Fenestrobates marauni, Ermilov & Behan-Pelletier, 2014

Ermilov, Sergey G. & Behan-Pelletier, Valerie M., 2014, Revision of Fenestrobates (Acari, Oribatellidae) with description of F. marauni sp. nov., from South America, and new diagnosis for Oribatellidae, Zootaxa 3827 (2), pp. 258-272 : 261-264

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Felipe (2021-06-09 22:12:01, last updated 2023-11-03 10:54:26)

scientific name

Fenestrobates marauni

sp. nov.

Fenestrobates marauni sp. nov.

( Figs 1–15 View FIGURES 1–3 View FIGURES 4–11 View FIGURES 12–15 , 16–18 View FIGURES 16–20 )

Material examined. The study material (eight specimens) was collected by Dorotee Sandmann from upper organic soil layer in mostly undisturbed rain forest in Southern Ecuador. Holotype and five paratypes: 4°60' S, 78°58'–79°10' W, Cajanuma , Podocarpus National Park , 3000 m. a.s.l., 01.04.2009; GoogleMaps two paratypes: 4°70' S, 78°58' W, Bombuscaro, Podocarpus National Park, 1050 m a.s.l., 01.10.2008 and 01.04.2009. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Distinguished from the type species by a combination of the following character states: body size 266–340 by 172–229; tutorium wide subrectangular with four to seven teeth distally, two to three teeth on dorsal side and with or without one to two teeth on ventral side; interlamellar seta positioned posteromedially on lamella; notogastral setae short, thin, smooth; epimeral setal formula 2(3)–1–3–2, 2 or 3 pairs of setae on epimere I, only setae 3b and 3c thick, barbed, others short, smooth; anogenital setae short; anal setae inserted in anterior part of anal plate.

Description. Measurements. Body length: 307 (holotype, male), 266–340 (five paratypes: one male, four females); notogaster width: 192 (holotype male), 172–229 (five paratypes: one male, four females).

Integument. Body dark brown to light brown. Body microfoveolate dorsally, laterally and in anogenital region (including anal plates); diameter microfoveae up to 1. Lamella, pteromorph laterally and pedotectum I with long longitudinal striae.

Prodorsum. Rostrum with two teeth and indentation between them (clearly visible in dorso-frontal and frontal views). Strong, longitudinal ridge (r) located posteriorly to indentation. Lamella broad, straight, contiguous anteromedially, connected posteromedially. Lamella with two long (longer than half of lamella), tapered, smooth dentes. Median dens straight; lateral dens slightly shorter, slightly directed anteromedially. Rostral seta (ro, 73–82) setiform, curved anteromedially, with dense cilia in medioproximal part and with fewer barbs in distal part unilaterally. Lamellar seta (le, 73–82) thick, heavily barbed, tapered, parallel to midline. Interlamellar seta (in, 118–127) setiform, slightly thickened, barbed. Sensillus (ss, 110–118) rather thick, setiform (without developed head), barbed. Exobothridial seta (ex) absent, represented by alveolus. Tutorium (tu) long, with four to seven strong teeth distally, two to three small teeth on dorsal side and without or with one or two small teeth on ventral side.

Notogaster. Slightly longer than width. Anterior margin undulating. Dorsophragmata (D) oval, located close to each other. Four pairs of porose areas small, rounded, often poorly visible: Aa (4–6, diameter) little larger than others (A1, A2, A3, 2–4). Notogastral setae short (8–12), setiform, thin, smooth. Three pairs of setae (p 1 – p 3) inserted in posteromarginal position. Distance p 2 – p 3 shorter than p 1 – p 2. Opisthonotal gland opening (gla) located lateroposteriorly to A1. Lyrifissures im and ip distinctly visible; ia, ih and ips indistinct.

Gnathosoma . Subcapitulum longer than wide (86–94 × 61–69). Subcapitular setae (h, m, a) setiform, slightly barbed, similar in length (10–12). Two pairs of adoral setae (or 1, or 2, 8) setiform, straight, slightly barbed. Palps (69) with setation 0–2–1–3–9(+ω); solenidion thickened, straight. Chelicerae (102) with two setiform, barbed setae; cha (36) longer than chb (16). Trägårdh’s organ (Tg) distinct. Axillary saccule about 4 × 2.

Lateral podosomal and epimeral regions. Genal tooth strong, triangular. Pedotectum I (Pd I) large, concave, weakly pointed anteriorly (visible in lateral view). Ventral depression between pedotectum I and the lateral body wall deep flask-shaped (pdp). Pedotectum II (Pd II) of medium size, scale-like, with postero-lateral blunt tooth (visible in ventro-lateral view). Porose area Am elongate, poorly visible; Ah oval, with distinct borders, Al poorly visible, overlain by base of lamella. Custodium (cus) long, thin, blunt-ended, directed anteriorly. Discidium (dis) triangular, pointed. Circumpedal carina (cp) well developed. Epimeral setal formula 2(3)–1–3–2. Pair of setae 1c present in two specimens. Setae 3b (49–57) and 3c (36–41) thick, barbed. Medial (1a, 2a, 3a) and other setae (1b, 1c, 4a, 4b, 8–10) short, thin, smooth.

Anogenital region. Anogenital setae short, thin. Anterior two pairs of genital setae (g 1, g 2, 6–8) slightly barbed; other four pairs shorter (g 3 – g 6, 4–6), smooth. Aggenital setae and their alveoli absent. Two pairs of anal (an 1, 2–4; an 2, 4–6) and three pairs of adanal (ad 1 – ad 3, 4–6) setae smooth. Anal setae inserted close to each other, in anterior part of anal plate. Lyrifissures iad longitudinally oriented, located lateroanteriorly to anal aperture. Postanal porose area about 10 × 5.

Legs. Femora IV and trochanters IV with ventral ridges. Porose areas on femora and trochanters III, IV present, but poorly visible. Formulae of leg setae and solenidia: I (1–5–3–4–20) [1–2–2], II (1–5–3–4–15) [1–1–2], III (1–3–1–3–15) [1–1–0], IV (1–2–2–3–12) [0–1–0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 1 View TABLE 1 . Trochanters III with only one seta. Tibiae and genua III, IV without thick setae. Genua I, II with thick seta, l”. Famulus short, straight, blunt-ended. Most setae (except smooth p) barbed, some ventral setae on tarsi and tibiae with strong teeth. Solenidia simple.

Roman letters refer to normal setae (e to famulus), Greek letters to solenidia. Single prime (') marks setae on anterior and

double prime (") setae on posterior side of the given leg segment. Parentheses refer to a pseudosymmetrical pair of setae.

Immatures. Unknown.

Type deposition. The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences , St. Petersburg, Russia ; two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Siberian Zoological Museum , Novosibirsk, Russia ; three paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology , Tyumen, Russia ; two paratypes are in the personal collection of the second author.

Etymology. We name this species in honour of Dr. Mark Maraun, who has contributed extensively and significantly to the ecology of Oribatida .

Remarks. Fenestrobates marauni sp. nov. is similar to F. capucinus in body size and shape of sensillus. It differs from the type species by the following character states (those of F. capucinus in parentheses): interlamellar seta positioned posteromedially on lamella (positioned posterolaterally on lamella); notogastral setae short, smooth, 8–12 (notogastral setae long, barbed, 45–50); epimeral seta 4b short, thin, smooth, 8–10 (4b thick, spinous, long, about 60).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–3. Fenestrobates marauni sp. nov., adult: 1—dorsal view; 2—ventral view (legs not illustrated); 3—lateral view. Scale bar 100 µm.

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FIGURES 4–11. Fenestrobates marauni sp. nov., adult: 4—rostrum, dorso-anterior view; 5—anterior part of tutorium, lateral view; 6—subcapitulum, left half, ventral view; 7—palptarsus; 8—anterior part of chelicera; 9—pedotectum II, ventro-lateral view, epimeral seta 3c and basal part of leg II; 10—genital plate, left; 11—anal plate, left. Scale bars (4–6, 4–6, 8–11) 20 µm, scale bar (7) 10 µm.

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FIGURES 12–15. Fenestrobates marauni sp. nov., adult: 12—leg I, left, antiaxial view; 13—leg II, left, antiaxial view; 14—leg III, right, antiaxial view; 15—leg IV, right, paraxial view. Scale bar 20 µm.

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FIGURES 16–20. Fenestrobates marauni sp. nov. Differential interference contrast microscope images of adult, 16–18: 16—lateral, showing pedotecta I and II (Pd I, Pd II), flask shaped depression (pdp), humerosejugal porose area Ah (four layers combined); 17—lamellae and posterior of prodorsum, showing dorsophragmata; 18—detail of notogastral integument and porose area Aa. Fenestrobates capucinus Balogh and Mahunka. Differential interference contrast microscope images of adult, 19, 20: 19—coxisternum, showing flask shaped indentation of pedotectum I seen in ventral aspect (four layers combined); 20—rostrum, lateral orientation, showing medial ridge, tutorium (tu) (specimen with ventral teeth), genal tooth, (three layers combined).











