Hydrosmecta dulcis Casey, 2000

Klimaszewski, Jan, Webster, Reginald P. & Davies, Anthony, 2017, Genus Hydrosmecta C. G. Thomson: a review of species occurring in eastern Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (593), pp. 1-17 : 7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5169545

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scientific name

Hydrosmecta dulcis Casey


Hydrosmecta dulcis Casey View in CoL

( Fig. 25–31 View Figures 25–31 )

Hydrosmecta dulcis Casey 1910: 87 View in CoL .

Lectotype (female): Bayfield, Wisconsin, Wickham; dulcis Csy. View in CoL ; Type USNM 39084 About USNM ; Casey bequest 1925 ; Lectotypus: Hydrosmecta dulcis Casey, V.I. Gusarov 2000 View in CoL (USNM). Present designation. Examined.

New Canadian records: Canada, New Brunswick, Queens Co., Bayard, at Nerepis River , 45.4426°N, 66.3280°W, 25.V.2008, R. P. Webster // river margin, splashing fine sand ( LFC) 1 female, ( RWC) 1 fe- male GoogleMaps ; New Brunswick, Queens Co., Bayard, at Nerepis River , 45.4426°N, 66.3280°W, 30.V.2008, R. P. Webster // river margin, under small rocks in gravel ( RWC) 1 male GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Body length 2.0– 2.3 mm; subparallel, flattened, light brown with head, pronotum, bases of elytra and abdomen dark brown and legs yellow ( Fig. 25 View Figures 25–31 ); moderately glossy, with fine and dense punctation and pubescence; faint meshed microsculpture present on forebody; head as wide as pronotum, postocular area about as long as diameter of eye, posterior angles rounded; eyes moderately large; antennae long, almost reaching posterior margin of elytra, antennomeres I–III distinctly elongate, IV–X slightly elongate, XI only slightly longer than preceding antennomere; pronotum slightly transverse, shorter than head, widest in middle of its length, as wide as head and abdomen but narrower than elytra, slightly depressed medially; elytra elongate and flattened, at suture about one-fourth longer than pronotum; abdomen subparallel, slightly narrowed apically. Male: tergite VIII broadly arcuate apically ( Fig. 27 View Figures 25–31 ); sternite VIII longer than wide, evenly rounded apically, antecostal suture widely separated from basal margin ( Fig. 28 View Figures 25–31 ); median lobe of aedeagus with large bulbus, tubus short triangular, arcuate and strongly produced ventrally in lateral view ( Fig. 26 View Figures 25–31 ). Female: tergite VIII very broadly arcuate apically ( Fig. 29 View Figures 25–31 ); sternite VIII about evently rounded apically ( Fig. 30 View Figures 25–31 ); spermatheca S-shaped, capsule club-shaped with moderate-sized apical invagination, stem slightly swollen at base ( Fig. 31 View Figures 25–31 ).

Distribution. Origin: Nearctic. Canada: NB. USA: WI.

Collection and habitat data. Habitat: this is a riparian species associated with gravel and sand near river margins ( Fig. 48 View Figure 48 ). Adults in NB were found in sand or under small rocks in gravel. Collecting period: V, VI. Collecting method: splashing fine sand at river margin or aspirating from gravel.

Comments. This is the first record of this species from Canada and NB. We have compared the lectotype female with our female and it agrees with the lectotype in shape of spermatheca, tergite and sternite VIII and external characters, including similar size and antennae (length and width of antennomeres), shape, color and pubescence pattern. The lectotype has slightly wider elytra than our female from NB. Because Gusarov’s lectotype designation was never published, we formally designate this female specimen as the lectotype with our designation label. The male and female of this species are described and illustrated for the first time, including genital structures, based on the specimens from NB.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Hydrosmecta dulcis Casey

Klimaszewski, Jan, Webster, Reginald P. & Davies, Anthony 2017

Hydrosmecta dulcis Casey 1910: 87

Casey, T. L. 1910: 87
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF