Coniceromyia vespertilio Schmitz

Ament, Danilo César & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of three new species from Brazil, Zootaxa 4086 (1), pp. 1-87 : 60-61

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Plazi (2016-03-12 15:53:43, last updated 2024-11-24 23:20:23)

scientific name

Coniceromyia vespertilio Schmitz


Coniceromyia vespertilio Schmitz View in CoL

( Figs. 190 View FIGURES 174 – 190 , 243 View FIGURES 239 – 243 , 317 View FIGURES 312 – 317 , 332–334 View FIGURES 331 – 334 )

Coniceromyia vespertilio Schmitz, 1927: 78 View in CoL . Refs.: Schmitz 1929: 126, figs. 30–31; Borgmeier 1950: 286, textfigs. 6, 8. Holotype ♂, original label states: “Brasilia” (NMW).

Diagnosis (male). Wing apical third maculated; wing margin invaginated at end of M2 and CuA1.

Material examined. 1♂, BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Nova Friburgo (Muri): Pousada Amantes da Natureza, 22º24’41’’S, 42º31’13’’W, 20–23.ix.2015, Malaise, Ament, Amorim & Brown col. ( MZSP).

Geographical distribution. Southeastern Brazil.

Comments. The hypopygium of Coniceromyia vespertilio has no conspicuous differences in relation to that of C. epicantha and C. franciscana . The affinities of C. vespertilio are discussed under C. epicantha comments. The holotype of C. vespertilio has three labels ( Fig. 333 View FIGURES 331 – 334 ). The material was collected much before Schmitz's description and belonged to the Winthem collection, purchased by the Wien Naturhistorisches Museum in 1880 (see, e.g., Pont 1986). Different collections were bought by Winthem, including material from Wiedemann, and it is not even possible to know who was the collector and the precise type locality. The only geographical indication in the original label is “Brasilia”, which should be considered equivalent to “ Brazil ”, since the city of Brasilia did not exist at that time. The collection of a second specimen of the species is very fortunate in the sense of giving an indication of its actual distribution.

Borgmeier, T. (1950) Revision der Gattung Coniceromyia Borgmeier, nebst Beschreibung von sechs neuen Arten (Dipt. Phoridae). Revista de Entomologia, 21, 281 - 300.

Pont, A. C. (1986) A Revision of the Fanniidae and Muscidae described by J. W. Meigen (Insecta: Diptera). Annalen des Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 87 B, 197 - 253.

Schmitz, H. (1927) Revision der Phoridengattungen, mit Beschreibung neuer Gattungen und Arten. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, 16, 30 - 40, 45 - 50, 59 - 65, 72 - 79, 92 - 100, 110 - 116, 128 - 132, 142 - 148, 164, 176.

Schmitz, H. (1929) Revision der Phoriden, F. Dummler, Bonn & Berlin, 211 pp.

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FIGURES 174 – 190. Coniceromyia male forelegs. 174. C. mexicana; 175. C. neofusca, sp. nov.; 176. C. parvicornis; 177. C. pilicoxa; 178. C. pilipleura; 179. C. piricornis; 180. C. plaumanni; 181. C. reina; 182. C. sakaii; 183. C. sanctaetheresae; 184. C. setitarsalis; 185. C. stephensoni; 186. C. striativena; 187. C. tanycrossa sp. nov.; 188. C. truncata; 189. C. valdesi; 190. C. vespertilio.

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FIGURES 239 – 243. Coniceromyia male wings. 239. C. striativena; 240. C. tanycrossa sp. nov.; 241. C. truncata; 242. C. valdesi; 243. C. vespertilio.

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FIGURES 312 – 317. Coniceromyia male hind femur. 312. C. tanycrossa sp. nov.; 313 – 314. C. truncata; 315 – 316. C. valdesi (modified from Kung 2009); 317. C. vespertilio.

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FIGURES 331 – 334. Coniceromyia habitus and holotype label. 331. C. pilicoxa holotype; 332. C. vespertilio holotype; 333. C. vespertilio holotype labels; 334. C. vespertilio recently collected specimen.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo











