Euniceopsis, Verrill, 1907

Sánchez, Juan Armando, 2009, Systematics of the candelabrum gorgonian corals (Eunicea Lamouroux; Plexauridae; Octocorallia; Cnidaria), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (2), pp. 237-263 : 245-246

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Felipe (2021-09-01 00:29:53, last updated 2024-01-21 12:32:19)

scientific name




Diagnostic features: Middle layer spindles observed under light microscope with a nontranslucent dark (black, purple, or brown) internal core and transparent periphery or warts.

EUNICEA TOURNEFORTI MILNE EDWARDS & HAIME, 1857 View in CoL ( FIGS 1F View Figure 1 , 2N, R, V View Figure 2 )

Eunicea tourneforti Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857: 150 View in CoL (holotype: Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris)

Eunicea tourneforti: Bayer, 1961: 142 View in CoL .

Description: Robust colonies branching in one plane resembling a perfect candelabrum. Branches and axis usually compressed in the same plane of branching ( Fig. 1F View Figure 1 ). Calyx with prominent inferior lip and ascendant, sometimes covers upper lip. Middle layer with large and stout spindles up to 2 mm length and 0.38 mm width (3.5 times longer than wider). Axial layer with spindles of complex ornaments, colourless radiates, or pale violet forms ( Fig. 2R View Figure 2 ). Polyp with strong anthocodial armature without collar. Armature of ornate and/or flat rods up to 0.25 mm in length ( Fig. 2V View Figure 2 ).

Diagnostic features: The surface layer has many small foliate club sclerites up to 0.15 mm in length ( Fig. 2N View Figure 2 ). Unlike these small clubs, larger ones lack an axial pattern (i.e. handle and head). The branch tips are stout decreasing in diameter, branches elliptical in section, most other species circular in cross-section.

Comments: Euniceopsis atra Verrill was synonymized as a form of E. tourneforti by Bayer (1961). However, part of the USNM material of E. atra more closely resembles (using the character analysis of characters from this paper) E. fusca (especially the material from Bermuda) and the remaining material (north-eastern Caribbean) belonged to Eunicera knighti and Eunicera pallida . Therefore, there is no apparent relationship between E. atra and E. tourneforti , and it will be necessary to review the type specimen of E. atra deposited in the Peabody Museum (Yale University) before clarifying the status of this probably valid species.

Distribution and habitat: Cosmopolitan in the Tropical Western Atlantic. Semi-exposed reefs (terraces and patch reefs) with unidirectional water flow between 4 and 15 m in depth.

Examined material: ICN-MHN-CO-086 (E-89), Albuquerque Cays (12° 10′ 36″N, 81° 51′ 05″W), San Andrés and Providencia archipelago, Colombian Caribbean, col. J.A. Sánchez, vi.1994, Leeward shallow reef 2.5 m. ICN-MHN-CO-083 (E-88), Cayos de Bolivar (Courtown Cays) (12° 23′ 07″N, 81° 27′ 25″W), Colombian Caribbean, 22.v.1994, leeward algal ridge, 6 m, col. J.A. Sánchez. USNM 97690 About USNM (22), Tesoro island, Rosario islands , Caribbean coast of Colombia, col. J.A. Sánchez & A. Ramirez, 20.viii.1992, Fore-reef terrace on dead stands of Acropora palmata 7 m; USNM 97691 About USNM (23), Tesoro island , Rosario islands , Caribbean coast of Colombia, col. J.A. Sánchez & A. Ramirez, 16.ix.1992; fore-reef terrace on the slope 20 m. 17.x.1992; INV-CNID-379, (E-90) Cayos de Albuquerque (12° 10′ 00″N, 81° 51′ 49″W), San Andrés and Providencia Archipelago, Colombian Caribbean;, Leeward reef, 2 m, col. J.A. Sánchez. INV- CNID-378, (U-24), Cabo Tiburón, Golfo de Urabá , Colombian Caribbean, 28.ix.1995, calcareous terrace 10 m, col. J.A. Sánchez. USNM 83597 About USNM , North Atlantic Ocean , Caribbean Sea, The Grenadines, Tobago Cays, (Ci-229; 460), 12 m, col. Fenical W., vii.1986. USNM 14556 About USNM , (70% ETOH), North Atlantic Ocean ; Bahamas, Little Bahama Bank , Great Abaco Island , USFC 1886 View Materials . USNM 50275 About USNM , North Atlantic Ocean , Gulf of Mexico , USA, Florida, Florida Keys , Dry 1925 GoogleMaps .

Bayer FM. 1961. The shallow water Octocorallia of the West Indian region. Studies of the Fauna of Curacao 12: 1 - 373.

Milne Edwards H, Haime J. 1857. Historie naturelle des coralliaires ou polypes proprement dits. Paris: Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret.

Verrill AE. 1907. The Bermuda Islands. Part 5. Characteristic life of Bermuda coral reefs. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 12: 204 - 348.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. Photographs of Caribbean candelabrum corals in situ. A, Eunicea pinta Bayer & Deichmann Roncador Bank Colombia, 25 m; B, Eunicea palmeri Bayer, Roncador Bank, Colombia, 12 m; C, Eunicea succinea (Pallas) Bocas del Toro, Panama, 12 m; D, Eunicea laxispica (Lamarck), fore-reef terrace, 20 m, Abaco, Bahamas (2000); E, Eunicea mammosa Lamouroux, Roncador Bank, Colombia, 12 m; F, Eunicea tourneforti Milne Edwards & Haime, Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, 8 m; G, Eunicea asperula Milne-Edwards & Haime, outer slope edge, Cat island, Bahamas (2001); H, Eunicea laciniata Duchassaing & Michelotti, shallow fore-reef, 10 m, Carrie Bow Cay, Belize (2001); I, Eunicea fusca Duchassaing & Michelotti, White Horse Reef, fore-reef, 20 m, Exuma Cays, Bahamas (2000).

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Scanning electron micrograph images of sclerites of Eunicea spp. and Plexaura spp. A–D, sclerites (ornamented spindles) from the middle layer: A, Eunicea flexuosa (Lamouroux, 1821) (scale bar = 0.2 mm); B, Eunicea laciniata Duchassaing & Michelotti (scale bar = 100 Mm); C, Plexaura kuna Lasker et al. (scale bar = 0.1 mm); D, Eunicea clavigera (scale bar = 0.2 mm). E–P, club sclerites from the coenenchyme surface: E, P. kuna (scale bar = 0.1 mm); F, stereopair, Eunicea laxispica (Lamarck) (scale bar = 0.02 mm); G–H, E. laxispica (scale bar = 0.05 mm); I, Eunicea mammosa Lamouroux (scale bar = 0.02 mm); J, E. flexuosa (scale bar = 0.04 mm); K, E. clavigera Bayer (scale bar = 0.01 mm); L, Eunicea pallida Garcia-Parrado & Alcolado (scale bar = 0.02 mm); M, Eunicea calyculata (Ellis & Solander) (scale bar = 0.02 mm); N, Eunicea tourneforti Milne Edwards & Haime (scale bar = 0.02 mm); O, Eunicea fusca Duchassaing & Michelotti (scale bar = 0.01 mm); P, Eunicea tayrona sp. nov. (scale bar = 0.01 mm). Q–U, axial cortex layer sclerites: Q, stereopair, E. laxispica (scale bar = 0.02 mm); R, E. tourneforti (scale bars = 0.06 mm, respectively); S, E. calyculata (scale bar = 0.05 mm); T, Eunicea pallida (scale bars = 0.02 mm); U, E. clavigera. V–Z, polyp sclerites: V, anthocodial rods, E. tourneforti (scale bar = 0.06 mm); W, E. calyculata (scale bar = 0.06 mm); X, E. clavigera (scale bars = 0.01, 0.05, and 0.02 mm); Y, E. mammosa (scale bar = 0.06 mm); Z, octoradiates from the tentacles (stereopair), E. asperula (scale bar = 0.01 mm).









