Hermerius occidentalis, Jin & Keyzer & Hutchinson & Pang & Ślipiński, 2020

Jin, Mengjie, Keyzer, Roger De, Hutchinson, Paul, Pang, Hong & Ślipiński, Adam, 2020, A Review Of The Australian Macrotomini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae), Annales Zoologici 70 (1), pp. 33-96 : 67

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Felipe (2020-04-29 20:19:50, last updated 2024-11-29 10:15:35)

scientific name

Hermerius occidentalis

sp. nov.

Hermerius occidentalis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 10 View Figure 10 C–D, 11E View Figure 11 , 18A View Figure 18 )

Diagnosis. Male of H. occidentalis is very similar to H. fairmairei but can be recognised by its large setal patches placed on the oval concave areas on the abdominal ventrites 1–4 ( Fig. 11E View Figure 11 ). The species is restricted to Western and South Australia.

Description. Male. Length 28–36 mm. Body subparallel, slightly convex dorsally; head capsule length about 0.7 times width; mandibles shorter than head capsule, weakly curved towards ventral side; pronotum 0.7 times of head capsule length; elytra 3.5 times longer than pronotum. Antennal scape 1.2 times longer than antennomere 3; interorbital width over 3 times of eye length. Prosternal process width 0.75 times length of procoxal cavity, twice hypomeron width; mesoventral process narrower than prosternal process. Abdominal ventrite 1 moderately longer than each of remaining segments; ventrite 5 rounded at apex. Metatarsomeres 1–3 length ratio as 1:0.7:0.8; tarsomere 5 shorter than 1–3 combined. Female. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin word “occidentalis”, meaning “western”, indicating its type locality in Western Australia.

Types. Holotype. ♂ “WA: Kalgarin, 30 Jan. 1976, Ex. Carnaby Coll. | ANIC 25-072899 About ANIC ” ( ANIC) . Paratype ♂ “WA: Kalgarin, 30 Jan. 1976, Ex. Carnaby Coll. | ANIC 25-072908” (ANIC);

Other material examined ( Fig. 18A View Figure 18 ). Western Australia: ANIC (1 ♂): Kalgarin, Jan. 1976. South Australia: RDKC (1 ♂): Yalata, Feb. 1987, Sundholm, A., Bugeja, J.

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Figure 10. Hermerius spp. A–B: H. fairmairei (Lameere); C–D: H. occidentalis sp. nov., Holotype; E–G: H. howei (Thomson); H–J: H. impar Newman. A, C, E, H: male, dorsal; B, D, F, I: male, ventral; G, J: female, dorsal.

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Figure 11. A–G: Hermerius spp. A–C: H. prionoides (Thomson); D: H. fairmairei (Lameere); E: H. occidentalis; F: H. impar Newman; G: H. howei (Thomson); H–J: Geoffmonteithia queenslanda Jin, de Keyzer et Ślipiński. A, H: male, dorsal; B, I: male, ventral; C, J: female, dorsal; D–G: male, abdominal ventrite 3.

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Figure 18. Distribution maps based on specimens examined.


Australian National Insect Collection













