Fastosarion comerfordae Stanisic, 2018

Hyman, Isabel T. & Köhler, Frank, 2019, Phylogeny and systematic revision of the helicarionid semislugs of eastern Queensland (Stylommatophora, Helicarionidae), Contributions to Zoology 88 (4), pp. 351-451 : 405-408

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Felipe (2023-09-14 03:36:46, last updated 2024-11-26 05:05:39)

scientific name

Fastosarion comerfordae Stanisic, 2018


Fastosarion comerfordae Stanisic, 2018 View in CoL View at ENA

Figs. 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7E View FIGURE 7 , 8E View FIGURE 8 , 12C–D View FIGURE 12 , 13 View FIGURE 13

Fastosarion comerfordae Stanisic, 2018: 61 View in CoL , figs. 1, 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3, 4A–B, 6A–C.

Material examined

Types: Holotype: QM MO85406 , Broken River, Granite Belt Track, Eungella NP (20°10’S, 148°30’E), nvf, under log, 17.xi.2016, J. Stanisic, L. Holcroft. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: QM MO20221 , 0.5km along Diggings Rd, Eungella NP (21°10’S, 148°24’E),, J. Stanisic, D. Potter GoogleMaps ; QM MO36086 , lower slopes of Mt Dalrymple , Eungella- Mt William Rd, Eungella NP (21°04’S, 148°35’E), nvf, in discarded palm fronds, 16.v.1990, J. Stanisic, D. & N. Potter GoogleMaps ; QM MO50272 , Eungella NP, Eungella NP (20°54’S, 148°36’E), 26.xii.1993, ANZSES; GoogleMaps MO76946, Mt William trig station saddle, Eungella NP (21°01’S, 148°36, E), 8.iii.1994. ANZSES GoogleMaps ; QM MO19792 , Broken River, Eungella NP (20°10’S, 148°30’E), nvf, 800 m, xi.1976, M. J. Bishop GoogleMaps ; QM MO59653 , Dalrymple Heights, Eungella NP (21°02’S, 148°36’E), nvf, 1000 m, xi.1976, M. J. Bishop GoogleMaps .

Non-type material: See table 1 View TABLE 1 .


External morphology: Shell (fig. 7E)large (21.0– 24.4 mm), amber, 3.4–3.8 whorls, subglobose with a low spire. Body (fig. 8E) 45–55 mm long, orange brown to black, sole paler with narrow with very distinct dark vertical stripes. Shell lappets and mantle lobes large, darker than body, right lappet with a single ridge. Tail strongly keeled, slime network moderately strong.

Genital anatomy: Genitalia (figs. 12C–D, 13) with rounded vagina, internally smooth; bursa copulatrix moderately long, duct distinct, internally smooth. Penis short, slender, internally with one longitudinal pilaster and two rounded pilasters distally, internal wall sculptured with fine diagonal lamellae arranged in a chevron pattern; all of penis and part of epiphallus contained in penial tunica. Penis shorter than epiphallus, approx. equal in diameter; epiphallic caecum short; flagellum moderately short, slender.


Fastosarion comerfordae was described by Stanisic (2018) for a large semislug from Eungella NP (Qld) on the basis of external animal features and reproductive anatomy. Previous studies had assumed this population was part of F. superbus (e.g., Scott, 1995; Hyman & Ponder, 2010). Fastosarion comerfordae differs from F. superbus in its slightly smaller size, its brown to black body colouring with reddish markings (compared to the greenish-brown body colouration of F. superbus ) and the presence of black, dart-like markings on the sides of the sole, its coarser penial lamellae and shorter longitudinal penial pilaster. We also show that it has a relatively shorter, narrower penis than F. superbus , and a correspondingly longer epiphallus 2.

This species is found living in moist notophyll vine forest in the Clarke Range of Eungella NP at altitudes above 800 m, or along drainage lines at slightly lower elevations ( Stanisic, 2018). It is sympatric with F. ephelis n. sp. and F. mcdonaldi , but can be distinguished from both by its larger size. It also comes into close proximity with congeners F. aquavitae , F. superbus and F. tuljun n. sp.

Hyman, I. T. & Ponder, W. F. (2010) A morphological phylogenetic analysis and generic revision of Australian Helicarionidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora), and an assessment of the relationships of the family. Zootaxa, 2462, 1 - 148.

Scott, B. (1995) Redescription of Fastosarion superba (Cox, 1871) with descriptions of two new species of Fastosarion from northern Queensland (Pulmonata: Helicarionidae). Molluscan Res., 16, 69 - 80.

Stanisic, J. (2018) Description of a new species of semi-slug, Fastosarioncomerfordae sp. nov., from EungellaNationalPark, mid-easternQueensland (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata: Helicarionidae). Mem. Queensl. Mus. - Nature, 61, 43 - 51.

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FIGURE 2 Majority-rule consensus tree based on Bayesian analysis of the concatenated data set of fragments of the mitochondrial genes 16S and COI. Ambiguous alignment sites in 16S removed using MAFFT. Numbers on branches indicate posterior probabilities. Scale bar indicating 40% of modelled sequence divergence. Shells shown to scale.

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FIGURE 6 Distribution of Clade A species. ▲ = F.superbus, ◻ = F.aquavitae, ♢ = F.brazieri, ◆ = F.comerfordae, ●= F.griseolus, ▽ = F.helenkingae, █ = F.paluma.

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FIGURE 7 Shells of Clade A species. A. Fastosarion superbus, MO77446.B. Fastosarion aquavitae, MO50851.C. Fastosarion aquavitae, MO20228 (type locality of F.ameyi). D. Fastosarion brazieri, AM C.553533.E. Fastosarion comerfordae, MO63985.F.Fastosarion griseolus, MO55568.G.Fastosarion helenkingae, NMV F219324.H. Fastosarion helenkingae, AM C.559842 (type locality of F.schelli). I. Fastosarion paluma, MO63983.J.Fastosarion paluma, MO48024 (Hinchinbrook Is).Scale bar 5 mm.

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FIGURE 8 Fastosarion live images (Clade A).A.Fastosarion superbus, MO46340, Mt Dryander (QM image). B.F.aquavitae, NMV F230751, Brandy Creek (A. Moussalli, NMV).C. F.brazieri, AM C.553531, Cape Tribulation (A.Moussalli, NMV).D. F.brazieri, AM C.525003, Mt Lewis.E.F.comerfordae, Broken River NP (Kackland). F.F.paluma, Paluma (QM image). G. F.griseolus, AM C.512514,Byfield SF.H. F.griseolus, AM C.512615,Burleigh Head NP. I. F.helenkingae, NMV F219324,Bowling Green NP (A. Moussalli, NMV).J. F.helenkingae, AM C.559842, Magnetic Island (type locality of F.schelli).

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FIGURE 12 Spermatophores of Clade A species. A–B. Fastosarion brazieri, MO66680.C–D.Fastosarion comerfordae, MO63985. E-F.F.helenkingae, MO47971.

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FIGURE 13 Genitalia of F.comerfordae, MO63985, Broken River NP.A.Reproductive system. Arrow shows the junction of the penis and epiphallus.B.Penis interior.C. Spermatophore.Scale bars 1 mm (B, C), 2 mm (A).


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