Trypanidius kitayamai, Bezark, 2019

Bezark, Larry G., 2019, New species and distribution records for Mexican and Central American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), Zootaxa 4551 (4), pp. 401-414 : 404-405

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Plazi (2019-04-03 05:46:09, last updated 2024-11-26 01:11:45)

scientific name

Trypanidius kitayamai

sp. nov.

Trypanidius kitayamai View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 4–5 View FIGURES 2–5 )

Holotype. Female. Form robust; integument dark brown; body mostly covered with light and dark brown, black and white pubescence, head with golden-yellow pubescence; elytra with two large black maculae surrounded by whitish pubescence on top and sides and light brown pubescence on bottom, venter with white and some golden pubescence..

Head reddish-brown, with uniform light brown setae; with a small depression between antennal bases; frons flat, lower eye lobes as large as genae; genae dark-brown, with whitish setae, clypeus light brown with apical fringe of long, thin white setae.

Antennae black, scape dark brown setose with scattered whitish setae and a narrow line of white setae medially along the basal ¾ of the internal face; pedicel with white setae ventrally, segments 3–11 with dark brown setae with a few scattered white setae and a basal ring of white setae, on each segment covering a larger percentage of the segment.

Pronotum convex, smooth dorsally with a rounded depression centrally closer to apex; a large rounded tubercle laterally, widest near the base; punctures restricted to a row of large punctures basally and a row of smaller vague punctures apically; with light and dark brown pubescence and a few small patches with whitish pubescence interspersed, dorsum with six small, vague dark brown circles, three longitudinally on each side of lighter central area; laterally with small patches of whitish setae; prosternal process parallel-sided, apex truncate; scutellum rounded apically, with whitish pubescence centrally and dark-brown pubescence laterally.

Elytra parallel, becoming gradually narrower at apical 1/5, apices obliquely truncate; central crest vaguely indicated; mostly brown pubescent dorsally with two large black maculae beyond middle, rounded on top and oblique below, surrounded by whitish pubescence on top and sides and light brown pubescence on bottom, at apical 1/5 a thin lateral line of white pubescence extending from lateral edge to suture where it extends a short distance along suture and widens at its end; parascutellar area subshining,and bordered with white pubescence; humeri slightly projected apically, sides smooth not asperate; epipleurae with alternating brown and white pubescence.

Abdomen ventrally very dark brown, with small scattered patches of whitish setae, apical margin of segments 1–4 with a row of short golden setae laterally; ventrite 5 with a light covering of whitish pubescence centrally (with a few spots of darker pubescence interspersed), dark brown pubescent laterally, apical margin truncate with a line of very short white setae.

Legs dark reddish-brown, short with femora gradually clavate, not reaching elytral apex; femora with many small patches of white setae, apices with ring of white setae; tibiae gradually widening towards apex, with dark brown setae and a few scattered white setae, ventral face with white setae, with a distinct ring of white setae medially; tarsi with white setae except apex of last segment with dark brown setae.

Measurements, in mm. Total length 13.55 mm; pronotal length 4.00 mm; elytra length 10.52 mm; elytral width 6.08 mm.

Etymology. This species is named after Clifford Y. Kitayama, college colleague and lifelong friend of the author with whom he has collected insects for 40 years. Although they did not collect this new species, Cliff and the author were together at the type locality in August, 1980.

Type material. Holotype female, Mexico, Veracruz: UNAM Field Station, Los Tuxtlas , 35 km NE Catemaco, 23–24 April, 1991, F. T. Hovore collector ( CAS), paratypes, two females, same data as holotype ( LGBC).

Remarks. Trypanidius kitayamai sp. nov. differs from the other species of the genus mainly by the presence of the two large black maculae placed just past the middle of the elytra. From T. mexicanus , it also differs in lacking the four large dark brown maculae of the pronotum and lacking the lateral basal asperites of the elytra.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 2–5. Figures 2–3, Championa santos-silvai sp. nov., holotype male. Figures 4–5, Trypanidius kitayamai sp. nov., holotype female.


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