Colletotrichum paridis L.H. Xue, H.W. Cui & X.K. Wei

Cui, Hua-Wei, Malik, Kamran, Xue, Long-Hai & Wei, Xue-Kai, 2024, Colletotrichum paridis sp. nov., a novel endophytic species on Paris polyphylla var. chinensis, Phytotaxa 653 (2), pp. 175-187 : 180-181

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Felipe (2024-08-02 13:02:59, last updated 2024-11-29 01:49:12)

scientific name

Colletotrichum paridis L.H. Xue, H.W. Cui & X.K. Wei

sp. nov.

Colletotrichum paridis L.H. Xue, H.W. Cui & X.K. Wei , sp. nov. Figs 1d,e View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 .

Mycobank no. MB 850803

Type:— CHINA. Sichuan Province: Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County; 31.8494°N, 104.3986°E, 1135m elevation, isolated from leaf lesions with grey mould of cultivated Paris polyphylla var. chinensis , 2017, L. H. Xue. Holotype GMCC000018 , stored in a metabolically inactive state; ex-type living culture BCTJB1 (= GMCC000018 , CGMCC 3.19921 View Materials , ACCC 35519 View Materials ). GenBank: MF775292 ( ITS); MF775312 (gapdh); MF775300 (act); MF775304 (tub2); MF775316 (chs-1); MF775320 (his3). GoogleMaps

Etymology:— Named after the host genus from which it was isolated, Paris .

Diagnosis:— Phylogenetically, C. paridis differs (by 6 bp or more) in gapdh sequence from other species within the C. dematium complex.

Description:— Endophytic on leaves of P. polyphylla var. chinensis . Asexual morph on PDA. Setae dark brown to black, smooth-walled, cylindrical to conical, tip acute or rounded, 1–4-septate, 51–193 μm (mean±SD=110±35 μm) long. Conidiophores hyaline to light brown, smooth-walled, septate. Conidia solitary, hyaline, curved or falcate, apex narrow and acute, base subtruncate, with many guttules, 21.7–31.7 × 3.7–5.5 μm (mean±SD = 24.9±2.3 × 4.6±0.5 μm; n = 50), length/width (L/W) ratio=5.4. Appressoria light brown, smooth-walled, ellipsoidal to irregular, sometimes slightly lobed, 6.2–13.5 × 4.7–11.1 μm (mean±SD = 10.2±1.7 × 6.5±1.7 μm; n = 26), length/width (L/W) ratio = 1.6. Sexual morph: undetermined.

Asexual morph on SNA. Conidia solitary, hyaline, curved, apex acute, base subtruncate, with many guttules, 24.3–30.8 × 4.2–5.7 μm (mean±SD = 27.5±1.6 × 4.7±0.3 μm; n = 50), length/width (L/W) ratio = 5.9.

Colonies on PDA flat with entire margin, aerial mycelium dense, cottony, surface reddish-brown to black with white to pink margin; reverse black with white to pink margin; mycelial growth rate 5.8–6.0 mm/d.

Additional material examined:— CHINA. Sichuan Province: Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, 31.8494°N, 104.3986°E, 1135m elevation, from grey mould of P. polyphylla var. chinensis , 2017, L.H. Xue, living cultures BCTJB2 (ITS accession no. MF775293), BCTJB3 ((ITS: MF775294), and BCTJB4 (ITS: MF775295).

Notes: — Phylogenetically, this species is a sister group to both C. jinshuiense and Colletotrichum sp. isolate CGMCC 3.15172, but it differs at 9–18 positions from reported isolates of these two related species ( Table 2 View TABLE 2 ). Morphologically, C. paridis produces larger conidia on SNA than those of C. jinshuiense (av. 27.5 × 4.7 vs. 24 × 4 µm) ( Lee & Jung 2018). In addition, cultures of C. paridis on PDA show a noticeable pink ring, and have slightly faster mycelial growth rate (5.8–6 vs. 3.3–5.8 mm /d) ( Table 3 View TABLE 3 ).

Lee, S. Y. & Jung, H. Y. (2018) Colletotrichum kakivorum sp. nov., a new leaf spot pathogen of persimmon in Korea. Mycological Progress 17: 1113 - 1121. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 11557 - 018 - 1424 - 3

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FIGURE 1. a. The collection of samples. b. Paris polyphylla with grey mould where C. paridis was isolated from. c. No symptoms on inoculated leaves. d, e. Culture of C. paridis on PDA after 5 days (d, upper; e, reverse).

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FIGURE 3. Colletotrichum paridis (GMCC000018, holotype). a–g. Appressoria. h, i. Setae. j–l. Conidiophores and conidia. m, n. Scanning electron micrographs of (m) a conidium and (n) setae. o, p. Conidia.


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