Rebilus brooklana, PLATNICK, 2002

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2002, A Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spiders Of The Families Ammoxenidae, Cithaeronidae, Gallieniellidae, And Trochanteriidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2002 (271), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID<0001:AROTAG>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-08-30 12:12:20, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 23:48:59)

scientific name

Rebilus brooklana

sp. nov.

Rebilus brooklana , new species Figures 615–618 View Figs , 648 View Figs ; Map 45 View Map 45

Rebilus lugubris (misidentification): L. Koch, 1875: 621 (female paralectotype, presumably from Sydney, in ZMB, examined).

TYPES: Female holotype and male allotype from Brooklana , E of Dorrigo, 30 ° 16 ̍ S, 152 ° 53 ̍ E, New South Wales (July 1929; W. Heron), deposited in AMS (KS35523) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of R. lugubris and R. bulburin but lack enlarged setae at the base of the prolateral side of the cymbium as well as a prolateral cymbial expansion (figs. 615, 616, 648); females have a u­shaped epigynal septum and anteriorly widened anterior epigynal ducts (figs. 617, 618).

MALE: Total length 10. Coloration as in R. lugubris . Leg spination: femora: I p1­1­0; II p1­1­0, r0­1­0; III p1­1­0, r1­1­0; IV p1­0­0; tibiae: III v1p­2­2; IV v2­2­2, r0­1­1; metatarsi: III p0­0­1, v2­0­2; IV p0­0­1, v0­0­1p, r1­0­0. Basal tibial apophysis relatively low, gently rounded, distal apophysis triangular, laterally excavated (figs. 616, 648); tip of terminal apophysis long, spiralled behind tip of conductor (fig. 615).

FEMALE: Total length 14. Coloration as in male. Leg spination: femora I–IV p1­1­0; tibiae: III v2­2­2; IV v2­2­2, r0­1­1; metatarsi: III p0­0­1, v2­0­2; IV p0­0­1, v0­0­1p, r1­0­ 0. Epigynum with septum u­shaped, restrict­ ed to anterior half of epigynal length (fig. 617); anterior ducts widened anteriorly (fig. 618).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New South Wales: Brooklana , E of Dorrigo, 30 ° 16 ̍ S, 152 ° 53 ̍ E, June 1929 (W. Heron, AMS KS19160 , 35526 , with male of R. binnaburra ), 2♀, July 1929 (W. Heron, AMS KS35521 , 35523 ), 2♀ ; Clouds Creek , 30 ° 05 ̍ S, 152 ° 38 ̍ E, May 14, 1975, under bark (W. Humphries, QMB S28487 View Materials ), 1♀ ; Honeymoon Bay, near Jervis Bay , 35 ° 03 ̍ S, 150 ° 44 ̍ E, Jan. 4, 1955 (P. Harvey, AMS KS55341 ), 1♀ ; Sydney, 33 ° 53 ̍ S, 151 ° 12 ̍ E, Godeffroy collection ( ZMB 3443 View Materials ), 1♀ (paralectotype of R. lugubris , presumed to be the specimen from Sydney mentioned by L. Koch, 1875: 622) .

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from coastal New South Wales (map 45).

Rebilus bilpin , new species

Figures 619–622 View Figs , 649 View Figs ; Map 48 View Map 48

TYPE: Female holotype taken under rock at Bilpin , 33 ° 03 ̍ S, 150 ° 31 ̍ E, New South Wales (July 8, 1972; M. Gray), deposited in AMS (KS35517) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males and females have not been collected together but are tentatively matched by their mutual resemblances to those of R. lugubris and R. bulburin ; males of all three species have enlarged setae at the prolateral basal corner of the cymbium, but those of R. bilpin differ in having a distinct prolateral prong at the dorsal tip of the retrolateral tibial apophysis (figs. 620, 649); females also resemble those of R. lugubris and R. bulburin in having arched and divergent anterior epigynal ducts, but have those ducts longer and narrower (fig. 622).

MALE: Total length 16. Coloration as in R. lugubris . Leg spination: femora: I, III, IV p1­ 1­0, r0­1­0; II p1­1­0, r1­1­0; tibiae: I v1p­ 2­1p; III v2­2­2; IV v2­2­2, r0­1­1; metatarsi: III p0­0­1, v2­0­2; IV p0­0­1, v2­0­2, r1­0­ 0. Retrolateral tibial apophysis with distinct prong at dorsal side of tip, situated opposite dense patch of thickened setae situated at proximal prolateral corner of cymbium (figs. 620, 649); distal portion of conductor almost as wide as basal portion (fig. 619).

FEMALE: Total length 15. Coloration as in male. Leg spination: femora: I, II, IV p1­1­ 0; III p1­1­0, r0­1­0; tibiae: I v1p­2­0; II v1p­ 2­1p; III v2­2­2; IV v2­2­2, r0­1­1; metatarsi: III p0­0­1, v2­0­2; IV p0­0­1, v2­0­2, r1­0­ 0. Anterior epigynal margin semicircular (fig. 621); anterior epigynal ducts narrow, arched, strongly divergent (fig. 622).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New South Wales: Windsor area , 33 ° 37 ̍ S, 150 ° 49 ̍ E, Mar. 1992 ( AMS KS30850 ), 13 ; Woronora Dam Catchment, end of Darkes Forest Road, 34 ° 13 ̍ S, 150 ° 54 ̍ E, Dec. 8–22, 1999, pitfall (M. Gray, G. Milledge, H. Smith, AMS KS63160 ), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from New South Wales (map 48).

Koch, L. 1875. Die Arachniden Australiens. Nurnberg, 1: 577 - 740.

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Map 45. Records of Rebilus bulburin, new species (squares), R. brooklana, new species (circles), and R. grayi, new species (stars).

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Map 48. Records of Rebilus bunya, new species (circle) and R. bilpin, new species (squares).

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Figs. 615–618. Rebilus brooklana, new species. 615. Left male palp, ventral view. 616. Same, retrolateral view. 617. Epigynum, ventral view. 618. Same, dorsal view.

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Figs. 648–650. Left male palpal tibia and proximal portion of tarsus, dorsal views. 648. Rebilus brooklana, new species. 649. R. bilpin, new species. 650. R. wisharti, new species.

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Figs. 619–622. Rebilus bilpin, new species. 619. Left male palp, ventral view. 620. Same, retrolateral view. 621. Epigynum, ventral view. 622. Same, dorsal view.


Queensland Museum, Brisbane











