Ctenoplus girardianus, Fuller & Platia, 2006

Fuller, E. & Platia, G., 2006, A revision of the click beetle genus Ctenoplus Candèze, 1863 (Coleoptera: Elateridae, Synaptina), Zootaxa 1217 (1), pp. 1-76 : 65-67

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Felipe (2021-07-03 03:32:05, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 04:36:17)

scientific name

Ctenoplus girardianus

sp. nov.

Ctenoplus girardianus n. sp.

Figures 46 View FIGURES 44–46 , 65, 82, 103, 112


Medium­sized, uniformly brown Ctenoplus with a relatively short, broad prosternal spine and relatively rounded elytral apices. C. girardianus is similar to C. balli n. sp., with which it shares the short, broad prosternal spine (c.f., Fig. 53 View FIGURES 50–57 ); however, C. girardianus is smaller (8.0–8.5 vs. 10.5 mm) and the apex of the elytron is less attenuated than in C. balli (c.f., Figs. 64, 65). In addition, C. girardianus is known from the Philippines and Vietnam, whereas C. balli is known only from northern Thailand and Laos.


Medium brown; setae whitish­yellow throughout. Length: 8.0– 8.5 mm; width: 2.0 mm.

Head. Punctures moderate, almost contiguous throughout, setae slightly longer than antennomere 4. Antenna reaching or almost reaching apex of pronotal hind angles; antennomere 1 with punctures 1/2 size of frontal punctures, separated by about own diameters, setae varying from 2/3 to subequal in length to frontal setae; antennomere 2 about 1/3 longer than wide, cylindrical; antennomere 3 2X as long as wide, somewhat flattened, cuticle as in antennomere 2, anterior and posterior margins subparallel; antennomere 4 2X as long as greatest width, flattened, anterior and posterior margins weakly divergent distally, anterodistal angle rounded, distal end yellowish, cuticle microrugose, subshiny; antennomeres 5–10 like antennomere 4 but subtriangular, antennomeres 8–10 narrower than antennomeres 5–7; antennomere 11 slightly longer and narrower than antennomere 10; cuticle microrugose. Cuticle between eye and supraantennal carina microrugose, dull. Gena microrugose, subshiny; punctures minute, separated by about 2X own diameter; setae shorter and finer than frontal setae.

Prothorax. Pronotum slightly wider than long, lateral margins subparallel; punctures moderate sized, relatively shallow, simple, separated by about own diameter on disk, becoming almost contiguous anteriorly and laterally; setae same length as frontal setae, erect, directed posteriorly; posterior margin as in C. coomani (c.f. Fig. 37 View FIGURES 31–43 ); apex of hind angles acute. Hypomeron: posterior 1/4 glabrous ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 44–46 ); anterior 3/4 with shallow, simple punctures, punctures subequal in size to pronotal punctures, separated by about own diameters; setae same length as pronotal setae; mesal smooth border bearing triangular projection at level of procoxa ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 44–46 ), projection as long as basal width; mesal smooth border with single row of setae, setae about 3/4 length of other hypomeral setae, punctures minute; posterolateral angle projecting posterad posterior margin ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 44–46 ), projection about as long as basal width in ventrolateral aspect. Prosternum: anterior lobe with shallow inconspicuous punctures and row of marginal setae anteriorly; punctures posterad lobe subequal in size to hypomeral punctures, shallow, simple, separated by about own diameter anteriorly, grading to 1/2 own diameter separation posteriorly including prosternal spine; setae same length as on hypomeron, directed posteriorly; prosternal spine: in lateral aspect, relatively short: length to posterior concavity about 1.5X width immediately posterad procoxae, slightly curved dorsally, ventral apex slightly produced, as long as wide, acute, triangular, slightly recurved, dorsal apex triangular, about 3X as long as basal width, with low lateral carina, posterior margin between apices vertical, straight; ventral apex forming ventral surface of U­shaped ridge around posterior vertical margin, U­shaped ridge accentuating medial ridge on posterior surface, ventrolateral carinae fused in apical 1/5 but not darkly pigmented, extending slightly anterad anterior margin of procoxal cavity; lateral margin sparsely punctured, punctures minute, posterodorsal angle glabrous, impunctate, setae as on hypomeron, directed ventrally.

Mesothorax. Scutellum flat, slightly longer than anterior width; anterior margin slightly produced, with transverse microstriae; setae as on pronotum, directed posteriorly, semi­erect; punctures minute, separated by 2–3X own diameters. Mesosternum in ventral aspect with posterior margin truncate; in lateral aspect mesosternum between mesocoxae raised, horizontal; margin of mesosternal cavity anterad mesocoxa sloping almost vertically to level of mesepisternum; punctures minute, separated by 1–3X own diameters. Mesepisternum: anterior margin bearing circular pit adjacent to mesosternum; posteromesal 1/2 glabrous. Mesepimeron: punctures shallow, simple, almost contiguous. Elytra (Fig. 65) about 4X as long as basal width, lateral margins convergent apically; anterior margin projecting; apex with very small acute tooth at suture; striae impressed in basal 1/4, grading into rows of punctures in apical 3/4, margins of impressed striae sharp; punctures circular, relatively deep, steep­sided, separated by about 1/2 own diameters, without setae; interval punctures minute, separated by 2–3X own diameters.

Metathorax. Metasternum: carina posterad mesocoxa very short, present only as small rounded bump on marginal ridge; medial punctures minute, separated by 1–2X own diameters, grading into larger, shallow, simple, almost contiguous punctures laterally.

Legs. Tarsomere 4 with small ventrodistal lobe; claws with 5–6 subapical tines, base of claws relatively thick, subapical tines 1/3–2/3 length of apical tine, middle pair of subapical tines longest, innermost tine shortest.

Abdomen. Terga lightly sclerotized. Dorsal submarginal carina of ventrite 5 broadly U­shaped. Setae, punctures and cuticle as on metasternum except on ventrite 5 where punctures closer throughout. Male genitalia, Fig. 82 View FIGURES 66–85 ; parameres in ventral aspect contiguous at anterior end; median lobe with apical portion curved ventrally, dorsal surface with sharp but only slightly raised V­shaped carina, ventral surface with elongate elliptical sclerite tapered to a point at each end. Female genitalia, Fig. 103 View FIGURES 98–106 ; bursal plates crescentic, symmetrical; tubular extension: arising dorsolaterally on bursa; with 2 bands of spines of approximately equal width; spines grading from subequal in appearance to bursal spines basally to more darkly pigmented spines with larger bases in mid­region to spines subequal in appearance to bursal spines distally; spermatheca absent.

Material examined and range

1♂, 2♀. [ PHILIPPINES] Holotype female: “ Cuernos Mts. ; Negros I Baker”/ “Collection; E. Fleutiaux ”/ “Museum Paris; Coll. E. Fleutiaux; 1919" [ MNHN] . Paratypes: 1♂, 1♀, VIETNAM. “ Dong Nai: Cat Tien Natl. Pk., ca. 1.23 km on road N from park HQ, 28 May 1999, DC Currie, DC Darling, B. Hubley. ROM993041 About ROM ” / “tropical lowland forest; UV / MV light 120 m; 11°26’02.6"N 107°25’45.6"E ” [ ROME]. This species is known from Negros Island, Philippines and southern Vietam ( Fig. 112 View FIGURE 112 ) GoogleMaps .


The species is named in honour of Dr. Claude Girard, curator of Elateridae at MNHN, Paris.

Natural history

Specimens with data were collected at lights in tropical lowland forest in late May at an elevation of 120m.

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FIGURE 112. Distribution of Ctenoplus species.

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FIGURES 44–46. posterior part of hypomeron of Ctenoplus species. 44, C. alutaceus n. sp.; 45, C. semialutaceus n. sp.; 46, C. girardianus n. sp. 47, prosternum of C. nitidipennis Schwarz, ventral. 48, venter of mesothorax of C. dorsalis n. sp., ventral. 49, tarsus of C. castaneus (Fleut.), lateral. Abbreviations: ac, alutaceous cuticle; ag, anterior groove of mesepisternum; as, anterior articulating surface of mesosternum; c, mesocoxa; d, lateral depression of mesosternum; gr, groove on prosternum; l, lobe of tarsomere 4; lp, anterolateral projection of mesepimeron; mf, mesosternal cavity; pr, projection of mesal border of hypomeron. Scale bar = 44–46, 48, 49: 0.25 mm; 48: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURES 50–57. Prosternal spine of Ctenoplus and Silesis species. 50–57, lateral; 58, 59, ventral. 50, C. sanguinolentus (Cand.); 51, C. sanguinolentoides n. sp.; 52a, b, C. coomani Fleut.; 53, C. balli n. sp.; 54, C. gigas n. sp.; 55, C. divergens n. sp.; 56, C. alutaceus n. sp.; 57, C. dorsalis n. sp.; 58, C. brunneus Fleut.; 59, S. fulvus Fleut.; Abbreviations: da, dorsal apex; va, ventral apex. Scale bar = 0.25 mm.

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FIGURES 31–43. Pronotal outline of Ctenoplus species, dorsal. 31, C. javanensis Cand.; 32, C. sumatrensis n. sp.; 33, C. sanguinolentoides n. sp.; 34, C. indicus n. sp.; 35, C. rufoantennatus n. sp.; 36, C. castaneus (Fleut.); 37, C. coomani Fleut.; 38, C. divergens n. sp., a: male, b: female; 39, C. alutaceus n. sp.; 40, C. semialutaceus n. sp.; 41, C. gigas n. sp.; 42, C. cateianus n. sp.; 43, C. dorsalis n. sp. Abbreviation: bf, sublateral longitudinal incision. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURES 66–85. Male genitalia of Ctenoplus species, dorsal aspect unless otherwise specified. 66, C. javanensis Cand.; 67, C. sumatrensis n. sp.; 68, C. sanguinolentoides n. sp.; 69, C. nitidipennis Schwarz; 70, C. indicus n. sp.; 71, C. collaris Cand., a, dorsal, b, ventral; 72, C. pseudocollaris n. sp.; 73, C. neosiamensis n. sp.; 74, C. siamensis n. sp.; 75, C. rufoantennatus n. sp.; 76, C. castaneus (Fleut.), a, dorsal, b, lateral; 77, C. coomani Fleut.; 78, C. divergens n. sp.; 79, C. alutaceus n. sp., a, dorsal, b, lateral; 80, C. semialutaceus n. sp.; 81, C. balli n. sp.; 82, C. girardianus n. sp.; 83, C. gigas n. sp.; 84, C. cateianus n. sp.; 85, C. deceptus n. sp. Abbreviations: st, median struts; pa, parameres; ph, phallobase. Scale bar = 0.25 mm.

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FIGURES 98–106. Female genitalia of Ctenoplus species. 98, C. coomani Fleut.; 99, C. brunneus Fleut.; 100, C. divergens n. sp.; 101, C. alutaceus n. sp.; 102, C. balli n. sp.; 103, C. girardianus n. sp.; 104, C. gigas n. sp.; 105, C. cateianus n. sp.; 106, C. deceptus n. sp. Abbreviations: sd, tubular extension. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle


University of Montana Museum


Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology











