Eisenia oreophila, Szederjesi, Tímea & Csuzdi, Csaba, 2012

Szederjesi, Tímea & Csuzdi, Csaba, 2012, New and little known earthworm species from Greece (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Acanthodrilidae), Zootaxa 3304, pp. 25-42 : 36-37

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Plazi (2016-04-12 16:45:50, last updated 2019-03-29 22:04:40)

scientific name

Eisenia oreophila

sp. nov.

Eisenia oreophila sp. nov.

Holotype. HNHM / 15911 adult. No. 10, Ioannina County, Lakmos Mts., open brook and rocky beech forest at the pass of the Chaliki-Anilio road, 1610m, N 39 ° 43.008 ’ E 21 ° 11.602 ’, leg. J Kontschán, D. Murányi, T. Szederjesi, Zs. Ujvári, 0 9 .0 5.2011.

Paratypes. HNHM / 15912 one adult ex., locality and date same as that of the holotype., HNHM / 15913 one adult ex., No. 27, Evrytania County, Timfristos Mts., alpine grassland around the ski course, 2km W of Mt. Timfristos, 1865m, N 38 ° 56.516 ’ E 21 ° 48.412 ’, leg. J. Kontschán, D. Murányi, T. Szederjesi, Zs. Ujvári, 0 7 .0 5.2011.

Derivatio nominis. From Greek (?ρεɩος = highlander), refers to the mountain habitat of the new species.

Diagnosis. Length 61–113 mm, diameter 4–6 mm, setae closely paired. Pigmentation lacking. First dorsal pore 5 / 6. Clitellum on 25–34, tubercles 29–32. Male pore on 15, large. Nephridial pores irregularly alternate between b and above d. Two pairs of vesicles in 11, 12; spermathecae 9 / 10 – 10 / 11 in M. Calciferous glands without welldeveloped diverticula in 10–12. Hearts in segments 6–11, nephridial bladders sausage-shaped.

External characters. Holotype 100 mm long and 5 mm wide. Number of segments 159. Paratypes 61–113 mm long and 4–6 mm wide. Number of segments 104–111. Colour pale, pigmentation lacking. Prostomium epilobous ½, closed. First dorsal pore at intersegmental furrow 5 / 6. Setae closely paired. Setal arrangement behind clitellum: aa: ab: bc: cd: dd = 16: 1.5: 8: 1: 23. Male pores on segment 15, surrounded by a glandular crescent. Nephridial pores irregularly alternate between setal line b -d. Clitellum on segments 25–34. Tubercula pubertatis on segments 29–32 ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Genital papillae on segments 25, 26, 28–34 ab.

Internal characters. Septa 6 / 7–8 / 9 slightly thickened. Testes and funnels paired in segments 10–11, covered with perioesophageal testis sac. Seminal vesicles in 11, 12. Spermathecae in 9 /10, 10/ 11 with external openings near the mid-dorsal line. Calciferous glands in segments 10–12 without distinct diverticula. Paired hearts appear in segments 6–11, with a pair of small extraoesophageal vessel in 12. Nephridial bladders simple, sausage-shaped. Crop in segments 15–16, and gizzard in segments 17–18. Typhosolis biramous, longitudinal musculature fasciculate.

Remarks. The new species belongs to the E. grandis species group as defined by Zicsi & Csuzdi (1986), which is represented by two species in Greece, E. ebneri and E. kattoulasi . E. oreophila sp. nov. differs from both species by its longer clitellum and the position of the tubercula pubertatis.

Zicsi & Michalis (1981) examined two syntypes of Eophila ariadne Michaelsen, 1928 described from Greece. On the basis of presence of nephridial bladders, they removed ariadne from synonymy with Helodrilus partiarchalis ( Rosa, 1893) and placed it into the genus Allolobophora . However the simple sausage-shaped nephridial bladders, lack of detached calciferous diverticula and fasciculate musculature clearly place it in the E. grandis group.

Clitellum Tubercula pubertatis Seminal vesicles Spermathecae E. ebneri ( Michaelsen, 1914) 27–33 30 –½ 32 11, 12 9 /10, 10/ 11 M E. kattoulasi Zicsi & Michalis, 1981 25– 33 30–31 11, 12 9 /10, 10/ 11 M E. ariadne ( Michaelsen, 1928) 23–33 ½ 29–31 11, 12 9 /10, 10/ 11 d E. storkani Černosvitov, 1934 26–33 30 –¼ 32 9–12 9 /10, 10/ 11 M E. oreophila sp. nov. 25–34 29–32 11, 12 9 /10, 10/ 11 M

Cernosvitov, L. (1934) Die Lumbriciden Bulgariens. Mitteilungen der Koniglichen Naturwissenschaftlichen Institute Sophia, 7, 71 - 78.

Michaelsen, W. (1914) Ein neuer Regenwurm aus Griechenland. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 8, 8 - 9.

Michaelsen, W. (1928) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fauna Griechenlands, namentlich der agaischen Inseln. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 137, 289 - 290.

Rosa, D. (1893) Viaggio del Dr. E. Festa in Palestina, nel Libano e regioni vicine. - II. Lumbricidi. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Universita di Torino, 8 (160), 1 - 14.

Zicsi, A. & Michalis, K. (1981) Ubersicht der Regenwurm-fauna Griechenlands (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Acta zoologica hungarica, 27, 239 - 264.

Zicsi, A. & Csuzdi, Cs (1986) Regenwurmer aus Bulgarien (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Opuscula Zoologica Budapest, 22, 113 - 121.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Eisenia oreophila sp. nov. Ventro-lateral view of the clitellar region. cl = clitellum, mp = male pore, scale bar = 10 mm.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)