Miotragocerus sp.

Kostopoulos, Dimitrios S. & Bernor, Raymond L., 2011, The Maragheh bovids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): systematic revision and biostratigraphiczoogeographic interpretation, Geodiversitas 33 (4), pp. 649-708 : 691-692

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Marcus (2021-08-30 00:24:23, last updated 2021-09-02 08:49:12)

scientific name

Miotragocerus sp.


Miotragocerus sp. ( Fig. 26 View FIG )

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — MNHN.F: Left p2-p4, MAR2975 (Lp = 45.0 mm).— NHML: cranium, M3838 (Lfp-ocp = c. 67.0 mm; Lfr = c. 116.0 mm; Wbc = 67.0 mm; Wptb = 21.7 mm; APDhcb = 66.5 mm; TDhcb = 32.0 mm; LP = 46.0 mm; LM = 58.8 mm; LPM = 103.5 mm)


The lower premolar row MAR2975 is similar but not identical with MAR2981, 3004, suggesting

A the possible presence of a second Miotragocerus species in the MNHN.F collection. MAR2975 shows the long simple premolars of Miotragocerus but the premolars are slightly larger than those of the previously examined material, the p2 has a more developed anterior stylid, the metaconid

Kostopoulos D. S. & Bernor R. L.

TABLE 18. — Comparison of cranial measurements (in mm) of Tragoportax cf. amalthea (Roth & Wagner, 1854) from Maragheh with

Tragoportax amalthea from Pikermi. #, taken just behind the horn-cores; *, range of four Pikermi specimens in MNHN.F (MNHN.F.PIK2357, 2440, 2360 and 2345).

of the p4 is subtriangular and not trending distally and its hypoconid is narrower. By its size and morphology this specimen seems closer to Miotragocerus vallenciennesi from Pikermi. An additional almost complete cranium (M3838; Fig. 26 View FIG ) in the London collection shows a rather long and narrow opisthocranium weakly bent on the deep face ( Fig. 26A, C View FIG ) and with a fairly developed rugose area limited by rather weak crests ( Fig. 26C View FIG ), slightly elevated frontals and pinched midfrontal suture between the horn-cores, anterior rim of the orbit placed above M2-M3 limit, shallow lacrimal fossae, infraorbital foramina placed above P2, anterior tuberosities of the basioccipital facing mostly laterally, separated by a median crest, and rather large premolars comparatively to the molars (premolar to molar ratio = 78.2%; Fig. 26B View FIG ). The horn-cores are badly damaged and crushed near their bases ( Fig. 26A View FIG ); they are inserted above the orbits, moderately inclined backwards and have a rounded posterior face; their basal dimensions appear smaller than those of M. maius and within the variation of M. vallenciennesi . Morphometrically, M3838 satisfactory matches Pikermi crania of M. vallenciennesi in London and Paris, indicating that a Miotragocerus species close to the Pikermian one may exist in some of the Maragheh fossil horizons.

Gallery Image

FIG. 26.— Miotragocerus sp.cranium (NHML M3838) from Maragheh in lateral (A), ventral (B) and dorsal (C) views. Scale bar: 5 cm.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Natural History Museum, Tripoli











