Siphonaptera, Latreille, 1825

Lonsdale, Owen & Locke, Michelle M., 2018, Name-bearing type specimens in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids & Nematodes (CNC): Blattodea, Dermaptera, Notoptera, Mecoptera, Megaloptera, Myriapoda, Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Phthiraptera, Pseudoscorpiones, Psocoptera, Raphidioptera & Siphonaptera, Zootaxa 4526 (2), pp. 101-126 : 115-123

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4526.2.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name



Siphonaptera View in CoL View at ENA

adversus Wagner, 1936a View in CoL , Megabothris View in CoL

Valid name: Megabothris abantis (Rothschild, 1905) View in CoL

holotype (1 female, slide)

Verbatim: Fr. Peromuscus mani-culatus austerus / Property of Univ. of B.C. Vancouver, B.C. Canada, 26.V.35 G.J. Spencer vial 353.5 353.5 / CNC60913.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver , 49°15′38.20″N 123°6′53.34″W, ex Peromyscus maniculatus austerus (Baird) , 26.v.1935, G.J. Spencer, CNC Type No. 4550, CNC 60913 GoogleMaps .

Determination: type Megabothris adversus Wagn. Wagner determ. / TYPE No. 4550.

aiyurensis Holland, 1969, Acanthopsylla

Valid name: Acanthopsylla enderleini (Wagner, 1933)

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 58-7 Loc.: Aiyura New Guinea 6000′ Host: Eudromicia Date: 28.IX.57 Coll.: G.P. Holland / CNCI 0 0 0 62898.

Interpretive data: PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Eastern Highlands: Aiyura , 6°20′16″S 145°54′14″E, 1830m, ex Cercartetus caudata (Milne-Edwards) , 28.ix.1957, G. P. Holland, CNC Type No. 9739 / No. 58-7, CNCI62898 View Materials . Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 9739 aiyurensis Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ head + gen. GoogleMaps

Comments: The original description incorrectly lists the date of collection as 20.ix.1957.

arcuegens Holland, 1952 , Ceratophyllus

holotype (1 male, slide) ( Figs 1-3 View FIGURES 1–6 )

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 51-295 Loc.: Rampart House, Y.T. Host: nest of Petrochelidon Date : IX.51 Coll.: J.E.H. Martin / Figs. metathorax seg. VII + gen. / CNCI 0 0 0 62870.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Yukon: Rampart House , 67°25′26.56″N 140°59′0.68″W, ex nest of Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Vieillot) , ix.1951, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 6000 / 51-295, CNCI62870 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 6000 Ceratophyllus arcuegens Holland HOLOTYPE ♂.

athabascae Holland, 1952 , Malaraeus penicilliger

Valid name: Amalaraeus athabascae ( Holland, 1952)

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: File No. 3246 Ft. Smith, N.W.T. 29.IV.48 ex Clethrionomys g. athabascae W.F. Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. / CNCI 0 0 62875.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Northwest Territories: Fort Smith , 60°0′19.88″N 111°53′5.78″W, ex Myodes gapperi (Vigors) , 29.iv.1948, W.A. Fuller, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 6001 / File No. 3246, CNCI62875 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 6001 Malaraeus penicilliger athabascae Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ / Amalaraeus dissimilis atha.

barretti Holland, 1969, Papuapsylla

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 58-27 Loc.: Mt. Wilhelm, New Guinea 11,400′ Host: Melomys sp. Date: 13-X-57 Coll.: G.P. Holland / CNC617081 / CNC617081.

Interpretive data: PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Mt. Wilhelm , 5°45′39.60″S 145°4′48″E, 3474m, ex nest of Melomys sp., 13.x.1957, G.P. Holland, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 9754 / No. 58-27, CNC617081 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type no. 9754 barretti Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Fig. gen. F. + st. IX.

calderwoodi Holland, 1979, Ceratophyllus

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection S77-72 Loc.: Kouchibouguac Nat’l Park, N.B. Host: Petrochelidon pyrrhonota nest Date: 7.IX.1977 Coll.: G. Calderwood / CNCI 0 0 0 62886.

Interpretive data: CANADA. New Brunswick: Kouchibouguac National Park , 46°51′0″N 64°58′12″W, ex nest of Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Vieillot) , 7.ix.1977, G. Calderwood, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 15896 / No. S 77-72, CNCI62886 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 15896 Ceratophyllus calderwoodi Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent. 111: 717 15896.

campestris Holland, 1949, Callistopsyllus

Valid name: Callistopsyllus terinus campestris Holland, 1949

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: File No. 1827 Medicine Hat, Alberta 6.VI.40 ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi G.P. Holland Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. / CNCI 0 0 0 62876.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Alberta: Medicine Hat , 50°2′7.02″N 110°40′34.74″W, ex Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner) ,, G.P. Holland, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 5718, CNCI62876 View Materials .

Determination: SIPHONAPTERA Callistopsyllus campestris Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ No. 5718 Det. Geo. P. Holland / HOLOTYPE ♂ CNC No. 5718.

columbiana Wagner, 1940, Nearctopsylla hygini

Valid name: Nearctopsylla jordani Hubbard, 1940

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: vial: 52 Scapanus orarius schefferi Jackson U.B.C. Campus, Vancouver, B.C. 9.XII.38 G.J.S / CNCI 0 0 0 0 1393.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, University of British Columbia, campus, 49°15′38.01″N 123°14′46″W, ex Scapanus orarius schefferi Jackson , 9.xii.1938, G.J. Spencer, CNCI1393 View Materials GoogleMaps .

Determination: N. jordani Hubbard April 1940 Det. 16.I.1942. Geo.P. Holland / vial 52 Nearctopsylla hygini R. ♂ vancouverensis ssp. n. Jul. Wagner det. / N.B. This is the Holo-type of N. hygini columbiana W. May ’40.

Comments: Smit & Wright (1965) note that the subspecific name on this holotype slide is mislabeled based on correspondence from G. Holland.

durangoensis Holland, 1965, Anomiopsyllus

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: S-64-100 Loc.: 3 Mi. W. Durango, Dgo., Mex. Host: Mouse nest in Yucca, Peromyscus ? Date: 24.VI.1964 Coll. J.E.H. Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62906.

Interpretive data: MEXICO. Durango: Durango, 3 mi. W., 24°0′17.10″N 104°45′39.40″W, 1981m, in Yucca, ex nest of mouse ( Peromyscus ?),, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 8934 / No. S-64-100, CNCI62906 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 8934 Anomiopsyllus durangoensis Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Fig. P +F.

eudromiciae Holland, 1969, Acanthopsylla

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 58-7 Loc.: Aiyura New Guinea 6000′ Host: Eudromicia Date: 28-IX- 57 Coll.: G.P. Holland / CNCI 0 0 0 62896.

Interpretive data: PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Eastern Highlands: Aiyura , 6°20′16″S 145°54′14″E, 1830m, ex Cercartetus caudatus (Milne-Edwards) , 28.ix.1957, G. P. Holland, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 9741 / No. 58-7, CNCI62896 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 9741 eudromiciae Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ head + gen.

exsecatus Wagner, 1936b [variety], Megarthroglossus longispinus

Valid name: Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner, 1936

holotype (1 female, slide)

Verbatim: fr. “Squirrel” Sciurus douglasii / Avola. B.C. Sept.2/32 1 Squirrel 363 / Avola, B.C 2.IX.32. (vial 363) / CNC60917.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Avola, 51°46′59.88″N 119°19′0.12″W, ex Tamiasciurus douglasii (Bachman) , 2.ix.1932, CNC Type No. 4112, CNC60917.

Determination: Megarthroglossus longispinus exse-catus subsp. n. ♀ determ.: J. Wagner. / Megarthroglossus HOLOTYPE longispinus exsecatus Wagner No. 4112.

frustratus Johnson, 1957, Polygenis

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 55-6 Loc.: Brasilien Nova Teutonia Date: VII-42 Coll.: F. Plaumann / CNCI 0 0 0 62911.

Interpretive data: BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia , 27°11′S 52°23′W, vii.1942, host unknown, F. Plaumann, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 21212 / No. 55-6, CNCI62911 View Materials .

Determination: CNC NO. 21212 ♂ Polygenis frustratus Johnson HOLOTYPE.

fulleri Holland, 1951, Catallagia dacenkoi

Valid name: Catallagia dacenkoi Ioff, 1940

holotype (1 female, slide)

Verbatim: File No. 3209 Ft. Smith, N.W.T. 25.X.47 ex Clethrionomys g. athabascae W.A. Fuller Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. / CNCI 0 0 0 62883.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Northwest Territories: Fort Smith , 60°0′19.88″N 111°53′5.78″W, ex Myodes gapperi (Vigors) , 25.x.1947, W.A. Fuller, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 5720, CNCI62883 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 5720 Catallagia dacenkoi fulleri Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent. Vol. 83 June, 1951.

globata Holland, 1971, Myodopsylla

holotype (1 female, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: S-69-85 Loc.: 7 mi E San Cristobal d.l.C. Chis. Mex. Host.: Bats Date: 16.V.1969 Coll. J.E.H. Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62910.

Interpretive data: MEXICO. Chiapas: 7 mi E of San Cristóbal de las Casas, 16°43′51.50″N 92°31′54.70″W, 2133m, in felled hollow tree, ex bats ( Myotis velifer (Allen) or Tadarida brasiliensis intermedia Shamel ), 16.v.1969, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type No. 11551 / No. S-69-85, CNCI62910.

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 11551 Myodopsylla globata Holland HOLOTYPE.

grahami Holland, 1979, Nearctopsylla

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Can. Nat. Collection No: S78.11 Loc: Spruce Riv. Rd., Mi. 64, Thunder Bay Dist., Ont. Host: Martes a. americana Date : 20.XII.77 Coll: Bob Graham / CNCI 0 0 0 62891.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Ontario: Thunder Bay District, Spruce River Road, mi 64, ca. 49°29′N 88°85′W, ex Martes americana americana (Turton) , 20.xii.1977, R. Graham, CNC Type No. 15894 / No. S78.11, CNCI62891. Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 15894 Nearctopsylla grahami Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent. 111: 713.

gregsoni Holland, 1950, Megabothris calcarifer

Valid name: Megabothris calcarifer (Wagner, 1913)

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: File No. 3276 Naknek, Alaska 28.VI.48 ex Microtus sp. J.D. Gregson Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. / CNCI 0 0 0 62869.

Interpretive data: U.S.A. Alaska: Naknek , 58°43′44″N 157°0′52″W, ex Microtus sp.,, J.D. Gregson, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 5872, CNCI62869 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 5872 Megabothris calcarifer gregsoni Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent. 82: 132-133, figs. 7, 8.June.1950.

jellisoni Holland, 1954, Catallagia

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 53-815 Loc.: Bow Pass, Alta. Host Clethrionomys Date: 10.X.53 Coll. G.P. Holland / CNCI 0 0 0 62867.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Alberta: Peyto Lake Trail, just below vantage point at Bow Summit , Banff National Park , 105 km N Banff, 51°43′0.92″N 116°30′23.02″W, 1981-2133m, ex Myodes gapperi (Vigors) , 10.x.1953, G.P. Holland & O. Peck, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 6131 / No. 53-815, CNCI62867 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 6131 Catallagia jellisoni Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent.

lari Holland, 1951, Ceratophyllus

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Loc. Great Slave Lake Date 23.VI.1947 N.W.T. ex Larus sp. 49-46 J.R. Vockeroth / CNCI 0 0 0 62865.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Northwest Territories: Whaleback Island, Great Slave Lake, 61°55′20.99″N 113°18′33.40″W, ex nest of Larus sp. (either Larus californicus Lawrence or L. smithsonianus Coues ),, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC Type No. 5952 / 49-46, CNCI62865.

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 5952 Ceratophyllus lari Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent. 83: 282-285. 1951.

linsdalei Holland, 1957, Hystrichopsylla

Valid name: Hystrichopsylla occidentalis linsdalei Holland, 1957

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Ex: Microtus nest Berkeley Hills Alameda Co., Calif. 23 Mar 54 Coll: Tipton, Mendez, Loshbaugh / CNCI 0 0 0 62884.

Interpretive data: USA. California: Alameda Co., Berkeley Hills , 37°53′32.34″N 122°16′5.61″W, ex nest of Microtus sp., 23.iii.1954, V.J. Tipton, E. Méndez & G. Loshbaugh, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 6548, CNCI62884 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 6548 Hystrichopsylla linsdalei HOLOTYPE ♂ Fig. 21 Holland 1957.

luluai Holland, 1969, Papuapsylla

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 58-25 Loc.: Komia near Mendi, New Guinea 7200′ Host: Rattus sp. Date: 7-X-57 Coll. G.P. Holland / CNC617082 / CNC617082.

Interpretive data: PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Southern Highlands: Komia, near Mendi , 6°7′0″S 143°26′0″E, 2194m, ex Rattus sp., 7.x.1957, G.P. Holland, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 9753 / No. 58-25, CNC617082 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 9753 luluai Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Clasper + st. IX 9573.

markworthi Hubbard, 1949, Peromyscopsylla hamifer

Valid name: Peromyscopsylla h. hamifer (Rothschild, 1906)

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: from Microtus pennsylvanicus / Flea ♂ from Meadow Mouse Smoky Falls near Kapuskasing, Ont. Nov.7. ’38 - R. Whelan C.A. Hubbard / HOST Microtus pennsylvanicus / Smoky Falls (near Kapus kasing) Ontario 7-xi-1938 R.V. Whelan R.O.M.Z. / CNCI 0 0 0 62890.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Ontario: Smoky Falls, near Kapuskasing , 50°3′39.54″N 82°9′58.91″W, ex Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord) , 7.xi.1938, R. Whelan, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 21246, CNCI62890 View Materials .

Determination: Peromyscopsylla hamifer markworthi Hubbard 1948 Holotype ♂ / HOLOTYPE 21246 CNC No.

Comments: The original description notes deposition of this species in the Royal Ontario Museum, but its position in the CNC type catalogue indicates a subsequent transfer of ownership in the late 1980’s.

martini Holland, 1965, Anomiopsyllus

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: S-64-96 Loc.: 10 Mi. W. El Salto Dur, Mex. Host.: Nest S. aberti in hollow tree Date: 21.VI.1964 Coll.: J.E.H. Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62889.

Interpretive data: MEXICO. Durango: El Salto, 10 mi. W., 20°31′4.18″N 103°10′57.67″W, 2743m, in hollow GoogleMaps

tree, ex nest of Sciurus aberti Woodhouse ,, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type No. 8932 / No. S-64-96, CNCI62889.

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 8932 Anomiopsyllus martini Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Fig. P +F.

martini Holland, 1971, Kohlsia

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No. S-69-78 Loc. km.145 Oax. hwy, 175 N. Oaxaco Mex. 4000 Host.: Oryzomys sp. Date: 22.V.1969 Coll. J.E.H. Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62903.

Interpretive data: MEXICO. Oaxaca: km 145 on Oaxaca Highway 175, ca. 18°00′N 95°58′W, 1219m, ex Oryzomys sp., 22.v.1969, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 11552 / No. S-69-78, CNCI62903 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 11552 Kohlsia martini Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Head, M,P.

mexicanus Holland, 1965, Anomiopsyllus hiemalis

Valid name: Anomiopsyllus nudatus mexicanus Holland, 1965

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: S-64-102 Loc.: Mesa del Huracan Chi., Mex. Host.: Neotoma nest Date: 21-25.VII.1964 Coll.: J.E.H. Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62863.

Interpretive data: MEXICO. Chihuahua: Mesa del Huracán , 29°40′6″N 108°15′11.01″W, ex nest of Neotoma sp., 21-25.vii.1964, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 8933 / No. S-64-102, CNCI62863 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 8933 Anomiopsyllus hiemalis mexicanus Holland HOLOTYPE ♂.

neotomae Holland, 1957, Hystrichopsylla

holotype + allotype (2 male /female, slide)

Verbatim: E.M. Ex: Neotoma Nest Loc : Strawberry Canyon, Berkeley, California Date: XII-23-1952 Coll: R. Lee & V.J. Tipton / CNCI 0 0 0 62895.

Interpretive data: U.S.A. California: Alameda Co., Strawberry Canyon , 37°52′20.74″N 122°14′42.89″W, ex nest of Neotoma sp., 23.xii.1952, R. Lee & V.J. Tipton, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 6546, CNCI62895 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 6546 Hystrichopsylla dippiei neotomae HOLOTYPE ♂ ALLOTYPE ♀ Holland 1957.

Comments: The description lists a different date and collectors for the holotype and allotype (February 26, 1954, E. Méndez & G. Loshbaugh). Three female paratypes are noted as having the same data as presented on the actual label transcribed here; two are present in the Spencer Entomological Collection at the University of British Columbia. The status of these types requires clarification.

occidentalis Holland, 1949 , Hystrichopsylla

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: File No. 3052 Mt. Seymour, Northlands, B.C. 14.VI.47 ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. G.P. Holland / CNCI 0 0 0 62908.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Mt. Seymour, near Northlands, Burrard Inlet , 49°23′40″N 122°56′39″W, 1036m, ex Myodes gapperi (Vigors) ,, G.P. Holland, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 5716 / File No. 3052, CNCI62908 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 5716 Hystrichopsylla occidentalis Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ 1949.

pacifica Holland, 1949, Peromyscopsylla hesperomys

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: U.B.C. Campus, Vancouver, B.C. 3.X.43 ex Peromyscus m. austerus Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. / CNCI 0 0 0 62862.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, University of British Columbia campus, 49°15′38″N 123°14′46″W, ex Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner) , 3.x.1943, H.D. Fisher, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 5719, CNCI62862 View Materials .

Determination: SIPHONAPTERA Peromyscopsylla Sp hesperomys pacifica Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ No. 5719 Det. Geo. P. Holland / HoloTYPE ♂ CNC No. 5719.

paraterinus Wagner, 1940 View in CoL , Callistopsyllus View in CoL

Valid name: Callistopsyllus View in CoL t. terinus (Rothschild, 1905) View in CoL

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Vial N57 / Vial N57 Peromyscus maniculatus (prob.) artemisiae (Rhoads) N.F. Eagle River, B.C. Coll: E.R.B. 28.V.34 G.J.S / CNC60918.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: North Fork of Perry River , ca. 50°95′N 119°69′W, ex Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner) , 28.v.1934, E.R. Buckell, CNC Type No. 21217, CNC 60918 .

Determination: TYPE Callistopsyllus paraterinus Wagn (=? terinus Roths. ) Jul. Wagner det. / HOLOTYPE 21217 CNC No.

Comments: The description incorrectly lists the date of collection as the 24 th, and notes the original depository of this specimen as being the University of Vancouver; the position of the type in the CNC type catalogue suggests that it was deposited in the CNC at or prior to the mid 1980’s.

petrochelidoni Wagner, 1936a View in CoL , Ceratophyllus View in CoL

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: fr. Petrochelidon lunifr. lunifrons / 25 Kamloops, B.C. Canada, July 34 G.J. Spencer vial: AOU 612.2 A.O.U. 612.2 / CNC60911.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Kamloops , 50°40′25.33″N 120°19′37.07″W, ex Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Vieillot) , vii.1934, G.J. Spencer, CNC Type No. 4551, CNC 60911 GoogleMaps .

Determination: holotype Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni Wagn. determ. J Wagner / HOLOTYPE ♂ No. 4551.

Comments: When Wagner (1936) published this species description, he intended for the male to be designated as the holotype, but provided the collection data for the female allotype (BC: Chilcotin, 10.viii.1930). Smit & Wright (1965) further note that paratype slides in the Wagner collection, Hamburg, were initially provided with the same Kamloops collection data as the holotype above, but these data were crossed off and changed by Wagner to match the Chilcotin allotype data.

pygmaeus Wagner, 1936b View in CoL , Megarthroglossus View in CoL

Valid name: Megarthroglossus spenceri Wagner, 1936 View in CoL

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: fr. Neotoma cine-rea occidentalis / Nicola, B.C. 25.VIII.32 (vial 351) / CNC60916.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Nicola , 50°09′48.65″N 120°40′13.58″W, ex Neotoma cinerea (Ord) , 25.viii.1932, collector unknown (possibly E. Hearle), CNC Type No. 4113, CNC 60916 GoogleMaps .

Determination: Megarthroglossus pygmaeus sp. n. ♂ determ.: J. Wagner / Megarthroglossus HOLOTYPE pygmaeus Wagner No. 4113.

rauschi Holland, 1960, Ceratophyllus

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 59-224 Loc.: 30 mi. N. Stewart R. Crossing, Yukon Host.: ex nest of flicker Date: 16-VIII-1959 Coll. Holland Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62904.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Yukon: Stewart River Crossing on Alaska Highway , 30 mi. N., ex nest of Colaptes sp., 16.viii.1959, G.P. Holland & J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type No. 7154 / No. 59-224, CNCI62904 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll Type No. 7154 Ceratophyllus rauschi Holland HOLOTYPE ♂.

Comments: The locality may refer not to the Alaska Highway (provided in the original description), but to the Klondike Highway, which reaches Stewart Crossing at Silver Trail; if so, the collection locality would be ca. 63°36′14.8″N 137°30′31.0″W.

rauschi Holland, 1979, Rhadinopsylla

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Can. Nat. Collection No.: S77-39 Loc.: Cypress Lake, S. of Cypress Hills, Sask. Host: Peromyscus maniculatus Date : 24-26.V.76 Coll.: R.L.R / CNCI 0 0 0 62861.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Saskatchewan: Cypress Lake , S of Cypress Hills, 49°28′44.03″N 109°23′38.84″W, ex Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner) , 24-26.x.1976, R.L. Rausch, CNC Type No. 15895 / No. S 77-39 GoogleMaps ,


Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 15895 Rhadinopsylla (M.) rauschi Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent. 111: 716.

scapani Wagner, 1936a , Neopsylla View in CoL

Valid name: Epitedia scapani ( Wagner, 1936a) View in CoL

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: fr. Scapanus orarius orarius / Vancouver, B.C Canada, IV.1933 G.J. Spencer vial 14.1 / CNC60914. Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver , 49°15′38.20″N 123°06′53.34″W, ex Scapanus orarius True , iv.1933, G.J. Spencer, CNC Type No. 4552, CNC 60914 GoogleMaps .

Determination: holotype Neopsylla scapani Wagn. Wagner determ. / HOLOTYPE ♂ No. 4552

scopulorum Holland, 1952, Ceratophyllus

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 51-295 Loc.: Rampart House, Y.T. Host: nest of Petrochelidon Date : 10.VIII.51 Col’.: J.E.H. Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62872.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Yukon: Rampart House , 67°25′26.56″N 140°59′0.68″W, ex nest of Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Vieillot) , 10.viii.1951, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 5999 / No. 51-295, CNCI62872 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 5999 Ceratophyllus scopulorum Holland HOLOTYPE ♂.

Comments: Incorrect collection data are provided in Lewis et al. (1993) for this specimen in part.

septentrionalis Stewart & Holland, 1940, Aetheopsylla

Valid name: Oropsylla arctomys (Baker, 1904)

holotype (1 female, slide)

Verbatim: File No. 1505-a. Wigwam Mine, B.C. (south of Revelstoke), 21.May.1939 ex Marmota monax petrensis Howell coll. E.R.Buckell Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. / CNCI 0 0 0 62885.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Wigwam Mine (about 22 km south of Revelstoke ), 50°52′48″N 117°58′04″W, ex Marmota monax canadensis (Erxleben) , 21.v.1939, E.R. Buckell, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 4986 / File No. 1505-a, CNCI62885 View Materials .

Determination: Aetheopsylla septentrionalis Stewart + Holland 1939 HOLOTYPE ♀ C.N.C. #4986 / = Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) G.P.H. / HOLOTYPE 4986 No.

sinuatus Holland, 1965, Anomiopsyllus

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Canadian National Collection No.: 61-111 Loc.: 30 mi. W. Durango Dur. Mex. 8000 Host.: Peromyscus nest Date: 5-VI-1961 Coll. J.E.H. Martin / CNCI 0 0 0 62900.

Interpretive data: MEXICO. Durango: Durango, 30 mi. W., 23°53′27.10″N 105°07′21.66″W, 2438m, ex nest of Peromyscus sp.,, J.E.H. Martin, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 8935 / No. 61-111, CNCI62900 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 8935 Anomiopsyllus sinuatus Holland HOLOTYPE ♂.

Comments: Description notes elevation as being 6500ft.

spenceri Wagner, 1936b View in CoL , Megarthroglossus View in CoL

holotype (1 female, slide)

Verbatim: Nicola, Br. C. Canada 26.VIII.1932 E.H.N 352 vial N49 / fr. Ochotona princeps unisex? / CNC6 0 915.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Nicola , 50°09′49.10″N 120°40′13.93″W, ex Ochotona princeps (Richardson) , 26.viii.1932, E. Hearle, CNC Type No. 21248 / E.H. N 352, CNC 60915 GoogleMaps .

Determination: M. spenceri Holotype / Megarthroglossus spenceri sp. ♀ determ. J. Wagner / HOLOTYPE 21248 CNC. No.

Comments: The holotype originally belonged to G.J. Spencer’s collection.

spenceri Wagner, 1936a View in CoL , Thrassis View in CoL

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: from Hoary marmot (Alpine) Marmota sp. / (Vial 67) Birch Island, B.C (7000′) 12.VIII.31. / 193 Eric Hearle / CNC60909.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Granite Mountain, near Birch Island , 51°30′09.72″N 119°55′59.16″W, 2133m, ex Marmota caligata okanagana (King) , 12.viii.1931, E. Hearle, CNC Type No. 4111, CNC 60909 GoogleMaps .

Determination: typus Thrassis spenceri sp. n. ♂ det: J. Wagner / HOLOTYPE Thrassis spenceri No. 4111.

Comments: Species originally described in Wagner (1936a, published, and later described again as a new species (actually a junior synonym) in Wagner (1936b, published ix.1936). The specimens originally belonged to G.J. Spencer’s collection.

spinata Holland, 1949, Hystrichopsylla

Valid name: Hystrichopsylla dippiei spinata Holland, 1949

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Vancouver, B.C. 16.x.36 ex Spilogale g. olympica G.P.H Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. / CNCI 0 0 0 62860.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, University of British Columbia campus, 49°15′38″N 123°14′46″W, ex Spilogale gracilis latifrons Merriam , 16.x.1936, G.P. Holland, CNC Type No. 5717, CNCI62860. Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 5717 Hystrichopsylla spinata Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ 1949.

truncata Holland, 1957, Hystrichopsylla dippiei

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: C.N.C. Okanagan Ldg., B.C. 15.IX.50 ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae J.D. Gregson / CNCI 0 0 0 62893. Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Okanagan Landing , 50°13′59.52″N 119°21′04.32″W, ex Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner) , 15.ix.1950, J.D. Gregson, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 6547, CNCI62893 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 6547 Hystrichopsylla dippiei truncata HOLOTYPE ♂ Holland, 1957.

tundrensis Holland, 1944, Ceratophyllus

Valid name: Rosickyiana lunata ( Jordan & Rothschild, 1920)

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Host: Arctic weasel Mustela arctica Aug. 27, 1937 Baker Lake N.W.T. Dom.Ent.Br. Ottawa / CNCI 0 0 0 62879.

Interpretive data: CANADA. Nunavut: Baker Lake , 64°19′07.21″N 96°01′20.06″W, ex Mustela erminea arctica Merriam , 27.viii.1937, C.H.D. Clarke, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 5544, CNCI62879 View Materials .

Determination: Can. Nat. Coll. Type No. 5544 Ceratophyllus tundrensis Holland HOLOTYPE ♂ Can. Ent., Dec. 1944.

vancouverensis Stark, 1957 View in CoL , Thrassis spenceri View in CoL

Valid name: Thrassis View in CoL s. spenceri Wagner,1936 View in CoL

holotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: File No. 2371 Mt. Washington Vancouver Isld B.C. 30.VIII.43 ex Marmot Dom.Ent.Br. Kamloops, B.C. G.C.C / CNCI 0 0 0 62881.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Mt. Washington, Vancouver Island , 49°45′13″N 125°17′49″W, ex Marmota vancouverensis Swarth , 30.viii.1943, G.C. Carl, CNC Type GoogleMaps No. 21247 / No. 2371, CNCI62881 View Materials .


vancouverensis Wagner, 1936a View in CoL , Nycteridopsylla View in CoL

lectotype (1 male, slide)

Verbatim: Lab. No. 56.2. Vancouver. B.C. 25.XI. 35 Ex. Lasionycteris noctivagans Loc. G.J. Spencer Div. Ent. Ottawa / CNCI 0 0 0 0 0 798.

Interpretive data: CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver , 49°15′38.20″N 123°06′53.34″W, 25.xi.1935, ex Lasionycteris noctivagans (LeConte) , G.J. Spencer, CNCI798 View Materials GoogleMaps .

Determination: 56.2 Nycteridopsylla vancouverensis Wagner ♂ LECTOTYPE des. Smit + Wright ’65 [OL writing].

Comments: Four males and four females collected on two different dates are listed in the type series. Three specimens, one male and two females, are now located in the CNC; three of the remaining specimens were listed by Smit & Wright (1965) as being in the University of British Columbia and the J. Wagner collection in the Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, Germany. While Wagner noted that there was a singular “Typus” among the eight specimens he examined, he did not specify which one it was, and the slides were not labeled so as to allow for type identification. As such, these specimens were treated by Smit & Wright (1965) as syntypes (see ICZN (1999: Art. 73.2.1)), who designated the sole male in the CNC as the lectotype.


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes











Lonsdale, Owen & Locke, Michelle M. 2018


Stark 1957

Thrassis spenceri

Munroe 1953


Wagner 1940

adversus Wagner, 1936a

Wagn. Wagner 1936


Wagner 1936


Wagner 1936

Megarthroglossus spenceri

Wagner 1936


Wagner 1936

Epitedia scapani (

Wagner 1936


Wagner 1936


Wagner 1936


Wagner 1936


Wagner 1936


Jordan 1933


Jordan 1933


Jordan 1933


Jordan & Rothschild 1915


Jordan & Rothschild 1915


Jordan & Rothschild 1915


Jordan & Rothschild 1915


Oudemans 1906

Megabothris abantis

Rothschild 1905


Rothschild 1905
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