Hadronyche orana, Gray, 2010
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.3853/j.0067-1975.62.2010.1556 |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/163F87D5-FFA1-FFFD-C69A-97E95460FDEA |
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Felipe (2021-08-21 19:35:59, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 06:13:37) |
scientific name |
Hadronyche orana |
status |
sp. nov. |
Hadronyche orana View in CoL n.sp.
Figures 71–74; Tables 21, 34
Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Orana region of New South Wales, part of the distribution of this species.
Types. Holotype male: AMS KS7811 , Mt. Deba near Coolah, New South
Wales, 31°52'S 149°39'E, 1 June 1981, P. Esdaile. Paratypes ( AMS). New GoogleMaps
South Wales. Males : AMS KS5288 , Hargraves, 32°44'S 149°27'E, 11 May GoogleMaps
1980, N. Mattick; AMS KS967 , Mandurama, 33°38'S 149°04'E, 20 June GoogleMaps
1976, P. Bremner; AMS KS968 , Molong, 33°05'S 148°51'E, 12 July 1969 GoogleMaps ,
R. H. Keeling ; AMS KS5203 , Mt. Deba , nr. Coolah, 31°52'S 149°39'E GoogleMaps , 8
Figure 71. Collection records for Hadronyche infensa (squares) May 1980, S. Esdaile; AMS KS10974, “Stonehenge” on Cassilis Road,
and H. orana (circles). Mudgee area , 3 May 1983, E.H. Elward; AMS KS7563 , Warrumbungle Mtns., 31°19'S 149°00'E, 10 November 1981, C. Martin. Females: AMS GoogleMaps
Redescription of allotype female. Size. Carapace length KS1071 , “Hill Top” near Hargraves, 32°44'S 149°27'E, 30 June 1978 GoogleMaps , N.
11.63, width 10.27. Abdomen length 15.98, width 10.88. Mattick; AMS KS4053 , Binnaway , 31°33'S 149°23'E, September 1979 GoogleMaps , R. England ; AMS KS4476 , Dunedoo area , 32°00'S 149°23'E, 15 January GoogleMaps
— Colour. Basic colour pattern. — Carapace. Longer than 1980; AMS KS3429 , Hargraves, 32°44'S 149°27'E, 18 May 1979; AMS GoogleMaps
wide, strongly raised. Height 4.76; frontal width 8.77. KS8593 , Mudgee, 32°34'S 149°35'E, 4 January 1982, P. Schiemer; AMS GoogleMaps
Cephalic length 8.76. Fovea procurved, narrow. Mid-dorsal KS977 , Warrumbungle Mtns , 231°19'S 149°00'E, 3 April 1967 ; AMS cephalic setae numerous, reach back to fovea. Anterior KS5980 , Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve, nr. Mudgee, 32°24'S 149°47'E GoogleMaps ,
strial setae very few basally. Anterolateral carapace angle 21 August 1980, M. Gray & C. Horseman.
with several bristles. — Eyes. Eye region sessile or very Other material examined. New South Wales (males): AMS KS8793,
slightly raised centrally. Eye group width 2.52. Diameters: Borenore, nr. Orange, December 1981, G.Scarvell;AMS KS7691, Clergate,
AME 0.29, ALE 0.58, PLE 0.41, PME 0.26. Interdistances: 15 May 1981; AMS KS964 , Hargraves, 10 October 1977, J. Sibley; AMS
AME–AME 0.46, AME–ALE 0.31, ALE–PLE 0.29, PLE– KS2963 , Hargraves , May 1979, Gillman ; AMS KS965 , Hargraves area ,
PME 0.10, PME – PME 1.22 . Median ocular quadrangle 22 October 1977, L.M. Mattick ; AMS KS960 , Mudgee , December 1977, M.P.P.B .; AMS KS961 , Mudgee , 23 November 1973, M.P.P.B .; AMS
length 0.97, anterior width 1.09, posterior width 1.70. — KS10975 , Mudgee, 5 May 1983 ; AMS KS976 , “Tara”, Warrumbungle
Chelicerae. Cheliceral groove moderately wide, margins Mountains, 28 November 1977, E. Edmonson; AMS KS966 , Orange district ,
diverging distally. Groove length 3.40, middle width 0.82. AMS KS14262 , Siding Springs in Warrumbungle Mountains , Apr 1984 , D.
Cheliceral teeth: 67 central, in several rows, occupying full Rowell. New South Wales (females): AMS KS8746 , Hargraves, January length of groove; 15 prolateral; 12 retrolateral. — Labium. 1982; AMS KS978 , Warrumbungle Mountains ; AMS KS6219 , Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve , nr.Mudgee, 21 August 1980, M.Gray & C.Horseman .
Slightly wider than long. Length 2.31, width 2.52. Anterior margin weakly indented. Cuspules spread in broad v-shape Diagnosis. CL 7.76–9.72 (male). Differs from H. levitt-
over anterior three quarters of labium. — Sternum. Ovoid. greggae and H. valida by having few tibiae II ventral
Length 5.44, width 4.22. Posterior sigilla moderately small, spines (3–7) ( Fig. 74D,H View Figure 74 ); from H. infensa , H. walkeri , H.
elongate: length 0.68, width 0.27. — Palp. Spination: tibia macquariensis , H. lynabrae by having a slender, weakly
4, tarsus 8. Trichobothria: tibia p8 r7, tarsus 7. Tarsal claw twisted embolic shaft (EmbmidW/L 0.06) ( Fig. 74B,C View Figure 74 );
with 7 teeth. — Legs. 4123. and from H. kaputarensis by having a long central cheliceral
Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total tooth row.
1 8.30 4.69 6.12 4.86 3.06 27.03
2 7.45 4.52 5.44 4.59 2.89 23.89 Male (holotype) — Size. Carapace length 7.76, width 7.41.
3 6.43 3.64 4.49 4.59 3.06 22.21 Abdomen length 8.04, width 6.57. — Colour. Basic colour
4 8.23 4.42 5.98 5.66 3.40 27.69 pattern. — Carapace. Slightly longer than wide, cephalic area moderately raised. Height 3.57. Frontal width 5.93.
Tibia I width 2.07. Metatarsus I proximal width 1.43. Coxae Fovea procurved, anterior margin indented. Mid-dorsal
I, II with basally thickened setae anteriorly. Tarsal claw teeth cephalic setae almost reach fovea.Anterior strial setae absent.
legs I, II: superior 10, 10; inferior 4, 4. Trichobothria legs Anterolateral carapace angle with a few bristles of moderate
I, II: tarsus 12, 12; metatarsus 16, 14; tibia p8 r7, p7 r7. — size. — Eyes. Central eye region slightly raised. Eye group
Leg spination. Leg I: femur 0, patella 0, tibia 3, metatarsus width 2.16. Median ocular quadrangle length 0.78, anterior
11, tarsus 7. Leg II: femur 0, patella p1, tibia 2, metatarsus width 1.02, posterior width 1.48. Diameters; AME 0.30,
12, tarsus 9. Leg III: femur 0, patella pd8, tibia 6 (p2 r1), ALE 0.51, PLE 0.36, PME 0.23. — Chelicerae. Cheliceral metatarsus 18 (p6 rd2), tarsus 12. Leg IV: femur 0, patella 0, groove of medium width, margins diverging distally.
Groove length 2.19, middle width 0.54. Cheliceral teeth: curved. Distal embolus slender, only slightly twisted, flange 18 central, occupying full length of groove; 8 prolateral; elongate. Basal embolus strongly offset from tegulum. Bulb 9 retrolateral. — Labium. Wider than long, with long hairs length 3.57, width 1.24. Embolus length 2.55, midwidth laterally. Weakly indented apically. Length 1.32, width 0.17. Length of femur 4.04, patella 1.93, tibia 4.22. Width 1.60. Shallowly grooved behind cuspules. Labiosternal of tibia 1.77. Spination: spines absent; weak sinuous bristles sigilla entire. Cuspules c. 309, number moderate to high. on distal femur. — Legs. 4123.
— Sternum. Ovoid. Length 5.00, width 4.02. Posterior sigilla
Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total ovoid, elongate. — Palp. Tegular area a little wider than long.
1 7.01 3.35 5.19 4.98 3.13 23.66 Embolus shaft long, slender, weakly tapering distally, gently
2 6.44 3.20 4.90 5.00 3.24 22.58
3 5.63 2.75 4.02 5.16 3.62 21.88
4 7.22 3.18 5.36 6.55 4.22 26.53
Tibia I width 1.48. Femora I and II lacking dorsal spines. Distribution. Western Great Dividing Range from the Metatarsus I slightly thickened proximally. Tibia II and Warrumbungles Range south to the Mudgee region, New metatarsus II unmodified. Tibia I and II with few ventral South Wales (Fig. 71). spines, scattered. Tarsus I, II with few spines.Anterior coxal hairs normal. Tarsal scopulae: legs I, II weak; legs III, IV Hadronyche valida (Rainbow & Pulleine) moderate to strongly developed. Distal metatarsal scopulae: legs I, II absent; legs III, IV moderate. Tarsal claw teeth legs Figures 75–78; Tables 22, 34
I, II: superior 10, 10; inferior 4, 4. Trichobothria legs I, II: tarsus 13, 11; metatarsus 15, 14; tibia p7 r7, p7 r7. — Leg Atrax valida Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918: 165 .
spination. Leg I: femur 0, patella 0, tibia 6, metatarsus 13, Anepsiada ventricosa Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918: 167 . tarsus 6. Leg II: femur 0, patella p1, tibia 3, metatarsus Gray, 1984: 441 (inferred synonymy as juvenile of Atrax 11, tarsus 9. Leg III: femur 0, patella p3, tibia 10 (p1 r2), validus ). First synonymized after Gray in Main, 1985: 42. metatarsus 23, tarsus 15. Leg IV: femur 0, patella 0, tibia 4 Atrax validus .–Main, 1985: 41 (r2), metatarsus 19, tarsus 21. — Abdomen. Posterior lateral Hadronyche valida .–Gray, 1988: 114 (Transferred from spinnerets with apical segment of moderate length. Lengths: Atrax ). total 4.65; basal segment 1.68, middle 1.35, apical 1.62. Apical segment width 0.59. Types. Holotype female: AMS KS955 (old catalogue number K40961 View Materials ). Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, 27°55'S 153°11'E, 5 October 1912.
Paratype females: AMS KS956–9 , data as above .
Female (paratype AMS KS2071) — Size. Carapace length 8.57, width 8.67. Abdomen length 14.21, width 11.22. Other material examined. Queensland (males): QMB S163 View Materials , Binna Burra, — Colour. Basic colour pattern. — Carapace. About as Lamington Plateau, November 1973, R . J. Raven ; QMB S157 View Materials , Lamington long as wide, cephalic area strongly raised. Height 3.85; Plateau, 13 April 1974, R . J. Raven ; QMB S390 View Materials , Lower Albert River, frontal width 7.99. Cephalic length 7.11. Fovea procurved. Lamington National Park , 1 November 1975 – 4 April 1976, G.B. & S. R . Monteith ; AMS KS13629 , Mount Tamborine , 5 December 1983; QMB
Mid-dorsal cephalic setae numerous, extend back to fovea. S175, Eagle Heights, Mount Tamborine, 17 August 1973, G.Walker; QMB Anterior strial setae numerous. Strial, cephalic and marginal S176, Springbrook , October 1976, J. Mainwaring ; QMB S381 View Materials , Tamborine setae numerous. Anterolateral carapace angle with several North , 26 March 1979, J. Aagaad ; AMS KS988 , Tyalgum , 7 January 1972, weak bristles. — Eyes. Central eye region slightly raised. H.G. Suttolk ; AMS KS989 , Tuntable Falls , January 1975, McGovern; Eye group width 2.52. Diameters: AME 0.31, ALE 0.60 , QMB S164 View Materials , Warrie National Park, Lamington Plateau , 15 November 1971, Balwin. New South Wales (males) : AMS KS13539 , Huonbrook ,
PLE 0.41, PME 0.31. Interdistances : AME–AME 0.44, 5 December 1983 , G. Watson; AMS KS987 , Jiggi , November 1962 , F.J. AME–ALE 0.31, ALE–PLE 0.28, PLE– PME 0.16, PME – Hartridge ; QMB S183 View Materials , Brindle Creek , nr. Wiangaree, 2 July 1975 –15 PME 1.09 . Median ocular quadrangle length 0.80, anterior November 1975 , G.B. & S. R. Monteith ; AMS KS13500 , Coffee Camp , width 1.02, posterior width 1.67. — Chelicerae. Cheliceral nr. Lismore, 9 December 1983 , C. McQueen; QMB S393 View Materials , Mount Clunie , nr. Woodenbong, 22 February 1976 – 8 May 1976 , G.B. & S. R. Monteith ;
groove margins diverge distally. Groove length 3.06, middle QMB S391 View Materials , Mount Warning , 16 November 1975 – 7 March 1976 , G.B. & width 0.75. Cheliceral teeth: 64 central occupying full S. R. Monteith ; AMS KS4255 , Lismore , 14 December 1979 ; AMS KS13407 , length of groove in 2–3 irregular rows; 11 prolateral; 10 Nimbin, 23 November 1983 , A. Frame; AMS KS6824 , Mullumbimby , 29 retrolateral. — Labium. As long as wide, anterior margin December 1980 , W. Dawes; AMS KS2431 , Murwillumbah , 11 January not indented. Length 2.10, width 2.12. Cuspules occupying 1979, J. Morris ; AMS KS22460 , Murwillumbah , 28°20'S 153°24'E, 08 Dec 1989 GoogleMaps , A.W. Tucker.
anterior half of labium. Labiosternal sigilla entire, narrowed centrally. — Sternum. Ovoid, strongly convex. Length Diagnosis. CL 8.73–10.61 (male). Differs from H. infensa , 6.24, width 4.82. A few strong bristle-like setae grouped H. walkeri , H. macquariensis and H. lynabrae by having at anterolateral corners. Posterior sternal sigilla elongate: embolus moderately slender (EmbmidW/L 0.09), weakly length 1.02, width 0.44. — Palp. Spination: tibia 5, tarsus curved and twisted ( Fig. 77A,B,C View Figure 77 ); differs from H. orana 11. Trichobothria: tibia p7 r7, tarsus 14. Tarsal claws with and H. levittgreggae by more numerous spines on metatarsus 7 teeth. — Legs. 4123. I (23–46) and tibia II (13–25) ( Table 22); and from H. Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total kaputarensis by presence of long central cheliceral tooth 1 6.75 3.77 5.30 4.39 2.58 22.79 row (Fig. 75G). 2 6.19 3.40 4.76 4.08 2.65 21.08 3 5.44 3.13 3.74 4.01 2.82 19.14 Redescription of holotype female. Size. Carapace length 4 6.90 3.67 5.20 4.92 2.92 23.61 10.40, width 9.28. Abdomen length 13.60, width 9.86. — Colour. Basic colour pattern. — Carapace. Longer than wide,
Tibia I width 1.60. Metatarsus I proximal width 1.05. Coxae cephalic area strongly raised. Height 4.83, frontal width 8.33. I, II with thorn-like setae frontally. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, Cephalic length 7.82. Fovea strongly procurved. Mid-dorsal II: superior 10–11, 10; inferior 5, 4. Trichobothria legs I, II: cephalic setae numerous, reach back to fovea.Anterior strial tarsus 15, 14; metatarsus 15, 14; tibia p7 r7, p8 r8. — Leg setae numerous. Strial and marginal setae numerous, weak. spination. Leg I: femur 0, patella 0, tibia 4, metatarsus 12, Anterolateral carapace angle with many weak bristles. — tarsus 9. Leg II: femur 0, patella p1, tibia 4 (p1), metatarsus Eyes. Eye region slightly raised centrally. Eye group width 13, tarsus 10. Leg III; femur 0, patella p6 r1, tibia 12 (p5 r2), 2.92. Diameters: AME 0.36, ALE 0.68, PLE 0.50, PME metatarsus 23 (p3 r3), tarsus 14. Leg IV: femur 0, patella 0, 0.31. Interdistances: AME–AME 0.42, AME–ALE 0.31, tibia 5 (r1), metatarsus 18, tarsus 24. — Abdomen. Posterior ALE–PLE 0.34, PLE–PME 0.17, PME–PME 1.29. Median lateral spinnerets with short apical segment. Lengths; total ocular quadrangle length 0.95, anterior width 1.22, posterior 3.74; basal segment 1.60, middle 0.95, apical 1.36. Apical width 1.93. — Chelicerae. Cheliceral groove margins diverge segment width 0.82. — Genitalia. Spermathecae short, apical distally. Groove length 3.16, middle width 0.82. Cheliceral third narrower than basal two thirds. Length 1.02, width 0.48. teeth: 43 central, in irregular double row occupying full length of groove; 11 prolateral; 9 retrolateral. — Labium. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, II: superior 10, 9; inferior 4, 4. Wider than long, anterior margin not indented. Length Trichobothria legs I, II: tarsus 12, 12; metatarsus 15, 12; tibia 2.07, width 2.58. Cuspules occupying anterior two thirds p8 r8, p8 r8. — Leg spination. Leg I: femur 0, patella 0, tibia of labium. Labiosternal sigilla narrow, entire. — Sternum. 2, metatarsus 11, tarsus 10. Leg II: femur 0, patella 0, tibia Ovoid. Length 6.94, width 5.32. Posterior sternal sigilla 3, metatarsus 11, tarsus 7. Leg III: femur 0, patella p1, tibia elongate: length 1.50, width 0.54. — Palp. Spination: tibia 3 10 (p3 r3), metatarsus 19 (p2 r1), tarsus 14. Leg IV: femur 0, (bristle-like), tarsus 9. Trichobothria: tibia p8 r8, tarsus 13. patella 0, tibia 4 (r2), metatarsus 15, tarsus 20. — Abdomen. Tarsal claw with 7 teeth. — Legs. 4123. Posterior lateral spinnerets with apical segment of moderate length. Lengths: total 3.80; basal segment 1.46, middle Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
1 7.89 4.76 5.98 4.93 2.85 26.41
2 6.94 4.28 5.61 4.56 2.79 24.18
3 6.53 3.67 4.42 4.59 3.06 22.27
4 7.89 4.66 6.19 5.78 3.50 28.02
Tibia I width 2.01. Metatarsus I proximal width 1.41. Coxae
I, II with basally thickened to thorn-like setae anteriorly.
0.90, apical 1.43. Apical segment width 0.68. — Genitalia.
Spermathecae digitiform, long and thin, straight except for apical region which may be angled slightly. Apical quarter of spermathecae slightly enlarged and set off from basal part by a weak constriction. Length 1.71, width 0.48.
Male (S175 (QMB), Eagle Heights, Mt. Tamborine,
Queensland, 27°54'S 153°12'E, G. Walker, 17 August GoogleMaps
1973). — Size. Carapace length 8.72, width 8.12. Abdomen length 9.35, width 7.13. — Colour. Basic colour pattern.
— Carapace. Longer than wide, moderately raised. Height
3.61. Frontal width 5.70. Fovea procurved. Mid-dorsal cephalic setae reach fovea. Anterior strial setae numerous.
Antero-lateral angle of carapace with numerous weak bristles. — Eyes. Sessile to slightly raised. Eye group width
2.17. Median ocular quadrangle length 0.86, anterior width
0.96, posterior width 1.38. Diameters:AME 0.33, ALE 0.52,
PLE 0.37, PME 0.20. — Chelicerae. Dorsal paturon slightly ridged proximally. Cheliceral groove narrow, margins diverging distally. Groove length 2.42, middle width 0.50.
Cheliceral teeth: 14 central, running full length of groove; Figure 78. Collection records for Hadronyche valida (squares) and 9 prolateral; 12 retrolateral. — Labium. Slightly wider than H. lynabrae (circles).
long. Length 1.60, width 1.69. Labiosternal sigilla normal,
complete. Cuspules c. 336, number high. — Sternum. Ovoid. Hadronyche lynabrae n.sp.
Length 5.40, width 4.16. Posterior sigilla large, elongate.
— Palp. Tegular area wider than long. Embolus long and
Figures 78–81; Tables 23, 34
moderately slender, weakly curved but shaft hardly tapered.
Distal embolus weakly to moderately twisted with twisting
Etymology. The species is named for Lyn Abra who sent extended back along shaft as a shallow longitudinal fold.
many funnel-web and other spiders to the Australian Museum Basal embolus offset from tegulum. Bulb length 3.92, width
while working at the Australian Reptile Park.
1.30. Embolus length 2.88, midwidth 0.27. Length of femur
4.19, patella 1.80, tibia 4.35. Width of tibia 1.80. Spination: Types. Holotype male: AMS KS8379 , Wollombi near Maitland, New tibia with 2–4 bristle-like spines. Sinuous bristles on distal South Wales, 32°40'S 151°04'E, November 1981 GoogleMaps . Paratypes (all AM). femur weakly developed. — Legs. 4213. Legs I , II subequal. New South Wales. Males : AMS KS13462 , Dharug National Park, Mill Creek , 33°21'S 151°05'E, September 1983 GoogleMaps , G.P. Clancy; AMS KS16449 , Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total Dharug National Park, Mill Creek , August 1983 , 33°21'S 151°05'E, G.P. 1 7.05 3.69 5.66 5.54 3.20 25.14 Clancy; AMS KS5741 , Morriset district , 33°06'S 151°30'E, 24 July 1980 GoogleMaps ; 2 6.81 3.69 5.90 5.58 3.20 25.38 AMS KS1065 , Stratford , 32°06'S 151°56'E, 26 June 1956 GoogleMaps , L. Davenport, 3 6.35 3.36 4.92 5.54 3.61 23.78 AMS KS1066 , Newcastle, 32°55'S 151°47'E, 23 May 1955 GoogleMaps , J. Kennewell; AMS KS1064 , Weston , 32°48'S 151°27'E, 7 November 1966 GoogleMaps . Females: 4 7.91 3.85 6.47 6.85 4.22 29.30 AMS KS13463 , Mill Creek, Dharug National Park , 33°21'S 151°05'E, August 1983 GoogleMaps , G.P. Clancy. AMS KS1063 , Kurri Kurri , 32°48'S 151°29'E, Tibia I width 1.48. All femora lack dorsal spines. Metatarsus September 1966 GoogleMaps , C. Dew.
I weakly thickened proximally, larger ventral spines grouped proximally. Tibia II without apophysis but slightly thickened Diagnosis. CL 7.68–8.20 (male). Differs from other infensa proximally and weakly excavated distoventrally; spines group species by presence of swollen (boat-shaped) tarsi scattered, largest grouped proximally. Metatarsus II slightly III, IV and strong proximal curvature and distal twisting of bent at base, no apophysis, spines scattered. Anterior coxal embolus ( Fig. 81B,C View Figure 81 ); differs from lamingtonensis group hairs fine, unmodified. Tarsal scopulae weak on legs I, II, spp. by presence of full row of central cheliceral teeth (Fig. strong on legs III, IV. Distal metatarsal scopulae absent to 79D) and longer PLS apical segment (Fig. 79C).
weak legs I, II; moderately strong legs III, IV. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, II: superior 11, 11; inferior 3, 3. Trichobothria Male (holotype) — Size. Carapace length 7.73, width 7.46. legs I, II: tarsus 15, 11; metatarsus 12, 13; tibia p7 r7, p7 Abdomen length 8.04, width 6.70. — Colour. Basic colour r6. — Leg spination. Leg I: femur 0, patella p1, tibia 32 (p1), pattern. — Carapace. Slightly longer than wide, cephalic area metatarsus 56, tarsus 41. Leg II: femur 0, patella p0, tibia 23 moderately raised. Height 3.44. Frontal width 5.16. Fovea (p2), metatarsus 41, tarsus 29. Leg III: femur 0, patella r1, procurved. Mid-dorsal cephalic setae reach fovea. Anterior tibia 13 (p3 r2), metatarsus 31, tarsus 27. Leg IV: femur 0, strial setae present.Anterolateral carapace angle with several patella r1, tibia 11 (r4), metatarsus 20, tarsus 34 — Abdomen. weak bristles. — Eyes. Central eye region slightly raised. Posterior lateral spinnerets: apical segment of moderate Eye group width 1.92. Median ocular quadrangle length length. Lengths: total 3.91; basal segment 1.60; middle 0.75; 0.74, anterior width 0.96, posterior width 1.34. Diameters: apical 1.56. Apical segment width 0.70. AME 0.31, ALE 0.47, PLE 0.36, PME 0.26. — Chelicerae. Cheliceral groove of medium width, margins diverging
Distribution. Eastern Border Ranges area of northern New distally. Groove length 2.72, middle width 0.42. Cheliceral South Wales and southern Queensland (Fig. 78). teeth: 22 central occupying full length of groove; 11 prolateral; 11 retrolateral. — Labium. A little wider than long, Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total apical indentation weak to absent. Length 1.31, width 1.52. 1 6.81 3.57 5.33 5.06 2.98 23.75 Labiosternal sigilla narrowed toward midline. Cuspules c. 2 6.36 3.36 5.17 4.82 3.03 22.74 316, number moderate-high. — Sternum. Ovoid. Length 4.76, 3 5.86 2.65 3.67 4.54 3.45 20.17 width 3.62. Posterior sigilla long, ovoid. — Palp. Tegular 4 7.04 3.02 5.09 5.83 4.02 25.00 area small, wider than long. Embolus moderately long;
shaft broad and strongly curved proximally, hardly tapered. Tibia I width 1.20. Femora I and II lack dorsal spines. Distal shaft of embolus very strongly twisted (flange reflexed Some anterior setae on coxae I, II thickened basally Leg I almost 180°) with twisting extended back along shaft as a unmodified. Tibia II without apophysis; ventral spines few, deep longitudinal fold. Basal embolus strongly offset from with 3–5 grouped proximally. Distoventral tibia slightly tegulum. Bulb length 3.20, width 1.11. Embolus length 2.32,
midwidth 0.29. Length of femur 3.49, patella 1.07, tibia 3.44.
Width of tibia 1.64. Spination: femur 1, patella 1, tibia 0;
spines bristle-like. Several strong sinuous bristles on distal femur. — Legs. 4123.
concave. Metatarsus II weakly sinuous to straight. Tarsi III, Hadronyche kaputarensis n.sp.
IV swollen (boat-shaped) and longer than tarsi I, II. Tarsal scopulae: leg I weak; legs II–IV moderate to strong. Distal Figures 82 View Figure 82 , 83; Table 24
metatarsal scopulae legs I–IV, absent to weak. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, II: superior 13, 13; inferior 1, 0. Trichobothria Etymology. The specific epithet is taken from Mount. legs I, II: tarsus 10, 9; metatarsus 12, 11; tibia p7 r7, p6 r7. Kaputar, the type locality.
— Leg spination. Leg I: femur 0, patella 2 (p1 v1), tibia 23,
metatarsus 29, tarsus 24. Leg II: femur 0, patella p1, tibia Types. Holotype male: AMS KS1378 , Mount Kaputar National Park , New 13, metatarsus 23, tarsus 23. Leg III: femur 0, patella 15 South Wales, 30°11'S 150°09'E, R. Cronin, November–December 1977. (p14 r1), tibia 12 (p1 r2), metatarsus 23, tarsus 18. Leg IV: GoogleMaps
femur 0 (strong bristles), patella 0, tibia 9 (r2), metatarsus Diagnosis. CL 9.72 (male). Differs from other infensa group 14, tarsus 27. — Abdomen. Posterior lateral spinnerets with species by having the central tooth row of cheliceral groove apical segment of moderate length. Lengths: total 2.90; basal short and basal ( Fig. 82D View Figure 82 ) and male femora I, II with a dorsal segment 1.10; middle 0.60; apical 1.20. Apical segment row of bristles ( Fig. 82F View Figure 82 ).
width 0.36.
Male (holotype) — Size. Carapace length 9.72, width 8.97. Female (paratype AMS KS13463) — Size. Carapace length Abdomen length 10.40, width 7.96. — Colour. Basic colour 9.45, width 8.18. Abdomen length 13.60, width 10.20. — pattern. — Carapace. Longer than wide, cephalic area Colour. Basic colour pattern. — Carapace. Longer than wide, moderately raised. Height 4.14, frontal width 6.49. Fovea strongly raised. Height 4.49; frontal width 7.41. Cephalic procurved. Mid-dorsal cephalic setae stop short of fovea. length 7.28. Fovea procurved. Mid-dorsal cephalic setae Anterior strial setae absent.Anterolateral carapace angle with reach fovea. Anterior strial setae present. Anterolateral moderately strong bristles. — Eyes. Central eye region raised. carapace angle with few bristles. — Eyes. Central eye region Eye group width 2.12. Median ocular quadrangle length slightly raised. Eye group width 2.18. Diameters:AME 0.27, 0.76, anterior width 0.89, posterior width 1.43. Diameters: ALE 0.47, PLE 0.37, PME 0.22. Interdistances: AME–AME AME 0.23, ALE 0.39, PLE 0.22, PME 0.12. — Chelicerae. 0.32, AME–ALE 0.37, ALE–PLE 0.27, PLE–PME 0.13, Cheliceral groove margins subparallel to slightly divergent PME–PME 1.09. Median ocular quadrangle length 0.68, distally. Groove length 2.99, middle width 0.48. Cheliceral anterior width 0.86, posterior width 1.52. — Chelicerae. teeth: 6 central, occupying proximal third of groove; 10 Cheliceral groove margins diverge weakly distally. Groove prolateral; 12 retrolateral. — Labium. Slightly wider than length 3.26, middle width 0.67. Cheliceral teeth: 58 central long, apically very weakly indented. Length 1.68, width 1.75. occupying full length of groove; 16 prolateral; 11 retrolateral.
— Labium. Wider than long, apical indentation weak to absent. Length 1.73, width 2.13. Cuspules distributed in a broad V-shape over central labium. Labiosternal sigilla entire.
— Sternum. Ovoid. Length 6.02, width 4.42. Posterior sternal sigilla ovoid to elongate; length 1.05, width 0.51. — Palp.
Spination: tibia 2 (bristle-like), tarsus 5. Tarsal claw with 4
teeth. Trichobothria: tibia p6 r6, tarsus 10. — Legs. 4123.
Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
1 6.56 3.88 4.59 3.67 2.11 20.81
2 5.64 3.62 3.94 3.23 2.14 18.57
3 4.96 2.89 3.06 3.11 2.65 16.67
4 6.44 3.57 4.28 4.42 3.16 21.87
Tibia I width 1.50. Metatarsus I proximal width 1.03. Coxa
I with a few thorn shaped setae frontally. Legs I, II with few spines. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, II: superior 6, 6; inferior 2
(small), 0. Trichobothria legs I, II: tarsus 10, 10; metatarsus
12, 10; tibia p7 r7, p6 r7. — Leg spination. Leg I: femur 0,
patella 0, tibia 0, metatarsus 5, tarsus 6. Leg II: femur 0,
patella 0, tibia 0, metatarsus 5, tarsus 7. Leg III. femur 0,
patella p14, tibia 8 (p3 r2), metatarsus 16 (p6 r2), tarsus 14.
Leg IV: femur 0, patella 0, tibia 2, metatarsus 15, tarsus 29.
— Abdomen. Posterior lateral spinnerets with apical segment of moderate length. Lengths: total 3.89; basal segment 1.70,
middle 0.85, apical 1.33. Apical segment width 0.61. —
Genitalia. Spermathecae widen markedly towards apices;
narrow bases well separated by c. 1.5× spermatheca width.
Spermatheca length 1.50, width 0.73.
Labiosternal sigilla entire, broad. Cuspules c. 254, number proximal half; ventral tibia gently concave. Metatarsus II moderate. — Sternum. Ovoid, long. Length 5.86, width 4.15. weakly sinuous, ventral spines evenly distributed. Coxal
Posterior sigilla large, ovoid. — Palp. Tegular area wider setae unmodified. Tarsal scopulae: legs I, II weak; III, IV than long. Embolus moderately long and slender, weakly moderate-strong. Distal metatarsal scopulae: legs I, II absent;
offset from tegulum; shaft gently curved. Distal embolus III, IV weak–moderate. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, II: superior weakly to moderately twisted. Bulb length 3.42, width 1.22. 14, 14; inferior 2, 2. Trichobothria legs I, II: tarsus 11, 10;
Embolus length 2.43, midwidth 0.19. Length of femur 4.53, metatarsus 11, 11; tibia p5 r5, p6 r6. — Leg spination. Leg patella 1.97, tibia 4.49. Width of tibia 1.87. Spination: femur I: femur p1–2, patella 7 (p1 v6), tibia 65 (p1), metatarsus
0; patella 0; tibia 2–3 prolateral bristle-like spines. Distal 40, tarsus 21. Leg II: femur p1r1, patella 2 (p1), tibia 35
femur with several strong, sinuous bristles. — Legs. 4123. (p1), metatarsus 33, tarsus 24. Leg III: Femur 0 (long,
Legs I and II subequal. strong bristle), patella p4, tibia 20 (p5 r5), metatarsus 33, tarsus 21. Leg IV: Femur 0 (long bristle), patella 0, tibia 11
Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total (r3), metatarsus 25, tarsus 26. — Abdomen. Posterior lateral
1 8.32 3.94 6.97 6.43 3.64 29.30 spinnerets with apical segment of moderate length. Lengths:
2 8.02 3.88 6.97 6.46 3.74 29.07 total 4.23; basal segment 1.53; middle 1.02; apical 1.68.
3 6.97 3.20 5.47 6.10 3.96 25.70 Apical segment width 0.57.
4 8.64 3.40 7.14 7.73 4.41 31.32
Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 83). Tibia I width 1.43. Femora I and II without dorsal spines, but with long dorsal bristles; 1–2 small prolateral dorsal or retrolateral spines may be present. Proximal metatarsus Hadronyche macquariensis n.sp. I weakly swollen, ventral spines largest proximally. Tibia and metatarsus I with numerous spines. Tibia II without Figures 83–86; Tables 25, 34 apophysis; with numerous ventral spines, most grouped in Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Port Macquarie region of New South Wales, where this species is common.
Types. Holotype male: AMS KS1315 , Taree , New South Wales, 31°54'S 152°27'E, 31 January 1978 GoogleMaps . Paratypes (all AM). New South Wales. Males: AMS KS836 , Bellingen , 30°26'S 152°54'E, 10 October 1948 GoogleMaps , G.H. Hewitt; AMS KS4515 , Burgess Beach, near Forster , 32°11'S 152°32'E, 15 January 1980 GoogleMaps , G. Sanders; AMS KS832 , Taree , 31°54'S 152°27'E, 21 February 1974 GoogleMaps ; AMS KS838 , Timmsvale , 30°12'S 152°52'E, February 1956 GoogleMaps , H.J. Stokes; AMS KS13531 , Coffs Harbour , 30°18'S 153°07'E, 19 December 1983 GoogleMaps , C.S. Martin; AMS KS829 , Pt.Macquarie , 31°25'S 152°55'E, 26 December 1960 GoogleMaps , D.H. Thomson. Females: AMS KS1165 , Port Macquarie , 31°25'S 152°55'E, 28 April 1954 GoogleMaps , C.M. Edwards; AMS KS7565 , Allyn River , 10 December 1980 , G.Anderson; AMS KS13589 , Coffs Harbour , 7 December 1983 ; AMS KS13351 , Gloucester , 31°59'S 151°58'E, September 1983 GoogleMaps , A. D’Ombrain; AMS KS8775 , Kerewong State Forest, nr. Taree , 31°35'S 152°33'E, 28 March 1982 GoogleMaps , H. Parnaby; AMS KS834 , Pt. Macquarie , 31°25'S 152°55'E, February 1973 GoogleMaps ; AMS KS3229 , Taree , 31°54'S 152°27'E, 10 May 1975 GoogleMaps .
Other material examined. New South Wales (males): AMS KS840,
Bellingen, G.H. Hewitt; AMS KS8794 , Blackhead, February 1982; AMS
KS10797 , Bowraville, 28 February 1983, D. Channels; AMS KS833 ,
Figure 83. Collection records for Hadronyche kaputarensis (circles) Taree, 4 March 1972, K. Walters; AMS KS6457, Tullymorgan, December and H. macquariensis (squares). 1980, Ambulance Station; AMS KS6827, Wardell, 14 January 1981, M.
Kajewski; AMS KS13591 , Woolgoola, near Red Rock , 5 December 1983 , — Eyes. Central eye region raised. Eye group width 2.37. J.W. Kramer; AMS KS911 , Chatsworth Island, near. Grafton, 20 December Median ocular quadrangle length 0.93, anterior width 1.16, 1975, A. Mills; AMS KS13590 , Coffs Harbour , 7 December 1983 ; AMS KS14036 , Coffs Harbour , 18 March 1984 , C.S. Martin; AMS KS8743 , posterior width 1.64. Diameters: AME 0.33, ALE 0.57, PLE Evans Head , 29 January 1982 , V. Bridges; AMS KS10679 , Forster, 25 0.39, PME 0.30. — Chelicerae. Dorsal paturon obliquely January 1983 , A. D’Ombrain; AMS KS839 , Halliday’s Point, near Manning, ridged proximally. Cheliceral groove margins divergent. 25 February 1976 , Manning Council; Boambee, October 1974 ( ANIC) ; Groove length 2.93, middle width 0.53. Cheliceral teeth: AMS KS912 , Kororo , March 1965 , D.M. Lee; AMS KS837 , Kranbach, 18 central, occupying full length of groove; 10 prolateral; Wallamba River, 40 km from Taree , 22 March 1959 , J. Bidner; AMS KS1111 , Lorne State Forest, near Taree , 16 January 1978 , D. Milledge; 9 retrolateral. — Labium. Slightly wider than long, not AMS KS1112 , Lorne State Forest, near Taree , 17 January 1978 , D.Milledge; or weakly apically indented. Length 1.68, width 1.74. AMS KS10680 , Maclean , 31 December 1982 ; AMS KS10769 , Maclean, Labiosternal sigilla narrowed toward midline. Cuspules c. 12 October 1982 ; AMS KS13530 , Moonee Beach, near Coffs Harbour, 274, number moderate-high. — Sternum. Ovoid. Length 5.95, 19 December 1983 , C.S. Martini AMS KS13532 , Mullaway, near Coffs Harbour , 19 December 1983 , C.S. Martin; AMS KS826 , Port Macquarie, width 4.32. Posterior sigilla ovoid, long. — Palp. Tegular area February 1976 , A. Proudman; AMS KS827 , Port Macquarie , 5 March 1976 ; wider than long. Embolus of moderate length, base weakly AMS KS13814 , Smiths Lake, near Myall Lakes , 16 January 1984 , J. Rawle; offset from tegulum. Embolus shaft curved, broad and blade- AMS KS828 , Taree , 18 March 1974 . New South Wales (females): AMS like, not tapered. Distal part of embolus strongly twisted and KS5201 , Nambucca Heads , 16 May 1980 , S. Johnson; AMS KS841 , Port grooved, apical flange reflexed. Bulb length 3.90, width 1.37. Macquarie , February 1955 , W.Cleland; AMS KS3227 , Taree , 10 May 1975 .
Embolus length 2.80, midwidth 0.40. Length of femur 4.39,
patella 1.76, tibia 4.67. Width of tibia 2.21. Spination: none, Diagnosis. CL 8.74–11.22 (male). Differs from H.
sinuous bristles on distal femur. — Legs. 4123. levittgreggae , H. valida , H. orana and H. kaputarensis by having a shorter, broader embolus (EmbmidW/L 0.16) (Fig. Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total 86B); from H. infensa by weak offset of basal embolus from 1 8.45 3.85 7.01 6.94 3.80 30.05 tegulum; from H. walkeri by ventral tibia II only weakly 2 7.85 4.02 6.97 6.40 3.77 29.01 concave, and spines loosely grouped ( Fig. 86H,I View Figure 86 ); from H. 3 7.41 3.37 5.78 6.83 4.08 27.47 lynabrae by embolus less strongly twisted ( Fig. 86B View Figure 86 ) and 4 8.77 3.77 7.07 8.09 4.49 32.19 tarsus I more strongly spinose (30–63 spines).
Tibia I width 1.43. Femora I and II without spines. Leg Male (holotype) — Size. Carapace length 9.32, width I with numerous tibial and metatarsal ventral spines. 9.04. Abdomen length 11.42, width 8.30. — Colour. Basic Metatarsus I slightly thickened proximally, proximal ventral colour pattern. — Carapace. Slightly longer than wide, spines largest. Tibia II without apophysis, ventrally weakly cephalic area moderately raised. Height 3.57. Frontal width concave; ventral spines loosely grouped proximocentrally, 6.07. Fovea procurved, rather narrow. Mid-dorsal cephalic fewer spines distally. Metatarsus II unmodified. Coxal hairs setae numerous, reach fovea. Anterior strial setae present. unmodified. Tarsal scopulae: legs I, II weak; legs III, IV Anterolateral carapace angle with numerous strong bristles .
moderate-strong. Distal metatarsal scopulae: legs I, II absent; Tibia I width 2.14. Metatarsus I proximal width 1.43. legs III, IV moderate. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, II: superior Coxae I, II with setal bases slightly thickened, otherwise 12, 11; inferior 3, 2. Trichobothria legs I, II: tarsus 14, 13; unmodified. Tarsal claw teeth legs I, II: superior 9, 9; inferior metatarsus 14, 14; tibia p9 r7, p8 r8. — Leg spination. Leg 3, 3. Trichobothria legs I, II: tarsus 12, 12; metatarsus 12, 12; I: femur 0, patella 1, tibia 44, metatarsus 57, tarsus 41. Leg tibia p8 r8, p9 r8. — Leg spination. Leg I: femur 0, patella 0, II: femur 0, patella 0, tibia 26, metatarsus 44, tarsus 49. Leg tibia 2, metatarsus 10, tarsus 6. Leg II: femur 0, patella p1, III: femur 0, patella 3, tibia 26, metatarsus 44, tarsus 49. tibia 4 (p1), metatarsus 14, tarsus 9. Leg III: femur 4 (pd3, Leg IV: femur 0, (long bristles present), patella 0, tibia 6 rd1) patella 7 (p6 r1), tibia 10 (p3 r2), metatarsus 20 (p6 r2), (r1), metatarsus 26, tarsus 47. — Abdomen. Posterior lateral tarsus 14. Leg IV: femur 0, patella 0, tibia 8 (r2), metatarsus spinnerets: apical segment moderately long. Lengths: total 21, tarsus 24 — Abdomen. Sparse cover of weak hairs and 5.08, basal segment 1.72; middle 1.15; apical 2.21. Apical bristles. Posterior lateral spinnerets with apical segment of segment width 0.71. medium length. Lengths: total 4.86; basal segment 2.11, middle 0.88, apical 1.94. Apical segment width 0.82. —
Female (paratype AMS KS1165) — Size. Carapace length Genitalia. Spermathecae rather short, broad, separated 11.25, width 10.03. Abdomen length 14.80, width 11.80. basally by a spermathecal width. Length 1.43, width 0.75. — Colour. Basic colour pattern. — Carapace. Longer than wide, cephalic area strongly raised. Height 5.13; frontal width Distribution. Mid northeastern region of New South Wales 8.64. Cephalic length 8.09. Fovea procurved, anterior margin (Fig. 83). indented. Mid-dorsal cephalic setae numerous, extend back to fovea. Anterior strial setae numerous. Strial and marginal Hadronyche walkeri n.sp. setae numerous. Anterolateral carapace angle with many weak bristles. — Eyes. Eye region sessile to weakly raised centrally. Figures 87–90; Tables 26, 34 Eye group width 2.75. Diameters :AME 0.39, ALE 0.62, PLE 0.54, PME 0.34. Interdistances:AME–AME 0.34, AME–ALE Etymology. The species is named for Mr Pat Walker, North 0.27, ALE–PLE 0.20, PLE– PME 0.10, PME – PME 1.19 . Queensland Naturalist and Photographer. Median ocular quadrangle length 0.88, anterior width 1.10, Types. Holotype male: S389 ( QMB). Devils Pinch , north of Armidale , posterior width 1.78. — Chelicerae. Cheliceral groove margins New South Wales, 33°09'S 150°17'E, C. Anderson, 1 February 1979. diverge distally. Groove length 3.26, middle width 0.80. Paratypes. New South Wales. Males : QMB S382 View Materials ( QMB), Armidale, 30°30'S Cheliceral teeth: 34 central occupying full length of groove 151°39'E, 17 May 1979, K. McWilliam. Others all AM: AMS KS936 GoogleMaps , Ben Lomond , 30°00'S 151°39'E, February 1963, M. Trudgeon; AMS KS943 GoogleMaps ,
in an irregular double row; 13 prolateral; 11 retrolateral. — “Wongwibinda”, 48km E. of Guyra, 30°12'S 151°40'E, December 1952,
Labium. Slightly wider than long, anterior margin very weakly M. Wyndham; AMS KS944 , Bullock Creek , Point. Lookout , New England indented. Length 2.07, width 2.28. Cuspules occupying National Park, 30°29'S 152°30'E, 25 November 1969, M. Gray GoogleMaps ; AMS anterior three quarters of labium. Labiosternal sigilla entire. KS4455 , Walcha , 30°58'S 151°35'E, 11 January 1980, C. Easton GoogleMaps ; AMS — Sternum. Ovoid , moderately wide. Length 6.80, width 5.68 . KS44614 , Guyra , 30°13'S 151°40'E, May 1971, D.I. Clay GoogleMaps ; AMS KS936 , Ben Lomond Public School , 30°01'S 151°40'E, February 1963, M.Trudgeon GoogleMaps .
Posterior sternal sigilla ovoid: length 1.09, width 0.54. — Palp. Females: AMS KS15750 , Styx River near Jeogla, 30°35'S 152°08'E, 8 June Spination: tibia 4, tarsus 8. Trichobothria: tibia p6 r7, tarsus 1979; AMS KS13805 GoogleMaps , Ulong , nr. Dorrigo, 30°13'S 152°53'E, January 1980, 10. Tarsal claws with 6 teeth. — Legs. 4123. C. Martin; AMS KS7524 GoogleMaps , Lower Wattle Flat , Pt. Lookout, New England National Park, 30°29'S 152°30'E, 12 May 1981, G. Hunt; AMS KS14037 GoogleMaps ,
Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total Dorrigo, 30°19'S 152°43'E, 18 March 1984, C. Martin. 1 8.09 4.56 6.12 5.17 3.06 27.00 Other material examined. New South Wales (males) GoogleMaps : AMS KS937 , Ben
2 7.31 4.08 5.51 4.79 2.92 23.61 Lomond, February 1963, M. Trudgeon; QMB S675, Black Mountain, 28
3 6.53 3.74 4.39 4.85 3.40 22.91 February 1977, Snell; AMS KS940 , Glen Innes , February 1952,? Every; 4 8.19 4.08 5.98 6.09 3.74 28.08 QMB S384 View Materials , 42 View Materials km E. of Guyra , January 1972; AMS KS945 , Point.Lookout ,
New England National Park , 26 November 1969, M. Gray; QMB S386 View Materials , not or very weakly offset from tegulum. Embolus shaft gently “Newholme”, near Armidale , 2 February 1974, Jenkins. New South Wales curved, broad, not tapered. Distal part of embolus moderately (females): AMS KS13596 , Dorrigo , 22 December 1983; AMS KS14384 ,
Ulong, nr. Dorrigo, 26 April 1984; AMS KS7525–7 , Lower Wattle Flat , twisted with twisting extended back along shaft as a deep Point Lookout area, New England National Park, 12 May 1981, G. Hunt; longitudinal fold; distal flange moderately reflexed. Bulb AMS KS14038 , Dorrigo, 18 March 1984, C. Martin. length 3.32, width 1.40. Embolus length 2.28, midwidth
0.39. Length of femur 4.10, patella 1.76, tibia 3.98. Width Diagnosis. CL 7.34–10.54 (male). Differs from H. infensa of tibia 2.08. Spination: tibia with 2 prolateral bristle like and H. macquariensis by tibia II ventrally sinuous/concave spines, absent elsewhere. Distal femur with several sinuous with strong ventral spines clustered proximocentrally (Figs. bristles. — Legs. 4123.
87G; 89H,I); from H. infensa by basal embolus weakly offset
Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total from tegulum ( Fig. 89B View Figure 89 );from H. lynabrae by tarsi III, IV
1 7.46 3.53 5.78 5.49 3.44 25.70 not swollen, and embolus less twisted; and from H. valida ,
2 7.01 3.57 5.74 5.33 3.36 25.01 H. orana , H. kaputarensis and H. levittgreggae by greater
3 6.32 2.99 4.56 5.54 3.67 23.08 width of embolus (EmbmidW/L 0.14) ( Fig. 89B View Figure 89 ).
4 7.75 3.48 5.77 6.80 4.32 28.12
Figure 74. Hadronyche orana, male (A,D–K, AMS KS960; B,C, AMS KS5203): (A) palp, prolateral; (B) bulb; (C) embolus, distal; (D,E) distal patella and tibia I—D, ventral, E, prolateral; (F,G) metatarsus I—F, ventral, G, prolateral; (H,I) distal patella and tibia II—H, ventral, I, prolateral; (J,K) metatarsus II—J, ventral, K, prolateral. Scale lines: 0.2 mm, except A,B 1.0 mm and D,E,H,I 0.3 mm.
Figure 77. Hadronyche valida, male (A,D–K, AMS KS22460; B,C, AMS KS6824): (A) palp, prolateral; (B) bulb; (C) embolus, distal; (D,E) distal patella and tibia I—D, ventral, E, prolateral; (F,G) metatarsus I—F, ventral, G, prolateral; (H,I) distal patella and tibia II—H, ventral, I, prolateral; (J,K) metatarsus II—J, ventral, K, prolateral. Scale lines: 0.3 mm, except A,B 1.0 mm and I,J 0.2 mm.
Figure 81. Hadronyche lynabrae, male (A,D–K, AMS KS52488; B,C, AMS KS1005): (A) palp, prolateral; (B) bulb; (C) embolus, distal; (D,E) distal patella and tibia I—D, ventral, E, prolateral; (F,G) metatarsus I—F, ventral, G, prolateral; (H,I) distal patella and tibia II—H, ventral, I, prolateral; (J,K) metatarsus II—J, ventral, K, prolateral. Scale lines: 0.3 mm, except B 1.0 mm and K 0.2 mm.
Figure 82.Hadronyche kaputarensis, male:(A) sternum, labium and Distribution. From the Hawkesbury River region near maxilla; (B) cephalothorax and chelicerae, lateral; (C) spinnerets; Sydney, north to the southeastern foothills of the Barrington (D) cheliceral groove teeth; (E) cephalothorax and chelicerae, Tops massif, New South Wales (Fig. 78). dorsal; (F) leg II, prolateral; (G) palp, prolateral.Scale lines 1 mm.
Figure 86. Hadronyche macquariensis, male (A,D–J, AMS KS10679; B,C, AMS KS4515): (A) palp, prolateral; (B) bulb; (C) embolus, distal; (D,E) distal patella and tibia I—D, ventral, E, prolateral; (F,G) metatarsus I—F, ventral, G, prolateral; (H,I) distal patella and tibia II—H, ventral, I, prolateral; (J), metatarsus II, prolateral. Scale lines: 0.3 mm, except A,B,I 1.0 mm.
Figure 89.Hadronyche walkeri, male.(A,D–K,AMS KS44614; B,C,AMS KS936): (A) palp, prolateral; (B) bulb; (C) embolus, distal; (D,E) distal patella and tibia I—D, ventral, E, prolateral; (F,G) metatarsus I—F, ventral, G, prolateral; (H,I) distal patella and tibia II—H, ventral (image foreshortened), I, prolateral; (J,K) metatarsus II—J, ventral, K, prolateral. Scale lines: 0.3 mm, except B 1.0 mm and D–G 0.2 mm.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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