Dziriblatta (Monoscleroblatta) abdelazizi ( Bolívar, 1908 ), Bohn, 2019

Bohn, Horst, 2019, Revision of the genus Dziriblatta Chopard, 1936 (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Ectobiinae) from North Africa, Spain, and the Macaronesian islands. I. The nine subgenera of the genus, Zootaxa 4610 (1), pp. 1-73 : 19-20

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Plazi (2019-05-30 16:08:43, last updated 2024-11-26 06:57:34)

scientific name

Dziriblatta (Monoscleroblatta) abdelazizi ( Bolívar, 1908 )

comb. nov.

Dziriblatta (Monoscleroblatta) abdelazizi ( Bolívar, 1908) , comb. nov.

Figs. 7 View Fig A–P, 8A–I, 21B, 30.

Hololampra abdelazizi Bolívar, 1908: 91 View in CoL .

Arbiblatta abdelazizi: Chopard 1943: 28 View in CoL .

Phyllodromica (Arbiblatta) abdelazizi: Morales Agacino 1948: 34 View in CoL ; Princis 1971: 1109.

Diagnosis. Male characterized by the transparent tegmina touching each other and the darkly coloured legs.

Material studied.

Type material. Morocco. Syntypes: 1♂, 1♀, Morocco, Tanger, Cabo Espartel, V.1907, Martínez de la Escalera (abd. of male on two slides: Bo 349; left tegmen of female on slide: Bo 368) (Ma 47). ( MNMS) .

Additional Material. Morocco. 1♂, 1♀, Yebel Dersa (Haus Yebala), V.1941, E. Morales [Ma 1]. ( ISNB) .— 4♂, 2♀; ex L: 1♂, 1♀, 3L, Rif , 5 km N Zoumi (E Ouazzane), 600 m, 26.III.2000, leg. B. & H.Bohn (Ma 37a) ; 1♀, Rif , Bge. Sedd-en-Nakhla, near Zinat (12 km S Tetouan), 450 m, 30.III.1988, leg. B. & H.Bohn (Ma 43a) ; 16♂, 18♀, 2L; ex L: 2♀, 1L, Rif , Dar-Ben-Karriche-El-Bahri (ca. 9 km S Tetouan), 200 m, 30.III.1988, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: ♂, Ma 50/1–4,6,11,12; ♀, Ma 50/7,9,10,13) ; 1♂, 1♀, 15 km E Fès (at road P1), 250 m, 3.IV.1988, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 60/1) ; W slope of Jbel Zalagh (near Fès), 500 m, leg. B. & H.Bohn : 4♂, 10♀, 3O, 4.IV.1988 (slides: ♂, Ma 61/1; ♀, Ma 61/2) ; 2♀, 3.VI.1989 (Ma 61a); 17♂, 16♀, 1O, 29.IV.1998 (slide: ♂, Ma 61b) ; 10♂, 2♀, 2L; ex L: 1♂, 5♀, 1O, Lixus (near Larache), 100 m, 7.IV.1988, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 68/ 1) ; 1♀, 1O, Rif , 10 km E Souk-el-Kolla (Chefchaouèn—Ksar-el-Kebir), 300 m, 3.V.1997, leg. B. & H.Bohn (Ma 125) ; 1♂, Rif , Souk-el-Kolla (Chefchaouèn—Ksar-el-Kebir), 300 m, 3.V.1997, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 126/1) ; 3♂, 6♀, Rif , 6 km SE Tatoft (Chefchaouèn—Ksar-el-Kebir), 275 m, 3.V.1997, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 127/1) ; 5♂, 1♀, 1L; ex L: 8♂, 6♀, 2L, Rif , 9 km S Mokrissèt (NE Ouazzane), 800 m, 6.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 203/1) ; 8♂; ex L: 1♂, 7♀, Rif , 3.5 km NE Kharrouba (22 km SE Ouazzane), 200 m, 6.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 204/1) ; 5♂, 1L; ex L: 1♂, 2♀, 3L, Rif , Ouazzane, 250 m, 6.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 205/1) ; Rif , Tnine-Serafah (34 km W Ouazzane), 200 m, leg. B. & H.Bohn : 2♂, 1♀, 6.IV.1998 (slide: ♂, Ma 206/1) ; 2♂, 1L, 25.III.2000 (Ma 206a); 7♂, 3♀, 4L; ex L: 1♂, 4♀, 1L, Rif , 8 km NE Taounate, 400 m, 11.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 220/1) ; 2♂, 6♀, 3L, Rif , 2 km W Tahar-Souk, 550 m, 11.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 221/1) . (C. Bohn, ZSM).

Description. Size. Male. Length of pronotum 2.40–2.56 (mean 2.46) mm, of tegmina 2.94–3.26 (mean 3.20) mm. Female. Length of pronotum 2.75–3.01 (mean 2.80) mm.

Wings. Tegmina in the male reaching about to the middle of T2, mesally touching each other, apex broadly rounded ( Fig. 7L View Fig ), in the female lobiform, hatchet-shaped ( Figs. 7I, M View Fig ).

Male structures. T7 gland present, shape and size of the pouch rather variable ( Figs. 8 View Fig A–E). For other characters see characters of the subgenus.

Colouration. Male mainly dark, lighter coloured areas: head occiput, base of antennae, coxa-trochanter region and basal tarsus of the legs, and latero-posterior corners of tergites, the lightenings in the latter case reveal an hidden basic pattern of larger dark patches; pronotum with rounded dark disc and broad transparent margins with dispersed small dark spots, tegmina transparent with rather indistinct small dark spots ( Figs. 7 View Fig A–G, L). Female mainly lightly straw-coloured, dorsal surface of thorax and abdomen densely covered with differently sized, but rather small darker spots, head sometimes with slightly darkened face, abdominal sternites and a broad transversal band on the tergites anteriorly of the transversal ridge darker, brownish ( Figs. 7I, M, N View Fig ).

Distribution. Morocco, Tanger peninsula and further E, up to the latitude of Tarquist (Fig. 29).

Bolivar, I. (1908) Dos nuevas especies de Hololampra de Marruecos. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, 8, 91 - 92.

Chopard, L. (1943) Orthopteroides de l'Afrique du Nord. Dictyopteres. In: Chopard, L. (Ed.), Faune de l'Empire Francais, Vol. 1. Librairie Larose, Paris, pp. 450.

Morales Agacino, E. (1948) Apuntes sobre los Dictyoptera marroquies del Instituto Espanol de Entomologia. Eos, Revista Espanola de Entomologia, 24, 335 - 368.

Princis, K. (1971) Blattariae: Subordo Epilamproidea, Fam. Ectobiidae. In: Beier (Ed.), Orthopterorum Catalogus, Pars 14. Junk, s'Gravenhage, pp. 1041 - 1224.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1A–P. Outline of the structures of Pauciscleroblatta kroumiriensis. Male: A–H, J–L. A: T2–4; B: T5; C: T6; D: T7, gl gland, pm preglandular margin, tr transversal ridge; E: T8; F: T9; G: T10, c cercus, pa left paraproct with ap medio-anterior arm; H: left tegmen; J: hook of 'left' phallomere; K: S9, aa anterior apodemes, s stylus, with four scale sclerites (nos. 1–4, 1 pleated), 'right' phallomere with cs cleft sclerite and R´3 sclerite (only partly visible), ea endophallus apodeme; L: thoracal nota. Female: I, M–P. I: left tegmen; M: thoracal nota; N: T5; O: dorsal genital complex, bd, bv dorsal, ventral basivalvular sclerites, pt8, 9 paratergites 8, 9, sp spermathecal plates, v ovipositor valves; P: ventral genital complex, with if intersternal folds, ls laterosternal shelf. – Enlargements: Same scale for A–I, for M, N, and for O, P. – Identifications: A–G (Al 4 /15), H (Al 4/12), I (Al 4/13), J, K, L (Al 4/14), M, O (Al 4/4), N (Al 4/11). Explanations, valid for all comparable plates. "G: T10" means: terminalia consisting of T10 with cercus (c) and as sternal structures preparaprocts (not always visible) and paraprocts (pa), the left with medio-anterior arm (ap). "K: S9" means: subgenital plate with the two anterior apodemes (aa) and the stylus (s), and as associated structures – situated dorsally upon the plate – the scale sclerites and phallomeres; 'right' phallomere with cleft sclerite (cs) and R'3 sclerite (R'3), 'left' phallomere with hook (removed and separately depicted in J) and endophallus apodeme (ea); scale slerite(s) and phallomeres often set aside for better viewing. "O: dorsal genital complex" means: female terminalia consisting of T9, 10, paraprocts (pa) and the dorsal genital complex with paratergites 8, 9 (pt8, 9), ovopositor valves (v), basivalvular sclerites (bv, bd) and spermathecal plates (sp). Orientation of pieces: Dorsal view, anterior end on top (Figs. A–F, H, I, K–N). Exceptions: 1. Male terminalia (G): ventral view, anterior end on top. 2. Hook (J): dorsal view, posterior (apical) end on top.; 3. Female terminalia (O,P): ventral view, posterior end on top. For explanations of hook structures see Fig. 7J.

Gallery Image

Fig. 8A–J. Male structures of Monoscleroblatta abdelazizi (A–I) and Pauciscleroblatta kroumiriensis (J). A–E: Variation in size and shape of the T7 gland, black arrow in E points to the anterior end of the bilobed pouch (p), white arrow marks the dorsal edge of the opening, br bristles on the bottom of the pouch and more posteriorly, pm preglandular margin of the tergite (lying above the pouch), tr transversal ridge, r longitudinal ridge posteriorly of the pouch opening; F: bristles of the T7 gland with forceps (arrows), detail of B; G: T6 with normally shaped, pointed bristles; H: glandular pores on T8; I,J: left half of terminalia with c cercus and pa left paraproct with its ap anterior arm. – Enlargements: Same scale for A–E, and for G,H. – Identifications: A (type of M. abdelazizi, slide: Bo 349), B,F (Ma 221/1), C,H (Ma 50/11), D (Ma 60/1), E (Ma 220/1), G (Ma 50/3), I (Ma 50/1), J (Al 4/15).













