Gonatocerus (Gahanopsis) acanophorae (Ogloblin, 1938)

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, Zootaxa 2456, pp. 1-243 : 81-83

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scientific name

Gonatocerus (Gahanopsis) acanophorae (Ogloblin, 1938)


Gonatocerus (Gahanopsis) acanophorae (Ogloblin, 1938) View in CoL

( Figs 147–152 View FIGURES 147 – 149 View FIGURES 150 – 152 )

Lymaenon (Gastrogonatocerus) acanophorae Ogloblin 1938a: 95 View in CoL (illustrations), 97–101, 103 (illustrations), 106 (key). Type locality: Loreto , Misiones, Argentina.

Lymaenon (Gastrogonatocerus) acanophorae Ogloblin: Ogloblin 1938b View in CoL : 29 (mentioned); Costa Lima 1942: 59 (illustrations), 62.

Gonatocerus acanophorae (Ogloblin) View in CoL : Costa Lima 1962: 196; Yoshimoto 1990: 39 (listed in membraciphagus species group); Luft Albarracin et al. 2009: 8 (list; distribution and host association in Argentina).

Gonatocerus (Gastrogonatocerus) acanophorae (Ogloblin) View in CoL : De Santis & Esquivel 1967: 99 (list); De Santis 1967: 105 (catalog); Huber 1988: 33 (mentioned as possibly belonging to a new species group).

Lymaenon acanophorae Ogloblin View in CoL : De Santis 1980: 148 (catalog); Loiácono et al. 2005: 12 (type information).

Type material examined. Lectotype female [MLPA], here designated to avoid confusion about the status of the type specimens of this species, on slide labeled: 1. “ Ant [ip] Lymaenon Gastrogonatocerus acanophorae [ip, inconspicuous, apparently al] kronidiphagus [co, emn] A. O. ♀ Loreto, Misiones 15.vi.1936. Huevos Kronides [co] Acanophora [inconspicuous, apparently al ip] sobre Solanum auriculatum Fig [iR]”; 2. [red circle] “lectotype”. The lectotype, although uncleared, is in good condition, perfectly spread out, and mounted dorsoventrally. The published collection date (17.vi.1936) does not match the collection date of the lectotype, and the collection date of one of the other two female syntypes is not indicated, but it is the same (15.vi.1936) for the other. Paralectotypes [all MLPA]: 1 ♀ on slide labeled: “ Lymaenon Gastrogonatocerus acanophorae [ip, inconspicuous, apparently al] kronidiphagus [co] A. O. ♀ Loreto, Misiones Kronides sobre Solanum auriculatum . 15.vi.1936. A. A. O.”; 1 ♀ on slide labeled: “ Lymaenon Gastrogonatocerus acanophorae [ip, inconspicuous, apparently al] kronidiphagus [co] ♀ Huevos de Kronides [co] Acanophora [inconspicuous, apparently al ip] cochleata . Solanum auriculatum . Loreto, Misiones. A. A. O.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gastrogonatocerus acanophorae . 1938 [ip, inconspicuous, apparently al] kronidiphagus [co] A. O. ♂ Huevos de Kronides [co] Acanophora [inconspicuous, apparently al ip] sobre Solanum auriculatum . 17.vi.1936. Loreto, Misiones.”.

Material examined. ARGENTINA. CÓRDOBA, Villa de Soto, 30°50’53’’S 65°10’18’’W, 540 m, 17.i.2003, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, UCRC]. MISIONES: Dos de Mayo: 10.v.1965, J.R. Förster (”desoves Enchenopa nutans “ [probably an older name for Campylenchia hastata (Fabricius) , of which Membracis nutans Germar is a synonym]) [5 ♀, 1 ♂, MLPA]; 12.xii.1964 [wings only (on slide), MLPA]. San Ignacio, Chacra Yabebirí (Yabebiry), 7.iii.1951, A.A. Ogloblin [3 ♀, MLPA].

Redescription. FEMALE (lectotype, paralectotype, and non-type specimen from Villa de Soto). Body length 860 µm (dry-mounted specimen from Villa de Soto ) to 1107–1169 µm (slide-mounted specimens from Loreto). Body and flagellum dark brown except most of vertex and base of gaster brown; scape, pedicel, and legs light brown.

Antenna ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 147 – 149 ) with radicle about 0.25x total length of scape, remainder of scape about 3.2x as long as wide; pedicel longer than F1; funicle 8-segmented; F1–F4 shorter than following funicle segments and without mps; mps on F5 (1 or 2), F6 (2), F7 (2), F8 (4); clava with at least 8 mps, 3.7x as long as wide, about as long as combined length of F6–F8.

Mesosoma ( Fig. 148 View FIGURES 147 – 149 ). Mesoscutum and scutellum with weak sculpture. Forewing ( Fig. 149 View FIGURES 147 – 149 ) 3.1–3.2x as long as wide; longest marginal seta about 0.3x maximum wing width; forewing disc slightly infumate, bare behind submarginal vein and mostly bare behind marginal vein anterior to cubital row of setae, setose elsewhere. Hind wing ( Fig. 149 View FIGURES 147 – 149 ) 16–17x as long as wide; disc mostly setose, slightly infumate; longest marginal seta 2.0–2.3x maximum wing width.

Gaster much longer than mesosoma; ovipositor long, 2.7–2.9x as long as mesotibia, projecting slightly forward under mesosoma to about half length of propodeum, exserted beyond apex of gaster by 0.07–0.17x own length.

Measurements (µm) of the lectotype. Total body length: 1169; head: 148; mesosoma 381; gaster 627; ovipositor 738. Antenna: radicle 33; rest of scape 106; pedicel 60; F1 33; F2 36; F3 39; F4 36; F5 48; F6 52; F7 51; F8 55; clava 161. Forewing 910:295; longest marginal seta 85. Hind wing 756:48; longest marginal seta 94.

MALE (paralectotype). Body length 1020 µm. Similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features and the following. Gaster light brown. Antenna as in Fig. 150 View FIGURES 150 – 152 . Forewing ( Fig. 151 View FIGURES 150 – 152 ) 2.8x as long as wide. Genitalia as in Fig. 152 View FIGURES 150 – 152 .

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus (Gahanopsis) acanophorae is characterized by the following unique combination: female antenna ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 147 – 149 ) with funicle 8-segmented, F1–F4 shorter than following funicle segments and without mps, F5–F8 with mps; forewing mostly bare behind marginal vein anterior to cubital row of setae ( Fig. 149 View FIGURES 147 – 149 ); and ovipositor projecting forward under the mesosoma as far as about half length of the propodeum ( Fig. 148 View FIGURES 147 – 149 ).

Distribution. NEOTROPICAL: Argentina, and Brazil ( Costa Lima 1942).

Hosts. Calloconophora pugionata (Germar) ( Ogloblin 1938a) [as Acanophora pugionata Germar ], and Campylenchia hastata (Fabricius) ( Costa Lima 1942) ( Membracidae ).

Costa Lima, A. da (1942) Insetos do Brasil. 3. o Tomo. Capitulo XXIII. Homopteros. Escola Nacional de Agronomia, Serie Didatica N. 4. Imprensa Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 327 pp.

Costa Lima, A. da (1962) Insetos do Brasil. 12. o Tomo. Capitulo XXX. Himenopteros. 2. a Parte. Escola Nacional de Agronomia, Serie Didatica N. o 14. Oficinas do Servico Grafico do IBGE, Lucas, Estado da Guanabara, Brasil, 393 pp.

De Santis, L. & Esquivel, L. (1967 [1966]) Tercera lista de himenopteros parasitos y predatores de los insectos de la Republica Argentina. Revista del Museo de La Plata (Nueva serie), Seccion Zoologia (No. 69), 9, 47 - 215.

De Santis, L. (1980) Catalogo de los himenopteros brasilenos de la serie Parasitica incluyendo Bethyloidea. Editora da Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, 395 pp.

Huber, J. T. (1988) The species groups of Gonatocerus Nees in North America with a revision of the sulphuripes and ater groups (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 141, 1 - 109.

Loiacono, M. S., Diaz, N. B., Margaria, C. B. & Gallardo, F. E. (2005) Los tipos de Mymaridae y Mymarommatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea y Mymarommatoidea) depositados en el Museo de La Plata, Argentina. Revista del Museo de La Plata, Publicacion Tecnica y Didactica, 48, 1 - 20.

Luft Albarracin, E., Triapitsyn, S. V. & Virla, E. G. (2009) Annotated key to the genera of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in Argentina. Zootaxa, 2129, 1 - 28.

Ogloblin, A. A. (1938 a) Especies nuevas del subgenero Gastrogonatocerus Ogloblin (Genero Lymaenon, Mymaridae Hym.). Revista de Entomologia [Rio de Janeiro], 8 (1 - 2), 93 - 106.

Ogloblin, A. A. (1938 b) Las especies nuevas o poco conocidas del genero Lymaenon (Hal.) Walk de la Republica Argentina (Hym. Mymaridae). III. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 10 (1), 29 - 37 [+ 2 plates on unnumbered pages].

Yoshimoto, C. M. (1990) A review of the genera of New World Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Flora & Fauna Handbook No. 7, Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., Gainesville, Florida, v - ix + 166 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 147 – 149. Gonatocerus (Gahanopsis) acanophorae ♀ (lectotype): 147, antenna; 148, body; 149; wings.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 150 – 152. Gonatocerus (Gahanopsis) acanophorae ♂ (paralectotype): 150, antenna; 151, wings; 152, genitalia.


University of California, Riverside











