Garcinia sangudsangud Nazre, 2018

Nazre, M., Newman, M. F., Pennington, R. T. & Middleton, D. J., 2018, Taxonomic Revision of Garcinia Section Garcinia (Clusiaceae), Phytotaxa 373 (1), pp. 1-52 : 42-43

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Felipe (2024-09-07 03:08:42, last updated 2024-09-07 06:50:03)

scientific name

Garcinia sangudsangud Nazre

sp. nov.

12. Garcinia sangudsangud Nazre View in CoL , sp. nov. [ Figure 19 View FIGURE 19 ].

Garciniae nitidae similis sed muro fructus crassiore, duro et lapideo (haud tenui siccitate facile rumpenti) differt.

Type:— MALAYSIA, Borneo, Sabah, Tawau , 8 December 1962 Aban Gibot SAN32977 About SAN (Holotype: SAN!; isotypes: K!, L!) .

Tree to 20 m tall. Bole with blackish bark, with papery scales; inner bark reddish brown, sapwood pale red-brown. Exudate white. Twigs slightly angled especially towards end; pale greyish brown. Petiole stout, finely transversely striate, 0.5–2 cm long. Lamina leathery; dark brown or pale brown and shiny above, pale greenish brown or brown below, elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 7.2–15 × 2.1–5 cm, apex with drip tips, blunt acuminate to 13 mm long, base acute; midrib raised above, nearly square in cross-section, strongly raised below; margin entire and finely revolute; secondary veins visible on both sides, fine, brochidodromous but intra-marginal veins very fine, closely arranged, inconspicuous above and slightly raised below; tertiary veins invisible. Glands fine but visible below, dark grey-green to blackish, in a mixture of interrupted wavy lines running across secondary veins towards the margin, with many fine dashes and dots between them. Inflorescences terminal, males with 1–3 flowers, females solitary, pedicel short, to 5 mm long; petals and sepals 4. Male flowers [in bud] withconcave sepals and petals; pistillode a dwarf fungiform shape with a large dome-shaped cap; surrounded by stamens in 4 weak lobes attached at base of pistillode; anthers sessile, 2-thecous. Female flowers with thick, ovate sepals; ovary dwarf fungiform, stigma small, hemispherical, turning flat-topped when mature or slightly sunken; staminodes absent. Fruit ovoid or globose, 2.5 × 1.6 cm, with a thick and hardened or stony wall and smooth, sometimes shiny, surface, brown to dark brown; stigma sessile or weakly raised, to 3 mm long, dark brown or blackish, thinly flattened, weakly convex or sunken on surface; seeds unknown.

Etymology:—Local name in Sabah.

Distribution and Habitat:—Lowland and hill forest up to lower montane forest in east Borneo.

Taxonomic Notes:—Closely resembling G. nitida in its male flower and leaf but distinguished by the thick and hard fruit wall.

Additional specimens examined:— MALAYSIA: Borneo: Sabah: Lahad Datu, Mostyn estate, Ridge E, Mile 5 British-Borneo Timber Co. road, SE corner of Mostyn Estate, 27 September 1954, Wood & Wyatt-Smith SANA4297

(L!, SAN!); Lahad Datu , Pulau Sakar, 10 April 1962, Muin Chai SAN29368 About SAN (K!, SAN!) ; Lahad Datu , Mile 8 main road, Suai Suaian block, 2 July 1962, Muin Chai SAN29720 About SAN (K!, L!, SAN!) ; Lahad Datu , Sapang Ayer Quarry Hill, 4 March 1963, Muin Chai SAN33449 About SAN (K!, L!, SAN!) ; Sandakan , Sungai Kapur, 16 October 1960, Meijer SAN22942 About SAN (L!, SAN!) ; Tawau , Batu 17, Apas Road, 9 April 1962, Aban Gibot SAN29564 About SAN (K!, L!, SAN!) ; Tawau , Sungai Balung, 12 December 1961, Bakar & Meijer SAN28681 About SAN (K!, L!, SAN!) ; Tawau , Mile 16.5 Quoin Hill Road, 23 January 1962, Aban Gibot SAN32914 About SAN (L!, SAN!) ; Tawau Mile 15.5 Quoin Hill Road, 12 May 1962, Aban Gibot SAN30021 About SAN (K!, L!, SAN!) ; Tawau , Merotai Besar, 9 April 1963, Aban Gibot SAN34020 About SAN (L!, SAN!) ; Ranau , Simpang Trail, Kinabalu National Park, 18 September 1967, Aban Gibot 60730 (L!, SAN!) .

Gallery Image

FIGURE 19. Garcinia sangudsangud Nazre. A. habit (male); B. male flower; C. glandular lines; D. young fruit; E. mature fruits and stigma [(A, B, C: Aban SAN 32914, L); (D; Meijer SAN 22942, L); (Ei: Muin Chai SAN 33449, L); (Eii: Burley 2660, E)]. Drawn by Anna Dorward.


Forest Research Centre