Garcinia acuticosta Nazre, 2018

Nazre, M., Newman, M. F., Pennington, R. T. & Middleton, D. J., 2018, Taxonomic Revision of Garcinia Section Garcinia (Clusiaceae), Phytotaxa 373 (1), pp. 1-52 : 15-17

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Felipe (2024-09-07 03:08:42, last updated 2024-09-07 07:08:14)

scientific name

Garcinia acuticosta Nazre

sp. nov.

1. Garcinia acuticosta Nazre View in CoL , sp. nov.

A Garcinia diospyrifolia folio in sicco plerumque in facie abaxiali plerumque cum costa elevata ac in sectione transversa acute angulata et muris fructus crassioribus differt. G. discoideae Nazre ut videtur valde affinis a qua foliis anguste ellipticis et lineis glanduliferis magis late dispositis recedit.

Type:— MALAYSIA, Peninsular, Selangor, Gading Forest Reserve , 22 July 1969, Loh Hoy Shing FRI 13410 (Holotype: KEP!; isotype: L!). [ Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 ] .

Small tree to 10 m tall. Bole with greyish-brown or reddish, flaking bark; inner bark reddish-brown; sapwood yellowish-red. Exudate white, turning yellow. Twigs angled, stout, strongly longitudinally striate when dry, dark brown or chocolate to pale brownish (greenish-yellow in new specimens). Petiole finely transversely striate, stout, darker than the leaves, 0.8–1.4 cm long. Lamina thickly to thinly leathery, pale brown or pale grey-brown, darker and shiny above, narrowly elliptic, 16–21 × 1.8–2.4 cm, apex acute or bluntly acuminate, base acute to cuneate; midrib nearly same colour as petiole, weakly raised above, raised and sharply angled in cross-section below when dry; margin entire and very finely revolute; secondary veins fine, visible above but inconspicuous below, brochidodromous, closely arranged, weakly raised; tertiary veins nearly invisible, fine and very faint. Glands fine, in dark grey-black to greenish interrupted wavy lines, nearly parallel to the midrib, running across the secondary veins to the margin. Inflorescences probably terminal. Male flower not seen. Female flower not seen. Fruit terminal, solitary, ovoid, green turning yellow, surface smooth with thick wall, 5–5.3 × 2.3–3.7 cm; with 4 prominent thick leathery sepals, to 1.3 cm long; stigma weakly raised to 2 mm or sessile, black, discoid, flattened or slightly convex with 4–5 weak lobes, hardened, to 5.5 mm across.

Distribution and Habitat:—Peninsular Malaysia. In lowland and hill forest to 500 m elevation. Rare.

Etymology:—Latin, from sharp midrib when dry.

Taxonomic Notes:—Material of this species was formerly placed in G. opaca King (synonym of G. diospyrifolia ) even though it has different leaves and fruit. The dry leaf usually has a raised and sharp midrib on the abaxial surface when dry and the fruit walls are thicker than in G. diospyrifolia .

Additional specimens examined:— MALAYSIA. Peninsular: Kelantan: Gua Ninik , 25 October 1927, Henderson 19654 (K!, KEP!) . Terengganu: Batu Biwa , 10 June 1968, Cockburn FRI10559 (KEP!, L!) ; Bukit Bauk Forest Reserve , Compartment 22, Nazre BB 01 ( UPM!) .

Gallery Image

FIGURE 4. Garcinia acuticosta Nazre. A. habit (male); B. glandular lines; C. fruit and stigma [Nazre BB01, UPM]. Drawn by Anna Dorward.


Forest Research Institute Malaysia


Udory Paleontological Museum