Championa santossilvai, 2019

Bezark, Larry G., 2019, New species and distribution records for Mexican and Central American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), Zootaxa 4551 (4), pp. 401-414 : 401-404

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Plazi (2019-04-03 05:46:09, last updated 2019-04-03 05:46:10)

scientific name

Championa santossilvai

sp. nov.

Championa santossilvai sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–3)

Holotype Male. Form moderate sized; integument castaneous with metallic green iridescence, pronotum with yellow pubescent bands; elytra with yellowish pubescent and eburneus fasciae; antennae with apical half of scape metallic green, remainder reddish with apices of segments 3–6 darker.

Head small, short, front subvertical, front reddish, metallic greenish dorsally, punctures moderately dense, deep; coronal suture moderately grooved; antennal tubercles slightly prominent, apically acute; vertex barely impressed, punctures confluent, moderately deep; pubescence sparse, appressed, denser around eyes, long erect setae sparse.

Antennae exceeding apex of elytra by three segments, segments 3 to 6 spinose at apices, pubescence sparse on segments 3–6, apical 4/5 of 7 with a dense patch of long white pubescence directed internally, pubescence dense, fine white on 8–11, long erect setae numerous internally on basal segments, sparser apically, third segment much longer than first, fourth shorter than third, fifth longer than fourth, segments from sixth gradually decreasing in length, eleventh longer than tenth, slightly arcuate.

Pronotum longer than broad, sides subparallel; disk convex, shallowly, transversely rugose, both basal and apical yellow pubescent bands extending to prosternum; setae sparse, short, appressed and long and erect; prosternum with apical half rugose, basal half densely clothed with short, appressed pubescence; mesosternum densely pubescent towards metasternum, glabrous towards prosternum, narrowly, transversely rugose centrally, meso-episterna glabrous medially, densely clothed with short appressed pubescence surrounding glabrous area laterally; metepisterna densely clothed with short appressed pubescence; metasternum glabrous at middle, densely clothed with appressed pubescence at sides. Scutellum triangular, pubescence dense, appressed.

Elytra 3.3 times as long as broad, apices emarginate, bispinose, spines subequal, about as long as second antennal segment, sides subparallel; median fascia eburneus, narrow, oblique, extending from margin to suture; yellow pubescent pattern consisting of a narrow band at basal third which extends obliquely forward from suture, a broad band at apical third which extends slightly obliquely back from suture, and a sutural band extending from the scutellum to the base of the eburneus fascia and from the broad band to the apex, the last portion widening towards the apex; punctures on basal 3/4 deep, coarse, nearly contiguous, becoming finer and separated beyond broad pubescent band, toward apex; setae numerous, sparse, erect.

Legs with femora narrowly clavate, apex of metafemora extending well beyond elytral apices, middle pair carinate; tibiae carinate, posterior pair densely pubescent at apices; hind tarsi clothed with dense, white pubescence.

Abdomen densely clothed with appressed whitish pubescence at sides extending towards center; apex of last sternite emarginate.

Measurements, in mm. Total length 13.49 mm; pronotal length 3.46 mm; elytra length 8.85 mm; elytral width 2.68 mm,

Etymology. I am proud to name this species after my friend and colleague Antonio Santos-Silva, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, who has worked with me on many projects in the recent past.

Type material. Hwy 131 at San Juan Lachao, Oaxaca, Mexico; 3574’, Oak Forest,

VI-23-2015, Miscellaneous beating, J. Rifkind, collector ( LGBC, to be deposited at CASC) .

Remarks. Championa santossilvai is similar to C. elegans from Sinaloa, but differs in the color of the legs and color and vestiture of the antennae; in C. santossilvai the antennae except the apex of the scape are reddish, in elegans they are black, in santossilvai the basal half of the meso- and meta-femora and all the tibiae are reddish, in elegans they are basically black with dark greenish reflections. Additionally, in santossilvai , the antennae have a tuft of long, sparse white setae on segment 7, whereas in elegans there are dense patches of whitish pubescence on segments 7–9.











