Garcinia rigida Miq. (1861: 493)

Nazre, M., Newman, M. F., Pennington, R. T. & Middleton, D. J., 2018, Taxonomic Revision of Garcinia Section Garcinia (Clusiaceae), Phytotaxa 373 (1), pp. 1-52 : 41-42

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Felipe (2024-09-07 03:08:42, last updated 2024-09-07 06:50:03)

scientific name

Garcinia rigida Miq. (1861: 493)


11. Garcinia rigida Miq. (1861: 493) View in CoL .

Lectotype (designated here):— INDONESIA, Sumatra, Priaman, no date, Diepenhorst HB 646 (BO!; isolectotype: L!, U!). [ Figure 18 View FIGURE 18 ].

= Garcinia schefferi Pierre (1882 View in CoL : ad pl. 59). Lectotype (designated here):— VIETNAM Condore Island , Sep 1876, Harmand 4012 (P! [P04701342]; isolectotypes: K!, P! [P04701345]).

Tree to 30 m tall. Bole sometimes with buttresses, bark light brown or pale grey to dark brown, occasionally exposing dark cream bark under peeling scales; inner bark reddish; sapwood yellow. Exudate white, turning cream or yellow. Twigs angled, stout, longitudinally wrinkled when dry, dark brown or brown to greenish. Petioles stout, finely transversely striate, 0.6–2 cm long. Lamina leathery, narrowly elliptic or ovate, elliptic to broadly elliptic, 0.5–18 × 3– 8 cm, apex blunt acute to acuminate, base cuneate to acute; margin entire, weakly and finely revolute; midrib slightly raised above and raised below; secondary veins inconspicuous above and slightly raised below, brochidodromous, closely arranged; tertiary veins invisible below, visible above only in new specimens, randomly reticulate. Glands black or dark brown to greenish, in fine wavy lines running across secondary veins from midrib towards margin, c. 1 mm apart, clearly visible and weakly raised below (not so in very old specimens). Inflorescences probably terminal. Male flowers not seen. Female flowers not seen. Fruit solitary and terminal; pedicel stout, to 2 cm; brown to dark brown and slightly reddish-brown when dry, ovoid or ellipsoid, 2.5–3.2 × 2–2.5 cm, thin walled and smooth; stigma raised, discoid but flattened on the surface or slightly sunken in the middle, margin irregularly dentate or weakly 4- lobed; 4 sepals persistent, greenish white, leathery, concave; seeds unknown.

Distribution and Habitat:—Lowlands, especially near the coast or on islands in Indo-China, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Maluku (but see below).

Taxonomic Notes:—The name Garcinia porrecta var. schizogyna , on the labels of specimens cultivated in Bogor Botanic Gardens (VI.C.145, VI.A.50 & VI.C.235), is invalid. These specimens are G. rigida . They were said to have been collected from Sulawesi and Ambon, Maluku. However, we have not yet found any wild-collected herbarium material of G. rigida from this region. The species is characterised by the fruit: the wall is thin and smooth as in G. diospyrifolia but it has a distinct discoid, flattened stigma with a neck. The leaves resemble G. celebica but the glandular lines are more distinct and widely spaced. Molecular analysis ( Nazre 2006) of material collected from trees cultivated in Bogor clearly shows the monophyly of this species which is distantly related to G. celebica and G. diospyrifolia . Incongruence between plastid and nuclear phylogenetic trees indicates that it may have arisen from a hybridisation event with maternal origins from species outside section Garcinia .

Additional specimens examined:— CAMBODIA: Pursat: 27 June 1930, Poilane 17783 (K!, L!).

LAOS: Saravane: 12 April 1927, Poilane 13735 (K!).

INDONESIA: Sumatra: Pulau Nias, Hallinawale-Teluk Dalam, 3 April 1978 Maskuri 193 (L!). Java: Cultivated in Bogor Botanic Garden #VI.C.145, 10 March 2004 ( UPM!).

Nazre, M. (2006) Taxonomic revision and molecular studies of Garcinia section Garcinia. Unpublished Phd thesis University of Edinburgh and Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh, 240 pp.

Pierre, J. B. L. (1882) Flore forestiere de la Cochinchine. Fasc. 4., plates 49 - 64. O. Doin, Paris.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 18. Garcinia rigida Miq. A. habit (female); B. fruit and stigma [Harmand 4012, K]. Drawn by Anna Dorward.


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