Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng, 2018

Liu, Di & Feng, Jinian, 2018, Description of a new species of Hemiberlesia Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae) from China, with a key to Hemiberlesia species known from China, Zootaxa 4388 (4), pp. 575-585 : 577-584

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Plazi (2018-03-06 07:11:30, last updated 2024-11-28 08:13:16)

scientific name

Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng

sp. nov.

Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng , sp. n.

( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 )

Material examined (slide-mounted specimens): Holotyp e: 1 adult female mounted singly on a slide: China, Henan Province, Pingdingshan City , Photinia serrulata Lindl. , 27.vii.2016, Di Liu and Tong Cao ( NWAFU).

Allotype: 1 adult male mounted singly on a slide, same data as holotype.

Paratypes: same data as holotype: 9 adult females mounted on a total of 6 slides; 17 second-instar female nymphs each mounted singly; 5 second-instar male nymphs each mounted singly ; 2 adult males each mounted singly, and 1 first-instar nymph mounted singly.

Additional non-type material: same data as holotype, unmounted specimens on dry leaves.

Description. Adult female ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Scale cover subcircular, about 1.0 mm in diameter, dorsum with eminent transverse striae. Body pyriform, 990–1124 (1003) µm long. Eyes spur-like, each situated on ventral submargin of prothorax. Antennae each with 1 long seta and 1 short spine, distance between antennae 207–252 (212) µm. Median lobe (L1) almost semicircular, slightly longer than wide; L2 and L3 small, subtriangular, posterior margin slightly sclerotized, almost invisible; each lobe with 2 paraphyses attached, with 1 on each side of base. Dorsal marginal setae numbering 3 pairs, with 1 seta situated in interlobular space between L1 and L2 (second space), 1 between L2 and L3 (third space), and 1 anterior to L3 on each side. Plates simple, each slightly longer than L1, absent from between median lobes, present on each side in second and third interlobular spaces and anterior to L3 lobe, numbering 1 or 2, 2 or 3, and 2 or 3 respectively. Submargin of abdomen with 19–25 dorsal macroducts and 6–9 ventral microducts distributed in segmental rows. Anal opening oval, maximum diameter 20–28 µm, situated about 38 µm anterior to base of median lobes. Dorsal scars present in 2 pairs on each side of central area of fourth abdominal segment. Perivulvar pores absent.

Remarks: The adult female of H. serrulata is similar to that of H. rapax in having a pyriform body, no perivulvar pores, antennae each with single seta, and ducts and glands analogous and distributed in a similar pattern; however, H. serrulata can be easily distinguished from H. rapax as follows (character-states for H. rapax in brackets): (i) plates simple (plates branched and/or fringed), (ii) posterior margin of median lobes entire (with obvious notch on outer margin), and (iii) absence of fringed plates between the median lobes (present).

First-instar nymph ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Body oval, contents yellow in life. Derm membranous except pygidium. Sparse microhairs scattered on mesothorax and metathorax dorsally and ventrally. Antenna filiform with 5 segments, total length 263 µm; scape and pedicel stout, each with 1 fleshy seta; terminal 2 segments each with series of striae circularis. Eyes situated on ventral margin. Thoracic spiracles poorly developed, numbering 2 pairs. Legs developed; metathoracic femur with single long, slender seta; tarsus with 2 long setae; claw digitules longer than claw. Dorsal macroducts forming row on margin of abdominal segments II–VIII. Ventral microducts on each side numbering 2 between clypeus and fore-coxa, 1 close to mesocoxa and 1 close to hind coxa. Pygidium with welldeveloped median lobes, each with sclerosis at base, 1 deep notch on inner margin and 2 obvious notches on outer margin of L1; L2 and L3 invisible. Each side of posterior margin with 2–4 sclerotized, pointed processes and 1 pair of setae between median lobes, and 3 dorsal marginal setae. Dorsum of pygidium with single seta situated at base of each L1. Venter of pygidium with 1 long anal seta arising from base of each median lobe.

Second-instar female nymph ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Scale cover subcircular. Body oval with convex sides, 429–523 (435) µm, 282–367 (287) µm wide, contents yellow in life. Antennae each 1-segmented, with single long seta and a microspine. Pygidium with 3 pairs of pygidial lobes, strongly sclerotized; L1 robust with medial margin protruding and a notch on either side; L2 and L3 much smaller than L1, triangular and sclerotized, L2 slightly bigger than L3. L1 and L2 each with 1 paraphysis attached to each side of base. Plates bunched apically, each slightly longer than L1, with 2 between median lobes and each side with 2 between L1 and L2, 2 between L2 and L3, and 3 lateral to L3. Dorsal marginal setae present in 2nd space, 3rd space and lateral to L3 on each side, numbering 1, 1 and 2 respectively. Dorsal macroducts on each side numbering 10, distributed in rows on submargin of abdomen; ventral microducts on submargin of each side numbering 6. Anal opening oval. Scars absent.

FIGURE 5. Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng sp. n. Male. A: ventral view of polygonal reticulation on ocular sclerite; B: terminal antennal segment; C: hair seta; D: metatarsus and claw; E: dorsal and ventral view of the genital segment; F: cranial apophysis; G: fleshy seta. And where ab: antennal bristles; aed: aedeagus; an: anus; as II - as VIII: abdominal sternites II–VIII; at II - at VIII: abdominal tergites II–VIII; c: claw; cdt: claw digitule; cs: capitate setae; cx3: coxa of methathoracic leg; dse: dorsal simple eye; f: furca; fm3: femur of metathoracic leg; fset2: fleshy setae bifurcate; g: gena; gs: genal setae; gts: setae of genital segment; h: hamulohaltere; hos: hook seta; iocs: interocular setae; lap: lateropleurite; lps: lateral pronotal setae; mc: median crest; mdr: median ridge; mr: marginal ridge; mrs: marginal abdominal setae; mts: metatergal setae; pa: postalare; pas: post-anal setae; pepcv: proepisternum + cervical sclerite; pn2: mesopostnotum; pna: postnatal apophysis; pocr: postocular ridge; por: postoccipital ridge; pra: prealare; prn: lateral pronotal sclerite; prnr: pronotal ridge; prsc: prescutum; ps: penial sheath; pscr: prescutal ridge; pscs: prescutal suture; scl: scutellum; sclf: scutellar foramen; scp: scape; sct: scutum; scts: scutal seta; sds I–II: submarginal dorsal setae I–II; sp2: mesothoracic spiracle; sp3: metathoracic spiracle; stn2: basisternum; svs: submarginal ventral setae; tar3: tarsus of metathoracic leg; tdgt: tarsal digitules; teg: tegula; tegs: tegular seta; ti3: tibia of metathoracic leg; tp: triangular plate; tr3: trochanter of metathoracic leg; vse: ventral simple eye.

Second-instar male nymph ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Similar to second-instar female apart from: body elongate-oval with less convex sides, 639–657 (643) µm long, 317–344 (322) µm wide. Abdomen obviously tapering posteriorly. A pair of large, robust ventral setae present submedially on abdominal segment IV, each about 54–56 (55) µm long.

Adult male (Fig. 5). Body slender, 950–1050 (1000) µm long, 230–240 (235) µm wide across mesothorax.

Head: length 88–107 (98) µm, width across genae 105–114 (110) µm. Median crest prominent. Dorsal midcranial ridge slightly sclerotised, with 3 or 4 hs on each side; ventral ridge well-refined, extending from lateral arms to posterior margin of ocular sclerite, with 4 hs ventral midcranial ridge setae. Postoccipital ridge fairly well developed; transverse median body robust; anterior arms diverging and thin, with 2hs; posterior arms relatively strong, posteriorly bent angle about 160°. Genae with 2 hs on each side and some striations in middle. Eyes: with a pair of large dorsal and ventral simple eyes subequal in size, each 23–27 (25) um wide. Ocelli situated lateroventrally, diameter of each about 11 µm. Ocular sclerite only partially sclerotized, particularly around and between simple eyes, slightly reticulated around each ventral simple eye; with 2 pairs of interocular setae ventrally. Preocular ridge obvious on venter. Postocular ridge well developed, extending from near midcranial ridge posterolaterally past each ocellus to neck region ventrally. Cranial apophysis 40–43 (42) um long, with bifurcate apex. Antennae each 10-segmented and filiform, 475–530 (503) µm (ratio of total body length to antennal length 1.0: 0.5), with many fleshy setae (fs) and few hs. Scape 30–32 (31) µm long, occasionally with 1 hs. Pedicel length 16– 20 (18) µm, width 22–26 (24) µm, with a few polygonal reticulations; with 1–4 hs. Segments III–IX each about 18– 28 µm wide; lengths (µm) III: 59–60 (60); IV: 54–60 (57); V: 55–69 (62); VI: 67–70 (69); VII: 62–64 (63); VIII: 47–51 (49); IX: 40–55 (48); fs about 35–38 µm long; approximate number of setae per segment: III: 8 or 9 fs; IV: 0 or 1 hs + 8–10 fs; V: 1 hs + 12–14 fs; VI: 15–17 fs; VII: 1 hs + 11–15 fs; VIII: 2 hs + 10–17 fs + 1 bristle; IX: 13– 15 fs + 1 bristle. Segment X: length 45–51 µm; slightly constricted apically, with 2–3 capitate setae, 2 large and 2 small antennal bristles, and 4–9 fs.

Thorax: Prothorax membranous; pronotal ridge strong, with slightly sclerotised pronotal sclerite. Sternum with a strong median ridge, transverse ridge absent. Antemesospiracular setae absent. Mesothorax obviously convex, mesoprephragma with deep ventral emargination. Prescutum oval, 73–75 (74) µm wide, 45–50 (48) µm long. Scutum weakly sclerotised, median area approximately trapezoid, 70–72 (71) µm long, 76 µm wide, with 4–6 hs scutal seta. Scutellum 21–23 (22) µm long, 71–76 (74) µm wide, with a small foramen located in centre. Basisternum 106–110 (108) µm wide, 20–22 (21) µm long, with a strong median ridge and bounded anteriorly by strong marginal ridges and posteriorly by strong precoxal ridges; without setae; lateropleurite well developed; furca well developed, each arm extending anteriorly to a point where marginal ridge and precoxal ridges join. Mesothoracic spiracles: peritreme about 11–12 µm wide. Prealare and triangular plate well developed. Mesopostnotum well developed; postnatal apophysis and postalare well developed and strongly sclerotised. Postmesospiracular setae absent. Tegula small, with striations and 1 hs tegular seta on each side. Metathorax with 2 hs metatergal setae, metapostnotum unscleritized; suspensorial sclerite distinct; dorsal and ventral sections of pleural ridge well developed. Metepisternum and metepimeron sclerotized with only 1 hs metepimeron seta. Width of metathoracic spiracular peritremes similar to those on mesothorax. Wings: hyaline, each about 635 µm long and 276 µm wide (ratio length to width 1: 0.43; ratio of total body length to wing length 1: 0.66); each covered with microtrichia and a large alar lobe, but alar setae absent. Hamulohalteres each 43–46 (45) µm long and 11 µm wide, each with 1 apically hooked seta, about 38–39 (38) µm long. Legs: metathoracic legs longest. Coxa length (µm): I: 57–63 (60); II: 58–65 (62); III: 5 3–65 (59); setae on coxa III numbering 2 hs; each coxa with 1 long seta anteriorly, about 21 µm long. Trochanter + femur lengths (µm): I: 111–130 (121); II: 116–125 (121); III: 130–141 (136); trochanter III with 1 hs, around 28 µm long; femur III with 2–4 hs. Tibia lengths (µm): I: 82–101 (92); II: 99–108 (104); III: 114–132 (123); tibia III with 12–19 hs + 1–3fs. Tarsus 2-segmented, proximal segment narrow and ringlike; lengths (µm): I: 50–61 (56); II: 61–73 (67); III: 74–82 (78); tarsus III with 4–6hs + 18–19 fs, some fleshy setae bifurcate ventrally; tarsal digitules little longer than claw. Claw long, slightly curved, without a denticle; claw III 16–20 (18) µm long; claw digitules slightly longer than claw.

Abdomen: segments II–VIII: tergum and sternum of each segment with some striations + microtrichia. Segments I and II with 1 hs submarginal dorsal seta on each side. Submarginal ventral setae per side, relatively small, segment III 1 hs; IV: 1 or 2 hs; V–VI: 2 hs; VII: 1hs. Marginal abdominal setae: segments I–II: 1 hs; III–IV: 1 or 2 hs; V–VII: 2 hs; VIII: 3 or 4 hs on each side. Tergum and sternite of segment VIII sclerotized; tergite with 2 hs post-anal setae. Genital segment: penial sheath 296–301 (299) µm long and 58 µm wide with a pointed apex, about 1/5 of total body length (ratio of total body length to penial sheath length 1: 0.28); with 1 pair of post-anal setae and 2 pairs of longish setae (gts) ventral at base, each 25–27 (26) µm long. Aedeagus about 232–235 (234) µm long, broad basally, almost reaching distal end of penial sheath.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition taken from the host species name Photinia serrulata , which is intended to show its serious impact on the host. Gender: feminine.

Comments. The adult male of H. serrulata is morphologically similar to that of H. cyanophylli , differing as follows (character states on H. cyanophylli ): (i) terminal antennal segment with 4–9 fs (7–11 fs); (ii) posterior arms of postoccipital ridge bent at an angle of about 160° (140°); (iii) 4–6 hs scutal seta (8hs); (iv) metatarsi with 18–19 fs (11–15 fs), and (v) penial sheath with a pointed apex (a blunt apex).

The significance of these similarities and differences is not yet known. To date, there have been only a few research publications on the morphology of adult male Diaspididae . More work needs to be done to find more taxonomically useful characters, in order to build reasonable classificatory systems.

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FIGURE 1. Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng sp. n. Female adult. a: antennae; b: eye; c: anterior spiracle; d: posterior spiracle; e: habitus; f: microduct; g: pygidium; h: macroduct.

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FIGURE 2. Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng sp. n. 1st-instar nymph. a: habitus.

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FIGURE 3. Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng sp. n. 2nd-instar female nymph. a: antennae; b: anterior spiracle; c: posterior spiracle; d: microduct; e: habitus; f: pygidium; g: macroduct.

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FIGURE 4. Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng sp. n. 2nd-instar male nymph. a: antennae; b: anterior spiracle; c: posterior spiracle; d: microduct; e: habitus; f: pygidium; g: macroduct.











