Clystopsenella longiventris Kieffer, 1911

Lepeco, Anderson & Melo, Gabriel A. R., 2022, Synopsis of the wasp genus Clystopsenella Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Scolebythidae), Zootaxa 5134 (1), pp. 125-134 : 127-129

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Plazi (2022-05-09 09:18:34, last updated 2024-11-24 21:35:03)

scientific name

Clystopsenella longiventris Kieffer


Clystopsenella longiventris Kieffer

( Figs. 1A–D View FIGURE 1 ; 2A–D View FIGURE 2 ; 4B, D View FIGURE 4 )

Clystopsenella longiventris Kieffer, 1911: 204 . Lectotype female, designated by Evans (1963:10), Brazil: Amazonas, Parintins (‘Villa Nova’) (NHM, examined through photographs).

The species was described by Kieffer (1911) based on two specimens ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 and 2 View FIGURE 2 ) which, judging by the features of the locality labels, were collected by Henry W. Bates. These specimens were obtained during his trip through the Amazon Forest, but the precise indication of the type localities was never mentioned by subsequent authors. ‘St. Paul’ refers to the municipality of São Paulo de Olivença, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, while ‘Villa Nova’ refers to Parintins in the same state ( Papavero 1973). The lectotype and paralectotype are the only specimens known from the Brazilian Amazon. Considering that Bates was an avid collector of beetles, including cerambycids ( O’Hara 1995), it is possible that he reared the Clystopsenella wasps from parasitized beetle larvae. Additionally, the specimens exhibit a pattern of coloration of their integument with lighter areas. Although Evans (1963) attributed lighter coloration in scolebythids to fading with time in collections, this condition is more likely indicative that the specimens were killed before reaching full sclerotization. The same color pattern is exhibited by the two females from Bahia reared from a cerambycid larva.

Type material. Lectotype ♀ from Brazil, Amazonas, Parintins, bearing the locality label ‘Villa\Nova\\55\37’ ( NHM), designated by Evans (1963: 10). Paralectotype female from Brazil, Amazonas, São Paulo de Olivença, bearing the locality label ‘St.\Paul\\70\16’ ( NHM). The two specimens, and their respective labels, are shown in Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 and 2 View FIGURE 2 . Additional examined material. BRAZIL: 1 ♀ Bahia, Ilhéus: “Brasil, BA, região de\Ilhéus, K. Nakayama,\Malaise em cabruca” ( DZUP); two females from Bahia, Inhambupe: “COPENER\INHAMBUPE\ BAHIA BA.\ X-1996 ” “EM LARVA DE\ CERAMBYCIDAE \ BERTI. EF.” ( DZUP); 1 ♀ Maranhão, Barreirinhas: “ BR, Maranhão, Barreirinhas,\ PNLM, 02°39’49”S 42°49’54”W \Altitude 16m; Arm. Suspensa,\ 01-15.ix.2016; F. Limeirade-\Oliveira, A.A. T. Sousa &\D.M. Limeira, Cols.” ( CZMA); 1 ♀ Maranhão, Carolina: “Brasil (MA), Carolina, PARNÁ Chapada das Mesas ,\Riacho Sucuruiu, 240m,\ 07°07’05.6”S \ 47°18’31.6”W ” “Armadilha de Malaise\ 10-; J.A. Rafael\F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, T.L.\Rocha & G. A. Reis, cols.” ( CZMA); 1 ♀ Maranhão, Carolina: “Brasil (MA), Carolina, PARNÁ Chapada das Mesas ,\Riacho Sucuruiu, 240m,\ 07°07’05.6”S \ 47°18’31.6”W ” “Armadilha de Malaise\; J.A. Rafael\F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, T.L.\Rocha & G. A. Reis, cols.” ( CZMA); 2 ♀ Mato Grosso: “Rio Caraguata\Matto Grosso\Brazil III-1953 \F. Plaumann” ( SEMK); one female from Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro: “Brasil Rio de Janeiro\D. F. CORCOVADO\ X.1959 \Seabra e Alvarenga” ( DZUP); 2 ♀ São Paulo, Cajuru: “Brasil, São Paulo, Cajuru,\Faz.Rio Grande, 21°12’S,\ 47°09’W, 17.xi-02.xii.\1999, Melo & Nascimento,\Malaise preta” ( DZUP); 1 ♀ São Paulo, Cajuru: “Brasil, São Paulo, Cajuru,\Faz.Rio Grande, 21°12’S,\ 47°09’W, 02 -18.xii.\1999, Melo & Nascimento,\Malaise preta”. BOLIVIA: 1 ♂ Beni, San Borja: “BOLIVIA: El Beni\Beni Stn., Palm\Camp, Savannah\NE of San Borja\ 29 July 1988 \ex., malaise trap” “Robert W. Brooks\BIOLAT-SI/MAB” ( SEMK). COSTA RICA: 1 ♀ Heredia, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui: “Costa Rica, Heredia,\Pto. Viejo Sarapiqui,\Est. Biol. La Selva,\ 2.v-18.v.1993,\M/07/101” ( DZUP).

Host record. The two females from Inhambupe , in Bahia, are labeled as reared from a larva of Cerambycidae .

Evans, H. E. (1963) A new family of wasps. Psyche, 70 (1), 7 - 16. https: // doi. org / 10.1155 / 1963 / 92486.

Kieffer, J. J. (1911) Nouveaux Bethylides et Drynides exotiques du British Museum de Londres. Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles, 35 (2), 200 - 233.

O'Hara, J. E. (1995) Henry Walter Bates - his life and contributions to biology. Archives of Natural History, 22, 195 - 219. https: // doi. org / 10.3366 / anh. 1995.22.2.195

Papavero, N. (1973) Essays on the History of Neotropical Dipterology. Vol. 2. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, 446 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Clystopsenella longiventris lectotype female.A) habitus, lateral view, scale bar: 2 mm; B) head, frontal view, scale bar: 0.5 mm; C) habitus, dorsal view, scale bar: 2 mm; D) specimen and labels (both surfaces).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Clystopsenella longiventris paralectotype female. A) habitus, lateral view, scale bar: 1 mm; B) head, frontal view, scale bar: 0.5 mm; C) habitus, dorsal view, scale bar: 2 mm; D) specimen and labels (both surfaces).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 4. Clystopsenella pacifica sp. nov. holotype female (A, C) and C. longiventris female from São Paulo, Brazil (B, D). A, B) head, frontal view, scale bar: 0.5 mm; C, D) mesosoma, dorsal view, scale bar: 0.5 mm. A–B and C–D at same scale.


University of Nottingham


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics











