Euphara loculata Hernández-Ortiz & Dzul-Cauich, 2021

Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente & Dzul-Cauich, José F., 2021, A new species of picture-winged flies of the genus Euphara Loew (Diptera Ulidiidae), Zootaxa 5047 (2), pp. 171-176 : 173-175

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5047.2.6

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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Plazi (2021-09-30 06:48:37, last updated 2024-11-28 13:13:42)

scientific name

Euphara loculata Hernández-Ortiz & Dzul-Cauich

sp. nov.

Euphara loculata Hernández-Ortiz & Dzul-Cauich View in CoL , new species


Head. Antenna shorter than face, dull ochreous yellow, flagellomere 1 somewhat darker; face bright plumb gray, particularly on lower half along clypeal margin in lateral view; face nearly straight with only lower margin faintly projected; frons ochreous yellow, coated by golden microtrichia; 3 frontal setae moderately developed, placed in small depressions running parallel along ocular margin, each one surrounded by bright circular spots devoid of microtrichia, as well as an inner row of 3–4 setulae also inserted in bright circles; two orbital setae reclinate, anterior pair shorter than posterior one, nearly in line with anterior ocellus; inner vertical, outer vertical, and postocellar setae present; ocellar setae long and well-developed, nearly as long as inner vertical; ocellar triangle blackish, grayish microtrichose, somewhat shiny with side margins of similar color, covering from orbital seta to inner vertical seta, connected by dark staining to level of posterior ocelli extending posteriorly on occiput.

Thorax. Mesonotum length 1.2–1.6 mm; scutum ashy black for the presence of grayish microtrichia over almost whole dorsal surface, covered by black setulae, absent only at the posterior margin. The following setae are present: 1 postpronotal, 2 notopleurals, 1 postsutural supra-alar, 1 postalar, 1 intra–alar, 1 acrostichal, 2 dorsocentrals with anterior dc about one–half as long as posterior dc; scutellum dark brown, coated by grayish microtrichia, devoid of setulae; two scutellar setae of similar length; mediotergite dark brown; anepisternum and anepimeron dark brown to somewhat leaden shiny, contrasting with the katepisternum mostly covered by grayish microtrichia yielding a dull shade; legs mostly dark brown to blackish with some metallic sheen; coxae and femora yellow basally; tibiae blackish; mid and hind tarsi yellow basally.

Wings. Length 2.6–3.4 mm; wing pattern mostly dark brown, forming 4 transverse bands of different amplitudes; a weak narrow sub-basal band, starting at humeral vein extending down to base of cell bcu; lower apical corner of bcu nearly as long as one–half the length of body cell; a discal band widest of all, covering from apical end of costal cell and entire pterostigma, extending to most of cell dm, since its base to just below crossvein R-M, turning somewhat paler below vein Cu 1 close to wing margin; a subapical band wider above, with rounded hyaline spot filling the entire width of cell r1, with dark staining equidistant at both sides on vein R 2+3; inferiorly narrow, extending over vein DM-Cu and covering cell dm edgewise, but much wider on outer margin along vein M, nearly three times wider than opposite side; a broad apical band, anteriorly connected to the subapical band throughout cell width r1; inferiorly extending widely at apices of cells r 2+3, r 4+5 and m, yielding a hyaline stripe between subapical and apical bands, being narrower in cell m than r 2+3.

Abdomen. Tergites smooth, dark brown; syntergite 1+2 somewhat brighter covered by gray microtrichia gradually increasing posteriorly, giving rise to leaden tone.

Male terminalia. Epandrium globose, yellow reddish; proctiger consisting of two membranous translucid digitiform lobes with pale long setae; lateral surstylus narrow, arched in posterior view, somewhat spatulate, apically rounded; medial surstylus approximately as long as two–thirds of lateral surstylus, fitted with three long stout prensisetae of similar size; phallus coiled, dark bordered along the entire length, approximately its apical half with short cuticular denticles on lateral margins facing outward.

Female terminalia. Two rounded and smooth spermathecae; oviscape dark brown, 0.6–0.8 mm long, expanded, and bulging on basal third; aculeus length 0.9–1.2 mm, with transverse striations throughout entire length, tapering just before junction with the cercal unit long oval, apically rounded, approximately 1.1 as long as the distance from ventral lobes (8th sternite) to anterior margin of cerci, with 4 long trichoid sensilla and several shorter; a preapical long, three medial close together, two of them short and one nearly half as long as the preapical, and apical one about one–half as long as the preceding one.

Macquart, M. J. (1848) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, Supplement 2, 161 - 237. [1847]











