luciano, Fiuza . Paratype 2♂, 9♀ same data as for holotype .

Gallery Image

FIGURE 6. Tribe Eccritotarsini, A—Cyrtocapsus rostratus, B—Eccritotarsus brotaensis, C—Eccritotarsus carioca, D— Eccritotarsus emboabanus (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes, 1971A, with permission), E—Eccritotarsus hyalinus, F— Eccritotarsus nigrocruciatus, G—Eurychilella discoidalis, H, I—Eurychilella incaperanus n. sp.; J, K—Knightocoris carlosleitei n. sp.; L—Neela lutescens, M—Neofurius capichabensis (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes 1971B, with permission), N— Pachymeroceroides bromeliae (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes 1971C, with permission), O—Pycnoderes cataguasensis, P— Pycnoderes quadrimaculatus, Q—Sinervus baerensprungi, R—Sinervus hyalipedes; S, T—Sinervus vendanovensis n. sp.; U, V— Sinervus venturai n. sp.; W—Spartacus albatus, X—Sysinas pallidipes, Y—Tenthecoris nanus, Z—Tenthecoris orchidearum.


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