Melanonus, Günther, Albert C. L. G., 1878

Günther, Albert C. L. G., 1878, Preliminary notices of deep-sea fishes collected during the voyage of the H. M. S. “ Challenger ”, Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 (2), pp. 17-28 : 19

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Donat (2015-08-16 15:13:16, last updated 2022-02-26 04:37:30)

scientific name


g. n.

Melanonus , g. n. Gadid.

Head and body rather compressed, covered with cycloid scales of moderate size, and terminating in a long tapering tail, without caudal. Eye of moderate size ; mouth anterior and lateral; both jaws with narrow bands of villiform teeth; vomer and palatines with very narrow stripes of minute teeth. Barbel none. One short anterior dorsal; the second commences immediately behind the first, and has the anterior rays well developed ; it is continued to the end of the tail. Anal like the second dorsal. The outer gill-rakers of the first branchial arch strong and long, longer than the gill-laminie . Ventrals composed of several rays, slightly in advance of the pectorals. Bones flexible; mucous cavities of the head small.

Allied to Strinsia , but with different dentition.