Symmachia divisora Dolibaina and Leite, 2012

Leite, Luis Anderson Ribeiro, Fernando, Mielke, Hendrik & Martins, Mirna, 2012, An annotated list of Symmachia Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae: Symmachiini) from Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, Acre, Brazil, with the description of a new species, Insecta Mundi 2012 (249), pp. 1-11 : 2-5

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Felipe (2021-08-07 12:01:16, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 21:03:03)

scientific name

Symmachia divisora Dolibaina and Leite

sp. nov.

Symmachia divisora Dolibaina and Leite , sp. nov.

(Fig. 3-6, 41)

Description. Male: HEAD: Frontoclypeus predominantly black, with sparse orange scales laterally that converge ventrally toward center. Eyes glabrous and brown. White coloration between lower margin of eyes and subgena. Antenna reaching height of semi-translucent spot located in R 3 -R 4+ 5 in the forewing, base black with sparse orange scales,

dorsally black antennomeres with white base ventrally, last flagellomere with orange coloration.

Palp approximately half length of frontoclypeus,

ventrally gray and dorsally with yellowish-brown coloration. THORAX: Patagia with black and orange scales. Thorax predominantly black includ- Figures 3-4. Holotype male of Symmachia divisora sp. ing tegula and region of scuto-scutellar suture II nov. 3) Dorsal view. 4) Ventral view. Scale line: 1 cm.

with orange scales. Legs black, ventral base of femur with light yellow coloration and meso- and metathoracic tarsus yellowish-brown. ABDOMEN: Black from dorsal portion of tergum I to dorsoposterior margin of tergum III, forming a subtriangular spot; orange on dorsal and lateral remainder of abdomen. Sternum light yellow with black intersegmental and medium-longitudinal portions. WINGS: Forewing: Length 13.5mm (HT), 12.9mm (PT). Costa strongly convex in basal third. Dorsal surface: Metallic blue from base to first quarter of discal cell and from this point on with dark green coloration and metallic reflection. Costal and outer margins with a narrow black band, except for a small white extension in initial portion of costal curvature. Anterior margin of base of vein 2A with white coloration. Semi-translucent subtriangular yellow spot located from costal margin to M 3, bordering end of discal cell. Three small spots distal to discal spot, forming a discontinuous convex line approximately parallel to it, first in R 2 -R 3 oval shaped, second rectangular at origin of R 4+5 and M 1 and last slender in M 2 -M 3. Small semi-translucent white spot parallel to costal margin in R 3 -R 4+5 and another spot, with same color and size of last one, parallel to outer margin in M 2 - M 3. Ventral surface: metallic blue between costal margin and Sc from wing bases to discal spot. Dark green along costal margin from discal spot until end of R 4+5. Remainder of wing dark gray, paler from vein 2A to anal margin. Two spots, anteriorly golden and posteriorly gray, in discal cell, first near base and second in center, two dark gray bands in CuA 2 -2A at same height of discal cell. Semi-translucent spots as described for dorsal surface, but more conspicuous on ventral surface and, with further three small white spots, first in R 4+5 -M 1, second in M 1 -M 2 and last one in M 3 -CuA 1. Hindwing: Triangular with slightly produced tornus. Dorsal surface: Space between costal margin and Sc+R 1 with gray coloration; black between basal portion of discal cell and half of 2A; gray in space after 3A; remainder of wing dark green with metallic reflection, except for black band along distal margin, wider in its tornal third; black fringe. Ventral surface: Dark gray with numerous light yellow spots distributed as follows: three in space Sc+R 1 -Rs; one in Rs-M 1; one in M 1 -M 2; one in M 2 -M 3; three inside discal cell: one over dci; one in M 3 -CuA 1; two in CuA 1 -CuA 2 and three in CuA 2 and half of space in 2A-3A. Anal angle with a black semicircle in CuA 2 -2A, bordered basally by a light yellow band. End of veins M 3 and CuA 1 light yellow. MALE GENITA- LIA: Paratype ( Fig. 41) (n=1) with narrow and subrectangular tegumen conspicuously separated from uncus by weakly sclerotized tissue, tegumen with a slight posterior dorsomedial projection and setae distributed irregularly on its posterior half. Gnathos articulated to tegumen at antero-dorsal edge, with shorter, irregularly rounded dorsal projection and longer ventral projection, latter slender, slightly curved and parallel at posterior tip to medium-longitudinal axis of genitalia. Anterior projection of saccus approximately same length as gnathos. Triangular valve with numerous marginal setae, articulated to ventral half of arm of saccus. Aedeagus cylindrical, anterior portion with larger diameter, gradually narrowing posteriorly and bifid at tip in lateral view.

Female. UNKNOWN.

Types. Holotype male with the following labels: / HOLOTYPUS / BRASIL, ACRE, MÂNCIO LIMA, P[ar]Q[ue]. NAC[ional]. [da] SERRA DO DIVISOR, PORÇÃO NORTE, 7º26’50”S 73º39’52”W 200-400m 10-21.IX.2011 D. Dolibaina and D. Moura, leg./ DZ 23.294/ HOLOTYPUS Symmachia divisora Dolibaina and Leite , det. 2012/ (deposited at DZUP).

Paratype: 1 male, / PARATYPUS / same data as Holotype / DZ 21.406/ GEN[itália]. PREP[arada] LEITE 2011/ (deposited at DZUP).

Etymology. The species name refers to the type locality, Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, Acre, Brazil.

Diagnosis and Discussion. Symmachia divisora is apparently a member of a small group of species that includes S. probetor ( Stoll, 1782) , S. estellina Gallard, 2008 , S. falcistriga falcistriga Stichel, 1910 and S. falcistriga meyi Brévignon, 1998 , all occurring in the Amazon rainforest and characterized by their small size, sexual dimorphism, and by the color pattern of the adults (Fig. 3-12). The new species resembles S. falcistriga by the pattern of the spots on both sides of the wings (Fig. 3-6, 11-12), as well as the general stuctures of the genitalia ( Fig. 41-44). Symmachia divisora is easily distinguished from the species previously mentioned by its larger size, more strongly produced hindwing tornus, the shape and size of the ventral hindwing tornal spot, the presence of orange scales on the patagia and scuto-scutellar suture II and the orange coloration of the dorsal abdomen. The male genitalia differs in size and shape of the tegumen, uncus, gnathos, combined ventral projection of the tegumen and dorsal part of the saccus, anterior projection of the saccus, valve and aedeagus ( Fig. 41-44).

The pattern of the spots along the outer margin of the ventral hindwing is especially relevant to pair males and females and to distinguish among females of S. falcistriga , S. probetor and S. estellina ( Gallard 2008) . This pattern is conspicously different in the male of S. divisora (Fig. 4). Furthermore, the female of related species are of the same size or smaller than the male. Therefore, the female of S. divisora , although unknown, is expected to be larger than females of related species and with a pattern similar to S. falcistriga but, as in related species, with a distinct pattern on the outer margin of the hindwing matching the pattern found on the male. Stichel (1914) described S. cribrellum Stichel, 1914 , currently a synonym of S. f. falcistriga ( Callaghan and Lamas 2004) , from a single female from Mapiri, Bolívia; the type specimen was illustrated by Warren et al. (2012). The wing pattern of the female of S. cribrellum is identical to the female of S. falcistriga meyi illustrated by Gallard (2008) and a female examined by us, and thus this female does not represent S. divisora .

Ethology. Only two males were collected, at 10:30h on the third day of sampling, both resting with wings open on the abaxial surface of the leaves of a Lauraceae tree, roughly three meters above the ground. The species engaged in apparent territorial disputes with S. f. falcistriga , in which individuals flew up vertically together to about five meters above the ground. On the five subsequent days in which the type locality was visited no further individuals of S. divisora were observed.

Distribution. This species is currently known only from the mountains of the type locality, northwest of Acre, on the border between Brazil and Peru, and from Cerro Lumbaqui, Sucumbíos, Ecuador (0°1.42’N 77°19’W, 800-950m) (J. Hall, personal communication).

Brevignon, C., and J. Y. Gallard. 1998. Inventaire des Riodinidae de Guyane Francaise. IV - Riodininae: Symmachiini, Charitini, Helicopini. Description de nouveaux taxa. (Lepidoptera). Lambillionea 98: 304 - 320.

Callaghan, C. J., and G. Lamas. 2004. Riodinidae. p. 141 - 170. In: G. Lamas (Ed.). Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4 A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. Scientific Publishers; Gainesville. 439 p.

Gallard, J. Y. 2008. Les Symmachia de Guyane Francaise (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae: Symmachiini). Revision, synonymies, descriptions d'especes et sous-especes nouvelles. Notes de terrain. p. 27 - 43. In: D. Lacomme, and L. Manil (Eds). Lepidopteras de Guyane - Tome 3 - Rhopaloceres 2. Association des Lepidopteristes de France; Paris. 96 p.

Stichel, H. F. E. J. 1910. Vorarbeiten zu einer Revision der Riodinidae Grote (Erycinidae Swains.) (Lep. Rhop.). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 55 (1 / 2): 9 - 103.

Stichel, H. F. E. J. 1914. Neubeschreibung von Riodinidae (Erycinidae) der Sammlung des Deutschen Entomologischen Museums und Bemerkungen zu bekannten Arten (Lep.). Entomologische Mitteilungen 3 (4): 118 - 122

Stoll, C. 1782. In: P. Cramer. De uitlandische Kapellen voorkomende in de drie Waereld-Deelen Asia, Africa en America. Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique. J. S. Baalde and Utrecht, Barthelemy Wild.; Amsteldam. (32 / 34): 165 - 252, pl. 373 - 400.

Warren, A. D., K. J. Davis, E. M. Stangeland, J. P. Pelham, and N. V. Grishin. 2012. Illustrated lists of American butterflies (North and South America). Available at http: // butterfliesofamerica. com / L / Neotropical. htm (accessed 20. V. 2012).











