Gonatopus afer ( Olmi, 1984 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 470-471

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatopus afer ( Olmi, 1984 )


49. Gonatopus afer ( Olmi, 1984)

( Figs 198 View FIGURE 198 D–G)

Tetrodontochelys afer Olmi 1984: 1458 .

Gonatopus afer (Olmi) : Olmi 1994c: 11; 2004a: 367; Guglielmino & Olmi 2006: 47; 2007: 126; Azevedo et al. 2010: 894.

Description. ♀. Apterous; body length 2.4–2.6 mm. Head brown-black, except mandible, clypeus and anterior re- gion of frons yellow; antenna brown, except scape yellow; pronotum brown-black, partly reddish; rest of mesosoma black; metasoma brown-black or black; legs yellow or yellow-brown, except clubs of femora, coxae and tibiae brown. Head ( Fig. 198D View FIGURE 198 ) excavated, shiny, granulate. Palpal formula 4/2. Pronotum ( Fig. 198F View FIGURE 198 ) shiny, granulate, not crossed by transverse impression or very slightly impressed. Mesoscutum granulate, with some longitudinal keels, without lateral pointes apophyses ( Fig. 198E View FIGURE 198 ). Metanotum not striate. Metapectal-propodeal disc dull, granulate, with track of median longitudinal furrrow; propodeal declivity, meso- and metapleuron not transversely striate. Meso-metapleural suture obsolete or slightly distinct. Protarsomeres in following proportions: 9:2:3:9:16. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 198G View FIGURE 198 ) with one small subapical tooth and a 4–6 peg-like setae. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 198G View FIGURE 198 ) with one row of 17–20 lamellae; apex with at least nine lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.

♂. Unknown.

Material examined. Types: ♀ holotype: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: Haut-Uele (= Haut- Zaire), Garamba National Park ( MRAC). Paratype: same locality label as holotype, 1♀ ( MRAC). Other material: ETHIOPIA: Shoa Province, 95 km W Addis Ababa, Ambo, near Plant Protection Research Institute, 2400–2500 m, 4.V.1990, A. Emel’yanov leg., 1♀ ( ZISP); same locality label, 25.V.1990, 2♀♀ ( ZISP); same locality label, 4.VI.1990, 1♀ ( MOLC). MADAGASCAR: Toamasina, Rogez, 1♀ ( MRAC). MOZAMBIQUE: Nampula Prov., Nampula, ex Exitianus frontalis (Distant) , C. 22.XI.1999, B. 25.XI.1999, Sf. 23.XII.1999, M. Olmi reared, 1♀ ( MOLC). SOUTH AFRICA: Free State, Royal Natal National Park, 11 km E of Park Gate along Road from R74 to Park, grass along the road, C. 9.IV.2007, B. 11.IV.2007, M. Olmi reared, 1♀ ( MOLC); Western Cape, Cederberg Mts., Algeria, 6.II.2006, M. Olmi reared ex Cicadulina theroni Van Rensburg , 2♀♀ ( MOLC, SAMC). TANZANIA: Mkomazi Game Reserve, Kisima Plot, 04°06.06’S 38°05.58’E, 25.XI–8.XII.1995, MT, Acacia / Commiphora bushland, SAM-HYM-PO16497, S. van Noort leg., 1♀ ( SAMC); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Kavateta Dam, 03°54.90’S 38°02.55’E, 16.IV.1996 sweep, mk22, grasses and shrubs in Acacia / Commiphora bushland, SAM-HYM-PO17442, S. van Noort leg., 1♀ ( SAMC).

Hosts. Cicadellidae ( Guglielmino et al. 2013) : in Mozambique: Exitianus frontalis (Distant) ; in South Africa: Cicadulina theroni Van Rensburg ; Exitianus taeniaticeps (Kirschbaum) ; Maiestas angustisecta (Linnavuori) .

Distribution. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania.


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Iziko Museums of Cape Town














Gonatopus afer ( Olmi, 1984 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van 2019

Gonatopus afer

Azevedo, C. O. & Madl, M. & Olmi, M. 2010: 894
Guglielmino, A. & Olmi, M. 2006: 47
Olmi, M. 2004: 367
Olmi, M. 1994: 11

Tetrodontochelys afer

Olmi, M. 1984: 1458
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