Ophthalmonoe Petersen & Britayev, 1997 Opisthotrochopodus Pettibone, 1985 Parahalosydna Horst, 1915

Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., Carrera-Parra, Luis F., Muir, Alexander I., León-González, Jesús Angel De, Piotrowski, Christina & Sato, Masanori, 2014, Polychaete species (Annelida) described from the Philippine and China Seas, Zootaxa 3842 (1), pp. 1-68 : 32

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Ophthalmonoe Petersen & Britayev, 1997 Opisthotrochopodus Pettibone, 1985 Parahalosydna Horst, 1915


Ophthalmonoe Petersen & Britayev, 1997

pettiboneae Petersen & Britayev, 1997 : Banda Sea, Poka, inner bay. RNHL19700 (redescr. Britayev &

Martin 2005) Opisthotrochopodus Pettibone, 1985

japonicus Miura & Hashimoto, 1991 : off Chichijima Island. NSMT 328, USNM 131184

marianus Pettibone, 1989 : Mariana Back-Arc Basin, Alice Springs. USNM 118367, 118368–118370 Parahalosydna Horst, 1915

chinensis Monro, 1928 : Amoy (Xiamen, Fujian), China. NHM AN02 1926.4.27.40 (= Parahalosydna

pleiolepis ( von Marenzeller, 1879) fide Hartman 1965 )

sibogae Horst, 1915 : Sulu Island , Philippines. NML 1037 View Materials

Opisthotrochopodus Pettibone, 1985

japonicus Miura & Hashimoto, 1991 : off Chichijima Island. NSMT 328, USNM 131184

marianus Pettibone, 1989 : Mariana Back-Arc Basin, Alice Springs. USNM 118367, 118368–118370 Parahalosydna Horst, 1915

chinensis Monro, 1928 : Amoy (Xiamen, Fujian), China. NHM AN02 1926.4.27.40 (= Parahalosydna

pleiolepis ( von Marenzeller, 1879) fide Hartman 1965 )

sibogae Horst, 1915 : Sulu Island , Philippines. NML 1037 View Materials

Parahalosydna Horst, 1915

chinensis Monro, 1928 : Amoy (Xiamen, Fujian), China. NHM AN02 1926.4.27.40 (= Parahalosydna

pleiolepis ( von Marenzeller, 1879) fide Hartman 1965 )

sibogae Horst, 1915 : Sulu Island , Philippines. NML 1037 View Materials

Britayev, T. A. & Martin, D. (2005) Scale-worms (Polychaeta, Polynoidae) associated with chaetopterid worms (Polychaeta, Chaetopteridae), with description of a new genus and species. Journal of Natural History, 39, 4081 - 4099. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930600556229

Hartman, O. (1965) Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World: Supplement 1960 - 1965 and Index. Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, Occasional Paper, 23 (Supplement), 1 - 197.

Miura, T. & Hashimoto, J. (1991) Two new branchiate scale-worms (Polynoidae: Polychaeta) from the hydrothermal vent of the Okinawa Trough and the volcanic seamount off Chichijima Island. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 104, 166 - 174.

Monro, C. C. A. (1928) Notes on some unnamed polynoids in the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 10, 1, 311 - 316. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222932808672785

Petersen, M. E. & Britayev, T. A. (1997) A new genus and species of polynoid scaleworm commensal with Chaetopterus appendiculatus Grube from the Banda Sea (Annelida: Polychaeta), with a review of commensal of Chaetopteridae. Bulletin of Marine Science, 60, 261 - 276.

von Marenzeller, E. (1879) Sudjapanische Anneliden, 1 Amphinomea, Aphroditea, Lycoridea, Phyllodocea, Hesionea, Syllidea, Eunicea, Glycerea, Sternaspidea, Chaetopterea, Cirratulea, Amphictenea. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 41, 109 - 154.











