Huascaromusca cordillera Wolff & Ramos-Pastrana

Wolff, Marta, Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany, Marinho, Marco Antonio Tonus & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2017, Two new species of Huascaromusca Townsend from Colombia, and a new combination for Giovanella carvalhoi (Diptera: Mesembrinellidae), Zootaxa 4231 (2), pp. 251-263 : 256-258

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Plazi (2017-02-10 09:02:32, last updated 2024-11-27 18:22:24)

scientific name

Huascaromusca cordillera Wolff & Ramos-Pastrana

sp. nov.

Huascaromusca cordillera Wolff & Ramos-Pastrana , sp.nov.

( Figs 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 , 12–18 View FIGURES 12 – 18 , 21 View FIGURE 21 )

Diagnosis. Medium-sized; overall body color chestnut, abdominal syntergite 1+2 yellow ( Figs 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). Male holoptic. Lower calypter narrow, rounded posteriorly, not directed towards scutellum; subcostal sclerite ciliate, stem vein bare. Humerals, 2; posthumerals, 1; acrostichals, 0:1; dorsocentrals, 2:2. Legs with coxae, trochanters, and femora orange, the latter with dark chestnut apices.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂: Colombia, Caquetá, Florencia / Vereda , Sucre / 1,600 m / Trampa Vansomeren Rydon pezcado / bosque / 30.Ago.2012 / Y. Ramos-Pastrana (CEUA-94431) . PARATYPES: 2 ♂, 2 ♀, Colombia, Caqueta / Florencia / Vereda / Sucre / 1,600 m, Trampa Vansomeren Rydon pezcado / bosque. / 30- agost-2012 / Y. Ramos-Pastrana (males: CEUA-65191, CEUAM-1001; females: CEUAM-1002, CEUAM-1003) ; 2 ♀, Colombia / Antioquia / Alejandria / Vereda El Carbón / bosque, 1,900 m / Trampa Vansomer pescado / 07.Aug.2007 / A Montoya-Giraldo (CEUA-45075, CEUA-42424) ; 2 ♀, same data but Trampa Vansomer fruta / 07.Aug.2007 / A Montoya-Giraldo (CEUA-42420, CEUA-42416) ; 1 ♀, Sabaneta / Vereda Las Brisas / Jama / 26.Apr.2009 / A. Bustamante (CEUA-65044) ; 1 ♀, Colombia / Santander / Betulia / Corregimiento Palma de Oro / bosque / 1,900 m / Trampa Vansomer pescado / 12.Oct.2001 / Duque & Veléz (CEUA-48371).

Description. Male. Body length 7.0 mm (n = 2).

Head. Frons narrow 0.0 145 (0.011–0.023/4) of head width at narrowest. Frontal vitta narrow, at narrowest point, less than diameter of anterior ocellus, mostly chesnut colored; frons gradually widening at lunule. Frontoorbital plate and parafacial yellow, both with gold microtomentum; gena yellow, with setae at median region; subvibrissa approximately half the length of vibrissa. Postgena and occiput with white microtomentum, with slender, long hairs. Face pale, yellow pollinose; clypeal membrane yellow. Ocellar triangle dark chestnut, small. Scape, pedicel, and first flagellomere with gold microtomentum. Palp pale yellow. Chaetotaxy: two pairs of slender, parallel ocellar setae; one pair of slender, parallel post-ocellar setae; inner vertical setae crossed; one pair of slender, convergent paravertical setae; post-ocular setae small, black, homogeneously distributed to gena; interfrontal setae and orbital setae absent. Facial carina weak, with few short black setulae at base, above vibrissa. Vibrissae crossed; subvibrissa approximately 2/3 of length of vibrissa ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 A).

Thorax. Mesonotum dark chestnut, with fine white microtomentum and no defined bands; pleura and humeral callus orange; anterior and posterior spiracles yellow ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 B). Chaetotaxy: humerals, 2; posthumerals, 1; acrostichals, 0:1; dorsocentrals, 2:2; supra-alars, 3; presuturals, 1; postalars, 2 (one slender); prebasal scutellars, 1; basal scutellars, 1; apical scutellars, 1; discal scutellars, 1; proepimerals, 2; anepisternals, 6; katepisternals, 1+1; merals as an inverted “L”; postalar wall with a few black setulae; suprasquamal ridge bare. Legs: coxae, trochanters and femora orange, the latter with dark chestnut apices; mid femur with 4 apical posterodorsal setae and 1 antero-medial seta; mid tibia with 1 anterodorsal medial seta and 3 posterodorsal setae. Wing: membrane mostly hyaline, with a marked, dark brown spot from distal end of vein R1 to cells c, sc and r1, and otherwise infuscated around the veins; tegula and basicosta chestnut colored;subcostal sclerite ciliate, stem vein bare; junction of veins R2+3 and R4+5 with 3–5 setulae; distance between apices of veins M and R4+5 much less than half the distance between apices of R2+3 and R4+5; upper calypter hyaline, with a dark rim; lower calypter with a lobular inner margin, not directed towards scutellum.

Abdomen. Dorsal side brown, with a light purple reflection (T3–T5), ventral side yellow. Syntergite 1+2 yellow, with dark distal end; T3 yellow anteriorly, dark with purple reflections posteriorly; T4 and T5 dark, with purple reflections; T5 as long as T4. Syntergite 1+2 with lateral discal setae parallel to margin of syntergite, and with one marginal lateral seta; T3 with one marginal lateral seta; T4 with basal setae; T5 with a row of strong discal and basal setae. Terminalia: ST5 with round lobes ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12 – 18 ); T6 short and separated from syntergosternite 7+8 ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12 – 18 ); apex of paraphallus with denticles; epiphallus medium and slender ( Figs 14–15 View FIGURES 12 – 18 ); epandrium as long as cercus, with long hairs; in lateral view, cercus straight and surstylus slightly concave ( Figs 16–17 View FIGURES 12 – 18 ); postgonite with one seta; anterior apex of pregonite with two setae, the distal one on a tubercle ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 12 – 18 ).

Female. As male, except as follow: body length 7.3 mm (n = 8); frons 0.215 (0.204–0.237/8) of head width at narrowest ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 C); frontal vitta wide, middle basal portion near lunule reddish chestnut colored, remaining areas dark brown ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 C); chaetotaxy: 1 pair of crossed, slender interfrontal setae; frontal setae slender and short, upper orbital setae vestigial; terminalia: T7 continuous; T8 continuous, located dorsally, with many slender setae on surface.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition and refers to the type locality in the Cordilleras de Los Andes.

Distribution. This species is so far known only from Colombia, from the Central Cordillera in the Department of Antioquia and Oriental Cordillera in the Departments of Santander and Caquetá.

Remarks. In Marinho et al. (2016), this species is referred to as “ Huascaromusca sp. 2” and was nested well within the Huascaromusca clade ( Marinho et al. 2016; fig. 2), indicating that morphology and molecular data agree about its generic affiliation. The type series was collected with Van Someren-Rydon traps baited with decomposed fish, which may be an indication of carrion-feeding habits in this species. Huascaromusca cordillera sp. nov. is closely related to H. vogelsangi , as suggested by the ciliate subcostal sclerite and the molecular phylogeny presented in Marinho et al. (2016). These two species differ mainly in the number and configuration of acrostichal and dorsocentral setae, the wing pattern and the morphology of the male terminalia.

Marinho, M. A. T., Wolff, M., Ramos-Pastrana, Y. R., Azeredo-Espin, A. M. L. & Amorim, D. S. (2016) The first phylogenetic study of Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) based on molecular data: clades and congruence with morphological characters. Cladistics, 1 - 19.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 21. Huascaromusca cordillera Wolff & Ramos-Pastrana, sp. nov. A. Holotype male, head, anterior view. B. Paratype female (CEUA- 42420), head, anterior view. C. Holotype male, detail of thorax, dorsal view.

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FIGURES 1 – 4. Habitus of Huascaromusca spp. 1. Huascaromusca obscura Wolff, sp. nov., holotype male (CEUA- 65021), lateral view. 2. Huascaromusca obscura Wolff, sp. nov., female paratype (CEUA- 65023), lateral view. 3. Huascaromusca cordillera Wolff & Ramos-Pastrana, sp. nov., holotype male (CEUA- 94431), lateral view. 4. Huascaromusca cordillera Wolff & Ramos-Pastrana, sp. nov., female paratype (CEUAM- 1002), lateral view.

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FIGURES 12 – 18. Huascaromusca cordillera Wolff & Ramos-Pastrana, sp. nov., holotype male, terminalia. 12. Sternite 5, dorsal view. 13. Tergite 6 and syntergosternite 7 + 8, dorsal view. 14. Aedeagus, left lateral view. 15. Aedeagus, dorsal view. 16. Epandrium, surstylus and cercus, left lateral view. 17. Epandrium, surstylus and cercus, posterior view. 18. Postgonite and pregonite, left lateral view.











