Indopatrobus, A.S & D.W & A & H, 2006

A. S, D. W, A, W & H, E, 2006, New taxa of the tribe Patrobini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the East Himalayas, Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 991-1008 : 992-994

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Valdenar (2021-08-31 18:06:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 11:14:45)

scientific name


gen. nov.

Indopatrobus View in CoL gen. nov.

Type species: Indopatrobus bashtai spec. nov., herewith designated.

D i a g n o s t i c f e a t u r e s: Possesses all key features of the tribe Patrobini . In robust, moderately convex body and subcordate pronotum resembles the most readily smaller individuals of Parapatrobus ZAMOTAJLOV 1992 or larger ones of Minypatrobus UÉNO 1955 (the P. darlingtoni -group), hind angles of pronotum denticulate also like in Parapatrobus . However, Indopatrobus gen. nov. is distinguishable from the first genus by several important features: different shape of mesepimeron which is slightly broadened inward, with median process deeply penetrating between meso- and metathorax ( fig. 5 View Figs 3-8 ), male protarsomere 2 distinctly larger than protarsomere 3 (in Parapatrobus much larger), latter nearly triangular (in Parapatrobus faintly transverse), protarsomere 4 faintly emarginate apically (in Parapatrobus strongly emarginate), by presence of ventral setae of tarsomere 5, absence of scutellar pore puncture of elytra, fully developed elytral striae, indistinct anterolateral apophyse of female tergite 8 ( fig. 7 View Figs 3-8 ), base of tergite faintly exceeding epitergite (in Parapatrobus strongly exceeding), short transverse keels of tergite 8 (in Parapatrobus long), apical lamella of aedeagus gutter-shaped and open dorsally ( figs 9, 10 View Figs 9-18 ) (in Parapatrobus simply elongate, with lateral keels), absence of pronounced distal sclerite of female reproductive tract ( fig. 19 View Figs 19-20 ), and many others. Indopatrobus gen. nov. differs from the P. darlingtoni -group, first of all, in comparatively larger body size*, normal, not conical, apical palpomere of maxillary palpus, proportions of male protarsomeres 2 and 3, different shape of protarsomere 4, presence of ventral setae of tarsomere 5, absence of scutellar pore puncture of elytra, different apical lamella of aedeagus, presence of well-developed proximal sclerite of endophallus, and normal, fully developed parameres. In absence of prominent sinuation of the lateral margin of pronotum and umbilicate series subdivided into 3 more or less prominent groups Indopatrobus gen. nov. is similar also to " Apatrobus " sikkimensis ( DEUVE & LEDOUX), but differs (so far it is known)* in robust and much more convex body of smaller size, different size and location of hind supraorbital seta, different shape of protarsomere 4, presence of ventral setae of tarsomere 5, and absence of scutellar pore puncture of elytra.

Some peculiarities of aedeagus, i.e. inflated and strongly asymmetric tube, resemble that of the P. echigonus -group of Apatrobus HABU & BABA 1960 (inhabiting Honshu) and, particularly, the P. yushanensis -group of Apenetretus KURNAKOV 1960 (from Taiwan), however it is distinguishable from both of them by numerous morphological features, from the P. echigonus -group it differs, first of all, in different shape of mesepimeron, proportion of male protarsomeres 2 and 3, shape of protarsomere 4, absence of scutellar pore puncture, different shape of female tergite 8, and different apical lamella of aedeagus. From the P. yushanensis -group it differs in the same features of external morphology (female remaining unknown for us). Shape of aedeagal apex is nearly similar to " Apatrobus " sikkimensis ( DEUVE & LEDOUX), however, the latter possesses much less sclerotized proximal copulatory piece, tube is not inflated, apical projections of parameres longer. Sclerites of female reproductive tract also resemble the P. echigonus -group and Apenetretus (only Japanese species of the P. ambiguus -group were available for study), from the latter it is distinguishable by different shape of mesepimeron, proportion of male protarsomeres 2 and 3, presence of ventral setae of tarsomere 5, absence of scutellar pore puncture of elytra, and different shape of female tergite 8.

Being a sister-group of Platidiolus CHAUDOIR, 1878 (see below), Indopatrobus gen. nov. is quite different externally, first of all, in larger and much more robust and convex body; besides it differs in the following important characters: absence of additional setae of antennomere 1 (normally), not conical apical palpomere of maxillary palpus, different shape of mentum (detailes see below), simple, not supernumerary, chaetotaxy of submentum, different shape of metepisternum, different shape of protarsomere 3, tarsi glabrous on upper surface, absence of scutellar pore puncture, different shape of apical lamella of aedeagus, and presence of proximal sclerite of endophallus.

D e s c r i p t i o n: Body of medium size. Integument fully pigmented, dark, nearly monochromatic, without metallic lustre. Rather robust, with stout appendages.

Head normal; tempora well-developed, long; mandibles normal; antennomere 1 with single anterodorsal seta (exceptionally with a few minute additional setae), antennomere 2 with a corona of setae apically; apical palpomere of maxillar palpi broadest in the middle; mentum with deep furrows forming foveoles basally, mentum tooth with 2 setae subapically; submentum with 2 setiferous pores on each side; only 2 supraorbital setae present, hind one situated beside neck-constriction; tempora glabrous.

Disk of pronotum glabrous; lateral margin with 1 seta before its middle; median line simple; prothorax glabrous; suture separating mesepisternum and mesosternum ( fig. 5 View Figs 3-8 ) joins front edge of mesepimeron; latter narrow, slightly broadened laterally and hardly broadened inward, with median process deeply penetrating between meso- and metathorax, disjointed from middle coxal cavity by narrow area of meso- and metasternum; metepisternum short; front margin of metasternum near middle coxal cavities without swelling; inner side of profemur without tubercle; metatrochanter normal; male protarsomere 2 distinctly larger than protarsomere 3, latter longitudinal, protarsomere 4 faintly emarginate apically; tarsi glabrous on upper surface; tarsomere 5 with setae ventrally.

Elytra oblong-ovate, convex; scutellar pore puncture absent; elytral striae well-developed; setae arranged into discal series present only on interval 3.

Anterolateral apophyse of female tergite 8 indistinct ( fig. 7 View Figs 3-8 ), base of tergite hardly exceeding epitergite, longitudinal keels absent, transversal ones short, median sclerotization absent, both basal and apical longitudinal depigmentation absent; abdominal sternites glabrous.

Apical lamella of aedeagus long, gutter-shaped, open dorsally, membranous folders, bounding endophallus dorsally, not reaching as far as the aedeagal apex ( figs. 9, 10 View Figs 9-18 ); only proximal scleriotization of endophallus present; basal phlagellum absent; parameres fully developed, apical projections rather short, somewhat gradually tapering apically and pointed.

Distal sclerite of female reproductive tract indistinct or absent ( fig. 19 View Figs 19-20 ); bursal sclerite fine but well-developed, ovate; stylus with 1 seta subapically.

R e m a r k s: Cladistic analysis, based on both detruncated matrix, comprising taxa with all characters known ( fig. 21 View Fig ), and complete dataset involving all groups (including units with ambiguity) ( fig. 22 View Fig ) reveals that Indopatrobus gen. nov. represents an adelphotaxon of Platidiolus. This monophyletic group is observed at 84% of all resulting equally parsimonious trees, obtained during analysis without ambiguity. Results of the analysis with ambiguity permit to assume, that " Apatrobus " sikkimensis ( DEUVE & LEDOUX) belongs to close clade, also comprising some Taiwanese and Japanese taxa.

Similarity dendrograms obtained by different clustering methods ( UPGMA, WPGMA, complete linkage, example see fig. 24 View Fig ) possess a stable congregation comprising known species-groups of Minypatrobus and Indopatrobus gen. nov., the latter always occupies a position basal to other taxa.

It is noteworthy to report Indopatrobus gen. nov. does not share a remarkable feature of Platidiolus, namely the extremely large and deep foveoles of mentum (Character 18, State 1, after ZAMOTAJLOV 2002), however obviously approaches this character state. Thus, basing on all available evidence, Indopatrobus gen. nov. must be treated as different genus close to Minypatrobus and Platidiolus.

E t y m o l o g y: The generic epithet is derived from India, housing the state Arunachal Pradesh, where the Sela Pass (type locality of Indopatrobus bashtai spec. nov.) is situated.

CHAUDOIR M. DE (1878): Description de genres nouveaux et d'especes inedites da la famille de carabiques. - Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 53 (3): 1 - 80.

KURNAKOV V. N. (1960): Contribution a la faune des carabiques du Caucase. 2, Description de nouveaux Deltomerus du Caucase et note preliminaire sur la systematique des Deltomerini. - Revue Francaise d'Entomologie 27: 267 - 277.

UENO S. I. (1955): Minypatrobus darlingtoni (new genus and new species), a notable addition to the Carabid-fauna of Japan. - Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto (Series B) 22: 51 - 56.

ZAMOTAJLOV A. S. (1992): Notes on classification of the subfamily Patrobinae (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Palaearctic Region with description of new taxa. - Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 65: 251 - 281.

ZAMOTAJLOV A. S. (2002): Inferring phylogenetic system of the carabid subfamily Patrobinae (Coleoptera, Carabidae). - St-Petersburg: Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Meetings in memory N. A. Cholodkovsky; Iss. 55): 1 - 145. [In Russian].

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Figs 3-8: Patrobini, details of external morphology (3-4 - mentum, dorsal view, 5-6 - lateral part of thorax, lateroventral view, 7-8 - female tergite 8, dorsal view, ac2 - middle coxal cavity, epm2 - mesepimeron, epm3 - metepimeron, eps2 - mesepisternum, eps3 - metepisternum, st2 - mesosternum, st3 - metasternum). Indopatrobus bashtai spec. nov., paratype, (3, 5, 7). Parapenetretus selaensis spec. nov., paratype, (4, 6, 8). Scale bar: 1 mm.

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Figs 9-18: Patrobini, male genitalia (9, 14 - aedeagus, left lateral view, 10, 15 - aedeagus, dorsal view, 11, 16 - left paramere, left lateral view, 12, 17 - right paramere, right lateral view, 13, 18 - ventrite 9, dorsal view). Indopatrobus bashtai spec. nov., paratype, (9-13). Parapenetretus selaensis spec. nov., paratype, (14-18). Scale bar: 1 mm.

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Figs 19-20: Patrobini, reproductive tract (bc - bursa copulatrix, bs - bursal sclerite, sg - spermathecal gland, sp - spermatheca). Indopatrobus bashtai spec. nov., paratype, (19). Parapenetretus selaensis spec. nov., paratype, (20). Scale bar: 1 mm.

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Fig. 21: Simplified majority rule consensus cladogram of the tribe Patrobini, including Indopatrobus gen. nov. and Propenetretus subgen. nov. Length=297, CI=0,29, RI=0,71. Numbers are the percentage of coincidence.

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Fig. 22: Reconstruction of possible phylogeny of the Indopatrobus-branch on one of the most parsimonious trees of Patrobini including units with ambiguity. Length=342, CI=0,26, RI=0,66. White circles indicate homoplasies, black circles indicate aut- or synapomorphies, character numbers indicated above lines, character states below lines (numbers expansion s. ZAMOTAJLOV 2002).

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Fig. 24: Similarity of several Patrobini units on the dendrogram of the tribe constructed using UPGMA method. Scale indicates similarity indices.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile









