Stelletta fibrosa ( Schmidt, 1870 )

Cárdenas, Paco, Menegola, Carla, Rapp, Hans Tore & Díaz, Maria Cristina, 2009, Morphological description and DNA barcodes of shallow-water Tetractinellida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from Bocas del Toro, Panama, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 2276, pp. 1-39 : 16-20

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scientific name

Stelletta fibrosa ( Schmidt, 1870 )


Stelletta fibrosa ( Schmidt, 1870)

( Figures 8–9 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 )


Ancorina fibrosa Schmidt, 1870: 67 .

Pilochrota fibrosa ( Schmidt, 1870) View in CoL : Sollas 1888: 180. Myriastra fibrosa ( Schmidt, 1870) : de Laubenfels 1936: 169.? Pilochrota fibrosa var. globuliformis Wilson, 1902: 385 .? Stelletta fibrosa var. globuliformis ( Wilson, 1902) : Díaz 2007: 21.? Stelletta incrustata Uliczka, 1929: 47 , figs. 31–35, pl. I, fig. 7.? Stelletta variastra Pulitzer-Finali, 1986: 70 , figs. 4–5.

Lectotype. MCZ 8020, Tortugas, Florida, dry, Schmidt material (here designated).

Material. ZMBN 81784, Caracol Reef, 15 m depth.

Additional material examined. Stelletta fibrosa , MCZ 8020, holotype, Tortugas, Florida, dry; ZMAPOR 04585a, Blauwbaai, Curaçao, 10 m; ZMAPOR 12608, Santa Marta, Colombia, 5 m. Stelletta cf. anancora Sollas, 1886 , INVPOR 1061, La Guajira, Colombia, 50 m.

Outer morphology ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A–C). Massive, sub–globular sponge, 9 cm of diameter. Color alive is whitish with dark–purple tiny spots mainly concentrated around the oscules. Bottom of the sponge is pure white ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C). Choanosome color alive is cream. In ethanol, cortex and choanosome are whitish. Slightly compressible. Rugose surface. The cortex is thick (3 mm) and lighter than the choanosome. One large oscule (diameter: 1.5 cm) is placed at the top with a brown contractile membrane with whitish spots on it; the oscule leads into a cloaca 5 cm deep where uniporal excurrent canal openings meet ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A–B). Smaller oscules (1–5 mm) are generally surrounded by an elevated thick margin, they are unevenly distributed on the sides; the underlying cloacae are around 2 cm deep ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A–B). Pores are covered with cribriporal plates (ca 1 mm) and are evenly distributed. A few short root–like structures (ca 1 cm) are present at the base of the sponge ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C). The green sponge Amphimedon erina (de Laubenfels) is growing on it. Ophiuroids were found living in the cloacae of the small oscules.

Skeleton ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 D). The cortex is composed of radially and densely arranged plagiotriaenes. Subcortical cavities are conspicuous and visible to the naked eye. Plagiotriaenes and oxeas under the cortex are more or less radially arranged; they are not as densely packed as in the cortex. Acanthotylasters are common and present throughout the cortex and choanosome.

Spicules ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A–D). Megascleres: (a) oxeas ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A), large, very slightly bent or straight, length: 660– 1151.4 –1536 µm; width: 7– 30.1 –57 µm. (b) plagiotriaenes ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A), stout, horn–shaped clads, rhabdome length: 511– 1032.9 –1280 µm; rhabdome width: 7– 33.3 –50 µm; clad length: 14– 61.7 –98 µm. (c) anatriaenes ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 B), rare, with depressed apex, rhabdome length:? (rhabdomes broken); rhabdome width: 31– 32.5 –34 µm (N=2); clad length: 45– 49.5 –54 µm (N=2). Microscleres: (d) acanthotylasters ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 C–D), 4–8 actines, diameter: 7– 11 –16 µm.

specimens from Bocas del Toro and previous records. Measurements of Stelletta incrustata , a possible junior synonym,

are also included. In bold are the museum specimens measured for this study. Means are in bold italics; other values are

ranges; N=30 unless stated otherwise between parentheses. – = not refered; n.f. = not found; n.o. = not observed.? =

missing data.

Habitat in the Bocas del Toro region. Reefs, rare, 15 m depth.

Distribution. As S. fibrosa : Florida, U.S.A. ( Schmidt 1870); Curaçao (van Soest 1981); Panama (this study); Colombia (this study). As S. fibrosa var. globuliformis : Puerto–Rico ( Wilson 1902).

Remarks and discussion. A thorough revision of the Caribbean Stelletta species is greatly needed but beyond the scope of this study. In the Caribbean, four species of Stelletta share tylasters: S. fibrosa ( Schmidt, 1870) , S. variabilis ( Wilson, 1902) , S. kallitetilla (de Laubenfels, 1936b) and S. pudica ( Wiedenmayer, 1977) . These four species are poorly known.

We have had difficulty to assign a species name to this specimen, never observed before in Panama. The color alive of our specimen (whitish with purple spots) corresponded to that of S. fibrosa from Puerto–Rico ( Pulitzer-Finali 1986). This species is unfortunately very poorly described by Schmidt (1870) and the type is not formally identified. However, the original label “ Ancorina fibrosa n. n.” of a dry specimen (MCZ 8020) from the type locality ( Tortugas, Florida) strongly suggests that it is type material from the Schmidt collection. This small fragment 1.9 cm long ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 E) is here designated as the lectotype of Stelletta fibrosa . The shape of the spicules and the skeleton organization of the Bocas del Toro specimen fitted with the lectotype ( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 F, 9E-F) and comparative material. A few differences between the lectotype and the Bocas specimen were nonetheless observed: the Bocas specimen had (i) several anatriaenes, (ii) no wavy to strongly bent oxeas and rhabdomes (such as those found in the lectotype), (iii) larger width of triaenes and oxeas and (iv) longer clad lengths. The triaenes and oxeas of the Bocas specimen were also bigger than in our comparative material and any previous descriptions of S. fibrosa ( Table 3 View TABLE 3 ). Although anatriaenes were absent in the lectotype, they have been found in low numbers in previous records ( Wilson 1902; Pulitzer-Finali 1986) and also in our comparative material. Anatriaenes are therefore fairly common in this species. As for the strongly bent oxeas found in the lectotype, we believe they are not diagnostic since these were absent in the comparative material. Tylasters of our specimen had actines with few spines ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 C–D), whereas these were completely smooth in the lectotype ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 F). To conclude, the size of the megascleres remained the main difference between our material and previous records; it might be explained by the size of our specimen, the largest of this species described so far. The lectotype and ZMAPOR 12608 both had abundant sand grains incorporated in the ectocortex ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 E), while ZMAPOR 04585a had few and our specimen none ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 D).

Examination of INVPOR 1061 from Colombia, identified as S. fibrosa var. globuliformis (Díaz, 2007) , showed that it had different sizes of triaenes, the largest size having significantly longer and thinner clads than our S. fibrosa specimens. With respect to its triaenes and its external morphology (massive spherical, single osculum on top, surface with numerous foreign material), it appeared to us similar to S. anancora . But a revison of this species is required to confirm this. For the moment, we agree with Pulitzer-Finali (1986) that S. fibrosa and S. fibrosa var. globuliformis are the same species: their spicule measurements match. This species could therefore have an encrusting or a massive spherical shape. S. variabilis ( Wilson, 1902) appears to be a valid species, different from S. fibrosa : orthotriaenes have long clads, there are smaller oxeas II in cortex, and common anatriaenes. Following this, S. fibrosa identified by Wells (1960) is rather S. variabilis (as noted before us by Pulitzer-Finali (1986)). As for S. pudica , it has no or only few regressed plagiotriaenes ( Wiedenmayer 1977; Pulitzer-Finali 1986).

de Laubenfels, M. W. (1936 b) A Discussion of the Sponge Fauna of the Dry Tortugas in Particular and the West Indies in General, with Material for a Revision of the Families and Orders of the Porifera. Papers from Tortugas Laboratory, 30, 1 - 225, pls 1 - 22.

Pulitzer-Finali. (1986) A collection of West Indian Demospongiae (Porifera). In appendix, a list of the Demospongiae hitherto recorded from the West Indies. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria, 86, 65 - 216.

Schmidt, O. (1870) Grundzuge einer Spongien-Fauna des atlantischen Gebietes. (Wilhelm Engelmann: Leipzig), iii - iv, 1 - 88, pls I - VI.

Sollas, W. J. (1886) Preliminary account of the Tetractinellid sponges Dredged by H. M. S. ' Challenger' 1872 - 76. Part I. The Choristida. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society (new series), 5, 177 - 199.

Sollas, W. J. (1888) Report on the Tetractinellida collected by H. M. S. Challenger, during the years 1873 - 1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, 1873 - 1876. Zoology, 25, 1 - 458, pls I - XLIV, 1 map.

Uliczka, E. (1929) Die tetraxonen Schwamme Westindiens (auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Reise Kukenthal-Hartmeyer). Zoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere, supplement 16, 35 - 62, pl I.

Wells, H. W., Wells, M. J. & Gray, I. E. (1960) Marine sponges of North Carolina. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 76, 200 - 245.

Wiedenmayer, F. (1977) Shallow-water sponges of the western Bahamas. Experientia Supplementum 28, 1 - 287, pls 1 - 43.

Wilson, H. V. (1902) The sponges collected in Porto Rico in 1899 by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Fish Hawk. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 20, 375 - 411.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 8. Stelletta fibrosa (Schmidt, 1870) [ZMBN 81784]: A. Specimen with large oscule on top and smaller oscules on the sides (picture taken shortly after collection); B. Cross – section of specimen showing large and small oscules and their cloacae (large and small arrow). Cortex is clearly visible; C. Base of specimen: color is lighter and small roots are present (arrows). Scale: 2 cm; D. Cross – section showing the skeletal architecture: cortex and choanosome. scc: sub – cortical canal. Scale: 1 mm; S. fibrosa [MCZ 8020, lectotype]: E. Lectotype specimen. Scale: 1 cm; F. Cross – section of cortex and the choanosome. Scale: 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 9. Stelletta fibrosa (Schmidt, 1870) [ZMBN 81784]: A. Plagiotriaene and oxeas. Scale: 100 µm; B. Anatriaene. Scale: 20 µm; C – D. Tylaster. Scale: 2 µm; S. fibrosa [MCZ 8020, lectotype]: E. Plagiotriaene. Scale: 20 µm; F. Tylaster. Scale: 2 µm.

TABLE 3. Shape, depth of collection, size, cortex thickness, and spicules measurements (in Μm) of Stelletta fibrosa

Specimen Shape Depth (m) Size (cm) Cortex (mm) Plagiotriaene (rhabdome length x width / clad length) Anatriaene (r h ab d o me length x width / clad length) Oxea (Length / width) Tylasters (diameter)
MCZ 8020 F l o r i d a, lectotype T h i c k incrustation 217 0.5–1 x 1.9 (fragment) 1.3, with sediments 846– 1065 –1224 x 9– 22.6 –28 / 11– 33.4 –54 n.f. 465– 937.2 –1248 / 4.5– 15.5 –30 7– 9.9 –13
Z M AP O R 1 2 6 0 8 Colombia n.o. 5 n.o. 2, with sediments 648– 1114.4 –1368 x 7– 22.6 –30 / 7– 41.8 –66 8 1 8 – 98 8. 3 – 1248 (N=11) x 10– 17.5 –23 / 11– 26.8 –43 641– 1108.2 –1368 / 4– 21.6 –39 9– 11.1 –13
Z M AP O R 04585a Curaçao n.o. 10 n.o. 1. 7, f e w sediments 558– 901.8 –1104 x 4.5– 13.2 –23 / 4.5– 17.6 –38 ? x 25 / 32 (N=1) 465– 765.9 –1032 / 3– 12.7 –27 9– 10.5 –16
Puerto-Rico (Wi l s o n, 1902) Spheroidal, massive 40 3.5 –, she ll fragments 1000 x 24 / 40 1450 x 16 / 25 (rare) 1420 / 27 12
Puerto-Rico (P u l it z e r– Finali, 1986) Irregularly massive 0.5–1 6 x 4 x 2.5 1100–1300 x 13–29 / 43–58 1170–1290 x 12–23 / 19 (rare) 1170–1500 / 23–28 10–15
Z M BN 81784 Panama Spheroidal, massive 15 9 3 511– 1032.9 –1280 x 7– 33.3 –50 / 14– 61.7 –98. ? x 31– 32.5 –34 / 4 5 – 4 9. 5 – 5 4 (N=2) 660– 1151.4 –1536 / 7– 30.1 –57 7– 11 –16
S. incrustata St. Thomas , holotype (U l i c z ka, 1929) Spheroidal, massive 7–8 –, w i t h s he l l s, corals 970–1300 x 20–27 / 25–50 n.f. 990–1250 / 17.5–28 5–10

Museum of Zoology at the University of Bergen, Invertebrate Collection


Museum of Comparative Zoology











