Euplocania macuxi, Pereira & Silva-Neto & Boldrini, 2022

Pereira, Antoniel Francisco, Silva-Neto, Alberto Moreira da & Boldrini, Rafael, 2022, Three new species of Euplocania Enderlein (Psocodea, ‘ Psocoptera’, Ptiloneuridae), for the state of Roraima, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo) 62, pp. 1-8 : 2-4

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Felipe (2022-10-09 07:52:21, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-07 18:53:20)

scientific name

Euplocania macuxi

sp. nov.

Euplocania macuxi sp. nov.

( Figs. 1-7 View Figures 1-7 )


Diagnosis: Belonging in marginata species group of García Aldrete et al. (2013).Differing from the known species of this group, in having central sclerite of hypandrium almost straight anteriorly, posteriorly with a median stout triangular process, underlaid by a stout bifid posterior process, with each arm machete shaped, widening posteriorly, distally curved slightly inwards; mesal sclerite of phallosome U-shaped, anteriorly convex, narrow, posteriorly widening with postero-lateral corners projected, these almost triangular, three pairs of endophallic sclerites, with an antero-lateral pair, boomerang shaped, almost the same width along its entire length and with a posterior pair, broad, trapeziform with sides converging to almost straight posterior border.

Color (in 80% ethanol): Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents, head pattern ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1-7 ). Scape and pedicel brown, f1-f3 pale brown. Legs with coxae and trochanters brown, femora pale brown; tibiae proximally dark brown, then pale brown and dark brown distally; tarsomere 1 pale brown, tarsomeres 2-3 brown. Forewings veins brown, a wide, marginal pigmented band from R₄₊₅ to A1 and Cu2 cells, with a small, hyaline area on each side of vein ends, at wing margin, from M1 to M4; Rs and crossvein Rs-M dark brown. Pterostigma peripherally pale brown, with small irregular brown spots and with a transverse brown spot distally as a false vein ( Fig. 2 View Figures 1-7 ). Hindwings with a homogeneous brown band from R₄₊₅ to A1; veins brown ( Fig. 3 View Figures 1-7 ).

Morphology: Head with vertex slightly concave, emarginated; compound eyes without interommatidial setae ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1-7 ). Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with eight denticles ( Fig. 4 View Figures 1-7 ). Forewing pterostigma basally narrow, wider in the middle, narrowing posteriorly, areola postica tall, wide, with round apex, slanted and sinuous posteriorly. Rs stem almost straight, R₂₊₃ almost straight, R₄₊₅ sinuous; M stem slightly concave proximally, then almost straight, with four primary branches, M₁ almost straight, M₂-M₄ sinuous ( Fig. 2 View Figures 1-7 ). Hindwing Rs, R₂₊₃ and R₄₊₅ straight, M sinuous ( Fig. 3 View Figures 1-7 ). Hypandrium of three sclerites, a large central sclerite almost straight anteriorly, with posterior corners almost triangular, posteriorly with a median stout triangular process, underlaid by a stout bifid posterior process, with each arm machete shaped, widening posteriorly, distally curved slightly inwards; side sclerites almost lozenge, narrowing at the ends and, posteriorly distally acuminate, setae as illustrated ( Fig. 5 View Figures 1-7 ). Phallosome ( Fig. 6 View Figures 1-7 ) with side struts basally fused, U-shaped, widening posteriorly and distally almost triangular. External parameres V-shaped, with a field of pores distally, with inner arm tubular and distally rounded, outer arms posteriorly rounded and anteriorly acuminate. Mesal sclerite wide, almost U-shaped, anteriorly convex, narrow, posteriorly widening with postero-lateral corners projected, these almost triangular. Three pairs of endophallic sclerites, an antero-mesal pair, small, strongly sclerotized, almost touching in the middle of endophallus, narrow basally, with sides widening posteriorly and almost triangular; an antero-lateral pair, elongated, boomerang shaped, almost the same width along its entire length, distally curved inward; a posterior pair, strongly sclerotized, broad, trapeziform with sides converging to almost straight posterior border, located between the antero-lateral pair and the external parameres. Epiproct ( Fig. 7 View Figures 1-7 ) broad, sides converging to almost straight posterior border, three mesal setae near anterior border, setal fields on posterior edge and one macroseta on each side. Paraprocts broadly, elliptic; sensory fields with 29-30 trichobothria on basal rosettes, setae as illustrated ( Fig. 7 View Figures 1-7 ).

Measurements (in microns): FW: 4791, HW: 3019, F: 1307, T: 1963, t1: 807, t2: 92, t3: 134, f1: 910, f2: 870, f3: 562, Mx4: 311, IO: 571, D: 511, d: 337, PO: 0.66.

Material examined: Holotype male (INPA). BRAZIL. Roraima.Amajari.Tepequém. 03°24′11.5″N, 61°39′13.7″W. 23.v-03.VI. 2017. Malaise grande. Rede Bia. R. Boldrini & J.A. Rafael. GoogleMaps

Etymology: Macuxi is a noun that applies to the South American indigenous population, located in the circum-Roraima region of the Brazilian state of Roraima. Currently, Macuxi is used informally to define the natives of Roraima. By extension, it is given to this species as a noun in apposition, and makes reference to the Brazilian state of origin of this species.

Gallery Image

Figures 1-7. Euplocania macuxi sp. nov. (Holotype male). (1) Front view of head. (2) Forewing. (3) Hindwing. (4) Lacinial tip. (5) Hypandrium. (6) Phallosome. (7) Clunium,right paraproct and epiproct.Scales in mm.











