Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995

Okayasu, Juriya, Williams, Kevin A., Lelej, Arkady S. & Pham, Thai Hong, 2021, Review of female Andreimyrme Lelej (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Smicromyrmini), Zootaxa 5061 (1), pp. 1-38 : 3-4

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scientific name

Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995


Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995

Mutilla: André 1898: 28 , ♂, part; André 1902: 39, part; Cameron 1909: 146, ♂, part.

Smicromyrme: Mickel 1933: 321 , ♂, part; Mickel 1934: 195, ♂, part; Mickel 1935: 277, ♂ ♀, part; Chen 1957: 201, ♂ ♀, part; Williams et al. 2019b: 28, ♀, part.

Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995b: 5 , ♂ ♀; Lelej 1996a: 100, ♀; Lelej 2002: 50; Lelej 2005: 38; Lelej 2007: 88; Lelej et al. 2007: 56 View Cited Treatment , ♂; Lelej & Brothers 2008: 7; Lo Cascio 2015: 544; Brothers & Lelej 2017: 95, ♂ ♀; Okayasu et al. 2018: 303, ♀; Williams et al. 2019b: 16 View Cited Treatment , ♀; Okayasu 2020: 56, ♂ ♀; Pagliano et al. 2020: 169; Terine et al. 2021: 185 View Cited Treatment , ♀.

Type species. Andreimyrme long Lelej, 1995b, ♂, by original designation.

Diagnosis. FEMALE. Genal carina distinct, forming sharp hypostomal tooth ( Figs 40 View FIGURES 36–41 , 42, 47 View FIGURES 42–49 ); clypeus with subventral transverse ridge; mandible slender tridentate ( Figs 36, 37 View FIGURES 36–41 , 46 View FIGURES 42–49 ), wide tridentate ( Figs 38–41 View FIGURES 36–41 , 43, 45, 47, 48 View FIGURES 42–49 ), or broadly expanded ( Figs 42, 44 View FIGURES 42–49 ); prementum armed with posterior rounded tubercle ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 42–49 ). Mesosomal lateral margins subparallel or convergent posteriorly ( Figs 50–62 View FIGURES 50–55 View FIGURES 56–62 ); prescutellar scales absent; scutellar scale obliterated; metanotal-propodeal suture obliterated. Protarsus with external comb of long spines; protarsomere 1 apically protruding outward to receive spines. T2 with posterior band of pale setae ( Figs 63–76 View FIGURES 63–70 View FIGURES 71–76 ); pygidial plate subconvex with lateral margins defined by weak carinae, subparallel or slightly convergent anteriorly ( Figs 77–89 View FIGURES 77–84 View FIGURES 85–89 ); surface of pygidial plate smooth or longitudinally rugose ( Figs 77–89 View FIGURES 77–84 View FIGURES 85–89 ). MALE. Frons punctate; clypeus deeply concave. Mandible robust, widened apically, tridentate at apex with additional large inner tooth; ventral margin not emarginate basally. Scape bicarinate ventrally; F1 0.7× as long as wide. Notaulus complete, reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum; parapsidal signum scarcely visible; mesoscutellum punctate; mesopleuron anteriorly with medial deep glabrous depression, without or with precoxal denticle ventrally. S2 without basomedial carina and without lateral felt line (except A. davidi with trace of felt line); S8 (hypopygium) without tubercle or carina; genital volsella wide, without basal external lobe, with long setae on inner and ventral margins.

Species included. This genus includes 20 valid species, including the new ones, one of which is divided into two subspecies: Andreimyrme annexa ( Cameron, 1909) , ♂ ( Malaysia) ; A. auricoma Okayasu , sp. nov., ♀ ( Malaysia) ; A. borkenti (Williams, 2019) , comb. nov., ♀ ( Thailand, Vietnam) ; A. davidi ( André, 1898) , ♂ ( China, Taiwan) ; A. laminatihumeralis Okayasu , sp. nov., ♀ ( Indonesia, Malaysia) ; A. long Lelej, 1995, ♂ ( China) ; A. matsumotoi Okayasu , sp. nov., ♀ ( Vietnam) ; A. naturalis Williams , sp. nov., ♀ ( Indonesia) ; A. neaera ( Mickel, 1935) , ♀ ( Malaysia) ; A. pakistanensis Lelej & Ullah, 2007 , ♂ ( Pakistan) ; A. paniya Terine, Lelej & Girish Kumar, 2021 , ♀ ( India) ; A. rong Williams , sp. nov., ♀ ( Thailand, Vietnam) ; A. sarawakensis Lelej, 1996 , ♀ ( Malaysia) ; A. silvorientalis Okayasu , sp. nov., ♀ ( Indonesia) ; A. substriolata ( Chen, 1957) , ♀ ( China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam) ; A. takensis Okayasu , sp. nov., ♀ ( Thailand) ; A. ursasolaris Williams , sp. nov., ♀ ( Indonesia) ; A. v. viriata ( Mickel, 1934) , ♂ ( Philippines) ; A. v. nitela ( Mickel, 1934) , ♂ ( Philippines) ; A. volupia ( Mickel, 1935) , ♂ ( Malaysia) ; A. yotoi Okayasu , sp. nov., ♀ ( Laos, Vietnam) .

Gender. Feminine ( Lelej & Brothers 2008).

Sex association. The possible female of the type species was associated and identified as Smicromyrme tridentiens Chen, 1957 (= A. substriolata ( Chen, 1957)) by Lelej (1995b: 7). Based on the overlapping distribution and the shared mandibular shape, we assume A. rong sp. nov. to be the potential female of A. long.

Distribution. Predominantly from the Oriental Region, but two species penetrate to Palaearctic China and A. pakistanensis is known from Pakistan (Islamabad) westward of India.

Remarks. Females of Andreimyrme are recognized by having the mandible tridentate or broadly expanded, the prementum with a rounded posterior tubercle, and the scutellar scale obliterated, while those of other smicromyrmine genera have the mandible edentate or bidentate, the prementum unarmed, and the scutellar scale spinulose, naillike, or transverse, except Promecilla André, 1902 which lacks developed scutellar scale. Originally, female Andreimyrme were defined by having the mandible wide and robust ( Fig. 45 View FIGURES 42–49 ), like A. substriolata which was the first female assigned to this genus. Smicromyrme borkenti Williams, 2019 was described in Williams et al. (2019b) from southern Thailand. This species is similar to Andreimyrme by having the mandible tridentate, the scutellar scale obliterated, and the pygidial plate sub-trapezoidal, laterally delimited by carinae, but was differentiated from it by having the mandible slender, tapering to apex ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 36–41 ). Considering the large variability of Smicromyrme , S. borkenti was described in that genus. In this study, however, we found that all Andreimyrme females with the wide mandible and S. borkenti share the prementum with posterior rounded tubercle. We used this trait to reallocate S. borkenti to Andreimyrme , because Smicromyrme females have the prementum flattened, at most with medial carina.

Andre, E. (1898) Etude sur les mutillides du Museum de Paris. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 67, 1 - 79.

Andre, E. (1902 [1903]) Family Mutillidae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum. Fascicles 11. L. Desmet-Verteneuil, Bruxelles, pp. 1 - 77, 3 pls.

Brothers, D. J. & Lelej, A. S. (2017) Phylogeny and higher classification of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) based on morphological reanalyses. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 60, 1 - 97. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / jhr. 60.20091

Cameron, P. (1909) Description of two new species of Mutilla from Kuching, Borneo. The Entomologist, 42, 146 - 147. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 48019090204

Chen, C. - W. (1957) A revision of the velvety ants or Mutillidae of China (Hymenoptera). Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, 10 (3 - 4), 135 - 224, 6 pls.

Lelej, A. S. (1995 b) To the knowledge of East Asian species of the tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) with description of four new genera and eight new species. Far Eastern Entomologist, 13, 1 - 28.

Lelej, A. S. (1996 a) Mutillid wasps collected in Malaysia and Indonesia by Dr. Sk. Yamane (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Tropics, 6 (1 - 2), 91 - 104. https: // doi. org / 10.3759 / tropics. 6.91

Lelej, A. S. (2002) Catalogue of the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of the Palaearctic Region. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 172 pp.

Lelej, A. S. (2005) Catalogue of the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of the Oriental Region. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 252 pp.

Lelej, A. S., Ullah, M. & Mahmood, K. (2007) Additions to the knowledge of the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of Pakistan. Zootaxa, 1444 (1), 53 - 60. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 1444.1.4

Lelej, A. S. & Brothers, D. J. (2008) The genus-group names of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) and their type species, with a new genus, new name, new synonymies, new combinations and lectotypifications. Zootaxa, 1889 (1), 1 - 79. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 1889.1.1

Lo Cascio, P. (2015) Worldwide checklist of the island mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera Mutillidae). Biodiversity Journal, 6 (2), 529 - 592.

Mickel, C. E. (1933) The Mutillidae of Eastern Asia. Lingnan Science Journal, 12 (3), 289 - 325.

Mickel, C. E. (1934) Mutillidae of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, 54 (1), 91 - 219, 1 pl.

Mickel, C. E. (1935) The mutillid wasps of the islands of the Pacific Ocean (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 83 (2), 177 - 312. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1935. tb 01207. x

Okayasu, J., Williams, K. A. & Lelej, A. S. (2018) A remarkable new species of the genus Sinotilla Lelej (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Smicromyrmini) from Taiwan and an overview of color diversity in East Asian mutillid females. Zootaxa, 4446 (3), 301 - 324. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4446.3.1

Okayasu, J. (2020) Velvet ants of the tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) of Japan. Zootaxa, 4723 (1), 1 - 110. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4723.1.1

Pagliano, G., Brothers, D. J., Cambra, R., Lelej, A. S., Lo Cascio, P., Matteini Palmerini, M., Scaramozzino, P. L., Williams, K. A. & Romano, M. (2020) Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino, 36 (1 - 2), 5 - 425.

Terine, J. B., Lelej, A. S. & Girish Kumar, P. (2021) Discovery of the genus Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) in India and description of a new species from the Western Ghats. Zootaxa, 5020 (1), 184 - 190. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 5020.1.10

Williams, K. A., Lelej, A. S., Okayasu, J., Borkent, C. J., Malee, R., Thoawan, K. & Thaochan, N. (2019 b) The female velvet ants (aka modkhong) of southern Thailand (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), with a key to the genera of southeast Asia. Zootaxa, 4602 (1), 1 - 69. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4602.1.1

Gallery Image

FIGURES 36–41. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, face. 36. A. auricoma sp. nov., holotype; 37. A. borkenti (Williams), Vietnam; 38. A. laminatihumeralis sp. nov., holotype; 39. A. matsumotoi sp. nov., holotype; 40. A. naturalis sp. nov., holotype; 41. A. neaera (Mickel).

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FIGURES 42–49. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, head. 42–48. Face; 49. prementum and stipes, with an arrow indicating the premental tubercle; 42. A. rong sp. nov., holotype; 43. A. sarawakensis Lelej; 44. A. silvorientalis sp. nov., holotype; 45, 49. A. substriolata (Chen), Laos; 46. A. takensis sp. nov., holotype; 47. A. ursasolaris sp. nov., holotype; 48. A. yotoi sp. nov., holotype.

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FIGURES 50–55. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, mesosoma. 50. A. auricoma sp. nov., holotype; 51. A. borkenti (Williams), holotype; 52. A. laminatihumeralis sp. nov., holotype; 53. A. matsumotoi sp. nov., holotype; 54. A. naturalis sp. nov., holotype; 55. A. neaera (Mickel).

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FIGURES 56–62. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, mesosoma. 56. A. rong sp. nov., holotype; 57. A. sarawakensis Lelej; 58. A. silvorientalis sp. nov., holotype; 59. A. substriolata (Chen), Laos; 60. A. takensis sp. nov., holotype; 61. A. ursasolaris sp. nov., holotype; 62. A. yotoi sp. nov., holotype.

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FIGURES 63–70. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, metasoma. 63. A. auricoma sp. nov., holotype; 64. A. borkenti (Williams), holotype; 65. A. laminatihumeralis sp. nov., holotype; 66. A. matsumotoi sp. nov., holotype; 67. A. naturalis sp. nov., holotype; 68. A. neaera (Mickel); 69. A. rong sp. nov., holotype; 70. A. sarawakensis Lelej.

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FIGURES 71–76. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, metasoma.71. A. silvorientalis sp. nov., holotype; 72. A. substriolata (Chen), Laos; 73. A. substriolata (Chen), Taiwan; 74. A. takensis sp. nov., holotype; 75. A. ursasolaris sp. nov., holotype; 76. A. yotoi sp. nov., holotype.

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FIGURES 77–84. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, pygidial plate. 77. A. auricoma sp. nov., holotype; 78. A. borkenti (Williams), holotype; 79. A. laminatihumeralis sp. nov., holotype; 80. A. matsumotoi sp. nov., holotype; 81. A. naturalis sp. nov., holotype; 82. A. neaera (Mickel); 83. A. rong sp. nov., holotype; 84. A. sarawakensis Lelej.

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FIGURES 85–89. Andreimyrme spp., ♀, pygidial plate.85. A. silvorientalis sp. nov., holotype; 86. A. substriolata (Chen), Laos; 87. A. takensis sp. nov., holotype; 88. A. ursasolaris sp. nov., holotype; 89. A. yotoi sp. nov., holotype.









