Monstera punctulata (Schott) Schott ex Engl.

Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197 : 148-149

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Felipe (2024-08-02 16:02:21, last updated 2024-11-24 23:21:36)

scientific name

Monstera punctulata (Schott) Schott ex Engl.


42. Monstera punctulata (Schott) Schott ex Engl. View in CoL in Martius, Fl. Bras. 3(2). 1878. 111.

Anadendrum?punctulatum Schott, Prodr. Syst. Aroid. 393. 1860. ( Figs. 71 View FIGURE 71 , 72 View FIGURE 72 )

Type: —Cult. Vienna [most probably originally introduced to Germany from?Mexico by Warszewicz], H.W. Schott s.n. (holotype W destroyed — see Riedl & Riedl-Dorn, 1988: 847). — Schott drawing No. 3281 (neotype W!, inventory No. NhMW-AfWHWSB0012,; designated by Madison, 1977 (as no. ‘2281’). — Schott drawings No. 3276 & 3279 (epitype W!, inventory No. NhMW-AfW-HWSB0010 & NhMW-AfW-HWSB0011, designated by Cedeño-Fonseca et al. 2022).

Robust nomadic vine, canopy plant, appressed-climbing and pendent habit. SEEDLINGS: filiform. JUVENILE PLANTS: root climbers; stems light-brown or beige, warty with brown pustules; internodes 3–8 cm long, 0.5–1.5 cm diam.; petiole not visible, dark green, smooth, 2–4 cm long; blades obovate or orbicular, cordate to subcordate at base, obtuse to short-acuminate at apex, sometimes white-spotted, sometimes variegated, 5–10 × 4–8 cm, appressed to the phorophyte; fenestrations absent. ADULT PLANTS: root climbers; stems yellowish or beige, warty with abundant pustules, dorsoventrally compressed and sulcate on one side; internodes 2–6(20) cm long, 1–4 cm diam., 1.5–2.0 times longer than wide; cataphylls deciduous, but leaving dry fragments on the peduncle; anchor roots dark brown; feeder roots beige, warty and corky; petiole light-green with white dots, warty and striated at base, with pustules, 30–65 cm long, sheathed up to 2 cm before base of the geniculum; petiole sheath deciduous with fibrous residues; geniculum striated or smooth, flattened adaxially, convex abaxially, 3–5 cm long; blades ovate to broadly elliptical or oblong, cordate at base, overlapping posterior lobes, obtuse or acuminate at apex, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, drying yellowish with blackish dots, light green or light brown, 45–110 × 30–45 cm, 1.3–1.6 times longer than wide, not decurrent on the geniculum; midrib flattened adaxially, convex abaxially, drying yellowish or light brown on both surfaces; primary lateral veins 11–20 per side, prominent on both surfaces, drying yellowish; secondary veins reticulate towards the margin and prominent, wavy throughout its length when dry; collective veins not visible; fenestrations rounded or oval, arranged throughout the blade; margins pinnatilobed, 4–9 lobes per side, occasionally 1-nerved and connected by a filament. INFLORESCENCES on ascending and pendent stems, 3–5 simultaneously at flowering time, arranged in the axils of the leaves or into cataphylls; peduncle light-green with pustules generating a warty surface, 6–20 cm long, 1.5–2.5 cm diam.; spathe obtuse or mucronate, dark green during development, green suffused with yellowish-green externally and white internally at anthesis, coriaceous, tearing longitudinally when fully opened, deciduous after anthesis, 10–20 × 6–10 cm, as long as the spadix; spadix white during development, creamy-yellow at anthesis, 10–15 cm long, 2.5–3.0 cm diam., 4.0–5.6 times longer than wide; basal sterile flowers 4–6 mm long, with yellowish secretion; fertile flowers 5–8 mm long; stamens 2–8 mm long, with laminar filaments; anthers 1.5–3.0 mm long; ovary rectangular in longitudinal section, ribbed, 5–6 × 3–4 mm; style hexagonal, 3–4 × 4–5 mm; stigma linear, with transparent sticky secretion; berries with a green stylar cap during development, mature stylar cap moss-green; pulp white; seeds dark-brown with white dots, oblong, elongated, 6–9 mm long.

Distribution and ecology: — Monstera punctulata ranges from Mexico to Panama, at (100) 300–1700 m, in Premontane wet rain forest and Lower montane rain forest life zones.

Phenology: —Flowering has been recorded in August-September. Fruiting in January-April, June-July.

Discussion: —The species is a member of sect. Marcgraviopsis and is characterized by its massive size, strongly flattened stems, frequently warty, whitish speckled petioles with sheath extending to the apex with the sheath usually deciduous, large heavily perforated yellow-green-drying blades which are cordate at base and both pinnatifid and perforate with 12–18 primary lateral veins per side and conspicuous reticulate veins, a single inflorescence, moderately long pedunculate which dries golden yellow in fruit, spathe light green externally, white internally, spathe splitting lengthwise when opened at male anthesis.

Monstera punctulata is a robust species of pre-montane and cloud forests. The collections in herbaria do not reflect the abundance of this species, because botanists avoid collecting it because of its tendency to bloom in the canopy and because of the large size of the plants, which require a single collection to be represented by up to five parts. Some Monstera punctulata plants develop hanging stems, which can be reproductive. Such plants (which could be considered as a morphotype) have little-fenestrated and often entire leaves. However, the morphology of the inflorescence, the flowers and the way of opening the spathe and the color of the ripe fruits are similar in both morphotypes, so they are considered here as variations of the same species ( Cedeño-Fonseca et al. 2022).

For more details about the taxonomic comments and nomenclatural note see Cedeño-Fonseca et al. (2022).

Additional specimens examined: — MEXICO. Oaxaca: Tropical jungle on steep bluff and roadside 8.5 mi. NE of Valle Nacional, old roadbed turnout, 17°50’24”N 096°12’36”W, 300 f, 10 Aug. 1979, D. Thurm et al. 230 (MO!); Mpio. Sta. María Chimalapa: Paso Piedra de Tigre (Cautza), ca. 8 km al O de Sta. María; selva con Calophyllum, Tapirira, Terminalia, Liquidambar, Laplacea grandis, Ficus, Brosimum, Sloanea tuerckheimii , suelo café, 16°53’N 094°43’W, 220 m, 26 Dec 1985, H. Hernández 1981 (MO!); Along Highway 175 between Valle Nacional and Oaxaca, 4.3–6 miles above the bridge at Valle Nacional, 17°43’48”N 096°18’36”W, 625–785 m, 21 February 1987, T.B. Croat & D.P. Hannon 65538 (MO!); Along Hwy 175 between Tuxtepec and Oaxaca, 13 km S of bridge over Río San Juan Bautista at Valle Nacional, 17°43’05”N 096°18’35”W, 747 m, 3 Mar 2008, T.B. Croat & P. Díaz-Jiménez 100174 (MO!); Mpio. Matías Romero. 7.2 km al O de Esmeralda, en la terracería La Laguna-Sarabia, luego 2.6 km al S por camino; cañón en lomas calizas, selva alta perennifolia de Dialium, Lonchocarpus, Sterculia mexicana, etc., suelos profundos, 17°07’N 094°49’W, 200 m, 8 Mar 1982, T.L. Wendt et al. 3626 (MO!); Tuxtepec. Mun. Santa Maria Jacatepec, subida al Predio del Aguila, en San Agustin, 25 km al O de la Reforma, carr. a Ayozintepec. Selva alta perennifolia, 17°50’N 096°06’W, 21 Feb 1988, R. Torres & L. Cortés 11504 (MO!); Veracruz: 6 mi. from Catemaco on road to Sontecomapan, 18°28’12”N 095°03’36”W, 380 m, Sept. 1961, H.E. Moore & G.S. Bunting 8939 (BH); Jesús Carranza. 2 km N of Poblado, 17°15’36”N 094°39’36”W, 120 m, 7 Abril 1982, M. Vázquez & I. Navarrete 2384 (MO!); 2 km N del Poblado 2. Ejido F.J. Mina. Selva alta-mediana subperennifolia con Dialium guianense, Brosimum alicastrum, Bernoulia flammea, Bursera simaruba, Ficus lapathifolia, Robinsonella mirandae, en estrato arboreo superior y en el intermedio, Dendropanax arboreus, Cymbopetalum penduliflorum, Guarea glabra, Omphalea oleifera. Suelos cársticos, quebrados; macizos rocosos emergentes, 17°16’N 094°40’W, 120 m, 7 Apr 1982, M. Vázquez & I. Navarrete 2384 (MO!); San Andrés Tuxtla. Along highway between San Andrés Tuxla and Minatitlán, 18°26’24”N 095°12’36”W, 300 m, 29 Jun 1977, T.B. Croat 39691A (MO!); Lote 72, Estación de Biología Tropical ”Los Tuxtlas”, carr. Catemaco-Montepio. Selva alta perennifolia, 18°34’N 095°07’W, 640 m, 12 May 2005, T. Krömer 2179 (MO!); Totutla. Km 45 on highway between Conejo (near Puente Nacional) and Hautusco, Hacienda ‘El Mirador’, slopes of barrance de Santa María, 19°12’00”N 096°45’36”W, 21 Sept. 1961, H.E. Moore & G.S. Bunting 8861 (BH). BELIZE. Toledo: Maya Mountains, Gabriel Camp, Edward’s Central Camp, 16°20’20”N 089°09’36”W, 720 m, 25 Mar 1977, F.C. Boutin & H. Schlosser 5148 (MO!). COSTA RICA. Cartago: La Unión, San Diego, Z.P. La Carpintera, Ladera norte con vista a Tres Ríos, entrando por finca de los Tinoco, 1520 m, 26 March 2008, (Fr.), A. Cascante et al. 1903 (CR!); La Unión, San Rafael, Z.P. Cerros de La Carpintera, Parche boscoso de Campo Istarú, 1712 m, 23 January 2007, (Fr.), A. Cascante & J. Sánchez 1667 (CR!); Cartago, Dulce Nombre, Jardín Botánico Lankester, 1360 m, 10 February 2017, (Fr.), M. Cedeño 1127 (USJ!); Puntarenas: Coto Brus, Sabalito, Foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, lower montane forest directly N of Las Alturas, 1450 m, 28 August 1983, (Fl.), G. Davidse 24169 (CR!, MO!); Coto Brus, Pittier, Forested slopes above the lumber camp at the Río Coton (Las Alturas), 1450 m, 18 January 1967, (Fr.), W. Burger & G. Matta 4559 (CR!); Coto Brus, Sabalito, Along road about halfway between Flor del Roble and Las Alturas de Coto Brus, 1250 m, 13 July 1985, (Fr.), M.H. Grayum & B.E. Hammel 5691 (CR!, MO!); Coto Brus, San Vito, R.B. Las Cruces, En el camino que va desde La Estación Biológica Las Cruces hasta el Río Jaba, Bosque primario premontano intervenido, 1170 m, 16 June 2003, (Fr.), R. Moran & M. Mora 6482 (CR!); Coto Brus, 10 March 1987, (Fr.), M.H. Grayum & J. Affolter 8149 (CR!, MO!); Coto Brus, Sabalito, Z.P. Las Tablas, Cordillera de Talamanca, Quebrada Pizote, Finca Cafrosa San Vito, 1200 m, 22 September 1990, (Fl.), M. Ramírez 97 (CR!); Coto Brus, Sabalito, 100 m from field station, between fence line and forest edge montane fores, 1600 m, 9 March 1998, (Fr.), B. Boyle et al. 5137 (CR, USJ); Coto Brus, Sabalito, Cerro Pando, ridges above the Río Coton and the Río Negro, Southern Puntarenas, Near La Lucha, Remnants near pastures on Río Coton, edge of road, 1400 m, 19 February 1982, (Fr.), K. Barringer & L. Gómez 1639 (CR!, MO!); Coto Brus, Pittier, Santa María, Sobre sendero al Río Canasta, 1700 m, 30 July 2000, (Infer.), L. Acosta 2346 (CR!); Canton of Coto Brus; Las Cruces Tropical Botanical Garden, 1200 m, 6 March 1984, (Fr.), T.B. Croat 57263 (MO!); Coto Brus, Finca Loma Linda, 1150 m, 26 February 1973, (Fr.), T.B. Croat 22289A (MO!); Coto Brus, Finca Loma Linda, 1150 m, 26 February 1973, (Infer.), T.B. Croat 22280 (MO!); Coto Brus, Sabalito, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, 10 km al noreste de Lucha, camino a la Finca Sandí-Hartmann “El Capricho”, 1800 m, 30 Abril 2016, (Fr.), M. Cedeño et al. 884 (USJ!); Coto Brus, San Vito, Estación Biológica Las Cruces, 1200 m, 5 February 2015, (Fr.), M. Cedeño et al. 782 (USJ!); Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Sabalito, Foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, lower montane forest directly N of Las Alturas, 1450 m, 28 August 1983, (Fl.), G. Davidse 24169 (CR!, MO!); San José: Desamparados, San Miguel, Along quebrada El Tablazo and on forested slope above creek, NE part of Altos Tablazo, 1750 m, 23 April 1985, (Fr.), MH.. Grayum & G. Schatz 5141 (CR!, MO!); Perez Zeledon, About 4.5 miles southwest of Canaán along gravel road from Rivas, 900 m, 14 August 1977, (Infer.), T.B. Croat 43434 (MO!); Curridabat, Granadilla, 18 Octubre 1984, (Fr.), E. Valerio 112 (USJ!). PANAMA. Chiriquí: Las Lagunas area W of Hato del Volcán, 08°47’N 082°40’W, 1400 m, 18 March 1983, C.W. Hamilton & H. Stockwell 3597 (MO!); Near Cerro Colorado, c. 3.5 miles along road from Chami [Chame] Camp. [Coordinates on original label: 8º35’N, 81º45W], 08°28’57”N 081°45’56”W, 1350 m, 17 April 1986, G. McPherson 9004A (MO!); Vicinity of Volcán Barú, near Volcán. Near lake shore at Los Lagos de Volcan, 08°45’N 082°40’W, 1400 m, 09 June 1986, G. McPherson 9449 (MO!); ”Ojo de Agua”, property of Ratidon Hartmann, vicinity of Santa Clara (between Volcán and Río Sereno), 08°51’N 082°45’W, 1520 m, 17 June 1987, T.B. Croat 66291 (MO, SCZ); Cerro Colorado, along mining road 15.6 mi above bridge over Río San Félix. Disturbed primary forest, 08°31’49”N 081°49’23”W, 1330 m, 21 Nov 1979, T.B. Croat 48440 (MO!); Vicinity of Planes de Hornito beyond Gualaca ca. 2.5 km W of Finca Linares, high hills, 08°40’N 082°11’W - 08°41’N 082°13’W, 1400–1900 m, 28 November 1979, T.B. Croat 48848 (MO!); 1 mi east of Cañas Gordas near Costa Rican border on road to Volcán, 08°45’12”N 082°54’24”W, 1100 m, 26 February 1973, T.B. Croat 22305 (MO!); Along road from Volcán to Río Serano, ca. 12 km from Escuela San Benito in Volcán, 08°49’48”N 082°42’30”W, 1200 m, 8 Aug 1974, T.B. Croat 26496 (MO!); Along road in vicinity of branch in road to Cerro Colorado and Escopeta, above Río San Félix near town of San Felix (ca. 13 miles N of Río San Félix bridge), 08°27’N 081°47’W, 800–1200 m, 15 March 1976, T.B. Croat 33510 (MO!); Cerro Colorado, above San Félix along mining road 18–27 miles off of Pan-American Highway (above Chame or turn- off to Escopeta), 08°32’N 081°49’W, 1200–1500 m, 12 March 1976, T.B. Croat 33074 (MO!); Vicinity of Planes de Hornito beyond Gualaca ca. 2.5 km W of Finca Linares, high hills, 08°40’N 082°11’W - 08°41’N 082°13’W, 1400–1900 m, 28 November 1979, T.B. Croat 48847 (MO!); Along continental divide on Cerro Colorado, on upper mining road 20–28 miles from San Félix, 08°32’N 081°49’W, 1200–1500 m, 14 March 1976, T.B. Croat 33333 (MO!); Palo Santo, 3 miles N of Volcán, 08°48’48”N 082°40’12”W, 1350 m, 19 February 1971, T.B. Croat 13574 (MO!); At fork in road going to Alto Quiel from Alto Quiel from Boquete. [On original label: Elevation 1300 m; 8º48’N; 82º28’W.], 08°47’54”N 082°27’06”W, 1270 m, 19 Feb 1986, W.S. Hoover 1336 (MO!); Darién: Serrania de Majé. Reserva Pivada Chucanti. Sendero los Heliciópteros hacia la cima, 08°47’45”N 078°27’47”W, 1325 m, 04 April 2018, O. Ortiz et al. 3161 (MO!, PMA!); Veraguas: Santa Fe. Above Santa Fe beyond Escuela Agrícola Interamericana, 1.8 miles beyond fork in road on Pacific slope; above rocky ravine on side of Cerro Tute, 08°30’49”N 081°02’11”W, 700–1000 m, 05 April 1976, T.B. Croat 34195A (MO!).

Cedeno-Fonseca, M., Hay, A. & Blanco, M. A. (2022) A taxonomic revision of Monstera Adans. (Araceae: Monsteroideae) in Costa Rica. Aroideana 45 (1): 4 - 198.

Madison, M. T. (1977) A revision of Monstera (Araceae). Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 207: 3 - 100. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / p. 336443

Riedl, H. & Riedl-Dorn, C. (1988) Heinrich Wilhelm Schott's botanical collections at the Vienna Natural History Museum. Taxon 37: 846 - 854. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1222090

Gallery Image

FIGURE 71. Monstera punctulata from Cartago Costa Rica. (A) Developing inflorescence. (B) Inflorescence with open spathe torn longitudinally into three strips. (C) Mature infructescence, stylar plates detaching. (D) Fertile flower; in lateral view (left), and in longitudinal section (right). (E) Stylar plate with stigma (left) and one stamen (right). (F) Sterile flower; lateral view (left), and longitudinal section (right). (G) Seeds. M. Cedeño et al. 1127 (USJ). Image from Cedeño-Fonseca et al. (2022).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 72. Monstera punctulata from Puntarenas, Costa Rica. (A) Adult individual. (B) Fenestrated leaf blade, with filaments <0.5 cm wide connecting adjacent lobes (arrows). (C) Stem with fibrous cataphylls (arrow), and five inflorescences. (D) Inflorescence with the spathe starting to open (arrow). M. Cedeño et al. 782 (USJ). Image from Cedeño-Fonseca et al. (2022).











