Habromyia lipoflava Fluke, 1937

Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M., Riera, Pamela, Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura, Guzmán, Vicente Valdés & Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia, 2021, Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes, Zootaxa 4959 (1), pp. 1-178 : 42-43

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scientific name

Habromyia lipoflava Fluke, 1937


Habromyia lipoflava Fluke, 1937

Fig. 50 View FIGURE 50

Habromyia lipoflava Fluke, 1937: 13

Type locality and data. “Yura. Peru ” (HT, ♂, AMNH) .

Material examined. Arica y Parinacota: 1♂, Socoroma , 27.III.2018, Leg. R. Barahona-Segovia ( PCRBS); 2♂, 1♀, Murmutani, Leg. L.E. Peña ( MEUC); 1♀, Copaquilla, 12.I.1971, Leg. S. Cerda ( MNHNCL); 1♂, Codpa, 30.XI.1985, Leg. S. Cerda ( MNHNCL); (sex undetermined) Chapiquiña, 9.IV.2000, Leg. L. Packer ( CNC); 1♂, Timar, II.1954, Leg. Olalquiaga ( INIA); Cerro Larancahua, 12.II.1948. Leg. M. Etcheverry ( Etcheverry 1951); 1♂, 1♀, Esquiña, 27.I.1974, Leg. NN (UTA) ; Tarapacá: 1♂, Miñe-Miñe, no date, Leg. J . Herrera & M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE); (sex undetermined) Camiña , 09.IX.1983, Leg. S. Cerda ( MNHNCL); 1♂, Parca, 15.VII.1966, Leg. J . Herrera ( IEUMCE); 1♀, Mamiña , 22.VII.1966, Leg. J . Herrera ( IEUMCE); Atacama: 1♂, Quebrada Vizcachas , 19.XI.1966, Leg. J . Herrera ( IEUMCE); Metropolitana: Farellones ( Arroyo et al. 1982) .

References. Fluke, 1937: 13 (desc.); Etcheverry, 1951: 355 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1952: 308 (cat.); Fluke, 1957: 126 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1963: 48 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1970: 96 (cat.); Thompson et al., 1976: 100 (cat.); Arroyo et al., 1982: 93 (pollinization study); Thompson, 2012b: 13 (key).

World distribution. Peru and Chile.

Chilean distribution. From Arica y Parinacota to Metropolitan region ( Fig. 55 View FIGURE 55 ).

Altitudinal range. From precordillera to highland ecosystems (1000– 3,600 m.a.s.l.).

Biology and notes. Habromyia lipoflava is mainly associated with Andean flora ( Arroyo et al 1982), such as Cerastium arvense L., Oxalis compacta Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. , Calandrinia affinis Gillies ex Arn. , Discaria nana (Clos) Benth. & Hook. ex Weberb. , Azorella madreporica Clos and L. acaulis ( Arroyo et al., 1982). In northern Chile (i.e. Socoroma), H. lipoflava visits the ornamental species Chrysanthemum spp. (R. Barahona-Segovia, pers. obs.). This fly can be observed frequently at high altitudes (2,000 m.a.s.l.).

Conservation status. LC; EOO = 78,181 km 2; AOO = 60 km 2 and 14 localities (or subpopulations).

Genus Meromacrus Rondani, 1848

Plagiocera Macquart, 1842: 119 (preocc. Klug 1834). Type-species, Milesia cruciger Wiedemann (orig. des.) = acutus Fabricius. Preocc. by Klug, 1834 ( Hymenoptera ).

Meromacrus Rondani, 1848: 70 . Type-species, ghilianii Rondani (mon.). Refs. Thompson, 1972b: 144–145 (Milesinae rev. & desc.); Thompson, 1999a: 330 (key); Thompson, 1981: 155 (descript, key); Blatch et al., 2003: 13–36 (rev. of Mesoamerican Meromacrus spp.); Thompson, 2003: 6, 12 (key, syn. and taxonomic notes); Ricarte et al., 2020: 2 (desc. & preliminary phylogeny).

Plagiacera Stahl, 1883: 97. Misspelling.

Pteroptila Loew, 1866: 165 . Type-species, P. decorus Loew (subs. des. of Coquillett, 1910: 598).

Promilesia Lynch Arribálzaga, 1892: 241 . Type-species, P. nectarinoides Lynch Arribálzaga (mon.).

Metameromacrus Hull, 1942b: 1 . No Type-species, designated. Nomen nudum .

Thalamopales Hull, 1949b: 401 . Type-species, Helophilus scitus Walker (orig. des.).

Arroyo, M. T. K., Primack, R. & Armesto, J. (1982) Community studies in pollination ecology in the high temperate Andes of central Chile. I. Pollination mechanisms and altitudinal variation. American journal of botany, 69, 82 - 97. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / j. 1537 - 2197.1982. tb 13237. x

Blatch, S., Thompson, F. C. & Zumbado, M. A. (2003) The Mesoamerican Meromacrus flower flies (Diptera, Syrphidae). Studia Dipterologica, 10, 13 - 36.

Coquillett, D. W. (1910) The Type-species, of the North American genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 37, 499 - 647. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.37 - 1719.499

Etcheverry, M. (1951) Syrphidae de Tarapaca. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 51 - 53, 355 - 358.

Etcheverry, M. (1952) Syrphidae de la Provincia de Tarapaca (Diptera). Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 2, 307 - 310.

Etcheverry, M. (1963) Descripciones originales, sinonimia y distribucion geografica de las especies de la familia Syrphidae (Diptera) en Chile. Publicaciones del Centro de Estudios Entomologicos, 5, 1 - 144.

Etcheverry, M. (1970) Syrphidae (Diptera) y Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) Colectados en la Provincia de Tarapaca (Chile). Revista peruana de Entomologia, 13, 94 - 96.

Fluke, C. L. (1937) New South American Syrphidae (Diptera). American Museum Novitates, 941, 1 - 14.

Fluke, C. L. (1957) Catalog of the family Syrphidae in the Neotropical Region. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 7, 1 - 181.

Hull, F. M. (1942 b) The flies of the genus Meromacrus. American Museum Novitates, 1200, 1 - 19.

Hull, F. M. (1949 b) The morphology and inter - relationships of the genera of syrphid flies, recent and fossil. Transactions of The Zoological Society of London, 26, 257 - 408. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1949. tb 00224. x

Loew, H. (1866) Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria sexta. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 9, 127 - 186. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 18650090303.

Macquart, J. (1842) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux oupeuconnus. 1 e Supplement. Memoirs de la Societe Royale des Sciente, de l'Agriculture et des Art, de Lille, 1841, 5 - 140. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 15792

Ricarte, A., Souba-Dols, G. J., Skevington, J. H., Quinto, J. & Garcia, M. (2020) Morphological, genetic and biological evidences to understand Meromacrus Rondani diversity: new species and early stages (Diptera: Syrphidae). Insects, 11, 791. https: // doi. org / 10.3390 / insects 11110791

Rondani, C. (1848) Esame di varie specie d'insetti ditteri brasiliani. Studi Entomologici, Turin, 1, 63 - 112.

Stahl, A. (1883) Fauna de Puerto-Rico. Clasificacion sistematica de los animales que corresponden a esta fauna y catalogo del gabinet zoologica del doctor A. Stahl en Bayamon. Boletin Mercantil, Puerto Rico, 248 pp.

Thompson, F. C. (1972 b) A contribution to a generic revision of the Neotropical Milesiinae (Diptera, Syrphidae). Arquivos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo, 23, 73 - 215.

Thompson, F. C, Vockeroth, J. R. & Sedman, Y. S. (1976) Family Syrphidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalog of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States. Edanee, Sao Paulo, pp. 1 - 195. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 49898

Thompson, F. C. (1981) The Flower Flies of the West Indies (Diptera, Syrphidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington, 9, 1 - 200.

Thompson, F. C. (1999 a) A key to the genera of the flower flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) of the Neotropical Region including descriptions of new genera and species and a glossary of taxonomic terms used. Contributions on Entomology International, 3, 321 - 378.

Thompson, F. C. (2003) Austalis, a new genus of flower flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) with revisionary notes on related genera. Zootaxa, 246 (1), 1 - 19. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 246.1.1

Thompson, F. C. (2012 b) Fabulous flower flies for famous fly fanatics (Diptera: Syrphidae). A tribute to the dipterists of the Canadian National Collection. The Canadian Entomologist, 144, 1 - 16. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / tce. 2012.4

Gallery Image

FIGURE 50. Habromyia lipoflava Fluke, 1937, dorsal view. Photo by Patricia Henríquez. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 55. Distribution map of Habromyia lipoflava Fluke, 1937 (blue circles); Meromacrus laconicus (Walker, 1852) (red circles), and Ohmyia omya Thompson, 1999 (yellow circles) in Chile.


American Museum of Natural History


Universidad de Chile


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


El Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias













