Garcinia penangiana Pierre (1883b

Nazre, M., Newman, M. F., Pennington, R. T. & Middleton, D. J., 2018, Taxonomic Revision of Garcinia Section Garcinia (Clusiaceae), Phytotaxa 373 (1), pp. 1-52 : 39-40

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Felipe (2024-09-07 03:08:42, last updated 2024-09-07 06:50:03)

scientific name

Garcinia penangiana Pierre (1883b


10. Garcinia penangiana Pierre (1883b View in CoL : xxxvii).

Lectotype (designated here):— MALAYSIA, Peninsular, Penang, 1881, Porter in Wallich 4852D (K-W! [K001104069]). [ Figure 17 View FIGURE 17 ].

Small to medium sized tree to 20 m. Bole with dark brown to blackish, smooth and flaking bark; inner bark reddish. Exudate white. Twigs slender, angular, reddish black or orange-brown and wrinkled longitudinally when dry. Petioles stout, finely transversely striate, 0.7–1.9 cm long. Lamina leathery, dark reddish brown above and paler below (distinctly reddish in new specimens), elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 13.2–16 × 3.5–6 cm, apex bluntly acuminate, base acute; margin entire, finely revolute; midrib slightly raised and square in cross-section above, strongly raised below; secondary veins brochidodromous, fine, raised above and below, very closely arranged; tertiary veins very fine, conspicuous below, inconspicuous above, scalariform. Glands clearly visible and raised below, a mixture of long and short black wavy lines running from midrib across secondary veins towards margin. Inflorescences terminal, in clusters of 3– 10 male flowers of variable size, the females usually solitary but sometimes in pairs; sepals and petals 4. Male flowers with slender pedicels, 5–13 mm long; sepals concave, ovate or orbicular, 3–7 × 4–10 mm; petals oblanceolate or elliptic, 7–15 × 3.2–7 mm; stamens in a cruciform central mass (from above) or slightly 4-angled; pistillodes absent; anthers sessile or on very short filaments, 2-thecous. Female flowers with slender or stout pedicels, to 7 mm long; sepals and petals as in male flower, deep red or light green; ovary globose, tipped by a black, corrugated stigma in 3–4 bundles. Fruits globose or ovoid, green, smooth, dark brown or purplish when dry, tipped with a nearly sessile blackish stigma of 3–4 wedge-shaped bundles or a nodulated surface, the parts separate or fused (becoming lobed), margin entire or cracked; seeds 3–4(–5) with a white aril.

Distribution and Habitat:—Lowland to hill forest, sometimes reaching lower montane forest (900 m) in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.

Taxonomic Notes:—This species is characterised by its distinctive leaves: the dry leaves turn reddish, the secondary veins are fine but visible below and closely arranged. Male flowers are particularly distinctive due to the cruciform stamens when dry. However, sterile specimens, especially older ones, are frequently confused with Garcinia mangostana var. malaccensis and G. diospyrifolia . Morphologically (also supported by molecular data [ Nazre, 2006]) it is closely related to G. mangostana and G. venulosa .

Additional specimens examined:— MALAYSIA: Peninsular: Johor: May 1918, Foxworthy 1185 ( SING!) ; Sungai Layar , 12 December 1921, Yeob 5839 ( SING!) ; Labis Forest Reserve, Compartment 27, 22 March 1968, Cockburn FRI7877 (KEP!, L!) . Kelantan: Sungai Ketil , 31 May 1931, Henderson 24836 ( SING!) . Negeri Sembilan: Pasoh Forest Reserve Arboretum, tree #580, 23 June 1983, Vethevelu FRI32926 (KEP!, L!) . Pahang: Kuala Lipis, Chenenas , 21 November 1924, Burkill & Mohamed Haniff 15716 ( SING!) ; Pulau Tioman, Ayer Surin , 18 April 1929, Henderson 21689 (K!) ; Pulau Tioman, Gunung Kajang , 17 April 1962, Kadim & Mohd Noor KN 591 (A!, K!, L!, SING!) ; Sungai Terengan, Jeram Keteh, 1.5 miles below Kuala Trengan, Sg. Kerbat , 27 June 1971, Whitmore FRI20282 (A!, KEP!, L!) ; Pulau Tioman, Bukit Kajang , 5 May 1976, Sidek bin Kiah & Maulod bin Elin SK 533 ( SING!) . Perak: Larut , November 1882, King’s Collector 3583 (L!) ; Larut , May 1885, King’s Collector 7565 ( SING!) ; Larut , October 1889, King’s Collector 6769 (L!, P!) . Penang: Telok Bahang Forest Reserve , July 1892, Curtis s.n. ( SING!) ; Government Hill , May 1898, Curtis s.n. ( SING!) ; no locality, no date, Curtis 1430 ( SING!) . Terengganu: Kemaman, Bukit Kajang , 3 November 1935, Corner s.n. ( SING!) ; Gunung Tebu Forest Reserve, Bukit Bintang Block, Kuala Terengganu-Besut road, 11 September 1955, Sinclair & Kiah SFN 40794 (E!, L!, SING!) ; Ulu Besut, near Bukit Jebak Puyuh , 1 May 1968, Cockburn FRI8242 (KEP!, L!) ; Sungai Loh near Kuala Datok, 5 July 1968, Whitmore FRI8959 (KEP!, L!) ; Kuala Petang, South bank of Sungai Kerbat , 1 July 1971, Whitmore FRI20347 (KEP!, L!) ; Bukit Bauk Forest Reserve , 415 May 1976, Chan FRI25061 (KEP!, L!) .

MALAYSIA: Borneo: Sarawak: Bau, Banjaran Bungoh , 30 November 1969, Ilias Paie & James Dawos Mamit S 28974 (E!, SAN!) ; Belaga, left bank of Rajang river c. 10km below Belaga, Segahan range near Belaga airfield, 6 September 1958, Jacobs 5444 (K!) ; Belaga, Batang Balui, Bukit Pantu , Sungai Tasu , 217 March 1987, Yii S 53588 (SAR) ; Balingian, Sungai Arip, Bkt Iju , 25 July 1965, Sibat Luang S 23622 (K!, SAR!) ; Balingian, Sungai Arip , 31 July 1965, Sibat Luang S 23667 (A!, SAR!) ; Kapit, Sungai Senyarok , 15 August 1938, Daud & Tachun SFN36067 (L!, SING!) ; Kuching, Sabal Forest Reserve, Klingkang Range , 72 mile Kuching-Simanggang road, 9 October 1979, Yii S 40775 (L!) ; Kuching, Semengoh Forest Reserve, Arboretum 1, August 1961, Galau S 14977 (K!, SAR!) ; Kuching, Semengoh Forest Reserve, Arboretum , 6 October 1966, Sibat Luang S 25238 (K!, SAR!) ; Kapit, Ulu Baleh , 120 January 1970, Othman Ismawi S 29670 (E!) ; Limbang, Sungai Medamit , 14 October 1972, Paul Chai & Wright S 32334 (L!) . Sabah: no locality, 1877, Burbidge s.n. (K!); Sook, 2.5 miles from Sook , 2 December 1972, Maurus, Heya & Suali SAN 72470 (A!, SAN!) .

SINGAPORE: no locality, 1822, Wallich 4848 (E!).

BRUNEI: Bukit Teraja, Labi , 11 November 1990, Kirkup, Wong, Dransfield & Niga 265 (K!) ; Temburong, Pandaruan , 31 May 1958, Brunig S 1142 (K!) .

INDONESIA: Borneo: Kalimantan: Tarakan Island , 14 December 1953, Meijer 2531 (A!) ; Central Kalimantan, Sintang , 28 April 1994, Church, Mahyar, Indah, Ismail & Hamzah 1216 (A!) ; East Kalimantan, PT Inhutani I Berau Project area, BFMP Project Plot 9, 20 May 1998, Sidiyasa, Ambriansyah & Zainal Ariffin 1296 (A!) ; West Kalimantan, Serawai, Sg. Merah , 10 February 1995, Church, Mahyar & Afriastini 1840, 1762 (A!). Sumatra: Riau, Pulau Bintan, no date, Teijsmann s.n. (L!) ; Aceh, Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve, edge of Mt. Guhra, valley of Lau Alas near tributary of Lau Ketambe c. 35 km NW of Kutatjane, 7 June 1972, de Wilde & de Wilde-Duyfjes 12678 (K!) ; Gunung Leuser Reserve, Ketambe , 11 July 1972, Vogel 1425 (L!) ; Aceh, Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve, Ketambe Research Station, c. 5 km South of Ketambe along Alas river , 9 June 1979, de Wilde & de Wilde-Duyfjes 18011 (K!) ; Aceh, Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve, Ketambe Research Station, Alas river valley c. 35 NNW of Kutacane, 9 June 1979, de Wilde & de Wilde-Duyfjes 18028 (K!) .

Nazre, M. (2006) Taxonomic revision and molecular studies of Garcinia section Garcinia. Unpublished Phd thesis University of Edinburgh and Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh, 240 pp.

Pierre, J. B. L. (1883 b) Flore forestiere de la Cochinchine. Fasc. 6., plates 84 - 96. O. Doin, Paris.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 17. Garcinia penangiana Pierre. A. habit (male); B: young fruit and stigma; C: male flower; D, E: mature fruit and stigma [(A, C: Whitmore FRI20347, L); (B: Sibat S25238, K); (D; Sibat S23622, K); (E: Sinclair SFN 40794, SING)]. Drawn by Anna Dorward.


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