Philantomba defriesi

Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2011, Bovidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 2 Hoofed Mammals, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 444-779 : 758-759

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Conny (2022-05-02 20:56:20, last updated 2022-05-02 21:02:00)

scientific name

Philantomba defriesi



Zambian Blue Duiker

Philantomba defriesi

French: Céphalophe de De Fries / German: Sambia-Blauducker / Spanish: Duiker azul de Zambia

Taxonomy. Cephalophus mnyasae defriesi Rothschild, 1904, Itambe, between Lakes Mweru and Tanganyika, northern Rhodesia.

Formerly included as a subspecies of P. monticola . Monotypic.

Distribution. E Angola, S DR Congo (S of Upemba National Park), and Zambia NW of the Muchinga and Zambezi escarpments.

Descriptive notes. Head—body 54-66 cm, tail 8 cm; weight up to 5-4 kg (males) and 7-3 kg (females). Size is large among Philantomba duikers. The overall color of the Zambian Blue Duiker is gray-brown, although there is considerable variation among individuals. The pelage is noticeably paler than in the neighboring Malawi Blue Duiker (PF. hecki). The forequarters are often bluishgray, the dorsum darker gray over the midline, and the flanks usually have a reddish tinge. The tail and rump are dark, and this coloration extends laterally onto the upper hindlegs, where there is a clearly defined line between this dark patch and the reddish haunches. The legs are distinctly rufous; the front surfaces tend to be brighter. The undersides (including the lower surface of the tail) are whitish, as are the inner legs to the carpal and tarsal joints. The groin and axillary regions are bright white. The face is marked with a dark blaze running from the muzzle to the top of the head. A wide rufous superciliary streak borders this blaze around the eyes. The cheeks are paler than the body. The ears are dark fawn with scattered white hairs on their outer surfaces; the insides are white. Horns are present in both sexes, growing (on average) 4-35 cm long in males and 3-11 cm in females. They are widely spaced and tend to have a slight curve. Dental formulais10/3,.C0/1,P 3/3. M 3/3 (62) = 32.

Habitat. Forests and thickets. The Zambian Blue Duiker is especially common in Cryptosepalum forest.

Food and Feeding. Folivorous/frugivorous. The fruits of Ficus brachypoda and Gymnema sp. and the leaves of Maerua friesii have been recorded in the diet; feeding habits are otherwise unknown.

Breeding. Births in Zambia have been recorded in June, August, and October. Litter size is one. Other aspects of reproduction are thought to resemble the similar Zimbabwe Blue Duiker.

Activity patterns. Most active in open habitats (forest edges and clearings) in the early morning and late afternoon. The rest of the day and night are spent in dense vegetation.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. There is little specific information available for this species, but field observations are usually ofsolitary individuals or pairs.

Status and Conservation. CITES Appendix II (under P. monticola ). Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List (combined with the other nine blue duiker species within the P. monticola complex). The Zambian Blue Duiker continues to survive in protected areas, but it is thought to have been broadly affected by hunting. No recent estimates of population size have been made.

Bibliography. Ansell (1974), East (1999), Grubb & Groves (2001), IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008as), Jeffery et al. (1989), Kingdon (1982), Lydekker (1914), Smithers (1966), Wilson (2001).











